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Thai gang attack on Laotian 'gik' - graphic violence caught on tape


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Its getting very scary now. Seriously though what are the cops / army playing at? You'd have thought this thuggery would be off limits with a military police outfit in office.

You with your post, and everyone who liked it, are more likely to be on the receiving end of the law enforcement officers than anyone who attacks a lowly Laotian woman.

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What a bunch of cowards! Where I come from, you "lose face" if you ever hit a girl/woman.

But I guess, if you cock is only the size of a broken toothpick, thats how primitive and frustrated you become. (Unless you of course start to dress up as a women)

Thai-"MEN"... What a joke!

Edited by khunpa
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Not until the Thai TOURIST dollars are no longer coming into Thailand, will the authorities react... but then it will be too late. No one will want to go to Thailand! Economy will sink to a depression, and all those resort areas will be empty!

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About the right odds for a Thai man fight 8 men against 1 woman I bet the parents of the men must be so proud see how our boys won another fight easily

Send these guys to try the same thing to Liverpool (UK) and see how tough they really are. They will if they are lucky just be in hospital for a long time

Yes I can endorse this..many years ago I knew a football team from the dock ares of Liverpool...hard as nails and cross one and you cross them all and there was only one end result !!! However if any one of them had seen a woman abused or attacked God help the guy doing it...They did and always will respect a woman and would never hit or attack one! Sad infantile and sick mentality that comes from the reverence Thai males are held in...Imhave yet to see any proof that they justify any form of respect and are just little boys who grow up,as little boys! Guns or not if they had tried that in Liverpool God help them. Some would not be alive to crawl back to there holes on the ground! Scum !!hope the young girl recovers..

Utter crap, spend 3 minutes in the emergency ward of any Liverpool hospital and see what comes in and it will sure as hell include plenty of beaten-up Liverpool women.

No excuses for whatever country it happens in, but don't expect people who know to believe your "Liverpool Hero's" fantasies.

Liverpool has one of the worst histories of violence of any UK city. Including gang violence and "punishment" violence.

Not in any way exonerating these shit guys, but lets have a bit of perspective on this, when was the last time you heard of "kneecapping" a woman in Thailand.

I just did a quick Google and maybe I should apologise about Liverpool men.............

FOUR women falsely imprisoned another woman and subjected her to “appalling violence”.

The gang used at least four different weapons – including a corkscrew and a road sign – to assault Sian Hollywood, 21, during their premeditated attack.

Liverpool crown court heard the vicious attack was sparked because Miss Hollywood had previously dated the cousin of one of the women, Clare Stanley, and the relationship did not end well

Well, well, dated a cousin, does that sound a little bit familiar? Only in Thailand, utter bullshite.

Edited by MiKT
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What a bunch of cowards! Where I come from, you "lose face" if you ever hit a girl/woman.

But I guess, if you cock is only the size of a broken toothpick, thats how primitive and frustrated you become. (Unless you of course start to dress up as a women)

Thai-"MEN"... What a joke!

Its what being a "Somchai" is all about, sadly Somchaism is a growing disorder among the pin dicked retards, which is not a reflection of the majority of Thai men.

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8 guys 2 of which kicking a young women what a bunch of p*ssies. Hope the women who ordered it gets some punishment. These kind of people are scum of the earth, need to be put away and have the sh*t kicked out of them. Eye for an eye.

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This kicking in the head thing....I noticed it is very typical to kick somebody in the head, when they have all ready hit the dirt, and are passed out.

A way of conveying extra harm to the victim...beyond a simple victory. In other words....no "playing" dead. Also shows extra "disrespect" to the holy part of the body.

Best a victim could do..if possible...is try to get inside an open business....where it becomes a property crime (some shelves on the floor as you are being kicked). owners will get involved (call police and identify).

The damage can later be linked to the attackers.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Seeing this video and the one of the British family, I don't think that we should be all that surprised at the mentality of these thugs. For a country that is best known for its sex industry and a good place to party, this behavior goes hand in hand. No excuse for this type of violence, but it exists in this culture. Mexico is very similar, only there you will end up dead.

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I thought a "Gik" was a kept male whereas a Mia Noi was a mistress, so is the headline wrong or does "Gik" apply to a female?

On a different subject, what is it that makes Thai males so full of anger and malevolence? It seems to be there just under the surface.

They are poor

They are uneducated

They are stupid

They have no way to get ahead in life except by socially unacceptable means, in the caste hierarchical and racist/bigoted society in which they live..

They are buddhist, and are taught to suppress their anger

So... the foreigners come...

They are richer

They are more educated and smarter, doing well in life

They are more handsome, endowed, and treat their women with respect

They haven't needed to suppress their anger

They take their girlfriends, their sisters, their mothers and so on and so forth

The women get the money, they get nothing

I'm surely not condoning it, but really... it ain't rocket science why they're angry... it's just human animalistic nature, sort of like Lord of the Flies with some twists.

