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Leaking Hua Hin attack footage "damaged the country" say authorities


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Re thhe other assault on the young Laos girl by the gang of 8. Can anyone advise me on how and where from that CCTV footage can be shared. FB etc to follow up on the Hua Him incident ? Thanks.

Click on top left of video for youtube page.

Thanks. However, I cannot find on YouTube the video, that is on this TV site, of the Lao girl being attacked by the gang of 8. Only the one of the Hua Him attack. Any suggestions. Thanks

This is the YouTube link code: "9sKarQ9m0Ls".

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I have to say after studying the video the tourist asked for it and they got it. 18sec in son pushes Thai man,21 sec Thai man pushes son back 51 sec mom slaps Thai man in face,1.14 sec dad sucker punches Thai man 1.29 all hell break loose and apart from the kick to moms face they got what they deserved. I would of done the same had they done that to me. on this occasion I think the Thais deserve a break.

The first 2 Thai men deserve a break. The other 4 who appear out of nowhere kicking people in the head whilst they lay on the ground moaning and semi conscious need to be skewered (you can take that literally or figuratively..whatever way you choose) Scumbags like that have no place in any society and should be removed.

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This behavior...going after the person/persons who are responsible for leaking information the government deems damaging...is not at all unusual...this present US government...while claiming to be the most transparent in US history...quietly goes after whistle-blowers...destroying their lives...getting them fired and making it almost impossible to get another job...sending the IRS to find a tax problem...and doing their best to harass and threaten jail time...

Governments do not like their dirty undies being exposed to the public...

Sure.... good point...but in comparison to Thailand its a poor comparison of justice or exposing of political underware. The fact still remains the law is prevelant in those countries and the whole world get to see. Its not some private revenge or face saving exercise of witholding information. Thailand belongs to those countries that do not condone mal practices..but finds some excuse if not blame someone else for its own failing. This is the fact. FACE IT

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I have to say after studying the video the tourist asked for it and they got it. 18sec in son pushes Thai man,21 sec Thai man pushes son back 51 sec mom slaps Thai man in face,1.14 sec dad sucker punches Thai man 1.29 all hell break loose and apart from the kick to moms face they got what they deserved. I would of done the same had they done that to me. on this occasion I think the Thais deserve a break.

Thanks for clearing it up, Sherlock. No need for the suspects to face the courts, it's obvious this middle aged/elderly family were looking for a rumble in the dark alleys of Thailand against some innocent upstanding Thai citizens. And trying to take advantage of those Thais who were impaired from alcohol, shameful. But if it makes you feel better the woman took a helluva hit and kick to the face. Did you enjoy watching that? Edited by Time Traveller
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To play devil's advocate:
I can understand how releasing this video to the public is a bad thing.

It could be edited to show a different story than what really happened. I believe some British papers edited out certain scenes.

Additionally, unless scrutinized it is not easily apparent exactly what happened. So a common takeaway on first watch may not actually tell the true story of what happened.

So there is an argument to not release this type of footage given how easy it could be mis-interpreted.

That being said, I don't think the reason for not wishing it to be released is due to the possible misinterpretation of the video, but rather, the desire to control bad views being shown.

A smart government/police force would have gotten AHEAD of the story and released the footage themselves in a manner they could control. A really smart government would have also added to the clip how they were 'on the case' to find the suspects, what kind of punishment they would give, and show how they are taking good care of the injured.

But it takes a bit of skill to do that, and I'm not entirely sure this is something that all governments posses.

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Two weeks ago a friend of my brothers son in Melbourne went to the aid of a friend felled in a pub brawl. He was attacked by a man who stomped on his head. He died.

These kinds of things happen all over the world fuelled by alcohol or drugs. Thailand has no monopoly on this.

The tourists are rich in comparison to the thug perpetrators. Therein lies part of the problem: divide between rich and poor which distills down to the core of the problem in this country.

The loss of face issue exacerbates the problem of course and Thainess only causes anger and frustration to be pent up rather than dissipated..

Let me state that I am not trying to justify the actions of thugs, rather getting to the reasons why a society gets this way.

The publicity/CCTV issue being attacked by the government is typical boneheaded unskilled management common in military dictatorships.

If you control the media, you control thought processes, if you control thoughts, you suppress and keep people under the thumb.

Thailand is in a downward spiral heading out of control. Only a matter of time before its otherwise previously good reputation is in tatters.

Until the divide between rich and poor is addressed, this problem will only get worse.

Places like Pattaya and Patong and the red light districts in Bangkok should be avoided, especially late at night. This will be more the case as time progresses without action by diligent authorities that are sadly lacking in the LOS.

It happened in Hua Hin... Well different from Pattaya and red light districts of Bangkok...

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I have to say after studying the video the tourist asked for it and they got it. 18sec in son pushes Thai man,21 sec Thai man pushes son back 51 sec mom slaps Thai man in face,1.14 sec dad sucker punches Thai man 1.29 all hell break loose and apart from the kick to moms face they got what they deserved. I would of done the same had they done that to me. on this occasion I think the Thais deserve a break.

