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Using smartphone in the dark may cause permanent blindness, Dept of Thai Health warns


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Using smartphone in the dark may cause permanent blindness


BANGKOK: -- Smartphone users are advised not to use their phones to text friends or to surf the Internet in the dark as they could risk to suffer permanent blindness.

This was what Dr Vajira Phengchan, director-general of the Department of Health warned.

He said that as smartphone has become an essential tool for daily life, but the use of it in the dark is hazardous to eyesight.

If phone users are in working age, the use at night with low light or in darkness could hasten shortsightedness in a person, he said.

In case of long and continual use of smartphone in the dark, it could stimulate more eye sickness.

For the old ages who already have eyesight problems, using the phones in darkness will further harm their poor eyesight and even led to blindness.

Tired eyes, dry eyes, eyestrain, blurred sighting are symptoms that indicate eventual blindness will ensue, he said.

He then advised smartphone users to rest their eyes for 10 minutes after spending 20 minutes on the phones.

And after ever hour, they must change body position to relax body and hand muscles, he said.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/161599

-- Thai PBS 2016-04-29

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This is factually and medically incorrect, and is an example of faith-based belief rather than expertise. Like a lot of "expert" opinion here it can be safely ignored.

Mayo Clinic view: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/eyestrain/basics/causes/con-20032649

"Eyestrain doesn't have serious or long-term consequences, but it can be aggravating and unpleasant. It can make you tired and reduce your ability to concentrate."

Extended use of computers and other digital devices is one of the most common causes of eyestrain. The American Optometric Association calls this computer vision syndrome, or digital eyestrain. People who look at screens two or more hours in a row every day are at greatest risk of this condition.
Computer use strains eyes more than reading print material because people tend to:

  • Blink less while using computers (blinking is key to moistening the eyes)
  • View digital screens at less-than-ideal distances or angles
  • Use devices that have glare or reflection
  • Use devices with poor contrast between the text and the background"
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And so sayeth the esteemed Doctor. Permanent Blindness, then shortsightedness.

Headline grabbing PR release. Personally I think death from walking everywhere with ones nose buried into a phone is much more likely, millions of accidents just waiting to happen.

Not sent from a smartphone, don't have one.

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Well, that bogus aside...

...does he really believe people care about going blind if that means not having their social bullshit available? The next moron will make millions having a new social media thing up that's catering to blind people in no time then.

But what's there to worry about it anyway? If it would ever reach that phenomenon, I'm sure some esteecoughmed doctor will find a cure to blindness anyway rolleyes.gif

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Well, this doesn't bode well for the quality of the advice given by the Department of Health.

Every single 'fact' that is given is completely false.

Eye strain due to smartphone/screen has been demonstrated to have no long-lasting or permanent effect (see the studies posted by others above).

Anyway, the same things was said in the past about video games, TV or even books.

The main impact of smartphones is that it promotes an even more sedentary life... But on another, hand, I think for most thais it merely replaced sitting in front of the TV. If Dr. whatever-his-name was actually serious about Thai people health he'd be working with the government on promoting physical activity, even mild one. The lack of parks or the near impossibility of walking more than an few hundred meters without tripping or being crushed by a motorcycle makes for a lot more than the smartphones.

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This is factually and medically incorrect, and is an example of faith-based belief rather than expertise. Like a lot of "expert" opinion here it can be safely ignored.

Mayo Clinic view: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/eyestrain/basics/causes/con-20032649

"Eyestrain doesn't have serious or long-term consequences, but it can be aggravating and unpleasant. It can make you tired and reduce your ability to concentrate."

Extended use of computers and other digital devices is one of the most common causes of eyestrain. The American Optometric Association calls this computer vision syndrome, or digital eyestrain. People who look at screens two or more hours in a row every day are at greatest risk of this condition.

Computer use strains eyes more than reading print material because people tend to:

  • Blink less while using computers (blinking is key to moistening the eyes)
  • View digital screens at less-than-ideal distances or angles
  • Use devices that have glare or reflection
  • Use devices with poor contrast between the text and the background"

Maybe the Mayo Clinic should be investigated I think they are getting paid off by the Smartphone Lobby in Washington DC and the Rich Bankers that Bernie is taking about

I agree with Great Thai Health Department

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No, what causes blindness is some Thais speaking and other Thais listening.

Honed to an art since medieval times. Problem is the internet somehow cures blindness, thus it must be announced that smart phone screens damage your eyes and the content gives you mental health problems. Certainly doesn't hurt to have the peasants off their phones more. Story runs. Next?

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Maybe the Mayo Clinic should be investigated I think they are getting paid off by the Smartphone Lobby in Washington DC and the Rich Bankers that Bernie is taking about

I agree with Great Thai Health Department

I hear they built the uber-expensive "Steve Jobs Memorial" wing right after the study was published.

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Right now I'm doing exactly what the doctor tells us not to do. Posting on TV from the phone with the lights off.

If I go blind I will ask a friend to continue posting on my behalf.

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