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Former Speaker Boehner calls Cruz 'Lucifer in the flesh'


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Former Speaker Boehner calls Cruz 'Lucifer in the flesh'

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) — Former House Speaker John Boehner unloaded on Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz during a talk to college students, calling the Texas senator "Lucifer in the flesh."

Speaking at a town hall-style event at Stanford University Wednesday, Boehner called front-runner Donald Trump his "texting buddy," but offered a more graphic response when asked about Cruz.

"Lucifer in the flesh," the former speaker said. "I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life."

His comments were first reported by Stanford's student newspaper.

Cruz, campaigning in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Thursday ahead of the state's May 3 primary, responded by saying Boehner was letting his "inner Trump come out" with his remarks. He attempted to turn the criticism into a slam on Trump.

"John Boehner in his remarks described Donald Trump as his texting and golfing buddy," Cruz said. "So if you want someone that's a texting and golfing buddy, if you're happy with John Boehner as speaker of the House and you want a president like John Boehner, Donald Trump is your man."

Both Cruz and Carly Fiorina, who was campaigning with him after he named her as his running mate Wednesday, referred to Boehner's comments during the rally.

In 2013, Cruz joined forces with tea party conservatives in the House in triggering a partial, 16-day government shutdown over demands to undo President Barack Obama's health care law. There was no chance Obama would agree to such a step, and Republican leaders like Boehner saw the move as a fruitless effort that only hurt the GOP politically.

Two years later, the same House conservatives challenged Boehner's leadership, and the speaker decided to step down rather than allow a very public fight.

Boehner's successor, House Speaker Paul Ryan, said at his weekly news conference Thursday that he has "a much better relationship than that with Sen. Cruz."

"My job is to help unify our party," Ryan said, when reporters pressed him on Boehner's comments. "I have a very good relationship with both of these men, and I'm going to keep it that way."

Cruz told reporters Thursday that he had never worked with Boehner.

"The truth of the matter is I don't know the man," Cruz said. "I've met John Boehner two or three times in my life. If I have said 50 words in my life to John Boehner, I would be surprised. And every one of them has consisted of pleasantries, 'Good to see you, Mr. Speaker.' I've never had any substantive conversation with John Boehner in any respect."

Cruz said he was rebuffed by Boehner when he asked to meet with him during the government shutdown.

Cruz said Boehner's comments reflect his frustration with Americans who stand with Republicans who want to hold members of Congress accountable for their campaign promises to repeal Obama's health care law and pursue other conservative goals.

"When John Boehner calls me Lucifer, he's not directing that at me," Cruz said. "He's directing that at you."


Associated Press writers Erica Werner and Donna Cassata contributed to this report from Washington.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-04-29

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The American GOP nomination race is doing the world a great favor by demolishing the PC brigades. Excellent.

The American GOP nomination race is doing the world a great favor by demolishing themselves.

Edited by apetley
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Firstly, I'm a Brit, so although I have opinions they don't count for anything in the grand scheme of things.

That said, I will offer this. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Boehner has always had a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp. The first word out of his mouth with anything Obama tried to push through was "No".

I have no favourites with the candidates, not even Hillary, but please don't impose Trump on this world. It's already in sh*t state and for the first time in my 6 decades, I can imagine someone loony enough to really push the dreaded button.

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Coming from an establishment lapdog like Boehner, Cruz should consider it a high endorsement.

Privately, he could chuckle in the shower and think exactly that. Publicly, it's going to hurt his chances for the white house, whether he likes it or not.

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And this fool is in a position to talk? Many know he was forced out at least partly due to the financial crimes it appears he committed, while speaker of the house. This guy is about as filthy as they come. I am no fan of Ted Cruz. But, for this freak to call him out like this, is about as effective, or believable as Trump calling out a fellow developer for dishonest business tactics, or Bill Clinton calling someone out for not being honest. Lets get real here.

The mainstream reaction to the forced resignation of John Boehner as the Speaker of the House has been a kind of weary admiration. He fought the good fight against the extremists in his Republican caucus, the narrative goes, but his solid Midwestern virtues (he’s from Ohio) were ultimately no contest for the extremism of the Tea Party. This interpretation is far too generous to Boehner, whose failures, political and substantive, were due mostly to cowardice. The tragedy of Boehner is that he could have been a great Speaker, even on his own terms, but instead his legacy is one of almost complete failure.


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A fine example of the pot calling the kettle black. In Cruz's defense, he has a record of accomplishment, while the feckless Boehner has caved to the Democrats at every opportunity. His sole accomplishment as Speaker was that he maintained his tan in spite of having his face buried in the posteriors of Democrat leadership. He is the ultimate RINO.

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Perhaps a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Boehner has been a horrible and ineffective leader of the House and led the racist tinged campaign to block everything and anything supported by Obama, even Republican originated legislation. But as their hated Obama administration winds down the Republican leaders are beginning to loosen up a bit and go after the mindless extremists whose presence they so long tolerated. I kind of like Boehner's trash talking of Cruz, who in many ways, especially Cruz's Dominionist slant, is more frightening than Trump. But I really was far more impressed with Lindsey Graham's appearance on the Daily Show where he too lashed into Cruz.

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