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Thailand vs Philippines;more fun in the Philippines; You Betcha.

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So in 3 days i leave the Philippines,and head back to the oven that is Thailand,after a rocky start,where the chick i had been talking to through an internet dating site,turned out to have a jealous,homicidal ex boyfriend,who kidnapped thier child,whilst i was out with her,a family of 20,who turned up on the third day in a minivan,when i had only said i would take her,her cousin and 2 sisters touring in the car i had hired,and expected me to pay for all entry fee's food,and beer,as well as the van,i started to think i had made a mistake,this was compounded by the girl asking me in a roundabout way,how long she would have to stay with me if i got her a visa to Australia,that night i moved into a resort that was under construction,grinders and Jackhammers played their merry tune until 9pm or so and restarted at 6am. Somewhat despondent,i moved to a more upmarket resort.

From there things improved,i was introduced by friends to a lovely lady of 28,an ex volleyball player,so you can imagine she was pretty toned and actually bloody hot,after one date,she was living in the hotel with me,forget,"oh they are catholics,you will have to wait" let me tell you she is better in the sack than most Thai bar girls,and yet she is not a bar girl,her last job was a maid in Manila,from whence she had just returned for a one week break,so things were looking up,indeed rising up. but i digress why is it more fun in the Philippines here i will list my reasons.

1; everyone[just about] can speak English

2:everything is written in English

3; The women are generally prettier than Thai's,very few fatties,and no slobbing around in football shirts and shorts,every Filipina takes the effort to look good,and are much more fashionable than Thai's.

4: food that does not sear your mouth off,and heaps of western food.

5 Better driving ,Thailand #2 road fatalities ;Philippines #129

6 better climate,since i am here hottest day 33c,most days 29c to 31c,not <deleted> 44c

7 friendlier people,no one gawps at you,no giggles falang this ,falang that,much nicer,they actually seem to like us.


9 better choice of western food in supermarket

There are many more i am sure,bear in mind i am only talking about Bohol island and Cebu city,so a small part of the country,but as Mcarthur said " i will return" and soon.

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1; everyone[just about] can speak English

2:everything is written in English

3; The women are generally prettier than Thai's,very few fatties,and no slobbing around in football shirts and shorts,every Filipina takes the effort to look good,and are much more fashionable than Thai's.

4: food that does not sear your mouth off,and heaps of western food.

5 Better driving ,Thailand #2 road fatalities ;Philippines #129

6 better climate,since i am here hottest day 33c,most days 29c to 31c,not <deleted> 44c

7 friendlier people,no one gawps at you,no giggles falang this ,falang that,much nicer,they actually seem to like us.


9 better choice of western food in supermarket

1. Just understanding them is sometimes the issue.

2. Just often not English words.

3. More varied looks in Thailand - and surly as much style.

4. Because inedible for the most part - rip off western fast food that most will not want a second time.

5. There are no roads to drive on - and those they have are parking lots 9 hours a day.

6. You forget the typhoons and rain?

7. There hands are in your pockets if not asking for cash.

8. Hotels much more expensive - only the beer is cheaper.

9. American brand names at high prices because nothing made locally.

That said there indeed is good and bad to be said for both - as is true of most places.

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1; everyone[just about] can speak English

2:everything is written in English

3; The women are generally prettier than Thai's,very few fatties,and no slobbing around in football shirts and shorts,every Filipina takes the effort to look good,and are much more fashionable than Thai's.

4: food that does not sear your mouth off,and heaps of western food.

5 Better driving ,Thailand #2 road fatalities ;Philippines #129

6 better climate,since i am here hottest day 33c,most days 29c to 31c,not <deleted> 44c

7 friendlier people,no one gawps at you,no giggles falang this ,falang that,much nicer,they actually seem to like us.


9 better choice of western food in supermarket

1. Just understanding them is sometimes the issue.

2. Just often not English words.

3. More varied looks in Thailand - and surly as much style.

4. Because inedible for the most part - rip off western fast food that most will not want a second time.

5. There are no roads to drive on - and those they have are parking lots 9 hours a day.

6. You forget the typhoons and rain?

7. There hands are in your pockets if not asking for cash.

8. Hotels much more expensive - only the beer is cheaper.

9. American brand names at high prices because nothing made locally.

That said there indeed is good and bad to be said for both - as is true of most places.

