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The wife while cleaning the toilet dropped her phone down it. Its a 6 edge so pretty new. Shes raging with herself. Obviously with the Thai character it comes to me. I am a chilled person so say nothing.

Take out the sim and put it in rice....wait a day and try it. Still goosed.

Its like the world has ended. Buy another phone and dont use it in toilet. Not happy. What about my line? I never dropped it down the toilet. Raging again even though I said just get a new phone if its knackered.

Sometimes Thai women are a pain in the arse. If something goes wrong they loose the plot. Phone gone end of the world. Maybe because I told her to downgrade for the new one.

We all have to learn....have you lads had the same hassle? Phones!

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Been there, done that...

One down the toilet, and one another time in my pocket and put it in the washing machine, first time tried the stupid rice trick, that didn't help...second time it was insured, so i got a new one. Now i always make sure its 'backed up', instead of trying to remember all your log-ins for every app on your phone.


By the way, my mrs has my old phones, and gives hers to her mum or dad, actually i have the Galaxy Edge Plus now, so its in effect my wife's phone 555, she's just hovering over me, waiting for me to get another upgrade....i am doomed.


Nope, she'd be pissed but is pretty laid-back and wouldn't go off on one like that, and also knows that if she did have an attitude such as this she'd be out the door... not joking. Suggest putting her in her place or a new model. wink.png


Nope, she'd be pissed but is pretty laid-back and wouldn't go off on one like that, and also knows that if she did have an attitude such as this she'd be out the door... not joking. Suggest putting her in her place or a new model. wink.png

New model amy be required. She is normally pretty cool and calm.


As women can be good actors too, here is my guess of why she dropped her phone in toilet.

There were photos on the phone of her and her gik and the delete option was not working properly. She panicked and chose the easiest believable option for you not to find out that she has a gik. The aftermath...well she is a good actress....dont worry it will be over soon.


It seems that most of posters to TVF are rather long-in-the-tooth, to still be learning lessons, eh?

We have four daughters, of whom all were a handful to deal with as teenagers. Thank heaven they did manage to eventually grow-up, with a developed "sense" of accountability, to become responsible adults.

Again, there's a valid reason why the Russian/East European farangs bring their own women to the LOS, and steadfastly refuse to become "involved" with Thai womenfolk. whistling.gif

The OP statement further confirms the Russian rationale. Good morning!coffee1.gif


I accidentally put my old iPhone 4 through a 20 min wash cycle..., covered it in basmati rice for 4 days then put it through a reboot...., it halfway came back in that the screen was still a bit wonky..., so I put it on the dashboard of my car in dappled sunlight(not too hot)..., anyway I kept rebooting it.., on/off.., on/off..., it came back a little more each time..., till it eventually came back all the way.
Apple store guy didn't wan't to know about it once he had scoped out down the headphone hole and saw that it was 'red'..., red means it's been wet..., apparently green is cool.
Your choice..., good luck mate.wink.png


My wife lost he I_phone and asked so sweetly for a new one.

I bought a 500 bt basic samsung thing with a sticker on the back with Apple 6 written on it.

she laughed. Eventually.


My daughter got her Samsung Galaxy soaking wet during Songkran a couple of years ago. The Samsung service center wanted 9,000 THB to fix the phone, instead we took it to an idependent repair shop at Fortune Town in Bangkok and had it repaired for 600 THB, and the phone is still working fine today.


The rice thing is a myth. Better to use silica gel or cat litter.

Hush up your nay saying....., (I say with some humor).

Calling the rice thing a myth is not exactly the complete truth..., the 'rice thing' can and has worked over this recent era of modern smart phones(the phone needs to be buried in a large jar or bag of rice for multiple days preferably away from extremes of humidity if possible).., it's been successful many times according to my research on tech forumns and certainly once in my certain experience. Processed, over dried white rice works best.

AND..., yes, it is only one of many methods..., silica and/or cat litter can also work..., they are all worth trying.., just beware of chemical additives.



I accidentally put my old iPhone 4 through a 20 min wash cycle..., covered it in basmati rice for 4 days then put it through a reboot...., it halfway came back in that the screen was still a bit wonky...

Basmati rice works only if the phone was build in India !


No. My wife would be annoyed with herself for about 5 minutes and then - that is life.

I do not see getting overly upset about such things as a particularly Thai "womenfolk" trait...


Youngest daughter (6) has had the same phone for 3 years

Wife on the other hand, hopeless with phones, averages about 3 a year

If daughter is partially of your blood-line, then of course.


Is this what posting on this forum has finally come to,ye Gods.

Shit happens - where's your compassion 555


My wifes phone fell in the toilet also, up country. so i got her a new one. some time later, her brother was using it!! she just wanted a new phone. Thai women are smart, but they always use the same old stories, buffalo is sick


Wait I have an S5 and it's water proof to 1 meter and the S6 is also water proof how deep is your toilet ???

The S6 is not waterproof.


Here is the secret remedy to calm women!

-give them a long close hug for a minute or two

-say nothing and let them speak

-ignore the drama

-leave them alone till they come to you

-offer their favorite food with no coffee

-surprise them with a small gift

-offer a nice massage with a very slow hand and lotion or oil

-suggest a late afternoon, early evening walk

When all else fails give them the women's Viagra......CASH!

If that fails it's time to look for backup!


Is this what posting on this forum has finally come to,ye Gods.

Shit happens - where's your compassion 555

Try "experiencing" the LOS from this side of the street first, before asking that question.


Here is the secret remedy to calm women!

-give them a long close hug for a minute or two

-say nothing and let them speak

-ignore the drama

-leave them alone till they come to you

-offer their favorite food with no coffee

-surprise them with a small gift

-offer a nice massage with a very slow hand and lotion or oil

-suggest a late afternoon, early evening walk

When all else fails give them the women's Viagra......CASH!

If that fails it's time to look for backup!

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