Welcome to the Land of Crocodile Smiles

Misguided representation.

There are very few foreigners that i know that have a mia noi compared to the number of Thais that do.

Truth is the foreigners can't (in general) afford them........................wink.png

I don't understand your post at all, what does this mean and what's the point you're trying to make?

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Thai men..spinelss cowards..non have them have the ability to fight one on one....ts because they are weak cowards and can't fight for themselves..and then to have to send a group?..to fight a girl?...Boy that says a lot...

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Hardly an issue of manhood or or courage or strength.

Sadly, there are people all over the world who would beat up a woman (or pull the legs off a puppy) if you pay them.

The big difference between here and back home is how much it costs, and the probability that there will be consequences.

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This kind of attack is very common here. Fortunately, for most of us, the vast majority is Thai on Thai. This has been going on forever. There are very few attacks on foreigners, that are unprovoked. That is the important point to remember, in all of this.

These are very, very small men, with very, very low self esteem, who will do anything for a buck, and have zero empathy, compassion, or love in their hearts. They are black souls, who worship at the altar of cash money, and will not discriminate when it comes to any act, to earn their beloved cash. It is up to Thai society to learn how to deal with these worms. As long as the government and the judiciary remain completely complicit, and refuses to arrest and jail those with money, power, influence, and the right family name, this kind of abhorrent behavior will continue, and flourish.

Frankly, this happens worldwide. But, in Thailand the absolute refusal of the government to address this problem, for the above mentioned reasons, is what is so astonishing, and sad.

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I thought a "Gik" was a kept male whereas a Mia Noi was a mistress, so is the headline wrong or does "Gik" apply to a female?

On a different subject, what is it that makes Thai males so full of anger and malevolence? It seems to be there just under the surface.

They are poor

They are uneducated

They are stupid

They have no way to get ahead in life except by socially unacceptable means, in the caste hierarchical and racist/bigoted society in which they live..

They are buddhist, and are taught to suppress their anger

So... the foreigners come...

They are richer

They are more educated and smarter, doing well in life

They are more handsome, endowed, and treat their women with respect

They haven't needed to suppress their anger

They take their girlfriends, their sisters, their mothers and so on and so forth

The women get the money, they get nothing

I'm surely not condoning it, but really... it ain't rocket science why they're angry... it's just human animalistic nature, sort of like Lord of the Flies with some twists.

Welcome to the Land of Crocodile Smiles

Misguided representation.

There are very few foreigners that i know that have a mia noi compared to the number of Thais that do.

Truth is the foreigners can't (in general) afford them........................wink.png

I don't understand your post at all, what does this mean and what's the point you're trying to make?

Yep, sorry about that. I was engaging fingers before brain, not reading properly what you were actually replying to.


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I thought a "Gik" was a kept male whereas a Mia Noi was a mistress, so is the headline wrong or does "Gik" apply to a female?

On a different subject, what is it that makes Thai males so full of anger and malevolence? It seems to be there just under the surface.

They are poor

They are uneducated

They are stupid

They have no way to get ahead in life except by socially unacceptable means, in the caste hierarchical and racist/bigoted society in which they live..

They are buddhist, and are taught to suppress their anger

So... the foreigners come...

They are richer

They are more educated and smarter, doing well in life

They are more handsome, endowed, and treat their women with respect

They haven't needed to suppress their anger

They take their girlfriends, their sisters, their mothers and so on and so forth

The women get the money, they get nothing

I'm surely not condoning it, but really... it ain't rocket science why they're angry... it's just human animalistic nature, sort of like Lord of the Flies with some twists.

Welcome to the Land of Crocodile Smiles

The point you are missing, is that there is very little Thai on farang crime here. Very little. The few attacks that do occur, are usually reported, and we hear about them, and they become big news. But, there are so few. In my ten plus years here, I have never felt threatened by Thai men, even in Bangkok or Pattaya, late at night. I find if you treat them with respect, kindness, and deference, they are so rarely aggressive. No so in the Philippines, the US, or many other places. So, get your facts straight please, before engaging in fear mongering.

Some of the facts that you stated are probably correct. Some. But, does that mean most Thai guys take their frustrations out on foreigners? Thankfully, the answer is an emphatic no. That does not mean that some do not dislike us. But, there is a huge gap between disliking someone, and attacking someone. And the attacks rarely happen. That is a fact, and we are all thankful for that. Instances like the murders on Dark Tao (committed by a serial killing son, of a very rich and influential man, most likely), and the attack in Hua Hin, are quite rare here. Most Thai people are not violent.

