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Angry protest outside Trump rally in California


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No I think I got it.

It's all evil Obama and Democrats in a united conspiracy to destroy America and Trump is the one to make America great again. Hows that going? lol

I will tell you this...nothing is "going" yet...as the election is quite far off. How about now?

How has the past eight years been going for you? How has this all worked out for you?

You ready for four more..huh? good thinking.

I seriously don't know how democrats can deal with it....but you somehow do. facepalm.gif

good gravy...man! somebody help the poor boy out.

(sometimes I just wince at the insanity...and walk away) lol

You deserve what you got. deal with it.

"How has the past eight years been going for you?"

It's likely been going ok for him. He is an Australian, not an American.

Yet somehow you manage to criticize the politics and actions of other countries. Is this another instance of American exceptionalism? Are Americans more perspicacious and more more honest in their observations about foreign governments? Are American brains are somehow uniquely equipped to better understand the situation in American than any foreigner can ever hope to? Is there some secret code submerged in the news that only Americans can perceive? Or to put it another way. What the f*** does it matter where somebody comes from? What matters and all that matters is the content of what they say. Ad hominem attacks are just cheap shots and the last and futile recourse of the clueless.

"Yet somehow you manage to criticize the politics and actions of other countries."

Care to point out one for me? My post count is over 10,000 so let me know which one fits your criteria

I have tried very hard to avoid making posts on something I have little knowledge of or interest in. Something most Europeans and Aussies should consider.

Edit in: I just noticed you have honored me with your very first post. Let me welcome you as a really new member then congratulate you for knowing all about me on your first day of membership.

Let me suggest you familiarize yourself with forum rules and netiquette, particularly forum rule 24, which says...

24) Multiple accounts by the same person are not allowed. If you have access issues contact support at http://www.thaivisa.com/contact

I just did a google search for chuckd thaivisa.com and then i added for each search these terms respectively: israel, eurozone, uk, england. All except UK popped up multiple instances.

And, of course, you couldn't resist the ad hominem attack. True to form.

Then post them! You haven't provided proof of anything.

I might have been telling jokes. I might have been responding to some off tangent attack against the US by a Brit, Dutch or, God forbid, some unknown Frenchman.

Israel? Since I have lived and worked in the middle east over 30 years, I might have some knowledge about that situation. Don't remember ever telling Israel how to run their government, though.

You're two for two. Try and go three for three by proving a point...if you have one at all.

What nationality are you?

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You still don't get it.

Clinton's flaws are BAKED in.

Trump's stuff will be fresh and if you don't think there is lots of stuff on Trump ... I've got a bridge to sell you.

T. Boone Pickens: Hillary doesn’t know what she’s talking about Donald Trump is the best candidate for Oil: T. Boone Pickens


Trump is the better candidate for oil? I'd probably agree with that.

The problem is... we don't need a candidate that represents the oil concerns. We need a candidate that represents the people.

Don't get me wrong ... Hillary isn't really any better. She will represent Wall St. And not the people.

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The protesters like that are helping Trump. Lets him play the victim, which is ridiculous.

Bring on the Trump nomination and then release the TON of dirt on him, 24/7, and he will destroy the republican party.

Hillary's "scandals" are baked in for many years.

With Trump's dirt, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Why don't you give us some example of that dirt we ain't seen nothing yet.

If you know it's there I assume you know of it and easily can point us to it.

You don't get it, do you?

From the democrats POV, there is no benefit in releasing ANYTHING until Trump is nominated and the general election is on.

The democrats WANT to run against Trump.

He's the best opportunity to totally crush the republican party.

So you'll have to wait some more time ... stay calm.

