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Angry protest outside Trump rally in California


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Sad to see America like this. Demonstrates how dangerous people like Trump are.

Now that's a good one up2u2. Clinton and Sanders supporters are rioting, turning over cars and beating up innocent Trump supporters to the point of hospitalizing them and you call Trump dangerous? I think that might be a little disingenuous.

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People will do what they have to do to prevent the Trump fascist movement from rising in America. Personally, I don't think violence is the answer, on either side, but I do expect more violence, on both sides.

To add, Trump has baited his supporters MANY TIMES to be violent against protesters. None of Trump's opponents, of any party, has done the same kind of violence baiting. The violence aspect helps Trump ... the charged atmosphere at his rallies are a mix of old Mussolini and modern pro wrestling. His supporters want to see violence. You don't go to a pro wrestling match hoping to see people kiss each other.

Yes, this is about SHOW BUSINESS for Trump ... tailored to lowest, most vile, American mass market tastes. He knows what he's doing. But there is a ceiling on the number of morons that are going to fall for that to the point of making him president.

Edited by Jingthing
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Sad to see America like this. Demonstrates how dangerous people like Trump are.

Now that's a good one up2u2. Clinton and Sanders supporters are rioting, turning over cars and beating up innocent Trump supporters to the point of hospitalizing them and you call Trump dangerous? I think that might be a little disingenuous.

Will Trump and his supporters play the 'poor me victim card'? Sure will.

Trump has made this a very dangerous time for America. I agree with JT and I hope we are both wrong and things calm down a little but I feel it is going to become more violent as Trump sets American against American in his attempt to take control of the White House.

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The Democrats must be worried by Trump to resort to this , they should take a good look at their own candidates

They are desperate..and trying to incite violence. Actually there is a method to their extreme "madness", aggressiveness" and "unfairness". Their leader (?? whoever that is) had prepared them to block entrances, exits...and to instigate violence. Their dream... to make the fallacy that Trump is a violent man and his supporters are thugs...did not come true for them. It was a "Holy Mary" play by religious zealots and Catholic, Mexican illegals. Typical Democratic manipulation of the poor and needy. Trump has it right. Open borders will only increase the power of democraps.

However, in the process, these dregs of society (who leach on government handouts and are mostly poor, illegals and people that support them) have done the exact opposite. More and more democrats, at least those with a lick of sense, are defecting to Trump.

Nobody wants to be associated with gangs of disruptive, violent...ill meaning leaches. Trump just shrugged it off...much to his gain. The middle ground is lost....these hooligans have pushed the undecided towards trump.

I do not want illegal aliens having a say in my politics. This mob will not win out, anyways. Trump has it wrapped up. Double the numbers of tiny ted. The others are out.

Republicans need to back their true nominee...who has definitely earned the right to run for office. My worst fear is that some radical, illegal, minority will be out for violence...against him. Trump needs to beef up his security....but let the wrongdoers head straight for the slammer.....demoquacks in jail. Just like old times.

They're leader is ultimately the radical, violently leftist Soros, through his Code Pink and other proxies. Folks might not like the sound of that but this is the same name and tentacles that has fomented violence in numerous nations in the world. The Soros Open Society/Tides Foundation machine began preparing their Arab Spring Color Revolution for the US with Black Lives Matter and funding Ferguson, MO protests. Soros is the boogeyman of many, many countries because... he is openly agitating violence throughout the world for many years. He is positively known to be funding these groups agitating violence in the US.

In this instance, people should ask if what I say is true how would the US allow someone to openly agitate violence in the streets? Agreed. Fewer cases of street rage have been so clearly orchestrated and it will get worse before election day. Remember, behind every single revolution that has had a name or color in the past 20 years has been the same figures- every single one: Soros, NEA- National Endowment for Democracy, Tides, Open Society, et al.

This is not protest. This is a slow motion coup that is being accelerated.

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The Democrats must be worried by Trump to resort to this , they should take a good look at their own candidates

Do these stupid protestors realize this is going to help elect Trump. Sorry to say these are drug crazy Fools do not know

I hope you are correct. One this is certain: By this primary cycle Americans now see the faces behind the cloud that has descended. Its pretty damn clear that not acting forcefully NOW, America may never be able to act in its self interest again.

