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Ted Cruz taps Carly Fiorina to serve as running mate


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Between Trump and Cruz is like choosing between hanging or firing squad.

Oh come on now mean-thing...you could be defaming your next glorious US President...

I'm thinking several generations of Trump...sons...daughters...and so on passing on the Presidency to keep it out of the hands of the always correct left...

Just image a country where the Hollywood crowd immigrates to Canada...people who can not decide which toilet to use will leave for Sweden...and the remainder go underground so as not to attract attention...

What is not to like?

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After taking six haymakers the past couple of weeks Cruz is desperate. That said, if he

had to select someone to shake thing up, Fiorina was a good choice. Personally I think

she is dumb as a post, but not Palin dumb who is ditzy dumb. I thought she got an

easy ride in the early debates. He foreign policy knowledge was abysmal. She drove

HP into the ground, all she comes up with are the tried and true anti Obama/HRC

talking points. I think she is a war monger who would love to show just how tough she

can be. We shall see what comes to pass. If this does not shake things up for the

Indiana GOP race nothing will and it is over for Cruz. coffee1.gif

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Between Trump and Cruz is like choosing between hanging or firing squad.

Oh come on now mean-thing...you could be defaming your next glorious US President...

I'm thinking several generations of Trump...sons...daughters...and so on passing on the Presidency to keep it out of the hands of the always correct left...

Just image a country where the Hollywood crowd immigrates to Canada...people who can not decide which toilet to use will leave for Sweden...and the remainder go underground so as not to attract attention...

What is not to like?

Sure thing, dude.

The Obama Derangement Syndrome crowd shows SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much respect for the office of the PRESIDENT. rolleyes.gif

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Ted Cruz.

"Lucifer in the Flesh"

Pretty well sums it up.

That's not from the opposition party.

That's from the former House majority speaker of his OWN party!cheesy.gif

"Lucifer in the flesh," Boehner told Stanford's David Kennedy, a history professor emeritus, according to the Stanford Daily. "I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life."


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Ted's getting ready for a rigged convention, its not about how you win, just that you do.

See Trump came out today saying he'd rather talk with China and Russia than to keep pushing them towards war, can see why the neocons hate him, no wonder they prefer war candidate Hillary.

That self-constructed high ground over there isn't as high as you're imagining, nor is it sturdy.

It in fact is sagging down into a ground depression....

After the Paris and San Bernardino, Calif., attacks, Americans are simultaneously eager to smash the Islamic State and wary of another major ground war in the Middle East. Some presidential candidates have found the perfect way to satisfy both impulses: turning large swaths of Iraq and Syria into a smoking heap of debris and body parts.

Donald Trump has said, "I would bomb the s--- out of them." Ted Cruz has vowed, "We will utterly destroy them. We will carpet bomb them into oblivion."


Edited by Publicus
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Ted's getting ready for a rigged convention, its not about how you win, just that you do.

See Trump came out today saying he'd rather talk with China and Russia than to keep pushing them towards war, can see why the neocons hate him, no wonder they prefer war candidate Hillary.

That self-constructed high ground over there isn't as high as you're imagining, nor is it sturdy.

It in fact is sagging down into a ground depression....

After the Paris and San Bernardino, Calif., attacks, Americans are simultaneously eager to smash the Islamic State and wary of another major ground war in the Middle East. Some presidential candidates have found the perfect way to satisfy both impulses: turning large swaths of Iraq and Syria into a smoking heap of debris and body parts.

Donald Trump has said, "I would bomb the s--- out of them." Ted Cruz has vowed, "We will utterly destroy them. We will carpet bomb them into oblivion."


Well, off topic I guess, but had the mighty Bin Laden slayer ( from the safety of his bunker thousands of miles away ) not been writing IS off as JV he could have ended it all with no collateral damage when they were openly running around in the desert.

Judging by his recent speeches, he apparently understands they aren't JV at all- FLIP FLOP, FLIP FLOP 555555555555.

Whatever, unless the US wants to send troops in, and I don't believe they do, bombing the s--- out of them is now the only option.

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Yes it is diversionary unless the Obama critics would attack him for not carpetbombing the team over there whether it wuz jv or the varsity, or for not otherwise bombing the sh*t out of 'em starting with their families.

The topic is Cruz, Trump, maybe HRC, not President Obama.

As long as we're cheefully off topic, I'd bet a dollar's worth of donuts Trump chooses a general as his vp (or an admiral). There aren't many warmonger retired generals around since Pres Obama has been advancing the brass up the ranks the past seven years, but there still are a few, such as the Marine ret four-star Kelly who is nutty and plenty loud enough. He'd be one of several but no more than several possible ones.

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Cruz is basically done but isn't ready to admit defeat yet (and no I'm not saying that from a pro-Trump position - can't stand either of them).

"Fiorina responded:

I would say that Ted Cruz is just like any other politician. He says one thing in Manhattan. He says another thing in Iowa. He says whatever he needs to say to get elected, and then he's going to do as he pleases. I think the American people are tired of the political class that promises much and delivers much of the same."

Yes, Carly and now he even approached you to save his sinking ship and it's not beneath you to jump on board anyway and get ready to praise him to high heaven.

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Between Trump and Cruz is like choosing between hanging or firing squad.

Oh come on now mean-thing...you could be defaming your next glorious US President...

I'm thinking several generations of Trump...sons...daughters...and so on passing on the Presidency to keep it out of the hands of the always correct left...

Just image a country where the Hollywood crowd immigrates to Canada...people who can not decide which toilet to use will leave for Sweden...and the remainder go underground so as not to attract attention...

What is not to like?

The same Hollywood crowd said they'd leave if GWBush got elected again, most to head for France. But curiously they are still in the US..Maybe they are too intoxicated by their own self importance they couldn't find the exit.. But hell, they're actors aren't they?

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Yes it is diversionary unless the Obama critics would attack him for not carpetbombing the team over there whether it wuz jv or the varsity, or for not otherwise bombing the sh*t out of 'em starting with their families.

The topic is Cruz, Trump, maybe HRC, not President Obama.

As long as we're cheefully off topic, I'd bet a dollar's worth of donuts Trump chooses a general as his vp (or an admiral). There aren't many warmonger retired generals around since Pres Obama has been advancing the brass up the ranks the past seven years, but there still are a few, such as the Marine ret four-star Kelly who is nutty and plenty loud enough. He'd be one of several but no more than several possible ones.

Only a dollar's worth of donuts? Not a very confident bet!

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