Lol Hillary will actualy lose to Trump who has about 15 percent support among Bernie Supporters believe it or not. Now add in the pissed off white majority who will walk to the polls through a snowstorm and you should be getting the picture. I also believe Trump will pull from Democrats particularly in New York. And you can add in a good portion of the African American vote cause I have a suspicion Carson will be his VP and there are many jobless African Americans pissed with the illegals. Are you beginning to comprehend all this? Watch and learn:)

They can release all they want it wont make much difference. People are on to the game and the media bias and games and don't buy what the mainstream media is saying. That is easy to see. And talk about egg on face Hillary is a ticking time bomb when it comes to illegalites, crimes and bribes. Are you begiining to get the picture? lol

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The protests are because the Dems are scared that Trump will crush Hillary. Otherwise, why bother? Trump hasn't started on Hillary yet. Never mind all of those who have predicted Trump's demise from the beginning. They all underestimated him and persist in doing so before they even wipe the egg off their faces from their last prognostications.

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The protests are because the Dems are scared that Trump will crush Hillary. Otherwise, why bother? Trump hasn't started on Hillary yet. Never mind all of those who have predicted Trump's demise from the beginning. They all underestimated him and persist in doing so before they even wipe the egg off their faces from their last prognostications.

Comfort yourself, while it lasts, actually believing that.

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The protests are because the Dems are scared that Trump will crush Hillary. Otherwise, why bother? Trump hasn't started on Hillary yet. Never mind all of those who have predicted Trump's demise from the beginning. They all underestimated him and persist in doing so before they even wipe the egg off their faces from their last prognostications.

Comfort yourself, while it lasts, actually believing that.

These protests are ramping up ONLY because the Hillary people are scared of Trump.

This will mark a point in history for students of psychology to point back to as THE example of "confirmation bias". Despite the results at the polls, people who don't believe this movement is happening continue to believe it isn't. They just keep moving the date of Trump's demise forward.

The Indiana primary is Tuesday. Many pollsters have shown that Cruz will win. Some have shown it as about even. It is in the "Bible Belt" with Cruz being the only one to claim to be an evangelical. Cruz should clean house there the pundits say.

When Trump wins it by a landslide and by at least 15 points, remember this post. That's just two days from now.

As I said, these protests are ramping up ONLY because the Hillary people are scared of Trump.


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I guess the general public hasn't seen Hillary's ode to women in her latest ad.


Trump 38%, Clinton 38%
Friday, April 29, 2016
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are again tied up in a head-to-head matchup.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump and Clinton each earning 38% support. Sixteen percent (16%) say they will vote for some other candidate if they are the two major party candidates, while six percent (6%) plan to stay home. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
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How convenient.rolleyes.gif

Rasmussen is well known to have a right wing bias so it's a BOGUS source.

Also, that result is a FAR outlier.

Good for Trump-aganda purposes though.

I seriously want Trump to be nominated.

He is the easiest to beat.

Second is Cruz.

Kasich the hardest (but not that hard).

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I guess the general public hasn't seen Hillary's ode to women in her latest ad.


Trump 38%, Clinton 38%
Friday, April 29, 2016
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are again tied up in a head-to-head matchup.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump and Clinton each earning 38% support. Sixteen percent (16%) say they will vote for some other candidate if they are the two major party candidates, while six percent (6%) plan to stay home. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Rasmussen is a completely discredited pollster.

Scott Rasmussen had to quit the firm he founded. It's only become worse, as we see in the post that quotes Rasmussen.

Never ever give a Rasmussen poll any credibility whatsoever.....

For more than four years now, I’ve been arguing here that polls from Rasmussen Reports should be taken with a huge grain of salt.

Noted analyst Nate Silver put it best when he said this last year: “My advice would be simply to disregard the Rasmussen Reports poll, and to view their work with extreme skepticism going forward.”

And now Alan Abramowitz, a political science professor at Emory University, is out with THIS INDICTMENT of Rasmussen:

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Unless these precious little snowflakes with their Mexican flags don't get what they want without applying for it or working for it they'll just destroy taxpayer property and send Americans to the hospital.

#BuildTheWall #Trumptrain


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Trump will win with California REPUBLICANS.

But in the general election, forget about it.

Anyway, please do get it over with and NOMINATE Donald.

Waiting for it!

Again, don't confuse the republican primary with the only election that MATTERS.

