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Do you pay her a salary? (I do.)


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Thankfully, my wife is with me because she loves me. I didn't hire a hooker.

I paid a former gf an allowance, and I felt as though she was with me for the money...moreover, the salary diminished her motivation to improve her life by her own efforts, so I lost respect for her....

I do not pay my gf anything, and I explained to her that if she asked, it would mean our relationship is now a transaction, with no emotional commitment...both of us wanted a sincere relationship, so this was actually a pleasant conversation that demonstrated to each of us that we were sincere...

When we do anything, I usually pay...so in actuality, she indirectly benefits about 6,000 month...I also buy some clothes occasionally, and small gifts...because I want to and I care for her...so the total compensation to her is about 8,000 a month...

If she were to live with me, and I would welcome that...she would save further money on rent...bringing her indirect savings and compensation to about 15,000 a month...

I would never pay a salary to any gf again...it sets a very bad precedent and insinuates to both parties that she's a prostitute at the core...

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Thankfully, my wife is with me because she loves me. I didn't hire a hooker.

I paid a former gf an allowance, and I felt as though she was with me for the money...moreover, the salary diminished her motivation to improve her life by her own efforts, so I lost respect for her....

I do not pay my gf anything, and I explained to her that if she asked, it would mean our relationship is now a transaction, with no emotional commitment...both of us wanted a sincere relationship, so this was actually a pleasant conversation that demonstrated to each of us that we were sincere...

When we do anything, I usually pay...so in actuality, she indirectly benefits about 6,000 month...I also buy some clothes occasionally, and small gifts...because I want to and I care for her...so the total compensation to her is about 8,000 a month...

If she were to live with me, and I would welcome that...she would save further money on rent...bringing her indirect savings and compensation to about 15,000 a month...

I would never pay a salary to any gf again...it sets a very bad precedent and insinuates to both parties that she's a prostitute at the core...

The working aspect comes partly down to age. If the woman is under 40 -50 there is plenty of work available and the work provides the normal benefits of social interaction, skills, confidence, self worth

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I work for my money. We as a married couple say it's our money, never mine or his ours. We pay bills food ect ect out of any purse/wallet. My husband worked hard to get what he has same as I do now sharing is the normal way it makes us equals

Edited by jeab1980
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Strange thread this to me, we have always had a join bank account and just take out what we need at any time individually.

In Spain we have joint accounts but not in Thailand.

If joint here then I would need to keep 1,600.000 Baht in a liquid account for three months rather than 800,000 Baht to get my retirement extension.

Otherwise visits to BKK and pay almost 3,000 Baht for a proof of income letter from the Brit Embassy.

OK half that for a married extension but that is more fiddly to get, more visits to Immigration over a month or so until you know if you have the extension or not!

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So you didn't hire a prostitute.....you hired a surrogate.

Hope the kids are good looking and have a much better personality and outlook on life than their, alleged, father.

But why then this kind of reaction from you....and some other guys

I dont go along with the act, dont use the correct phrasing other guys might want to hear.

The way I say it might come off cold or shallow.

If Im the one thats "wrong", why is it the other guy with the sulky look on his face, the pissy reaction, oh well arent you mimimimimimi

OK, you or some other guy want to put it that way, I hired a surrogate, whilst they are obviously superior because they are in a magical partnership where she doesnt care about money

How does that make a difference to reality? The wifes is going to care more about the kids than the husband, money is how you pay for stuff. Whatever phrases you use to describe it, how would that make it more or less likely I would be there to stick around to support the wife and kids for longer compared to any of these other guys using magical fairytale phrases

I'm kind of wondering how many guys out there now, that end up shelling out pretty much the same amount I do or more, and dont even know, because they dont keep track of it, or dont want to know because theyd rather stay in make believe fairytale land

doesn't seem right anyway if you as you say shell out and keep track don't you trust your wife/girlfriend.

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4. It puts you in a position of "boss". Thai women understand that.

All 25 million or so of them? What Thai women?

Sometimes I feel like I'm living in another country when I read comments like this. I also find it insulting. My wife is a fiercely independent person who hates nothing more than being told what to do. As am I.

Did you know that each Thai woman has individual personality traits and is capable of acting different to other Thai women in different situations?

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I didn't want that, we had joint accounts and she spent what she needed.

