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Angry protest outside Trump rally in California


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Wow, Your intellect astounds everyone....It must

Be wonderful to know what is or isn't in the mind

Tens of thousands of people you have never

met...care to share your "Chrystal Ball"...second

Thought, keep it to yourself.

President Romney 55555555!!!

That's right. TV ratings, market research all this stuff that billion dollar corporations use is just a lot of hooey. They should just go with their feelings like you. And now that the Supreme Court has brought them one big step closer to personhood, I'm sure that's in the offing.

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The Democrats must be worried by Trump to resort to this , they should take a good look at their own candidates

A good case of doublethink here. When Trump's people get violent it's because of righteous anger. But when anti-trump people get violent, it's because of a plot by Democrats.

An objective viewer would point out that this is evidence that Trump's ability to rouse up the electorate isn't confined to just his supporters.

What's more, the people who tend to favor Trump already have a higher electoral participation rate. But Hispanic citizens have traditionally had a low electoral participation rate. So they have lots more room to increase their level of participation.

There is no evidence that a band of Trump supporters have ever attended in mass the political rally of any other opponent Republican or Democrat and created a disturbance ... Trump supporters do not go out in the streets - block traffic, overturn cars, burn cars and generally act like gang members. There is a huge difference between Protest and Rioting with Violence... The Anti-Trump supporters have entered into breaking laws - blocking traffic, starting fights outside Trump rallies... and violently pushing, shoving and hitting people who have done nothing but attempt to attend a Trump Rally ... I think you have a strange view on events. If people become violent against Trump and his supporters in an attempt to shut down supporter participation that is ANARCHY ...

My point had nothing to do with defending the violence of those protestors. It was to point out the it isn't only the pro trump forces who his candidacy has aroused. And if you google hispanic voter registration, you'll see that Trump is having a big effect. And just the exercise of simple common sense will tell you which way that vote is going to overwhelmingly go.

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Now we see who the real red necks are. These tolerant, free speech loving liberals. They are too stupid to realize that by their actions they are simply building a bigger Trump voting base.

Later a group of these "Americans" were burning the American flag and marching under the Mexican flag as The Donald was speaking to a convention of the California Republican Party in Northern California.

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It is going to be a loooonnnnnggggg hot summer in the USA.

Honestly this is the result of both parties failing to represent the people. And the two party system's ability to marginalize dissenting voices. These parties represent the donors. Not the people. Today the American government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the corporate state. And people are just now becoming aware enough to act on it. The Tea Party (not the one co-opted by the Koch Bros), Occupy Movement and other events, were forerunners to what is about to unfold.

This is not about Left / Right politics. This is about a long ago forgotten democracy.

I sounds like you are rationalizing the use of violence and the destruction of property as a tool when one disagrees with the message and the messenger.

Not my intention at all. I am not sure where you can read into my post.

People are angry. They have been deceived for a very long time now. Decades. Both Sanders and Trump are the symbols of the people's unhappiness. The people are voicing their opinions. Some will seek change with a vote, some will seek change with violence. Some will just give up and walk away.

But I will offer up something to think about, and that is working inside the hollowed out democracy where money dictates the corrupt system we have today (both Trump and Sanders support this view) and expecting change is akin to thinking that some day the Wall St bankers are going to wake up one morning and say: "you know the people are right.... here is your money back". I do not advocate violence. But I do think on the present course, some violence is inevitable.

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I understand why these leftist types are very angry about the things Trump says, and they're correct that Trump attracts a lot of racists / white supremacists, even neo-Nazis. But I don't think they're thinking this through. To beat Trump and beat him BIG TIME in the general, it will be smarter tactically to not play into his game as these protesters are. Of course they can't be controlled, so I guess expect it get worse after he's nominated.

Edited by Jingthing
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I understand why these leftist types are very angry about the things Trump says, and they're correct that Trump attracts a lot of racists / white supremacists, even neo-Nazis. But I don't think they're thinking this through. To beat Trump and beat him BIG TIME in the general, it will be smarter tactically to not play into his game as these protesters are. Of course they can't be controlled, so I guess expect it get worse after he's nominated.

Lefties are always in favor of free speech as long as it's only them doing the talking. In their separate ways, both Trump and Sanders are giving voice to the tens of millions of Americans who have been ignored and made fun of by the coastal elites of both political parties for generations.
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Here is an example of why Americans should be afraid of a President Trump in regards to his rhetoric against the FREE press.

