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Witness For New Passport

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yes,it's the witness for the photos.just to say that it's the same face on the photos as on the old passport.

He/she doesn't have to give you a character reference but has to have a stamp.

Last time I put Poo Yai Bahn as Politician.

The Missus and the neighbors said not to ask the police for favors as they may ask me for favors later,lend money e.c.t.....country cops...

Assuming you are British (?) a counter-signature is only required for a renewal only if you cannot be recognized from the photograph in your current passport. Below is an extract from OS_Guidance_Notes_09.15, section 10.

extract from notes.jpg

I have also attached the application & guidelines, OS_Form_010 & OS_Guidance_Notes_09.15



Seems like it's unnecessary in the OPs case to get a witness signature, unless he's just being cautious?

Or is ageing so much during the validity of his passport(s), he needs to get a witness to prove it's him on each renewal?

Yeah, not sure if balding or growing/shaving a beard counts as replacement photo required?
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Is this the signature that says the person knows you and you are of good character? If you lived near me and it is that signature I can sign for British passports

There is no requirement for any witness for British passports when applying in a foreign country.

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Correct, I renewed my UK passport last year and did not require the photographs to be signed

Not sure why a witness is needed to get a passport renewed. But that must be a requirement from your home country.
Why is your wife reluctant to try the local police? They might do it.

The U.K. Requires a witness to confirm that the photos you submit with your application are actually you, the back of the photo is agh ed by the witness.
The witness must be a Policeman, Doctor(MD), Lawyer, Accountant or. JP
Same rules apply in Ireland
No they do not.
Not if you are applying for a new passport.
Only if applying for your first passport.
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Not sure why a witness is needed to get a passport renewed. But that must be a requirement from your home country.

Why is your wife reluctant to try the local police? They might do it.

The U.K. Requires a witness to confirm that the photos you submit with your application are actually you, the back of the photo is agh ed by the witness.

The witness must be a Policeman, Doctor(MD), Lawyer, Accountant or. JP

Same rules apply in Ireland

Or a priest..... :)

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Irish Consulate in Bangkok sent my application back because It only had a signature of the witness.

They need 2 photos signed and stamped and the form singed and stamped by a witness,

for a replacement passport.

When was that? They have given them out without any issue in the past..... Except the 7000+thb charge :)

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Not sure why a witness is needed to get a passport renewed. But that must be a requirement from your home country.

Why is your wife reluctant to try the local police? They might do it.

The U.K. Requires a witness to confirm that the photos you submit with your application are actually you, the back of the photo is agh ed by the witness.

The witness must be a Policeman, Doctor(MD), Lawyer, Accountant or. JP

Same rules apply in Ireland

Not for renewing they don't, renewed mine last month

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One other thing for UK passports: the countersignatory can not be a doctor unless they also happen to be a personal friend.

Links that support what you claim can be found where ?



"be a doctor, unless they state that they know you well (eg good friend) and that they recognise you easily from your photo"

In the UK many GP's know their patients well !

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Not sure why a witness is needed to get a passport renewed. But that must be a requirement from your home country.

Why is your wife reluctant to try the local police? They might do it.

The U.K. Requires a witness to confirm that the photos you submit with your application are actually you, the back of the photo is agh ed by the witness.

The witness must be a Policeman, Doctor(MD), Lawyer, Accountant or. JP

Same rules apply in Ireland

Chartered Engineers can also sign it

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One other thing for UK passports: the countersignatory can not be a doctor unless they also happen to be a personal friend.

Links that support what you claim can be found where ?



"be a doctor, unless they state that they know you well (eg good friend) and that they recognise you easily from your photo"

In the UK many GP's know their patients well !

Excellent. In that case the doctor can countersign the application when they see their friend outside of the surgery.

The change was made to reduce the burden on doctors and to free up their time for clinical appointments.

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Is this the signature that says the person knows you and you are of good character? If you lived near me and it is that signature I can sign for British passports

There is no requirement for any witness for British passports when applying in a foreign country.

That is that I thought as well. I have had new passports issued in Bangkok and no one has ever asked for a witness. Could it be the OP has lost / had stolen his passport?

Edited by gandalf12
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I think the discussion of UK passports has gone on long enough. It is off topic since it is apparent the OP is not getting a UK passport.

Would have been helpful if he had said what passport he was getting I think you would agree

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Irish replacement passport application sent back last week.

Just went to the police station and they said(lied)that they didn't have a stamp.

Went to immigration and they said they wouldn't do it.