I tried that in the UK for a while, she spent everything she earned, and everything I earned.

Then we tried separate accounts, and a joint account for household expenses that we both paid equal amounts into, that worked better, but not for long. She gave up work to have babies, then never worked again.

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I am 71, my wife is 40, we have been together eights years so far so good

I openly discuss our relationship is a business arrangement in which we have both found great love

Of course I give her money each month and help her family, she stopped work because I asked her to

This is wife no four and I have never been more loved or looked after, when I die she will get it all, she wanted a new Mini, and I replied did she really want to spend her future money and the answer was no!!

We all work it in different ways but some financial generosity helps greatly

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i ued to pay mine 3000thb/month to clean my guesthouse, however she was also working in a bar at the same time so it worked ok for both of us. now i pay her 15000thb/month as we have 2 kids. i also cover school and medical. all you haters are now going to say they would never have kids with a bar girl. my kids mum is probably the greatest mum i have ever seen.

i see guys trying to pretend they have a girlfriend and just give them money when they ask for it. from what i have seen that technique seems to be far more expensive, not to mention stressful. alot of guys on here say they are not paying their girls anything. i have been in thailand a long time and have never seen this myself, if it exists it must be extremely rare.

Edited by williamgeorgeallen
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Thankfully, my wife is with me because she loves me. I didn't hire a hooker.

I paid a former gf an allowance, and I felt as though she was with me for the money...moreover, the salary diminished her motivation to improve her life by her own efforts, so I lost respect for her....

I do not pay my gf anything, and I explained to her that if she asked, it would mean our relationship is now a transaction, with no emotional commitment...both of us wanted a sincere relationship, so this was actually a pleasant conversation that demonstrated to each of us that we were sincere...

When we do anything, I usually pay...so in actuality, she indirectly benefits about 6,000 month...I also buy some clothes occasionally, and small gifts...because I want to and I care for her...so the total compensation to her is about 8,000 a month...

If she were to live with me, and I would welcome that...she would save further money on rent...bringing her indirect savings and compensation to about 15,000 a month...

I would never pay a salary to any gf again...it sets a very bad precedent and insinuates to both parties that she's a prostitute at the core...

guess it depends on the girl. i wanted kids and i wanted a girl who would look after them full time and not work. i knew this would be difficult in the west. now i pay my girl to look after my kids full time. 5 years smooth sailing. 15 to go.

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I don't pay my wife anything. I was introduced to her by another Thai lady who is a friend of mine (not a girlfriend) in the UK. Her advice to me was do not give her money, for example like a salary. She told me that if a problem arises then by all means help her out. But to pay her money just for the sake of it is wrong, and just sends out the wrong messages. 10 years on, we are still going strong.

How true was your thai lady friend I am the same I would never ever pay my wife or my parent a salary how stupid are man that do it .

When I had a wife from the west I never ever paid her so why would I pay a thai lady I think it is just Bulls??t .

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No I do not pay my wife to be with me, you pay a hooker or someone who works for you, anyway she has a good job and earns white a good salery

That is exactly my position. I am not saying there is anything wrong with what the OP is doing, each to their own, but the G/F is being used as a prostitute.

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Surprising revelations on this topic. None of the responses indicate anyone has married or is living with a bar girl or one that used to be a bar girl. I pay my live-in girl friend XX,XXX a month. Half of it goes into her Mother's bank account (Mom takes care of her two children up country) and the other half goes into her bank account (which is 100% saved). I pay for everything as the expense is incurred. Every Saturday I give her 1,000 baht for walking around money. The "inflated" cost must be a result of my being extremely ugly. So far, so giood, One "luxury" we agree on is that we sit in the pool each afternoon and sip champagne. Not to worry it is a Belgian sparkling wine that sells for 219 baht a bottle. Life is good but live it like each day is your last - too soon one of them will be.

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My Gf works and has her own money. I prefer it that way. The salary thing would make me feel like Im paying her to be with me. Thai guys dont pay salaries .

Quite a lot do, in fact a guy I used to hang out with (IT support for international hotel chain) would hand his entire salary over every pay day.

She would give him 300bht back for a night out with the boys. Then we would all head out to the local naughty Thai bar for an evening of beer, food, and naughtiness.

My next door neighbor (retired teacher) hands his wife 10k of his pension (most of it) every month.

