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SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?


SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?  

454 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support the UK leaving the EU?

    • Yes, I am a UK national and I support leaving the EU.
    • Yes, I support the UK leaving the EU, but I am not a UK national.
    • No, I am a UK national and I do not support leaving the EU.
    • No, I do not support the UK leaving the EU and I am not a UK national.

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I would like to see the U.K. stay in the E.U. I am a U.K. citizen and on a purely personal view there are many reports that the British pound would tank by approx. 20% which would be extremely detrimental to my financies .

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Very serious issue and in-sufficiently thought through by many before shooting from the hip. Careful consideration leads me to believe that we are better staying in and fixing the obvious issues from within

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I feel there is little benefit in staying in. There is the problem that deckard mentions that the £ will drop like a stone as the city financiers make a mint on speculation but why?

My reasons for feeling this way are the lies and treats being used by Dodgy Dave who as far as I can see actually came back with bugger all when we look at the new deal for the UK.

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Contrary to what some believe.

The EU is only for changing in one direction. That is the direction of total monetary and political integration. This is the stated aim of the EU. That is not going to change for anyone.

If you are a UK Citizen and have no wish to see the UK become a Federal State of the EU, there can only be one option. OUT.

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Oh it has to be out. EU is too big and includes such disparity to be un/workable. I mean some of these countries watch foreign movies only if they are dubbed.

Some of the big wigs in the EU are former marxists who want the EU to be Soviet Union Light. Van Rimpoy; unelected and untested. Merkel with too much power and France, well France will always do what France wants to do. And Spain; the unemployment, the corruption. Only beaten by Italy. Now if we could have EU North; I might say yes. Don't get me on to the common fishing policy. Out. Oh the pound will suffer. Yea right they can say that, like they said the Euro would be great. OUT. If we make mistakes we know who made them. But, young people cannot go to Biarritz and be baristas anymore if we leave. Oh please.

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What if I said, it would not make a huge difference? Even if the UK withdrew politically, economically, militarily, etc, it would still be closely tied to the continent. Also, just what does exit mean? Exactly what would change? Not the biggest problem facing the UK.

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The real issue is not the economics of in or out, it's migration.

Please clarify if you are referring to immigration within the EU, economic migration from South Asia and ME or refugees. We are not part of Schengen which may have to be suspended for a while anyway

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Contrary to what some believe.

The EU is only for changing in one direction. That is the direction of total monetary and political integration. This is the stated aim of the EU. That is not going to change for anyone.

If you are a UK Citizen and have no wish to see the UK become a Federal State of the EU, there can only be one option. OUT.

That was an original, founding aim. However that has been abandoned as part of the renegotiation by Cameron

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The EU is irredeemably broken, there isn't even the recognition that something has gone seriously wrong let alone the will to put it right. This could well be the last chance the UK has to survive as a sovereign nation state.

By what measure is the EU irredeemably broken? GDP? Peace? Contentment? Compared to what? when?

Sure there are some problems but irredeemably broken? I don't think so....

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I am a a UK citizen, I believe it would be sad to leave the Union, we are surrounded by it, the sensible thing is to make changes and stay

I have MY UK postal vote even here Thailand and will be voting to stay, may I suggest others who are eligible also get their postal vote, it can all be done online

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I am a a UK citizen, I believe it would be sad to leave the Union, we are surrounded by it, the sensible thing is to make changes and stay

I have MY UK postal vote even here Thailand and will be voting to stay, may I suggest others who are eligible also get their postal vote, it can all be done online

Indeed, i have set mine up as a proxy vote though as postal votes will only be sent out a month before the referendum and then must be posted back - i have had post take 2-3 weeks to reach me from the UK on occasion so thought i had better not risk it not getting back in time.

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I'm a UK citizen & I really can't make up my mind on this, It would be nice to leave & see scamaron sacked, but then that leaves us with an unrestrained tory party asset stripping the UK & giving it all to their mates, at least there are a few checks from remaining in, but then apparently Turkey gets to become a member in the summer & I can't see how this would be anything but a total disaster...

Hard call, As I now live here I m going to duck the issue, none of my business anymore...

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My answer should be no1, but my first loyalty is to myself, and if it means that the GBP plummets if we leave the EU

as what some people are saying, then I could not support leaving as it would make my lifestyle here in Thailand more expensive.

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Very serious issue and in-sufficiently thought through by many before shooting from the hip. Careful consideration leads me to believe that we are better staying in and fixing the obvious issues from within

I understand your feelings Grouse. The problem is that the eu will not see any other view but their own. As has been proved by the useless non binding supposed changes Cameron says he got. Without the eu there are 167 other countries the UK could trade with, without the restrictions placed on the UK by the eu.