Agree about hotels more expensive for what you would get in Thailand,and yea,food not the best,but at least is is not always searing hot[spicy]

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The Central Visayas part of the P.I. where the OP visited is a nice part of the P.I....more laid back than the main island of Luzon where major cities like Manila are located. Regarding the weather being better, I don't know if I would agree with that...I lived on Luzon for 5 years and it's ever bit as hot and humid as Thailand on an average basis. It is nice in how most folks can read, write, and speak English fairly well...it will take Thailand another couple of centuries to possibly reach that point but being a proxy province of China I don't know if the central Chinese govt will allow that to happen. And just because the girls are predominately catholic doesn't mean they `avoid sex before marriage or anything like that...they are like bunny rabbits when it comes to having babies. And generally like Thailand you are marrying the family when marrying a Filipino. Corruption in the P.I. is bad also. Summary: P.I. is a nice place especially for a single man...it has its pros and cons.

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1; everyone[just about] can speak English

2:everything is written in English

3; The women are generally prettier than Thai's,very few fatties,and no slobbing around in football shirts and shorts,every Filipina takes the effort to look good,and are much more fashionable than Thai's.

4: food that does not sear your mouth off,and heaps of western food.

5 Better driving ,Thailand #2 road fatalities ;Philippines #129

6 better climate,since i am here hottest day 33c,most days 29c to 31c,not <deleted> 44c

7 friendlier people,no one gawps at you,no giggles falang this ,falang that,much nicer,they actually seem to like us.


9 better choice of western food in supermarket

1. Just understanding them is sometimes the issue.

2. Just often not English words.

3. More varied looks in Thailand - and surly as much style.

4. Because inedible for the most part - rip off western fast food that most will not want a second time.

5. There are no roads to drive on - and those they have are parking lots 9 hours a day.

6. You forget the typhoons and rain?

7. There hands are in your pockets if not asking for cash.

8. Hotels much more expensive - only the beer is cheaper.

9. American brand names at high prices because nothing made locally.

That said there indeed is good and bad to be said for both - as is true of most places.

Agree about hotels more expensive for what you would get in Thailand,and yea,food not the best,but at least is is not always searing hot[spicy]

thai food is not always searing hot. many dishes are anything but

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I and EVERY friend I know who has spent more than a few weeks in both places prefer Thailand hands down. The Philippines is a GREAT place for vacation, but the infrastructure is much better in Thailand and petty thievery seems less in Thailand as well. As for the girls, I've ALWAYS found something that suited my taste with little effort.

As always, up to you.

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I've lived in TL and PI (5 years). My advice is BE VERY CAREFUL. While there an old acquaintance said it must be fun that many can speak English. My reply was "yep, they can lie and cheat almost fluently". I left PI April 2006, I've never been back and can't see any reason why I ever would.

When people ask me about PI, I usually condense it to this:

"Sirrr, it's my birthday, what you give me?" 6 months later "Sirrr, it's YOUR birthday, what you give me?" Q.E.D.

That said, one man's meat....

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Had this been posted two years ago I would have responded with "Bah poppycock" however now with the way LoS is heading I am also thinking that PI (NOT MANILA) might be an alternative....more and more and without a shred of paranoia I get the feeling that foreigners here in LoS are being subtly positioned as the root of all evil and the easy mark to focus on.. Recent changes to immigration, the campaign " good in bad out" , various high profile court cases involving foreigners which have at best dubious legal procedures and judicial outcomes. Just cant help feel that in last two years their has been a transition from " Welcome to LoS" to a almost suspicion laden :" What is your purpose of being here".

There is of course pro's and con's to consider but for me Thailand's appeal as a place to domicile has somewhat waned over the last two years and indeed doesn't seem to be on any road that will see improvement any time soon

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Geez, your mileage will always vary....but on a lighter note...the PI is a shithole from top to bottom....the food is the worst and the locals thinks that every visitor owes them a paseo or three....the heat and crush of people makes it not a fun spot on the map.....believe me, I'be been doing short trips to all parts of the PI since 1978...never gets better. And the locals are getting fatter by the month...too many trips to the fast food joints....English is passable, but just.....you will see after doing a long shift.....IMHO..?

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Having lived on several occasions in Manila, whilst having my home base in Bangkok, I do not agree.

Traffic is far worse in Manila where jams can last for hours.

The food is very bland with little spice

American foods are available but expensive.

The girls may be fun in bed but soon start to demand more and more cash and gifts.

Ph good for a vacation but not where I would choose to live.