And my guess is that even in Hua Hin, had the son just turned around and offered a wai, and a sorry, did not mean to bump into you, I am fairly certain none of that would have escalated. That family was completely out of their element, and slapping a drunk Thai man is about as ignorant an act, as a tourist can commit, regardless of the justification. It just escalated from there.

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The Police know that the attack was ordered by the Thai woman.

Why is she not arrested for hiring somebody to cause bodily harm to another person?

Something very fishy going on here.

Entertainment venue = Brothel

Gik = Prostitute

Nuff said..........

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Ah wonderful Thailand. My son just told me one of the attackers of the British family has got off without any charges, seemingly because he said he was sorry and wouldn't do it again. <deleted>.

This is why I tell all my friends and family to avoid the country like the plague.

if that is the case, it is about alot more than saying he was sorry. It is no doubt, about money, power, influence, family, and connection.

But, we all hope it is not true. They announced on Thai language news yesterday, that the prosecutors are going to seek ten year prison sentence for the disease infected worms involved.

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Thai men..spinelss cowards..non have them have the ability to fight one on one....ts because they are weak cowards and can't fight for themselves..and then to have to send a group?..to fight a girl?...Boy that says a lot...

Ever watched a muay Thai fight?


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About the right odds for a Thai man fight 8 men against 1 woman I bet the parents of the men must be so proud see how our boys won another fight easily

Send these guys to try the same thing to Liverpool (UK) and see how tough they really are. They will if they are lucky just be in hospital for a long time

I am certain you are correct about that. Same goes for Vietnam, the Philippines, South Africa, and many other places. These little insects would not last a full minute against any capable street fighter. There is a reason why they fight in packs. When is the last time you have witnessed a Thai man fighting solo, without weapons, outside of a Muay Thai ring? It so rarely happens. These punks would probably lose to a 15 year old girl, one on one.

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Says a lot about the Thai view of manhood. Perish the thought that the Vietnamese might come one day: the prospect of seeing these types running for the hills would be of some amusement

The average Vietnamese guy would be able to beat the average Thai guy in a street fight within 20 seconds flat. Same goes for a multitude of nations, that produce real men. In Liverpool, or the Philippines, that time frame would probably be reduced to 7 seconds. Two good punches to the head, and the midsection, and the punk would be crying, whimpering, and begging for forgiveness, like a little worm. My guess is, that the average Thai guy, in a street fight without weapons, would not even be able to beat a high percentage of his female counterparts.

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What is said on this topic is unfortunately true. A recent article in the Daily Telegraph in the UK published an article which has to put a lot of people off coming to Thailand. Has anyone read it? If so what did you think of it?

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About the right odds for a Thai man fight 8 men against 1 woman I bet the parents of the men must be so proud see how our boys won another fight easily

Send these guys to try the same thing to Liverpool (UK) and see how tough they really are. They will if they are lucky just be in hospital for a long time
Yes I can endorse this..many years ago I knew a football team from the dock ares of Liverpool...hard as nails and cross one and you cross them all and there was only one end result !!! However if any one of them had seen a woman abused or attacked God help the guy doing it...They did and always will respect a woman and would never hit or attack one! Sad infantile and sick mentality that comes from the reverence Thai males are held in...Imhave yet to see any proof that they justify any form of respect and are just little boys who grow up,as little boys! Guns or not if they had tried that in Liverpool God help them. Some would not be alive to crawl back to there holes on the ground! Scum !!hope the young girl recovers..

Utter crap, spend 3 minutes in the emergency ward of any Liverpool hospital and see what comes in and it will sure as hell include plenty of beaten-up Liverpool women.

No excuses for whatever country it happens in, but don't expect people who know to believe your "Liverpool Hero's" fantasies.

Liverpool has one of the worst histories of violence of any UK city. Including gang violence and "punishment" violence.

Not in any way exonerating these shit guys, but lets have a bit of perspective on this, when was the last time you heard of "kneecapping" a woman in Thailand.

I just did a quick Google and maybe I should apologise about Liverpool men.............

FOUR women falsely imprisoned another woman and subjected her to appalling violence.

The gang used at least four different weapons including a corkscrew and a road sign to assault Sian Hollywood, 21, during their premeditated attack.

Liverpool crown court heard the vicious attack was sparked because Miss Hollywood had previously dated the cousin of one of the women, Clare Stanley, and the relationship did not end well

Well, well, dated a cousin, does that sound a little bit familiar? Only in Thailand, utter bullshite.

I live very near to Liverpool and have never met a ordinary everyday guy from there attack a woman and certainly no way would you find a group of them doing it. They would not allow it to happen!! Woman on woman is different and that's another argument.. I stand by what I say ! Generally hitting a woman by a male in the UK is a no no ! Edited by Nigeone
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