At this rate I will have to go to Bangkok myself.Nobody has heard of this issue before and the form is in English only.

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Not sure why a witness is needed to get a passport renewed. But that must be a requirement from your home country.

Why is your wife reluctant to try the local police? They might do it.

The U.K. Requires a witness to confirm that the photos you submit with your application are actually you, the back of the photo is agh ed by the witness.

The witness must be a Policeman, Doctor(MD), Lawyer, Accountant or. JP

Same rules apply in Ireland

I can and have witnessed British passport renewal applications, in India and Thailand; and first time applications in the UK. Your list isn't complete.

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Not sure why a witness is needed to get a passport renewed. But that must be a requirement from your home country.

Why is your wife reluctant to try the local police? They might do it.

The U.K. Requires a witness to confirm that the photos you submit with your application are actually you, the back of the photo is agh ed by the witness.

The witness must be a Policeman, Doctor(MD), Lawyer, Accountant or. JP

Same rules apply in Ireland

UK does not need a witness or stamp, it only needs a countersignatory, it does not need to restricted to the class of proffesions you state, it can be any professional person.

It will be more of a headache if the person you use is not a Brit or a Commonwealth subject.

I am a Brit, the only people I know here are Aussies, they are retired teachers, the UK accepts them without question and in the past two renewals have never even contacted them. All they need to do is counter sign your application and add a signature and a one liner to the back of your photograph.

(If you know someone from your home country that fits the bill but is not available, e mail them and ask them if they will verify it for you if asked, then just sign it yourself.)

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Most Thais are reluctant to sign anything. I have lived here more than 10 years and in a few months will have to renew my Canadian Passport for the third time. The last two times I made an appointment with the notary Public at the Canadian Embassy. For 1,500 baht she signs a form declaring I am who I say I am.

I assume most Embassies will have such a person on hand, by appointment

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What kind of passport are you applying for? What does a Thai government office has anything to do with your foreign passport application?

I walk into the U.S. Embassy, fill out the form for renewal give them my old passport, pay my money come back in two weeks or have it send to my address. End of story!

Edited by thailand49
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Irish Consulate in Bangkok sent my application back because It only had a signature of the witness.

They need 2 photos signed and stamped and the form singed and stamped by a witness,

for a replacement passport.

How do you put a company stamp on the back of a passport photo?

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When my passport was damaged in Thailand I had to supply the Canadian embassy with 2 witnesses within Thailand and also 2 witnesses within Canada whom had known me for a minimum of two years in order to get my passport replaced. None of which could be family members. This was back in December.


Perhaps you are confusing "witnesses" with "references"?

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A new UK passport to replace an existing passport DOES NOT require a counter signature on the applicants photo. I did mine last month and no signature was asked for when the forms were submitted.

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A new UK passport to replace an existing passport DOES NOT require a counter signature on the applicants photo. I did mine last month and no signature was asked for when the forms were submitted.

While that statement may be true in your case there are instances whereby a renewal my require a counter signatory,this can be the case when a persons appearance may have significantly changed from the previous passport.

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A new UK passport to replace an existing passport DOES NOT require a counter signature on the applicants photo. I did mine last month and no signature was asked for when the forms were submitted.

While that statement may be true in your case there are instances whereby a renewal my require a counter signatory,this can be the case when a persons appearance may have significantly changed from the previous passport.

My apologies. I should have included that statement.

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No good getting a thai to do it

If you’re applying outside the UK

Your countersignatory must have a current British, Irish or other EU, US or Commonwealth passport.

If they have a US, Commonwealth, or non-British or non-Irish EU passport, you must include with your application a colour photocopy of the page with their photograph on it.

Your application will be processed faster if they have a British or Irish passport.

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When my passport was damaged in Thailand I had to supply the Canadian embassy with 2 witnesses within Thailand and also 2 witnesses within Canada whom had known me for a minimum of two years in order to get my passport replaced. None of which could be family members. This was back in December.


Perhaps you are confusing "witnesses" with "references"?
Yes, it would appear that I am.

Thanks for pointing that out.

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The reason I need some one to witness that I am the guy on the photo is because I am not going to the embassy in person.

I am applying through the post.

Next time I will make the trip to Bangkok in person.

Perhaps you could get a Thai notary to do it. Check with a law office most are notaries.

Check at the Amphoe for where you are living they might be willing to do the stamp.

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This belongs in visa for other countries. Section or home country forum. It is not a Thai passport nor is this regarding obtaining a Thai visa.


A person needs a passport to enter and stay in Thailand which makes it visa related.

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