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Glad you had a good time, I have never here for past 3 months and our experiences vary differently, though admittedly I'm working and not an accomplished sext tourist like yourself.

Anyways, you can have it all to yourself, the simple assertion that the women in Phil's are more attractive and have a better sense of style pretty much removes any credibility you may have had in my eyes.

Good luck shagging the maid. Aim for the sky I say.

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I have an ex-wife, a filipina, with a half-filipino son, in California. I also have a Thai son, with a bar girl in Chiang Mai. To compare and contrast both countries and girls is moot. "Same, same, but different."

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I love Cebu, but my base is in Bangkok where I make my money. I just find it annoying that the airlines seldom provide a nonstop BKK-CEB flight which would take just over 3 hours. Instead I have to waste a whole day each way coming and going forced to stop in Manila for transit.

The hotels and condos are generally more expensive in the Philippines and the infrastructure is lacking.

But the worst thing about the Philippines is the abject poverty of the masses which is in your face every day. If you have an ounce of compassion or empathy for humanity, your heart will bleed.

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I have an ex-wife, a filipina, with a half-filipino son, in California. I also have a Thai son, with a bar girl in Chiang Mai. To compare and contrast both countries and girls is moot. "Same, same, but different."

Where's daddy?

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1; everyone[just about] can speak English

2:everything is written in English

3; The women are generally prettier than Thai's,very few fatties,and no slobbing around in football shirts and shorts,every Filipina takes the effort to look good,and are much more fashionable than Thai's.

4: food that does not sear your mouth off,and heaps of western food.

5 Better driving ,Thailand #2 road fatalities ;Philippines #129

6 better climate,since i am here hottest day 33c,most days 29c to 31c,not <deleted> 44c

7 friendlier people,no one gawps at you,no giggles falang this ,falang that,much nicer,they actually seem to like us.


9 better choice of western food in supermarket

1. Just understanding them is sometimes the issue.

2. Just often not English words.

3. More varied looks in Thailand - and surly as much style.

4. Because inedible for the most part - rip off western fast food that most will not want a second time.

5. There are no roads to drive on - and those they have are parking lots 9 hours a day.

6. You forget the typhoons and rain?

7. There hands are in your pockets if not asking for cash.

8. Hotels much more expensive - only the beer is cheaper.

9. American brand names at high prices because nothing made locally.

That said there indeed is good and bad to be said for both - as is true of most places.

Agree about hotels more expensive for what you would get in Thailand,and yea,food not the best,but at least is is not always searing hot[spicy]

Guess your not aware that even spicy dishes can be ordered to your liking = mild all you have to do is ask. And there are many Thai foods that are not spicy such as pad Thai kung or gai and others. As far as Pinays being prettier more stylish not as fat as Thai girls , I don't know where your hanging out but try Bangkok near Siam Paragon , Central World ,Central Lad Prao , Central Rama 9 , Station 21 or Leuba State tower building clubs and restaurants ---some of the prettiest and most fashionable Thai ladies in Thailand.

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I've made way better friends friends among Filipinos. It's of course related to their better grasp of English.

I wouldn't want to stay anywhere outside Manila in the Philippines because I prefer cities, but Manila is also a crime-ridden hellhole.

So I'm here.

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1; everyone[just about] can speak English

2:everything is written in English

3; The women are generally prettier than Thai's,very few fatties,and no slobbing around in football shirts and shorts,every Filipina takes the effort to look good,and are much more fashionable than Thai's.

4: food that does not sear your mouth off,and heaps of western food.

5 Better driving ,Thailand #2 road fatalities ;Philippines #129

6 better climate,since i am here hottest day 33c,most days 29c to 31c,not <deleted> 44c

7 friendlier people,no one gawps at you,no giggles falang this ,falang that,much nicer,they actually seem to like us.


9 better choice of western food in supermarket

1. Just understanding them is sometimes the issue.

2. Just often not English words.

3. More varied looks in Thailand - and surly as much style.

4. Because inedible for the most part - rip off western fast food that most will not want a second time.

5. There are no roads to drive on - and those they have are parking lots 9 hours a day.

6. You forget the typhoons and rain?

7. There hands are in your pockets if not asking for cash.

8. Hotels much more expensive - only the beer is cheaper.

9. American brand names at high prices because nothing made locally.

That said there indeed is good and bad to be said for both - as is true of most places.