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See what happens. When there are riots, the press concentrates on the rioters, just like here. They think they are showing that Trump is disliked, but what they are doing is confirming Trump's desire to build a wall. Most Americans don't want to see violent Hispanics rioting in their streets while waving Mexican flags and burning an American flag and attacking people and private property. Yes I saw all of that.

The press didn't even show much of the 31,000 well behaved and enthusiastic Trump supporters who were inside the Rally. That didn't fit their agenda.

Go ahead. Please riot and then make it the headlines so we can get our Wall. #TrumpTrain. #BuildTheWall.

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Sad to see America like this. Demonstrates how dangerous people like Trump are.

Now that's a good one up2u2. Clinton and Sanders supporters are rioting, turning over cars and beating up innocent Trump supporters to the point of hospitalizing them and you call Trump dangerous? I think that might be a little disingenuous.

Will Trump and his supporters play the 'poor me victim card'? Sure will.

Trump has made this a very dangerous time for America. I agree with JT and I hope we are both wrong and things calm down a little but I feel it is going to become more violent as Trump sets American against American in his attempt to take control of the White House.

The only people who are responsible for the riots are the rioters. This is the left's next attempt to shut down free speech for those they disagree with. If it becomes "more violent" that also will the fault of the violent.

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The Democrats must be worried by Trump to resort to this , they should take a good look at their own candidates

They are desperate..and trying to incite violence. Actually there is a method to their extreme "madness", aggressiveness" and "unfairness". Their leader (?? whoever that is) had prepared them to block entrances, exits...and to instigate violence. Their dream... to make the fallacy that Trump is a violent man and his supporters are thugs...did not come true for them. It was a "Holy Mary" play by religious zealots and Catholic, Mexican illegals. Typical Democratic manipulation of the poor and needy. Trump has it right. Open borders will only increase the power of democraps.

However, in the process, these dregs of society (who leach on government handouts and are mostly poor, illegals and people that support them) have done the exact opposite. More and more democrats, at least those with a lick of sense, are defecting to Trump.

Nobody wants to be associated with gangs of disruptive, violent...ill meaning leaches. Trump just shrugged it off...much to his gain. The middle ground is lost....these hooligans have pushed the undecided towards trump.

I do not want illegal aliens having a say in my politics. This mob will not win out, anyways. Trump has it wrapped up. Double the numbers of tiny ted. The others are out.

Republicans need to back their true nominee...who has definitely earned the right to run for office. My worst fear is that some radical, illegal, minority will be out for violence...against him. Trump needs to beef up his security....but let the wrongdoers head straight for the slammer.....demoquacks in jail. Just like old times.

They're leader is ultimately the radical, violently leftist Soros, through his Code Pink and other proxies. Folks might not like the sound of that but this is the same name and tentacles that has fomented violence in numerous nations in the world. The Soros Open Society/Tides Foundation machine began preparing their Arab Spring Color Revolution for the US with Black Lives Matter and funding Ferguson, MO protests. Soros is the boogeyman of many, many countries because... he is openly agitating violence throughout the world for many years. He is positively known to be funding these groups agitating violence in the US.

In this instance, people should ask if what I say is true how would the US allow someone to openly agitate violence in the streets? Agreed. Fewer cases of street rage have been so clearly orchestrated and it will get worse before election day. Remember, behind every single revolution that has had a name or color in the past 20 years has been the same figures- every single one: Soros, NEA- National Endowment for Democracy, Tides, Open Society, et al.

This is not protest. This is a slow motion coup that is being accelerated.

ok. That was quite a lot to handle...in the short time I had to read through it.

How about that book that Obama was caught reading..."The New World Order"....?

Democrats and Illegals....running the show....subverting politics, stopping Republican Assemblies....jumping up and down on police cars.... the whole shot.

Chaos...then the Democrats go in and claim that they set it all right.

I suppose the "New World Order" would have no room in it for people like Trump.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Amazing how angry some people can get when they sense that their 15 years of welfare cheques could be in jeopardy smile.png

Sour grapes already from the sour ideologues over on the sour side of the spectrum.

The right is losing because it deals in myths and it has always dealt in its own mythologies. Trump himself just outright makes false statements -- not just one then shut up after he's gets called on it, but repeatedly and obliviously.

With Trump the lieing is compulsive due to his living in his own fantasy bubble. Trump wouldn't know a middle class American if one laughed in his face. Almost all of 'em are going to vote against him in November. Trump still won't know one afterward licking his wounds.