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The usual Right Wing reasoning. It's the African Americans, Hispanics, Mexicans, Muslims, Soros, the unemployed, the sick, women, poor people, unemployment assistance, food stamps so people don't starve to death, no wall, Obama did it, immigrants, leftists, voter rights, Democracy, the right to protest, environmentalists, the gays, lesbians, right to choose, gay rights, progressive thinking, black lives matter, big government, regulation, Democrats, Sanders, free stuff, socialism, environmental protections, no freedom to torture people, no freedom to be racist, no right to hate speech, no freedom to incite violence. It isn't Trumps fault it's all these other things.

Americans just aren't buying this drivel any more. That's the GOP and Trump's problem and the good people of America are letting em know.

So, in your non-American, ineligible to vote opinion, the violence and destruction of property, and smashing of a police car are justified in order to prevent a person you disagree with from giving a speech to those you oppose.

I would be hard pressed to classify those who instigated this violence as "the good people of America." But then again, unlike you, I am not on the outside looking in.

Yes you are.

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Trump will win with California REPUBLICANS.

But in the general election, forget about it.

Trump will win a lot of cross over Democrats. He'll even pull a lot of Bernie voters. They don't like having their streets filled with illegals and their benefits budget going to illegals. A huge part of California's budget goes to illegals including for benefits and schools.

You don't have to be a Republican to vote against that. People in California are sick of it. Trump has awakened the monster call the voters.

President Trump.


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Trump will win with California REPUBLICANS.

But in the general election, forget about it.

Anyway, please do get it over with and NOMINATE Donald.

Waiting for it!

Again, don't confuse the republican primary with the only election that MATTERS.

...and don't underestimate Hillary's ability to self destruct in a general election campaign when facing an asymmetrical opponent who will treat her just like she's "one of the guys" combined with a media that isn't able to shelter her as effectively as they have during the primaries

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I guess the general public hasn't seen Hillary's ode to women in her latest ad.


Trump 38%, Clinton 38%
Friday, April 29, 2016
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are again tied up in a head-to-head matchup.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump and Clinton each earning 38% support. Sixteen percent (16%) say they will vote for some other candidate if they are the two major party candidates, while six percent (6%) plan to stay home. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Real Clear Politics, which is owned by right wingers, doesn't use Rasmussen's phone polls in its compilation of various polls. That should tell you something. But probably what it tells you is that its controlled by liberals or Republicans who just don't get it.

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I don't think you have a clue about the size and fervor of the Nationalist Uprising going on in America led by Trump - It is an Anti-Obama uprising and will be against the Democrat that stands to further his agenda... it will drown out the effect of even those Illegal Aliens that Gov. Brown just signed a law to allow them to vote.

No, California didn't give illegal aliens the right to vote. http://www.snopes.com/california-motor-voter-act/

But what this and so many others of the untruths that the right wing subscribe to show how it is that Trump is on the verge of getting the nomination. Way back when, when most pundits and analysts, even the august Nate Silver were dismissing Trumps chances, one outlier was disagreeing: Paul Krugman. And the basis of his reasoning was this: Epistemic Closure. These people get all their information from right wing news sources. I used to cite fox news but now I'd say breitbart.com is more typical of their sources. And no matter how obviously improbable the claim is, they are unable to judge its truthfulness because their their sources of information are so tainted.


I think you should examine the Windowless Left Wing Closet you live in.

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I don't think you have a clue about the size and fervor of the Nationalist Uprising going on in America led by Trump - It is an Anti-Obama uprising and will be against the Democrat that stands to further his agenda... it will drown out the effect of even those Illegal Aliens that Gov. Brown just signed a law to allow them to vote.

No, California didn't give illegal aliens the right to vote. http://www.snopes.com/california-motor-voter-act/

But what this and so many others of the untruths that the right wing subscribe to show how it is that Trump is on the verge of getting the nomination. Way back when, when most pundits and analysts, even the august Nate Silver were dismissing Trumps chances, one outlier was disagreeing: Paul Krugman. And the basis of his reasoning was this: Epistemic Closure. These people get all their information from right wing news sources. I used to cite fox news but now I'd say breitbart.com is more typical of their sources. And no matter how obviously improbable the claim is, they are unable to judge its truthfulness because their their sources of information are so tainted.