Agree about hotels more expensive for what you would get in Thailand,and yea,food not the best,but at least is is not always searing hot[spicy]

If you know enough Thai to say "mai pet" you should not have a problem with spicy food in Thailand.

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1; everyone[just about] can speak English

2:everything is written in English

3; The women are generally prettier than Thai's,very few fatties,and no slobbing around in football shirts and shorts,every Filipina takes the effort to look good,and are much more fashionable than Thai's.

4: food that does not sear your mouth off,and heaps of western food.

5 Better driving ,Thailand #2 road fatalities ;Philippines #129

6 better climate,since i am here hottest day 33c,most days 29c to 31c,not <deleted> 44c

7 friendlier people,no one gawps at you,no giggles falang this ,falang that,much nicer,they actually seem to like us.


9 better choice of western food in supermarket

1. Just understanding them is sometimes the issue.

2. Just often not English words.

3. More varied looks in Thailand - and surly as much style.

4. Because inedible for the most part - rip off western fast food that most will not want a second time.

5. There are no roads to drive on - and those they have are parking lots 9 hours a day.

6. You forget the typhoons and rain?

7. There hands are in your pockets if not asking for cash.

8. Hotels much more expensive - only the beer is cheaper.

9. American brand names at high prices because nothing made locally.

That said there indeed is good and bad to be said for both - as is true of most places.

Agree about hotels more expensive for what you would get in Thailand,and yea,food not the best,but at least is is not always searing hot[spicy]

If you know enough Thai to say "mai pet" you should not have a problem with spicy food in Thailand.

If he thinks EVERYTHING is spicy including dishes like moo waan, you can't help those people. The grew up on bologna and mayonnaise on white bread and nothing is gonna change that.

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1; everyone[just about] can speak English

2:everything is written in English

3; The women are generally prettier than Thai's,very few fatties,and no slobbing around in football shirts and shorts,every Filipina takes the effort to look good,and are much more fashionable than Thai's.

4: food that does not sear your mouth off,and heaps of western food.

5 Better driving ,Thailand #2 road fatalities ;Philippines #129

6 better climate,since i am here hottest day 33c,most days 29c to 31c,not <deleted> 44c

7 friendlier people,no one gawps at you,no giggles falang this ,falang that,much nicer,they actually seem to like us.


9 better choice of western food in supermarket

1. Just understanding them is sometimes the issue.

2. Just often not English words.

3. More varied looks in Thailand - and surly as much style.

4. Because inedible for the most part - rip off western fast food that most will not want a second time.

5. There are no roads to drive on - and those they have are parking lots 9 hours a day.

6. You forget the typhoons and rain?

7. There hands are in your pockets if not asking for cash.

8. Hotels much more expensive - only the beer is cheaper.

9. American brand names at high prices because nothing made locally.

That said there indeed is good and bad to be said for both - as is true of most places.

Agree with you Lopburi and would add:

1. Personally I think Thai ladies are much prettier, and have slimmer better figures. Pinays are usually better in the boob department if that's what you like. But each to their own. And of course, the variety in each country is as wide as anywhere else.

2. Pinays are even more fixated on providing for their extended families - especially if they are the oldest daughter (regardless of elder brothers).

3. They are from a very Catholic country and do have Catholic values.

4. English is very widely spoken but heavily accented, uses a lot of American words and idioms, and not always easily understood.

5. Philippine cuisine is awful. How many "Philippine Restaurants" do you find? They have a massive amount of overseas workers but none open Philippine style restaurants - no silver service, mid price or even takeaway. Reason is because no one would like it. That's why there is plenty of American style food available in Philippines.

6. I certainly regard the Philippines as more dangerous than Thailand, with a police force even more inept and corrupt and taxi drivers that are worse too.

All in all, I prefer Thailand. But, it is each to is own.

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You forgot to mention the incredible beaches and islands they have.

Many times I think why more and more dont visit the Philipines instead of the hot swamp that is thailand. Only reason I can think off and that it is harder and more expensive to get to. Myself is also planning to get out of this thainess crap and live in taiwan or philipines.

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You forgot to mention the incredible beaches and islands they have.

Many times I think why more and more dont visit the Philipines instead of the hot swamp that is thailand. Only reason I can think off and that it is harder and more expensive to get to. Myself is also planning to get out of this thainess crap and live in taiwan or philipines.

More don't choose the Philippines probably because of things like this: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/04/25/asia/philippines-canadian-hostage-john-ridsdel-killed/

But nevermind, you should leave immediately. Like yesterday.

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