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Very serious issue and in-sufficiently thought through by many before shooting from the hip. Careful consideration leads me to believe that we are better staying in and fixing the obvious issues from within

Speak for yourself Grouse!

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I'm a UK citizen & I really can't make up my mind on this, It would be nice to leave & see scamaron sacked, but then that leaves us with an unrestrained tory party asset stripping the UK & giving it all to their mates, at least there are a few checks from remaining in, but then apparently Turkey gets to become a member in the summer & I can't see how this would be anything but a total disaster...

Hard call, As I now live here I m going to duck the issue, none of my business anymore...

Sorry to say, but your defeatist attitude is one of total apathy. This did not defeat the enemies of the UK in the past.

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Quite a few people seem to be concerned about the level of the pound in the event of Brexit. Putting aside self interest (it would also affect me), I really find it difficult to believe that the market would give a 20+% competitive advantage to the (already) strongest, large economy in the EU bloc. Smoke and mirrors... Therefore...

I am in the Leave camp - not because I have issues with individual Europeans, or migration and so on - but because of the growing accountability gap in the central institutions. The Commission, the EU courts wherever you look, half a century since the end of WW2, we are looking at the growth of a centrist, command juggernaut which is utterly impossible to steer.

We joined a trade pact. Far from liberalising the terms of trade, the EU has fossilised them. We would save money which could be put to better use, and we could freely associate with the world at large without going through the EU's sclerotic trade processes. We could form a loose coalition with the like minded - Norway in particular, but also Switzerland, Iceland (nand probably not a long way down the turnpike, Finland and perhaps Sweden) - to better balance negotiations with the EU.

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I would like to see the U.K. stay in the E.U. I am a U.K. citizen and on a purely personal view there are many reports that the British pound would tank by approx. 20% which would be extremely detrimental to my financies .

There are many scare stories doing the rounds.

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The EU is becoming unworkable as it institutions are too inflexible for the 21st Century economy. It's leaders are unaccountable to the electorate and will not listen to anyone who does not agree with their plan for a United States of Europe.

The UK is the 5th largest economy in the World and it is time that we once again began to control our own destiny rather than continually compromise with European ideals. Australia and Canada seem to be doing OK by making their own trade deals.

The Remain group seem to have nothing positive to say about the EU and have only one argument which is to scare people. We heard the same scare stories 15 years ago about failing to join the Euro. If the EU is so wonderful why is it that the UK in the last 5 years has created more new jobs than the other 27 EU countries added together, whilst many EU countries have adult unemployment at over 10% and youth unemployment at over 20%?

It looks like the Dutch are going to have another Referendum on the Atlantic trade deal and maybe they will soon join the Brits in Leaving.

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Why would the pound tank? Scaremongering by the WMF who more often than not have been wrong on their economic predictions. If Britain leaves it would spell the end of the corrupt EU anyway as other nations would hold their own referendums.

UK would be saving the 55 million pounds a day they currently pay the EU and would negotiate free trade agreements with Commonwealth countries like before. Anyway don't tell me that Germany would not want to continue trading with UK and sell us BMW cars for example.

EU bueurcracy is totally out of control and Britain needs to regain power of its own affairs & laws.

Originally the British people were sold the idea of a common market for trade not an undemocratic United States of Europe, overriding UK laws.

Vote leave for your grandchildrens sake

Edited by stag4
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Why would the pound tank? Scaremongering by the WMF who more often than not have been wrong on their economic predictions. If Britain leaves it would spell the end of the corrupt EU anyway as other nations would hold their own referendums.

UK would be saving the 55 million pounds a day they currently pay the EU and would negotiate free trade agreements with Commonwealth countries like before. Anyway don't tell me that Germany would not want to continue trading with UK and sell us BMW cars for example.

EU bueurcracy is totally out of control and Britain needs to regain power of its own affairs & laws.

Originally the British people were sold the idea of a common market for trade not an undemocratic United States of Europe, overriding UK laws.

Vote leave for your grandchildren so sake

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As a UK citizen it is great to have complete freedom of movement in EU. When i get too old to enjoy the women here will probably move to the Med.

I always think it was a pity that UK was not more united with other EU states when it came to the Iraq war. Perhaps the US would never have entered the disastrous war with the whole of the EU against them.

I will vote to stay in.

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Contrary to what some believe.

The EU is only for changing in one direction. That is the direction of total monetary and political integration. This is the stated aim of the EU. That is not going to change for anyone.

If you are a UK Citizen and have no wish to see the UK become a Federal State of the EU, there can only be one option. OUT.

That was an original, founding aim. However that has been abandoned as part of the renegotiation by Cameron

It was originally founded as a trading block. This is what the 1975 referendum vote was about, unfortunately the people were deceived.

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