I think you should examine the Windowless Left Wing Closet you live in.

lol! as you ignore the fact your claim was B.S.!!

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That's right 20 people out of 30,000 is not newsworthy. The fact that people get upset is. Hillary couldn't prompt any of this, no one cares, no one gets excited, only Trump can decide this election. Like Ross Perot on big roids.

The thing I worry about the most is this violent scene replicating itself on GOP nomination night, and we don't get to see the Don in action for some reason...

The PC concensus of idiots fears Trump as a racist, but the real politicians know it takes a huge amount of balls and power to say anything even slightly polarizing, such as Trump has. They will cry like babies, something bad gonna happen closer that golden nest of hair gets to the Whitehouse

The closer Trump gets to the White House the greater possibility of an attempt on his life.

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People will do what they have to do to prevent the Trump fascist movement from rising in America. Personally, I don't think violence is the answer, on either side, but I do expect more violence, on both sides.

To add, Trump has baited his supporters MANY TIMES to be violent against protesters. None of Trump's opponents, of any party, has done the same kind of violence baiting. The violence aspect helps Trump ... the charged atmosphere at his rallies are a mix of old Mussolini and modern pro wrestling. His supporters want to see violence. You don't go to a pro wrestling match hoping to see people kiss each other.

Yes, this is about SHOW BUSINESS for Trump ... tailored to lowest, most vile, American mass market tastes. He knows what he's doing. But there is a ceiling on the number of morons that are going to fall for that to the point of making him president.

Most countries have extremist movements. But it has never been explained to me just exactly how "Mussolini/Hitler" Trump can assume powers of fascist proportion referenced a lot on TVF. A dictator has to be writing the laws, controlling the judiciary, suppressing the Press, policing any opposition, banning and jailing opposing political parties, and directly controlling the military and tearing up the Constitution.

The only real danger I see seems to be coming from those who think it would be great if the Republican's self destructed so that the US could be a one party state with a hawk in the White House.

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Amazing how angry some people can get when they sense that their 15 years of welfare cheques could be in jeopardy smile.png

Sour grapes already from the sour ideologues over on the sour side of the spectrum.

The right is losing because it deals in myths and it has always dealt in its own mythologies. Trump himself just outright makes false statements -- not just one then shut up after he's gets called on it, but repeatedly and obliviously.

With Trump the lieing is compulsive due to his living in his own fantasy bubble. Trump wouldn't know a middle class American if one laughed in his face. Almost all of 'em are going to vote against him in November. Trump still won't know one afterward licking his wounds.

Donald Trump is a cross between William Jennings Bryan and Benito Mussolini.

Says the man who never makes predictions

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You missed the boat.

Obama is a small cog in the wheel.

The point is that the democrats are destroying america.

Obama is a democrat...so he is inside the circle...but he is just a symbol of what is wrong with America.

Perhaps it is too early in the morning for you, or you spilled some hot coffee on your lap and missed the main point.

Just to bring you up to specs.....Democrats need to go...their time is over. Too much of the same (Hillary and Trump)....time to upgrade.

Democrats are instigating and controlling the crowds on the streets.

No I think I got it.

It's all evil Obama and Democrats in a united conspiracy to destroy America and Trump is the one to make America great again. Hows that going? lol

I will tell you this...nothing is "going" yet...as the election is quite far off. How about now?

How has the past eight years been going for you? How has this all worked out for you?

You ready for four more..huh? good thinking.

I seriously don't know how democrats can deal with it....but you somehow do. facepalm.gif

good gravy...man! somebody help the poor boy out.

The past 8 years under Obama. Unemployment down, government debt down, budget in surplus, affordable care act (and not one 'Death Panel' in sight), action on climate change, GDP up, military body bags down. It's been a disaster.

You long for the W days don't you. 9/11 failure, crippling national debt and unemployment, country in recession, financial sector collapse and public bailouts for Wall Street, Bin Laden on the loose. Ah the good ol W days.