A reporter did a profile of his wife.

There were SOME critical items in it, as you would expect from a reporter working in a FREE press in a FREE country.

But this reporter is a JEW.

This is what she got from Trump Nazis in response:


Like I said, he's got some very sick supporters and Trump does absolutely NOTHING to dissociate himself from the mentally diseased white supremacists / racists that comprise a SIGNIFICANT part of his base.

Trump isn't Hitler, but a lot of his supporters clearly want an American Hitler.

We all know what Putin has done to the free press in Russia. Trump shows strong warning signs of wanting to do the same in the USA. Such total evil must be resisted at ALL COSTS.

“The irony of this is that today, when I was getting all of this horrible anti-Semitic s—t that I’ve only ever seen in Russia, I was reminded that 26 years ago today my family came to the U.S. from Russia. We left Russia because we were fleeing anti-Semitism,” Ioffe said Thursday, according to the Guardian . “It’s been a rude shock for everyone.”

Ioffe fears that if Trump is elected president, freedom of press could be threatened. “What happens if Donald Trump is elected? We’ve seen the way he bids his supporters to attack the media, his proposal to change libel laws to make it easier to sue journalists,” she said.

However, TACTICALLY, I think leftist protests against him are a MISTAKE at this stage. Let him be nominated, he clearly is probably going to be nominated, obviously leftist street protests aren't going to stop it.

Then regroup and work on beating his movement into the GROUND.

Edited by Jingthing
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Here is an example of why Americans should be afraid of a President Trump in regards to his rhetoric against the FREE press.

A reporter did a profile of his wife.

There were SOME critical items in it, as you would expect from a reporter working in a FREE press in a FREE country.

But this reporter is a JEW.

This is what she got from Trump Nazis in response:


Like I said, he's got some very sick supporters and Trump does absolutely NOTHING to dissociate himself from the mentally diseased white supremacists / racists that comprise a SIGNIFICANT part of his base.

Trump isn't Hitler, but a lot of his supporters clearly want an American Hitler.

We all know what Putin has done to the free press in Russia. Trump shows strong warning signs of wanting to do the same in the USA. Such total evil must be resisted at ALL COSTS.

“The irony of this is that today, when I was getting all of this horrible anti-Semitic s—t that I’ve only ever seen in Russia, I was reminded that 26 years ago today my family came to the U.S. from Russia. We left Russia because we were fleeing anti-Semitism,” Ioffe said Thursday, according to the Guardian . “It’s been a rude shock for everyone.”

Ioffe fears that if Trump is elected president, freedom of press could be threatened. “What happens if Donald Trump is elected? We’ve seen the way he bids his supporters to attack the media, his proposal to change libel laws to make it easier to sue journalists,” she said.

However, TACTICALLY, I think leftist protests against him are a MISTAKE at this stage. Let him be nominated, he clearly is probably going to be nominated, obviously leftist street protests aren't going to stop it.

Then regroup and work on beating his movement into the GROUND.

Whatever his faults, and they are legion, I don't think Trump or any other candidate should be held responsible for the lunacy or viciousness of a few. Any more than the violent acts of a few protesters somehow indict the millions who are opposed to Trump.

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You didn't follow his response to the David Duke incident, did you?

He is responsible. He EXPLOITS the racist / fascist portion of his base, which is very large, and he is totally aware he is doing it.

It's all about winning for him and he knows, and he's correct, that he would have never gotten this far without his large base of horrible racist haters.

Yes, he is responsible.

And the majority of Americans,. who are not like these disgusting racists, have got to make him ACCOUNTABLE for that political sin in the general election.
We have the opportunity for a revolutionary election to cripple the republican party for generations to come.

It's possible, even probable, the democrats can take POTUS, SCOTUS, take back the senate, and weaken the republican majority in the house.

So I say nominate the orange clown monster, and get moving to crush him.

Edited by Jingthing
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never heard anything at all about trump being ..in any way...connected with white nazi's or the like.


However...I would be interested on your numbers. Who polled all the white nazi's and the like? Nobody..right?

most of those people do not vote anyways.

Even so....nobody with a lick of sense would want even 4 more years of Obama/Hillary.....there is not much difference. So a non vote for Hillary is a vote for Trump....Nazi or not.