Donald Trump is a cross between William Jennings Bryan and Benito Mussolini.

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The election process in America is controlled by the wealthy and corporate America. Whether Trump becomes President or Ms. Clinton makes no difference. Nothing will really change for the poor and middle class. Neither of these candidates will go after the bankers and greedy corporate business which caused America to almost go bankrupt and destroyed the middle class. They got bailed out but the rest of America got screwed.None of them have a plan to cut the 630 Billion Dollar defense budget and redirect these monies to improve the lives of the American people. None of them will reform the tax code which rewards the wealthy and penalizes the poor. None of them will give the American people a real national healthcare program as much of Europe, Japan and Canada has. None of them will stop the insane rise in university costs that make Americans indentured servants to the American state for 20 years. None of them except Bernie Sanders who would change everything that is wrong with America and create a new American Revolution that will put the country back on track. Votes for Trump or Clinton mean nothing because nothing will change.

Relax cause even though America is hopeless her predicament is not serious.

While the end is near we have nothing to fear...except fear itself.

It's always darkest before the light.


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The usual Right Wing reasoning. It's the African Americans, Hispanics, Mexicans, Muslims, Soros, the unemployed, the sick, women, poor people, unemployment assistance, food stamps so people don't starve to death, no wall, Obama did it, immigrants, leftists, voter rights, Democracy, the right to protest, environmentalists, the gays, lesbians, right to choose, gay rights, progressive thinking, black lives matter, big government, regulation, Democrats, Sanders, free stuff, socialism, environmental protections, no freedom to torture people, no freedom to be racist, no right to hate speech, no freedom to incite violence. It isn't Trumps fault it's all these other things.

Americans just aren't buying this drivel any more. That's the GOP and Trump's problem and the good people of America are letting em know.

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The usual Right Wing reasoning. It's the African Americans, Hispanics, Mexicans, Muslims, Soros, the unemployed, the sick, women, poor people, unemployment assistance, food stamps so people don't starve to death, no wall, Obama did it, immigrants, leftists, voter rights, Democracy, the right to protest, environmentalists, the gays, lesbians, right to choose, gay rights, progressive thinking, black lives matter, big government, regulation, Democrats, Sanders, free stuff, socialism, environmental protections, no freedom to torture people, no freedom to be racist, no right to hate speech, no freedom to incite violence. It isn't Trumps fault it's all these other things.

Americans just aren't buying this drivel any more. That's the GOP and Trump's problem and the good people of America are letting em know.

So, in your non-American, ineligible to vote opinion, the violence and destruction of property, and smashing of a police car are justified in order to prevent a person you disagree with from giving a speech to those you oppose.

I would be hard pressed to classify those who instigated this violence as "the good people of America." But then again, unlike you, I am not on the outside looking in.

Edited by SpokaneAl
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The usual Right Wing reasoning. It's the African Americans, Hispanics, Mexicans, Muslims, Soros, the unemployed, the sick, women, poor people, unemployment assistance, food stamps so people don't starve to death, no wall, Obama did it, immigrants, leftists, voter rights, Democracy, the right to protest, environmentalists, the gays, lesbians, right to choose, gay rights, progressive thinking, black lives matter, big government, regulation, Democrats, Sanders, free stuff, socialism, environmental protections, no freedom to torture people, no freedom to be racist, no right to hate speech, no freedom to incite violence. It isn't Trumps fault it's all these other things.

Americans just aren't buying this drivel any more. That's the GOP and Trump's problem and the good people of America are letting em know.

So, in your non-American, ineligible to vote opinion, the violence and destruction of property, and smashing of a police car is justified in order to prevent a person you disagree with from giving a speech to those you oppose.

I would be hard pressed to classify those that instigated this violence as "the good people of America." But then again, I am not on the outside looking in.

Violence in America? Nothing new there. Just another day. The protest in California pretty tame by American standards no one got shot.

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They're leader is ultimately the radical, violently leftist Soros, through his Code Pink and other proxies. Folks might not like the sound of that but this is the same name and tentacles that has fomented violence in numerous nations in the world. The Soros Open Society/Tides Foundation machine began preparing their Arab Spring Color Revolution for the US with Black Lives Matter and funding Ferguson, MO protests. Soros is the boogeyman of many, many countries because... he is openly agitating violence throughout the world for many years. He is positively known to be funding these groups agitating violence in the US.

