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The argument against dual pricing in Thailand


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There are many cases of dual pricing, some make sense some dont.

When it comes to dual pricing at privately owned tourist attractions in tourist locations they usually makes perfect sense.

Most of these attractions have been budgeted/and built with the international tourists in mind. Without foreign tourists they would never had been built as the local tourism could never economically support these attractions.

The price you pay, as a foreigner, at these attractions is the regular price that the owner of the attraction had budgeted for. The price locals pay, and sometimes even local foreigners, is heavily discounted.

These kinds of discounts are common at tourist attractions all over the world. The purpose of these discounts is to try and draw in the local residents as often as possible to get some additional revenue on top of what the real customers, the international tourists, bring in.

In other countries you may not notice these discounts as they often can only be obtained if you get a local discount card when proving you are a local resident in that town/county/state. The point is they exist everywhere and ultimately they make it cheaper for everyone to visit these attractions.

Try asking for a local resident discount as a non Thai here and see how long before the laughter stops.

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One of my hopes is to one day witness one of these farang tantrums at the entrance to a national park.

The ONLY "farang tantrum", that I see is you, our resident Thai apologist trying to defend all things Thai. How many more replies are you going to post on this thread. Please get a life.

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There are many cases of dual pricing, some make sense some dont.

When it comes to dual pricing at privately owned tourist attractions in tourist locations they usually makes perfect sense.

Most of these attractions have been budgeted/and built with the international tourists in mind. Without foreign tourists they would never had been built as the local tourism could never economically support these attractions.

The price you pay, as a foreigner, at these attractions is the regular price that the owner of the attraction had budgeted for. The price locals pay, and sometimes even local foreigners, is heavily discounted.

These kinds of discounts are common at tourist attractions all over the world. The purpose of these discounts is to try and draw in the local residents as often as possible to get some additional revenue on top of what the real customers, the international tourists, bring in.

In other countries you may not notice these discounts as they often can only be obtained if you get a local discount card when proving you are a local resident in that town/county/state. The point is they exist everywhere and ultimately they make it cheaper for everyone to visit these attractions.

Try asking for a local resident discount as a non Thai here and see how long before the laughter stops.

My point was that it's common practise all over the world. Google "local resident discount" and you will get about 3,000,000 hits with places where this happens, some of them even in Thailand.

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There are many cases of dual pricing, some make sense some dont.

When it comes to dual pricing at privately owned tourist attractions in tourist locations they usually makes perfect sense.

Most of these attractions have been budgeted/and built with the international tourists in mind. Without foreign tourists they would never had been built as the local tourism could never economically support these attractions.

The price you pay, as a foreigner, at these attractions is the regular price that the owner of the attraction had budgeted for. The price locals pay, and sometimes even local foreigners, is heavily discounted.

These kinds of discounts are common at tourist attractions all over the world. The purpose of these discounts is to try and draw in the local residents as often as possible to get some additional revenue on top of what the real customers, the international tourists, bring in.

In other countries you may not notice these discounts as they often can only be obtained if you get a local discount card when proving you are a local resident in that town/county/state. The point is they exist everywhere and ultimately they make it cheaper for everyone to visit these attractions.

Try asking for a local resident discount as a non Thai here and see how long before the laughter stops.

My point was that it's common practise all over the world. Google "local resident discount" and you will get about 3,000,000 hits with places where this happens, some of them even in Thailand.

And my point is that price discrimination based on nationality is wrong.

Based on personal experience I have yet to see any local resident discount for non Thais advertised anywhere. You say it exists and I believe you but I ain't seen it.

Been here 14 years now.

Edited by Bluespunk
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There are many cases of dual pricing, some make sense some dont.

When it comes to dual pricing at privately owned tourist attractions in tourist locations they usually makes perfect sense.

Most of these attractions have been budgeted/and built with the international tourists in mind. Without foreign tourists they would never had been built as the local tourism could never economically support these attractions.

The price you pay, as a foreigner, at these attractions is the regular price that the owner of the attraction had budgeted for. The price locals pay, and sometimes even local foreigners, is heavily discounted.

These kinds of discounts are common at tourist attractions all over the world. The purpose of these discounts is to try and draw in the local residents as often as possible to get some additional revenue on top of what the real customers, the international tourists, bring in.

In other countries you may not notice these discounts as they often can only be obtained if you get a local discount card when proving you are a local resident in that town/county/state. The point is they exist everywhere and ultimately they make it cheaper for everyone to visit these attractions.

Try asking for a local resident discount as a non Thai here and see how long before the laughter stops.

My point was that it's common practise all over the world. Google "local resident discount" and you will get about 3,000,000 hits with places where this happens, some of them even in Thailand.

And my point is that price discrimination based on nationality is wrong.

Based on personal experience I have yet to see any local resident discount for non Thais advertised anywhere. You say it exists and I believe you but I ain't seen it.