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Trump signifies Change as much as Obama did. This time Yes We Can really means Im changing stuff. Forced change. Blame Trump, the guy wont care. You think he'd get this far if he wasn't blessed by Big Usury? Grand daddy Trump rich from the gold rush, China and Russia would likely respect a hardliner prepared to slap the triple cheeseburgers from the mouths of the ones who need tough love. Clinton is well-set, dirt'n'all, none of which proved very flammable during the Jasmine Wiki Revolution time. Her dirt is the 'same old' dirt.

Trump can change America without damaging the image of the Cabal political identities like Clinton, and after even 12 months of tough love US gonna be begging for someone like her. Trump is working for her, but maybe not in the way we all want to kid ourselves.

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The protesters like that are helping Trump. Lets him play the victim, which is ridiculous.

Bring on the Trump nomination and then release the TON of dirt on him, 24/7, and he will destroy the republican party.

Hillary's "scandals" are baked in for many years.

With Trump's dirt, you ain't seen nothing yet.

My God you must know Trump very good

Were you his bag man Did you get him women or men

How do you know so much of his Dirt

Please let us know at once I can not sleep until i know about his Dirt

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The Democrats must be worried by Trump to resort to this , they should take a good look at their own candidates

They are desperate..and trying to incite violence. Actually there is a method to their extreme "madness", aggressiveness" and "unfairness". Their leader (?? whoever that is) had prepared them to block entrances, exits...and to instigate violence. Their dream... to make the fallacy that Trump is a violent man and his supporters are thugs...did not come true for them. It was a "Holy Mary" play by religious zealots and Catholic, Mexican illegals. Typical Democratic manipulation of the poor and needy. Trump has it right. Open borders will only increase the power of democraps.

However, in the process, these dregs of society (who leach on government handouts and are mostly poor, illegals and people that support them) have done the exact opposite. More and more democrats, at least those with a lick of sense, are defecting to Trump.

Nobody wants to be associated with gangs of disruptive, violent...ill meaning leaches. Trump just shrugged it off...much to his gain. The middle ground is lost....these hooligans have pushed the undecided towards trump.

I do not want illegal aliens having a say in my politics. This mob will not win out, anyways. Trump has it wrapped up. Double the numbers of tiny ted. The others are out.

Republicans need to back their true nominee...who has definitely earned the right to run for office. My worst fear is that some radical, illegal, minority will be out for violence...against him. Trump needs to beef up his security....but let the wrongdoers head straight for the slammer.....demoquacks in jail. Just like old times.

Do you have any proof that those protesting were "religious zealots and Catholic, Mexican illegals." or Democrats for that matter?

Maybe they were Zionist?

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What Trump is doing, Potok told The Post, is taking a "subterranean community" of people that, until recently, existed underground and online and bringing them into the light of mainstream America. Hostile towards minority groups, fearful of seismic changes in racial demographics and cultural norms, and frustrated by corrupt politicians they perceive as cowed by politically correct culture, it is a bloc of Americans who have been quietly seething, Potok said.


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Who can say Trump is more Anti Semitic than Obama is a free.

Ask Jews from Israel or Jews from America that practice their Religion

Not Jews that are Commies and go to Temple

Trump is a Religions Jew that goes to Temple

Edited by HenryB
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The protesters like that are helping Trump. Lets him play the victim, which is ridiculous.

Bring on the Trump nomination and then release the TON of dirt on him, 24/7, and he will destroy the republican party.

Hillary's "scandals" are baked in for many years.

With Trump's dirt, you ain't seen nothing yet.

My God you must know Trump very good

Were you his bag man Did you get him women or men

How do you know so much of his Dirt

Please let us know at once I can not sleep until i know about his Dirt

Just wait. You'll see.

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White Nazi's, well, think of it metaphorically. Fall guys for a belief system that promoted nationalist strength, catalysts for a tech boom, and the legacy of paying off war debts from one heck of a punch up. Relocated power on this Earth in a massive way. White Nazi Trump, it's in plain sight, in a metaphor, because when the world just sees black or white they fail to follow a balanced view...

Im not on any side in this, Im just watching a potentially enormous backyard fireworks display thay may go a bit sideways...

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Trump signifies Change as much as Obama did. This time Yes We Can really means Im changing stuff. Forced change. Blame Trump, the guy wont care. You think he'd get this far if he wasn't blessed by Big Usury? Grand daddy Trump rich from the gold rush, China and Russia would likely respect a hardliner prepared to slap the triple cheeseburgers from the mouths of the ones who need tough love. Clinton is well-set, dirt'n'all, none of which proved very flammable during the Jasmine Wiki Revolution time. Her dirt is the 'same old' dirt.