In this instance, people should ask if what I say is true how would the US allow someone to openly agitate violence in the streets? Agreed. Fewer cases of street rage have been so clearly orchestrated and it will get worse before election day. Remember, behind every single revolution that has had a name or color in the past 20 years has been the same figures- every single one: Soros, NEA- National Endowment for Democracy, Tides, Open Society, et al.

This is not protest. This is a slow motion coup that is being accelerated.

ok. That was quite a lot to handle...in the short time I had to read through it.

How about that book that Obama was caught reading..."The New World Order"....?

Democrats and Illegals....running the show....subverting politics, stopping Republican Assemblies....jumping up and down on police cars.... the whole shot.

Chaos...then the Democrats go in and claim that they set it all right.

I suppose the "New World Order" would have no room in it for people like Trump.

Yea, "...a lot to handle." Sorry, still wear a pen protector in the pocket. I am unfamiliar with the "The New World Order" book Obama was reading but am aware he was caught reading the establishment's darling Zakaria's "The Post American World." This is what is taking place. These responses to Trump are pretense. Its the same devices (immigrants, food stamp recipients, leftists, environmentalists, etc), who otherwise have little common ground except general politics, cobbled together to take to the streets because an upstart (Trump) threatens the slow motion coup that has been the past x years in the US. Trump fracks these people from the US bedrock by stating he will end their subsidies, effectively. So, they feel forced out in the streets. This is simply insurgency. This is exact what happens with effective counter insurgency ops. The battlespace changes. Here we see the insurgents forced into the open. This is America's problem, right here.

If you are not yet in a "Post American World" create one. This is what Obama & Company are doing.


You nailed the details. I named the book wrong, but I think both of us see the problem.

Eight years of Obama and a possible four additional years from his crony, Hillary...would give the democrats 12 years to tweak the system, tear down the Republican Party, turn America into a borderless haven for those countries south of the US, and pretty much dumb down the populace (it's been going that way), while making them dependant on government handouts.

They are dragging out unsuccessful policies overseas, while changing "Rules of Engagement" so that are military cannot get the job done.... potentially demoralizing them. VA care for veterans has degraded terribly, as well. Obama has tried to take advantage of the system to pass through failed legislation...such as Obama Care....despite American Opposition.

In short....democrats are ruining America...turning it into a battleground where flaky liberals, illegal aliens, and welfare recipients call the shots. The hard working middle class is the target. That is why Trump has to win. It is not the man that makes the times...but the times that make the man. It is time we had somebody outside the corrupt political system. Break the cycle of failure and unpopularity.

Building walls and fixing what is inside is what America needs. Repair what is wrong inside, before going out and trying to fix other Nations. The political systems needs a kick in the butt.

Edited by slipperylobster
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They're leader is ultimately the radical, violently leftist Soros, through his Code Pink and other proxies. Folks might not like the sound of that but this is the same name and tentacles that has fomented violence in numerous nations in the world. The Soros Open Society/Tides Foundation machine began preparing their Arab Spring Color Revolution for the US with Black Lives Matter and funding Ferguson, MO protests. Soros is the boogeyman of many, many countries because... he is openly agitating violence throughout the world for many years. He is positively known to be funding these groups agitating violence in the US.

In this instance, people should ask if what I say is true how would the US allow someone to openly agitate violence in the streets? Agreed. Fewer cases of street rage have been so clearly orchestrated and it will get worse before election day. Remember, behind every single revolution that has had a name or color in the past 20 years has been the same figures- every single one: Soros, NEA- National Endowment for Democracy, Tides, Open Society, et al.

This is not protest. This is a slow motion coup that is being accelerated.

ok. That was quite a lot to handle...in the short time I had to read through it.

How about that book that Obama was caught reading..."The New World Order"....?

Democrats and Illegals....running the show....subverting politics, stopping Republican Assemblies....jumping up and down on police cars.... the whole shot.

Chaos...then the Democrats go in and claim that they set it all right.

I suppose the "New World Order" would have no room in it for people like Trump.

Yea, "...a lot to handle." Sorry, still wear a pen protector in the pocket. I am unfamiliar with the "The New World Order" book Obama was reading but am aware he was caught reading the establishment's darling Zakaria's "The Post American World." This is what is taking place. These responses to Trump are pretense. Its the same devices (immigrants, food stamp recipients, leftists, environmentalists, etc), who otherwise have little common ground except general politics, cobbled together to take to the streets because an upstart (Trump) threatens the slow motion coup that has been the past x years in the US. Trump fracks these people from the US bedrock by stating he will end their subsidies, effectively. So, they feel forced out in the streets. This is simply insurgency. This is exact what happens with effective counter insurgency ops. The battlespace changes. Here we see the insurgents forced into the open. This is America's problem, right here.

