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Pattaya police & physical attacks on walking street


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& If you're a foreign guy with a kid you won't get the benefit of the doubt. You turn a blind eye to this? Why?

Pattaya? You're welcome to it!

Wow... a bit early for a Pattaya bash isn't it?

Mind how you go.

That's the real pattaya. The parts people turn a blind eye to just to stay here. Leave your morals at your border? You mind how you go, I'll be fine

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Yes, the use of children by adults for begging is appalling, and shows Thailand in its worst light. But many Thais are greedy and lazy and any easy way of earning money seems to be considered acceptable by them. Not least because those supposed to prevent it may be taking some sort of kickback to allow it to continue.

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Every day , especially early evenings you see them begging in 2nd road , most of them are Cambodians and their mother is watching from distance while the kids do the job trying to get money from tourists.

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There's been an increase in people begging with kids in Pattaya this year - it makes a mockery of the police (who probably earn off it) and child welfare organisations' protestations and hand-wringing about it.

Good on the OP for this.

PS - send the link to Khaosod English - they may use it in an article. http://www.khaosodenglish.com/

Edited by sharecropper
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And many of these real cute kids are "rented" for the sole purpose of begging.

Sadly, it's part of the culture.

Begging isn't cultural, it's an industry and it's not unique to Thailand.

I came across a quadraplegic 'vet' in a wheelchair at the top of a flyover on the Katy Freeway outside Houston at 6 AM one morning. Now he didn't get all the way up there over a 10 lane highway all by himself did he? However, it is extremely sad when innocent children are used, probably moreso in Thailand where the police turn a total blind eye to these abuses going on in broad daylight and right under their noses.

But, sad to say, this is Thailand and that final aspect is cultural.

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On the other hand, OP is clearly quick to use his mouth and cares not for tact, even aggressively barging into a police station waving his camera "This is me..." blah blah blah. From the very start the OP is confrontational - thus culturally ignorant and generally rude - with the cops as mere bit-players acting an expected role of 'not helping' to fit the OP's agenda of outrage.

Good job I'm saying this on the internet, because judging by the tone of the guy's voice - not just in his confrontation with the beggar, but also in how he ensures his encounter with the police will also be a confrontation - I would imagine if I dared say this to his face he'd be having a confrontation with me too.

Just another newbie with a camera and their Western entitlement to mouth off. He'll be in the camera footage next, in another news story....

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You are entitled to your opinion as am I.

In my opinion there has been an effort in this thread to bait me into a reaction. An attempt has been made by a.mod to clean up the thread.

It wasn't "this is me blah blah" It was actual footage of what I was greeted with when walking into the police station.

They were asleep on duty or too busy watching TV.

If you choose to ignore the behaviour of these people in the clip then that is your perogative.

Perhaps if I'd put on a smiley face the initial sos call would have been answered & all this could have been avoided? Really?

If I had ignored the neglect of the child & the dangerous situation the child was in, then who would take action?

The fact is, all 3 video's stem from the lack of police action, as the video highlights.

I'd like to think that someone higher up the police chain does care & doesn't condone the lack of policing.

This is children we are talking about here and the lack of protection they receive in a popular tourist destination.

This wasn't down some dark alley nor was it out in some remote area out of the way. This was on the main strip.

Did you see the woman look after her child once? She was still in walking street this morning sleeping on the floor with the small child.

As for cultural traits, if you actually care about thailand or anyone else other than yourself then you'd see it has far less to do with my western sense of entitlement & far more to with the entitlement of an innocent child.

That was neglect & it started when I'd witnessed the beggar sit down while the child was sent off onto a busy strip with oncoming vehicles.

The child was inches from being hit on 2 occasions.

I asked the woman what she was doing & her reaction prompted me to call the police.

When they didn't answer I went back for footage to show. I would have loved for nothing more than for the police to have done their job & carried out their duty.

Unless their duty is lack of action, watching TV, sleeping & doing very little to protect these innocent kids then something is amiss.

If this is legal then there wouldn't be the public crackdowns. It's the inconsistencies & lack of action when there isn't media coverage that is the problem. It doesn't help when foreigners & thais choose to ignore it & while that mentality remains nothing will change...

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You are entitled to your opinion as am I.

In my opinion there has been an effort in this thread to bait me into a reaction. An attempt has been made by a.mod to clean up the thread.

It wasn't "this is me blah blah" It was actual footage of what I was greeted with when walking into the police station.

They were asleep on duty or too busy watching TV.

If you choose to ignore the behaviour of these people in the clip then that is your perogative.

Perhaps if I'd put on a smiley face the initial sos call would have been answered & all this could have been avoided? Really?

If I had ignored the neglect of the child & the dangerous situation the child was in, then who would take action?

The fact is, all 3 video's stem from the lack of police action, as the video highlights.

I'd like to think that someone higher up the police chain does care & doesn't condone the lack of policing.

This is children we are talking about here and the lack of protection they receive in a popular tourist destination.

This wasn't down some dark alley nor was it out in some remote area out of the way. This was on the main strip.

Did you see the woman look after her child once? She was still in walking street this morning sleeping on the floor with the small child.

As for cultural traits, if you actually care about thailand or anyone else other than yourself then you'd see it has far less to do with my western sense of entitlement & far more to with the entitlement of an innocent child.

That was neglect & it started when I'd witnessed the beggar sit down while the child was sent off onto a busy strip with oncoming vehicles.

The child was inches from being hit on 2 occasions.

I asked the woman what she was doing & her reaction prompted me to call the police.

When they didn't answer I went back for footage to show. I would have loved for nothing more than for the police to have done their job & carried out their duty.

Unless their duty is lack of action, watching TV, sleeping & doing very little to protect these innocent kids then something is amiss.

If this is legal then there wouldn't be the public crackdowns. It's the inconsistencies & lack of action when there isn't media coverage that is the problem. It doesn't help when foreigners & thais choose to ignore it & while that mentality remains nothing will change...

So what exactly has your interfering achieved, oh yeah, nothing at all, except perhaps putting yourself in a great deal of danger!

Whilst obviously you care about the childs welfare, you really should not get involved for your own sake, if their handler had been near by this could have had a very different ending, you could have been the one in the video laying in a pool of your own blood!

Edited by LennyW
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