Trump can change America without damaging the image of the Cabal political identities like Clinton, and after even 12 months of tough love US gonna be begging for someone like her. Trump is working for her, but maybe not in the way we all want to kid ourselves.

Clinton is well-set, dirt'n'all, none of which proved very flammable during the Jasmine Wiki Revolution time. Her dirt is the 'same old' dirt.

Crooked Hillary sure has a lot of old dirt, but she has a lot of current dirt still getting dug up. You need to come out from under that rock your under, don't you know that she is currently being investigated by 100 FBI agents for espionage? That is in addition to Bill's 4 million earned while she was SOS for "foreign speaking engagements." Add in the shady business of the slush fund for the Clinton's jet setting, referred to as the "Clinton Foundation".

Crooked Hillary has done everything she can to stop Trump from getting the nomination. She fears a no holds barred confrontation of her current legal problems, as well as her past, without the protection of her "PC" shield...now where did she put that hot sauce and woman's card?

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Who can say Trump is more Anti Semitic than Obama is a free.

Ask Jews from Israel or Jews from America that practice their Religion

Not Jews that are Commies and go to Temple

Trump is a Religions Jew that goes to Temple

I don't think Trump is a Jew hater but he attracts a large base of white supremacist racists and he cynically exploits that base.

Trump is not Jewish nor is he particularly religious as a Christian. He has a daughter who converted to Judaism though.

Edited by Jingthing
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You didn't follow his response to the David Duke incident, did you?

He is responsible. He EXPLOITS the racist / fascist portion of his base, which is very large, and he is totally aware he is doing it.

It's all about winning for him and he knows, and he's correct, that he would have never gotten this far without his large base of horrible racist haters.

Yes, he is responsible.

And the majority of Americans,. who are not like these disgusting racists, have got to make him ACCOUNTABLE for that political sin in the general election.

We have the opportunity for a revolutionary election to cripple the republican party for generations to come.

It's possible, even probable, the democrats can take POTUS, SCOTUS, take back the senate, and weaken the republican majority in the house.

So I say nominate the orange clown monster, and get moving to crush him.

I agree with your closing remarks. So, in sympathy with that, I say GO TRUMP!!!

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White Nazi's, well, think of it metaphorically. Fall guys for a belief system that promoted nationalist strength, catalysts for a tech boom, and the legacy of paying off war debts from one heck of a punch up. Relocated power on this Earth in a massive way. White Nazi Trump, it's in plain sight, in a metaphor, because when the world just sees black or white they fail to follow a balanced view...

Im not on any side in this, Im just watching a potentially enormous backyard fireworks display thay may go a bit sideways...

Not on a side. Dude, your post came off as kind of overly "understanding" towards Nazis.

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The election process in America is controlled by the wealthy and corporate America. Whether Trump becomes President or Ms. Clinton makes no difference. Nothing will really change for the poor and middle class. Neither of these candidates will go after the bankers and greedy corporate business which caused America to almost go bankrupt and destroyed the middle class. They got bailed out but the rest of America got screwed.None of them have a plan to cut the 630 Billion Dollar defense budget and redirect these monies to improve the lives of the American people. None of them will reform the tax code which rewards the wealthy and penalizes the poor. None of them will give the American people a real national healthcare program as much of Europe, Japan and Canada has. None of them will stop the insane rise in university costs that make Americans indentured servants to the American state for 20 years. None of them except Bernie Sanders who would change everything that is wrong with America and create a new American Revolution that will put the country back on track. Votes for Trump or Clinton mean nothing because nothing will change.

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The protesters like that are helping Trump. Lets him play the victim, which is ridiculous.

Bring on the Trump nomination and then release the TON of dirt on him, 24/7, and he will destroy the republican party.

Hillary's "scandals" are baked in for many years.

With Trump's dirt, you ain't seen nothing yet.

My God you must know Trump very good

Were you his bag man Did you get him women or men

How do you know so much of his Dirt

Please let us know at once I can not sleep until i know about his Dirt

Here is a prime example of why nobody believes or trust these darn nevertrumpers. They spin wild stories off the cuff that have no basis in truth....pure fiction....anything to stop him.

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