If you are not yet in a "Post American World" create one. This is what Obama & Company are doing.


You nailed the details. I named the book wrong, but I think both of us see the problem.

Eight years of Obama and a possible four additional years from his crony, Hillary...would give the democrats 12 years to tweak the system, tear down the Republican Party, turn America into a borderless haven for those countries south of the US, and pretty much dumb down the populace (it's been going that way), while making them dependant on government handouts.

They are dragging out unsuccessful policies overseas, while changing "Rules of Engagement" so that are military cannot get the job done.... potentially demoralizing them. VA care for veterans has degraded terribly, as well. Obama has tried to take advantage of the system to pass through failed legislation...such as Obama Care....despite American Opposition.

In short....democrats are ruining America...turning it into a battleground where flaky liberals, illegal aliens, and welfare recipients call the shots. The hard working middle class is the target. That is why Trump has to win. It is not the man that makes the times...but the times that make the man. It is time we had somebody outside the corrupt political system. Break the cycle of failure and unpopularity.

Building walls and fixing what is inside is what America needs. Repair what is wrong inside, before going out and trying to fix other Nations. The political systems needs a kick in the butt.

So you are going with 'It's all Obama's master plan to destroy the US'

Yeah that's probably it.

good grief lol

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So you are going with 'It's all Obama's master plan to destroy the US'

Yeah that's probably it.

good grief lol

You missed the boat.

Obama is a small cog in the wheel.

The point is that the democrats are destroying america.

Obama is a democrat...so he is inside the circle...but he is just a symbol of what is wrong with America.

Perhaps it is too early in the morning for you, or you spilled some hot coffee on your lap and missed the main point.

Just to bring you up to specs.....Democrats need to go...their time is over. Too much of the same (Hillary and Trump)....time to upgrade.

Democrats are instigating and controlling the crowds on the streets.

Edited by slipperylobster
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So you are going with 'It's all Obama's master plan to destroy the US'

Yeah that's probably it.

good grief lol

You missed the boat.

Obama is a small cog in the wheel.

The point is that the democrats are destroying america.

Obama is a democrat...so he is inside the circle...but he is just a symbol of what is wrong with America.

Perhaps it is too early in the morning for you, or you spilled some hot coffee on your lap and missed the main point.

Just to bring you up to specs.....Democrats need to go...their time is over. Too much of the same (Hillary and Trump)....time to upgrade.

Democrats are instigating and controlling the crowds on the streets.

No I think I got it.

It's all evil Obama and Democrats in a united conspiracy to destroy America and Trump is the one to make America great again. Hows that going? lol

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Sad to see America like this. Demonstrates how dangerous people like Trump are.

Now that's a good one up2u2. Clinton and Sanders supporters are rioting, turning over cars and beating up innocent Trump supporters to the point of hospitalizing them and you call Trump dangerous? I think that might be a little disingenuous.

Will Trump and his supporters play the 'poor me victim card'? Sure will.

Trump has made this a very dangerous time for America. I agree with JT and I hope we are both wrong and things calm down a little but I feel it is going to become more violent as Trump sets American against American in his attempt to take control of the White House.

I have to disagree with your logic. First of all in my opinion when an innocent person is attacked and beaten they are certainly a victim. Secondly if what you say is true then not just one sect of Americans would be turning on another sect as is happening now. It is only the intolerant left wingers that are rioting and causing destruction in the name of denying free speech.

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The usual Right Wing reasoning. It's the African Americans, Hispanics, Mexicans, Muslims, Soros, the unemployed, the sick, women, poor people, unemployment assistance, food stamps so people don't starve to death, no wall, Obama did it, immigrants, leftists, voter rights, Democracy, the right to protest, environmentalists, the gays, lesbians, right to choose, gay rights, progressive thinking, black lives matter, big government, regulation, Democrats, Sanders, free stuff, socialism, environmental protections, no freedom to torture people, no freedom to be racist, no right to hate speech, no freedom to incite violence. It isn't Trumps fault it's all these other things.