Been here 14 years now.

Why is it wrong?

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Try asking for a local resident discount as a non Thai here and see how long before the laughter stops.

My point was that it's common practise all over the world. Google "local resident discount" and you will get about 3,000,000 hits with places where this happens, some of them even in Thailand.

I just tried doing exactly that. The second item in the list (out of 6,900,000) was a .gov.uk website for residents' discount on the Thames crossing at Dartford.

Requirements for Residents' Discount - proof of residence in the local council areas (Dartford & Thurrock) and proof of ownership of a vehicle.

No mention of any nationality requirement, which is the first and only consideration where Thailand is concerned.

I don't think there's any dispute that local discounts occur everywhere in the world,

In most (?) of the world, local resident = someone who has their main home in a particular vicinity. Nothing more.

Edited by MartinL
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Because discrimination based on nationality is wrong.

It is a blunt weapon with no redeeming features.

It takes no account of ability to pay.

It takes no account of tax paying status.

It takes no account of residency.

It takes no account of contributions to the economy.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Because discrimination based on nationality is wrong.

It is a blunt weapon with no redeeming features.

It takes no account of ability to pay.

It takes no account of tax paying status.

It takes no account of residency.

It takes no account of contributions to the economy.

Its not discrimination. Its giving locals discounts which as I and several other people have pointed out happens ALL over the world.

Just because you say its discrimination does not make it fact.

Far stretch to call it a weapon. What is it going to do poke an eye out or something LOL

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I solved dual pricing I voice my opinion with my wallet if 2 prices are used I say thank you but no thank you turn around and walk away. Just less money I would spend seeing substandard attractions. There loss not mine. Why complain to deaf ears. But when thais visit my country I tell vendors of there practice here and tell them to up the price for Thai's only fair.

They don't care. The guy at the entrance does NOT report the numbers of people like you so they will never know what difference it would/could make. You turn back, good. You come in, good. You like the miserable waterfall, good. You don't like the miserable waterfall, good. You drive back home and crash your car, good. TIT.

if i ask for my dog have discount for cheaper price. You guess for guy in entrabce good?cheesy.gif and another?

Edited by ardokano
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Because discrimination based on nationality is wrong.

It is a blunt weapon with no redeeming features.

It takes no account of ability to pay.

It takes no account of tax paying status.

It takes no account of residency.

It takes no account of contributions to the economy.

Its not discrimination. Its giving locals discounts which as I and several other people have pointed out happens ALL over the world.

Just because you say its discrimination does not make it fact.

Far stretch to call it a weapon. What is it going to do poke an eye out or something LOL

No, it's discrimination because it is based on nationality not whether you live locally or not.

Where it is non discriminatory across the world, as has been pointed out by others (something you appear to value), is when it is based upon local residents living in country or in other cases the local area, nationality does not matter.

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Because discrimination based on nationality is wrong.

It is a blunt weapon with no redeeming features.

It takes no account of ability to pay.

It takes no account of tax paying status.

It takes no account of residency.

It takes no account of contributions to the economy.

Its not discrimination. Its giving locals discounts which as I and several other people have pointed out happens ALL over the world.

Just because you say its discrimination does not make it fact.

Far stretch to call it a weapon. What is it going to do poke an eye out or something LOL

No, it's discrimination because it is based on nationality not whether you live locally or not.

Where it is non discriminatory across the world, as has been pointed out by others (something you appear to value), is when it is based upon local residents living in country or in other cases the local area, nationality does not matter.

Didnt you read one of my earlier posts where I sited an example of where I was given a locals discount in Phuket? Guess you didnt?

MANY businesses in the US give discounts to US service members. If a civilian doesnt get a discount does that mean a business is racist?

What about senior citizen discounts? Racist?

What about special discounts to card holders at hotel chains around the world? Racist conspiracy?

Your argument is extremely flawed. Quit whining, it isnt becoming of an adult.

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Its not wrong happens all over the world.

The usual Thai apologist "line". and no it does not happen all over the world. wise up

Hey guy, what part of my post says the words "Thai apologist"? I cited many examples of it happening all over the world. Is that your simple-minded argument? Act like an adult get treated like one, act like a child get treated like one, your choice.

Another choice you have is to not visit these places.

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Because discrimination based on nationality is wrong.

It is a blunt weapon with no redeeming features.

It takes no account of ability to pay.

It takes no account of tax paying status.

It takes no account of residency.

It takes no account of contributions to the economy.

No reasonable person would argue against Discrimination based on Race (nationality) is wrong. But is it really 'discrimination' to charge overseas tourists more than natives? In the case of National Parks, which happen to 'belong' to the all the Thai people in the first place, aren't they the ones getting ripped off?

The rest of your points are pretty much ridiculous and simply padding. Before you get to that infamous 'bottom line', the one that says so much.

