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Looking for someone who has successfully installed a COMFAST CF-WR150N 3 in 1 as a repeater

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I have been hesitating on starting this thread for weeks, but after trawling through countless websites, and watching around 10 YouTube installation videos, I still can't get this bit of kit to work properly.

Naturally, I started with the instructions that came with it. The English isn't great but I am pretty sure I have followed it letter for letter. The result is always the same. The 'COMFAST' repeater shows up in my list of 'wireless internet connections' as an internet connection but when I connect to it on my laptop, I have internet access but no noticeable increase in the range of the wifi signal.

But more to the point - on my Samsung Note 2 smartphone, it shows the COMFAST connection as available under the list of available wifi networks, but when I connect to it, there is no internet access. (As I connect, the phone actually warns me that there is no internet access)

I need this repeater to improve the wifi signal upstairs in my bedroom, partly so that the internet on my phone works quicker as the existing signal is very weak, but also so that I can work on my laptop up there as well.

Every YouTube and internet guide provides a different way to set up this model. The instructions that came with the kit tell me to set the adapter settings so that it automatically finds the IP address, yet instructions online tell me to put in a specified IP address. Some tell me to connect a lan cable from the repeater to the lap top, and another tells me to connect the lan cable from my router to the repeater. I have tried every possible variation, including a few of my own, and nothing works. Each time I try something new I reset the repeater to default factory settings.

I either end up with nothing at all, or as described above - a wifi connection that works on the laptop but doesn't extend the range, but doesn't work at all on my mobile phone.

None of the YouTube vids actually show the COMFAST working properly after installation, so I'm not even sure if the instructions are correct.

There are many different repeater models available, so ideally I would like to find someone who has used this particular model. But I would still welcome suggestions from anyone else who thinks they may have a solution.


Here's some details of the product



Powerline adapters are the way to go.

This has the benefit of wired and wireless. I installed them for a friend of mine and he (and his kids!) are more than happy.

Not cheap but very effective.


Thanks. If I was starting from scratch I would be open to all suggestions - but I bought this bloody thing - it's supposed to work, why doesn't it?

It's driving me crazy....


Who is your provider?

I Use Sinet. In Chiang Mai

I bought a THB 9000 Linksys WRT based on rave reviews only to find there were OTHER reviews that curse Linksys as a shadow of its former self.

After being deservedly berated by my missus, we went and paid for the 'stock' Sinet 'Netis WF2780' was about THB 1800 as part of the package, as our main router, and got Sinet tech called out again, just to to 'program' the Linksys upstairs. As I was going mental with it. The Netis worked for me out the box!

The tech was great, and after a month of frustration Ib gladly tipped him THB 100.

Now I dont splash cash, as much as it may seem that way, the linksys was settled on in blind optimism to 'future proof' the house, and I'm hoping at some stage to upgrade the firmware. It's a great built and powerful router, just has firware issues that 'may be fixed' by Linksys, and the fanbois are all starting to whinge too on various sites.

The point is: Maybe your provider can help. :)

One other thing, note your router settings, a brown-out reset the Linksys to factory state and I'm back to square one, but just running the Netis for now, sigh!


I use 3BB which provides a pretty good reliable service and I haven't had any problems with it.

The repeater only cost 493 Baht, so I doubt I would get very far with a house call...

It's made in China and sold throughout the world on numerous websites - including Amazon. Before I bought it I did some research and all the reviews etc seemed to be positive. I also thought that with the wealth of YouTube installation vids that I couldn't go wrong....

Before I chuck it in the bin, I just wondered if anyone had any idea how to solve my problems.

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