Americans just aren't buying this drivel any more. That's the GOP and Trump's problem and the good people of America are letting em know.

So, in your non-American, ineligible to vote opinion, the violence and destruction of property, and smashing of a police car is justified in order to prevent a person you disagree with from giving a speech to those you oppose.

I would be hard pressed to classify those that instigated this violence as "the good people of America." But then again, I am not on the outside looking in.

Violence in America? Nothing new there. Just another day. The protest in California pretty tame by American standards no one got shot.

somebody tell me he did not say that ! you actually believe what you say....? did you watch the video...crazy people jumping up and down on police cars? No Trump supporter ever came close to what these stupid hooligans are doing. Even pummeling a trump supporter until he was bloody. It was an awful display of undisciplined maniacs.

The stupidest part of it all is...they wanted Trump to retaliate.....haha. Showed their true colors...and guess what? Trump laughed it off.

Edited by slipperylobster
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So you are going with 'It's all Obama's master plan to destroy the US'

Yeah that's probably it.

good grief lol

You missed the boat.

Obama is a small cog in the wheel.

The point is that the democrats are destroying america.

Obama is a democrat...so he is inside the circle...but he is just a symbol of what is wrong with America.

Perhaps it is too early in the morning for you, or you spilled some hot coffee on your lap and missed the main point.

Just to bring you up to specs.....Democrats need to go...their time is over. Too much of the same (Hillary and Trump)....time to upgrade.

Democrats are instigating and controlling the crowds on the streets.

No I think I got it.

It's all evil Obama and Democrats in a united conspiracy to destroy America and Trump is the one to make America great again. Hows that going? lol

I will tell you this...nothing is "going" yet...as the election is quite far off. How about now?

How has the past eight years been going for you? How has this all worked out for you?

You ready for four more..huh? good thinking.

I seriously don't know how democrats can deal with it....but you somehow do. facepalm.gif

good gravy...man! somebody help the poor boy out.

(sometimes I just wince at the insanity...and walk away) lol

You deserve what you got. deal with it.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Sad to see America like this. Demonstrates how dangerous people like Trump are.

Now that's a good one up2u2. Clinton and Sanders supporters are rioting, turning over cars and beating up innocent Trump supporters to the point of hospitalizing them and you call Trump dangerous? I think that might be a little disingenuous.

Will Trump and his supporters play the 'poor me victim card'? Sure will.

Trump has made this a very dangerous time for America. I agree with JT and I hope we are both wrong and things calm down a little but I feel it is going to become more violent as Trump sets American against American in his attempt to take control of the White House.

I have to disagree with your logic. First of all in my opinion when an innocent person is attacked and beaten they are certainly a victim. Secondly if what you say is true then not just one sect of Americans would be turning on another sect as is happening now. It is only the intolerant left wingers that are rioting and causing destruction in the name of denying free speech.

The 'Victim Card' Nicely played.

Oh the 'free speech' angle again.

Trump is free to say whatever he likes. Where's the problem?

Trump is the guy who advocates violence, torturing people and targeting family members and killing them. Sorry you will have to go cry on someone else's shoulder Pimay1

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The Democrats must be worried by Trump to resort to this , they should take a good look at their own candidates

A good case of doublethink here. When Trump's people get violent it's because of righteous anger. But when anti-trump people get violent, it's because of a plot by Democrats.

An objective viewer would point out that this is evidence that Trump's ability to rouse up the electorate isn't confined to just his supporters.

What's more, the people who tend to favor Trump already have a higher electoral participation rate. But Hispanic citizens have traditionally had a low electoral participation rate. So they have lots more room to increase their level of participation.

There is no evidence that a band of Trump supporters have ever attended in mass the political rally of any other opponent Republican or Democrat and created a disturbance ... Trump supporters do not go out in the streets - block traffic, overturn cars, burn cars and generally act like gang members. There is a huge difference between Protest and Rioting with Violence... The Anti-Trump supporters have entered into breaking laws - blocking traffic, starting fights outside Trump rallies... and violently pushing, shoving and hitting people who have done nothing but attempt to attend a Trump Rally ... I think you have a strange view on events. If people become violent against Trump and his supporters in an attempt to shut down supporter participation that is ANARCHY ...

My point had nothing to do with defending the violence of those protestors. It was to point out the it isn't only the pro trump forces who his candidacy has aroused. And if you google hispanic voter registration, you'll see that Trump is having a big effect. And just the exercise of simple common sense will tell you which way that vote is going to overwhelmingly go.