It takes no account of contributions to the economy.

Meaning your contributions. You reckon you are doing the country a favour by being here, 'so generously contributing' You see this as an insult because you help to personally prop up the Thai economy.

Tell me I am wrong.

My bottom line?

It is simple, easy. If it pisses you off that much, don't pay, don't go in, avoid the stress.

This topic has been done to death - for decades!

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If I was on holiday here I would have no problem paying the non Thai price. But when you work here and get paid very little in comparison it doesn't seem fair. If you're rich I'm sure Thailand is great and it seems ridiculous to complain about a few hundred baht, but when your not 400 to 500 a time is a lot of money when your paying for hotels, food and transport too.

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I don't think dual pricing is so unusual. In the US, many state parks, historical sites, and campgrounds charge higher rates for out-of-state residents. The logic, I believe, is that state residents pay taxes in the state.

Disney World in Orlando, Florida charges less for Florida residents. Their logic, I believe, is to persuade Floridians to continue visiting.

In Thailand, there may be some logic behind foreigners being charged more--at least the ones who do not pay taxes here. Besides, didn't you know, all those damn farangs are rich and/or stupid with their money.

If we are here we are paying tax here. Probably a lot more than most Thai's.

Been here longer than I can remember and never paid a single dime on taxes except VAT like everybody else. Never paid for sex/affection or the odd farang tax either. Paid for visas, yeah and also paid for extensions. Big deal, the visa per day costs me less than a price of a snickers per day at home. As for stupidity in farang: I totally agree. Most i have met sofar are utter stupid and deserve a good rip-of every day... Clowns with hubris of the worst kind.

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Disagree with you on this one SB. I know you know sound economic policy does not necessarily make it right. I think you are just stirring on this one. I can think of many discriminatory actions that would be sound but are wrong. What gees me up about this is the high tax I pay here for nothing. I gather you aren't a tax payer.


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We haven't done this one for at least a week.

All together now - "it's not the money. It's the PRINCIPLE!"

And therein lies the problem. Thailand has no principles, no concepts, no rules, no consistency, no rational based anything.

Analogue and digital.

I don't get fooled by dual pricing. If I can't win the argument for same same pricing at the point of purchase, I walk away. But I, or my wife, have won every battle for about the last decade. Use their own "system" against them. Know how to play their game. It can even be a kind of sport, using the local cultural quirks to overcome the local cultural quirks. Quite satisfying really.

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Over pricing is everywhere in Thailand.

A few days ago i had a farang visit me.

It was very hot so the lady went to our village shop.

She bought ice, 3 small bottles of coke.

Price should have been 10 baht ice, 3x12 baht coke.

She was charged 60 baht. When she told me, i said thats wrong.

Next day my wife went to the same shop, bought same items 46 baht.

My wife asked why did you charge my farang friend 60 baht.

Answer was, she farang tourist she got big money.

Now we will go to the other village shop, he thought he was being smart but has lost a regular customer over his short sighted greed.

I cannot agree more. Don't be short sighted in business. Charge everyone the same n fair price n u will get fairness n long term regulars in return. I run a business with my wife here. That's how we run our business too.

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I feel that ok if you r a tourist and thailand wants to charge tourist price then its ok even if its not fair. But for expats who r tax-payers, they should pay thai price. Its only fair. Come on its a buddhist country, be fair. Be a man, do the right thing.

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Because discrimination based on nationality is wrong.

It is a blunt weapon with no redeeming features.

It takes no account of ability to pay.

It takes no account of tax paying status.

It takes no account of residency.

It takes no account of contributions to the economy.

No reasonable person would argue against Discrimination based on Race (nationality) is wrong. But is it really 'discrimination' to charge overseas tourists more than natives? In the case of National Parks, which happen to 'belong' to the all the Thai people in the first place, aren't they the ones getting ripped off?

The rest of your points are pretty much ridiculous and simply padding. Before you get to that infamous 'bottom line', the one that says so much.

It takes no account of contributions to the economy.

Meaning your contributions. You reckon you are doing the country a favour by being here, 'so generously contributing' You see this as an insult because you help to personally prop up the Thai economy.

Tell me I am wrong.

My bottom line?

It is simple, easy. If it pisses you off that much, don't pay, don't go in, avoid the stress.

This topic has been done to death - for decades!

Done to death? Sobwhy dontbyou get it?

" But is it really 'discrimination' to charge overseas tourists more than natives? "...the point you're missing is that foreigners who live here and are charged more. For cases where the only difference IS race, it is then undoubtedly racist, by definition. Get it now?

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Isn't this the same guy who wrote the "Farang is racist" piece not long ago? Is he just running through TV's greatest hits?

Oh dear, has the nasty man upset you by writing something critical about discrimination?

You can bet if the expat pubs starting charging Thai's an extra 50 baht a pint a certain someone in here would be the first to claim it was racist.

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