It doesn't sound like your neighbor's wife is Thai though?

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Surprising revelations on this topic. None of the responses indicate anyone has married or is living with a bar girl or one that used to be a bar girl. I pay my live-in girl friend XX,XXX a month. Half of it goes into her Mother's bank account (Mom takes care of her two children up country) and the other half goes into her bank account (which is 100% saved). I pay for everything as the expense is incurred. Every Saturday I give her 1,000 baht for walking around money. The "inflated" cost must be a result of my being extremely ugly. So far, so giood, One "luxury" we agree on is that we sit in the pool each afternoon and sip champagne. Not to worry it is a Belgian sparkling wine that sells for 219 baht a bottle. Life is good but live it like each day is your last - too soon one of them will be.

Rather than pay mom to bring up her two kids, could you not have taken on the responsibility with your g/f ?

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PAY her a salary; is the way you treat someone? Maybe you got screwed in your other life that's why so many OLD farts come come her to renew their youth but now they think because income is low here they can control a persons heart. Don't you guys understand they are a person like you.

There's a old saying; ''Walk a mile in someones saddles' before you judge. PEOPLE with this thinking has caused problems here. TRY to pull that bullshit back home and your RIGHT hand will get tried.

Pay a salary, oh! cleaning your stuff, caring for you, helping navigate in this land and all they wantis to be treated like a person.


JUST remember, you want to be a white master, they hold your Johnson all day long.

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I am lucky enough to work in good Oil and Gas jobs (or i was until the oil price tanked) based in SE Asia locations and some mutton heads were paying their girls 100k a month and all these girls did was brag to the ones on less saying we can all afford it so why do they accept less. It totally ruined things for many of the sensible guys who for many years kept the salary thing at arms length.

Needless to say the same stupid men were also buying land, businesses and houses for the same girls they were giving 100k a month to.

It was obscene to see and i for one could not blame the girls but the men stupid enough to hand it out like confetti..

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my missus does not work.

On the first of every month I transfer to her account 80k. From this she pays all the household bills (rent/electric/water/internet/cable tv etc etc) and makes sure there is always fresh bread, milk, beer in the fridge and ciggies in my office and covers any other miscellaneous expenditure (this month we had all the AC's serviced).

What ever is not spent is hers.

80k? What line of work are you in, just curious.

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There must be some old farts in this thread who are used to and/or prefer the 1990-1950's way of life. I can understand that a retired (wo)man might like their spouse around a lot rather then that spouse working full time and thus compensating loss of some income. But between two people that have not retired yet I'd expect them both to work, do their fair share of the household etc.

When I met my girl she earned 20-30k bath a month. Not much need for my money. She asked some a few times, I was not amused. But she actually used it to buy me a discounted (employee offer) i-phone at the tele-communications office where she worked. Other gifts from her were ofcourse from her own salery. Obviously I bought her gifts too.

Eventually she came to my country. I gave her my pin code and she would go for groceries etc. A few months later she finally found a job, got her own bankaccount. I knew her pin code, so we could access eachothers (online)account but rarely did. We each payed our share for the various costs etc. I could not think of any other way. A relationship is about sharing. If you pay a fee, salary or allowance you either have no relationship or are a very old fashioned couple...

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I give my Mrs a thousand pounds a month for her incidental expenses and I pay for rent credit cards etc and motor expenses both in Thailand and the UK she loves to shop all the time and it keeps her out from under my feet all day we are both happy with this financial arrangements and she doesn't need to get a job shopping and looking after me is her job now

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Yeah, several years ago I developed a long-term relationship with one Thai prostitute from the Thermae. Because I'm an old, and because her Japanese customers didn't like seeing her work with gaijin, we started meeting at the PB Hotel instead of the Thermae, Then at some point, instead of paying her each time we decided I'd deposit a monthly retainer in her bank account. Worked fine for several years.

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my missus does not work.

On the first of every month I transfer to her account 80k. From this she pays all the household bills (rent/electric/water/internet/cable tv etc etc) and makes sure there is always fresh bread, milk, beer in the fridge and ciggies in my office and covers any other miscellaneous expenditure (this month we had all the AC's serviced).

What ever is not spent is hers.

80k? What line of work are you in, just curious.

None of your business.

A big chunk of the 80k is actually my employer provided "house allowance" so not technically from my pocket.

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