I don't think you have a clue about the size and fervor of the Nationalist Uprising going on in America led by Trump - It is an Anti-Obama uprising and will be against the Democrat that stands to further his agenda... it will drown out the effect of even those Illegal Aliens that Gov. Brown just signed a law to allow them to vote.

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So you are going with 'It's all Obama's master plan to destroy the US'

Yeah that's probably it.

good grief lol

You missed the boat.

Obama is a small cog in the wheel.

The point is that the democrats are destroying america.

Obama is a democrat...so he is inside the circle...but he is just a symbol of what is wrong with America.

Perhaps it is too early in the morning for you, or you spilled some hot coffee on your lap and missed the main point.

Just to bring you up to specs.....Democrats need to go...their time is over. Too much of the same (Hillary and Trump)....time to upgrade.

Democrats are instigating and controlling the crowds on the streets.

No I think I got it.

It's all evil Obama and Democrats in a united conspiracy to destroy America and Trump is the one to make America great again. Hows that going? lol

I will tell you this...nothing is "going" yet...as the election is quite far off. How about now?

How has the past eight years been going for you? How has this all worked out for you?

You ready for four more..huh? good thinking.

I seriously don't know how democrats can deal with it....but you somehow do. facepalm.gif

good gravy...man! somebody help the poor boy out.

Note that if you are referring to up2u2 is a non American, ineligible to vote in a US election and appears to be an American want-to-be who seems to spend his waking hours fixating on the US and is always careful to never give anyone any idea as to his home country.

Edited by SpokaneAl
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Sad to see America like this. Demonstrates how dangerous people like Trump are.

Now that's a good one up2u2. Clinton and Sanders supporters are rioting, turning over cars and beating up innocent Trump supporters to the point of hospitalizing them and you call Trump dangerous? I think that might be a little disingenuous.

Will Trump and his supporters play the 'poor me victim card'? Sure will.

Trump has made this a very dangerous time for America. I agree with JT and I hope we are both wrong and things calm down a little but I feel it is going to become more violent as Trump sets American against American in his attempt to take control of the White House.

The 'Victim Card' Nicely played.

Oh the 'free speech' angle again.

Trump is free to say whatever he likes. Where's the problem?

Trump is the guy who advocates violence, torturing people and targeting family members and killing them. Sorry you will have to go cry on someone else's shoulder Pimay1

Problem here is that tough talk is one thing.

Real actions..look at the street thugs jumping around on police vehicles like monkeys...is another.

This whole thing has turned. Trump is now on even ground with Hillary...and gaining.

watch and learn.

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You missed the boat.

Obama is a small cog in the wheel.

The point is that the democrats are destroying america.

Obama is a democrat...so he is inside the circle...but he is just a symbol of what is wrong with America.

Perhaps it is too early in the morning for you, or you spilled some hot coffee on your lap and missed the main point.

Just to bring you up to specs.....Democrats need to go...their time is over. Too much of the same (Hillary and Trump)....time to upgrade.

Democrats are instigating and controlling the crowds on the streets.

No I think I got it.

It's all evil Obama and Democrats in a united conspiracy to destroy America and Trump is the one to make America great again. Hows that going? lol

I will tell you this...nothing is "going" yet...as the election is quite far off. How about now?

How has the past eight years been going for you? How has this all worked out for you?

You ready for four more..huh? good thinking.

I seriously don't know how democrats can deal with it....but you somehow do. facepalm.gif

good gravy...man! somebody help the poor boy out.

The past 8 years under Obama. Unemployment down, government debt down, budget in surplus, affordable care act (and not one 'Death Panel' in sight), action on climate change, GDP up, military body bags down. It's been a disaster.

You long for the W days don't you. 9/11 failure, crippling national debt and unemployment, country in recession, financial sector collapse and public bailouts for Wall Street, Bin Laden on the loose. Ah the good ol W days.

Maybe Trump will make America great again like the good ol W Days.

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Trump is the guy who advocates violence, torturing people and targeting family members and killing them.

Actually, he advocates violence against terrorists, torturing terrorists and killing family members of terrorists - not just anybody.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Their not protesters! Their paid Thugs by MoveOnOrg by the Socialist Democrats. .They get paid $12 p/hr and most don't understand why

they are there. It's good pocket money while their on Food Stamps!

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