Maybe Trump will make America great again like the good ol W Days.

Government debt down? The national debt has more or less doubled under Obama. Think it was $10 trillion inherited, now nearly $20 Trillion But sorry, just a detail.

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How convenient.rolleyes.gif

Rasmussen is well known to have a right wing bias so it's a BOGUS source.

Also, that result is a FAR outlier.

Good for Trump-aganda purposes though.

I seriously want Trump to be nominated.

He is the easiest to beat.

Second is Cruz.

Kasich the hardest (but not that hard).

The reason for the Trump protests are the xenophobic, racist, things he has said. It's that simple. He's an absolutely terrible person and a worse candidate. He's going to get buried in November. Republicans all know this. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt you know.

Wingnut lives revolve around bogus sources. They only pay attention to the sources that reinforce their preconceived opinions based on the Fox kool aid. They're all fearful and quite delusional.

No, the Democrats aren't afraid of Trump. He's manna from heaven. You're right Jingthing. NO ONE believes these numbers, except of course delusional Republicans.

Go Trump. I'm a little disappointed that it's starting to look like Trump will win the nomination outright. I was hoping for a bloody battle at the convention. It doesn't matter. They don't have a prayer.

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How convenient.rolleyes.gif

Rasmussen is well known to have a right wing bias so it's a BOGUS source.

Also, that result is a FAR outlier.

Good for Trump-aganda purposes though.

I seriously want Trump to be nominated.

He is the easiest to beat.

Second is Cruz.

Kasich the hardest (but not that hard).

The reason for the Trump protests are the xenophobic, racist, things he has said. It's that simple. He's an absolutely terrible person and a worse candidate. He's going to get buried in November. Republicans all know this. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt you know.

Wingnut lives revolve around bogus sources. They only pay attention to the sources that reinforce their preconceived opinions based on the Fox kool aid. They're all fearful and quite delusional.

No, the Democrats aren't afraid of Trump. He's manna from heaven. You're right Jingthing. NO ONE believes these numbers, except of course delusional Republicans.

Go Trump. I'm a little disappointed that it's starting to look like Trump will win the nomination outright. I was hoping for a bloody battle at the convention. It doesn't matter. They don't have a prayer.

I posted this on another thread. I suggest not getting too cocky . . .


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How convenient.rolleyes.gif

Rasmussen is well known to have a right wing bias so it's a BOGUS source.

Also, that result is a FAR outlier.

Good for Trump-aganda purposes though.

I seriously want Trump to be nominated.

He is the easiest to beat.

Second is Cruz.

Kasich the hardest (but not that hard).

The reason for the Trump protests are the xenophobic, racist, things he has said. It's that simple. He's an absolutely terrible person and a worse candidate. He's going to get buried in November. Republicans all know this. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt you know.

Wingnut lives revolve around bogus sources. They only pay attention to the sources that reinforce their preconceived opinions based on the Fox kool aid. They're all fearful and quite delusional.

No, the Democrats aren't afraid of Trump. He's manna from heaven. You're right Jingthing. NO ONE believes these numbers, except of course delusional Republicans.

Go Trump. I'm a little disappointed that it's starting to look like Trump will win the nomination outright. I was hoping for a bloody battle at the convention. It doesn't matter. They don't have a prayer.

Don't agree. He the least they want to fight since he is not your usual career politician and an unpredictable unknown quantity.

Interesting to see the anti Trump predictors on here, still all know by prophetic insight and their superior education what is definitely going to happen. Hope you're not too busy wiping the egg of your collective faces if you're wrong. Could be a laugh though!

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Their not protesters! Their paid Thugs by MoveOnOrg by the Socialist Democrats. .They get paid $12 p/hr and most don't understand why

they are there. It's good pocket money while their on Food Stamps!

Wow, those liberals are actually paying above the current minimum wage in California. At least you can't call them hypocrites when it comes to how they treat their employees.

I'm sure you can provide evidence to support this contention. You wouldn't make such a damning claim without it.

Even those few who work are given time off each day... and they go to craigslist and find odd jobs to earn money ... like being a violent protester ...

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