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Nostalgia Revisited

Gonzo the Face

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Pipe smoking saves big money compared to ready made cigarettes, but pipe smokers waste vast amounts of time in keeping the thing lit. I recall one bloke (UK no doubt) who lit his pants on fire due to pipe jammed into pocket.

I've had a number of lovely gangha pipes in my past life. Hookers are in too.

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Good point Gonzo. I haven`t seen anyone smoking a pipe for a long, long time, not anywhere not only Thailand. I think pipes went out of fashion along with trilby hats.

Pipe smokers seemed to have faded out during the mid 1980s. Who remembers the St Bruno man ads?

I can remember in England that TV cigarette ads were banned first, pipe and cigar ads were allowed to run for years longer. I used to smoke a pipe, back then pipe tobacco was called shag. Used to go to the tobacco shop and buy loose shag by the ounce. I think pipe smoking went out of fashion because the tobacco had a strong smell, a pipe smoker could smoke out a whole room and it just became socially unacceptable, out of fashion and not considered cool by the younger people. Now thinking about it don`t see many cigar smokers around these days either.

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I always thought pipe smoke was a lot nicer than cigarette smoke...although there are those that will condemn both a being so so bad for passive smokers.

Never got into the cigar scene and found cigar smoke to be bloody horrible.

Twas raised on a tobacco farm when we still had the industry in NZ. During grading season the whole valley was enveloped by smoke as farmers burnt off the waste tobacco. The smoke was possibly worse than what we put up with here, but back in the day we were none the wiser.

Had a woodwork teacher in high school who smoked a pipe, as a kid I loved the smell

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My dad smoked a pipe for a few years when he gave up the ciggies at the beginning of the miner's strike to ease the pain of withdrawing from 40 years of smoking. He was strictly confined to smoking it only in my brother's old bedroom, where he had set himself up with a portable TV and a chair he'd seen someone throwing out, and only with the window open summer and winter. When visiting I'd notice that we would get the occasional waft of it, which was good, I like the smell, but certainly not in the same room as someone smoking one.

That occasional waft of odour left a big impression on all of us. My mam and sister cry when they smell some pipe tobacco, but I smile. It's lovely to have an image unexpectedly pop into my head of him sitting in that tatty old armchair which mam tried everything to get rid of, or sitting out in the garden, his pride and joy, always laughing and joking, puffing away on his pipe and telling me I didn't know what I was missing and I should stop smoking and take up the pipe. It happens every time I smell it, and it always makes my day.

Wouldn't want to be in the same room as someone smoking one though.

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Pipe smoking saves big money compared to ready made cigarettes, but pipe smokers waste vast amounts of time in keeping the thing lit. I recall one bloke (UK no doubt) who lit his pants on fire due to pipe jammed into pocket.

I did that once at school when a teacher came around a corner unexpectedly - burnt a massive hole in my new school trousers' pocket.

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