Hello Catman.

For the record: The British man ( the Son ) did not push the Thai man.

I went over that aspect of the video 20 times plus

What you see happen is the Drunken Thai man is standing in the middle of the pathway more or less staggering about and came to a momentary stand still.

Just before you can see the Son walking towards the CCTV camera and in the direction and path of the drunken Thai man standing there with a bottle of booze in his hand.

You see the Son is about to collide with the drunk man as they cross paths but the son turns his body and shoulder to the left to avoid a shoulder to shoulder collision.

While turning his shoulder to the left he also extends his arm out and more or less trailing behind himself and then ends up with his shoulder and arm and forearm more or less "brushing" the Thai mans chest while the son continues to slip by the drunken man and then finally the sons hand briefly touches the drunken mans right hand should and then the 2 of them separate...all in about 1.5 or 2 seconds.

Then, the drunken Thai man believes he has been shoved or deliberately bumped into or whatever a thoroughly drunken Thai man is thinking and immediately takes a step or 2 after the son and gives him a shove from behind in believed to be justified retaliation..as in: "Dumb foreigner" ..."I will show you"

There is no doubt about that aspect, as seen in the video

The drunken Thai man did shove the son and the son more or less lost his balance and fell over himself and tripped up on the curb while his Mothers walking path, right beside him, actually also contributed to tripping him up on the curb and down he went and hit his head.

After her son was down she immediately recognized who it was that shoved her son as you can see the shove more or less shoved her son into her walking path and somewhat tripped her up also.

Anyhow the Son did not shove or push the drunken Thai man rather they more or less nearly collided while brushing by one another with a slight amount of body contact occurring.

When people are drunk many of them are easily slighted and then arguments and fights often happen.....just like you see develop in the video.



Edited by gemguy
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I can't see any problem with release this video to public.

I still get the hope that it will create some ACTIONS by authorities to make life for anybody safer. Maybe I'm dreaming only. The authorities seem to be more focused on their reputation or Thailand's reputation than to secure life.

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I thought the police released the video (albeit 2 weeks later) to catch the culprits???

Obviously not.

yea what happened to that story line ? , does this say that federal cops looking for local cops or do they want a patsy ? inquiring minds need to know .

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I have to say after studying the video the tourist asked for it and they got it. 18sec in son pushes Thai man,21 sec Thai man pushes son back 51 sec mom slaps Thai man in face,1.14 sec dad sucker punches Thai man 1.29 all hell break loose and apart from the kick to moms face they got what they deserved. I would of done the same had they done that to me. on this occasion I think the Thais deserve a break.

Hello Catman.

For the record: The British man ( the Son ) did not push the Thai man.

I went over that aspect of the video 20 times plus

What you see happen is the Drunken Thai man is standing in the middle of the pathway more or less staggering about and came to a momentary stand still.

Just before you can see the Son walking towards the CCTV camera and in the direction and path of the drunken Thai man standing there with a bottle of booze in his hand.

You see the Son is about to collide with the drunk man as they cross paths but the son turns his body and shoulder to the left to avoid a shoulder to shoulder collision.

While turning his shoulder to the left he also extends his arm out and more or less trailing behind himself and then ends up with his shoulder and arm and forearm more or less "brushing" the Thai mans chest while the son continues to slip by the drunken man and then finally the sons hand briefly touches the drunken mans right hand should and then the 2 of them separate...all in about 1.5 or 2 seconds.

Then, the drunken Thai man believes he has been shoved or deliberately bumped into or whatever a thoroughly drunken Thai man is thinking and immediately takes a step or 2 after the son and gives him a shove from behind in believed to be justified retaliation..as in: "Dumb foreigner" ..."I will show you"

There is no doubt about that aspect, as seen in the video

The drunken Thai man did shove the son and the son more or less lost his balance and fell over himself and tripped up on the curb while his Mothers walking path, right beside him, actually also contributed to tripping him up on the curb and down he went and hit his head.

After her son was down she immediately recognized who it was that shoved her son as you can see the shove more or less shoved her son into her walking path and somewhat tripped her up also.

Anyhow the Son did not shove or push the drunken Thai man rather they more or less nearly collided while brushing by one another with a slight amount of body contact occurring.

When people are drunk many of them are easily slighted and then arguments and fights often happen.....just like you see develop in the video.



huh ? say again , i fell asleep after first 200 woeds .

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Re thhe other assault on the young Laos girl by the gang of 8. Can anyone advise me on how and where from that CCTV footage can be shared. FB etc to follow up on the Hua Him incident ? Thanks.

Click on top left of video for youtube page.

Thanks. However, I cannot find on YouTube the video, that is on this TV site, of the Lao girl being attacked by the gang of 8. Only the one of the Hua Him attack. Any suggestions. Thanks


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Looked like granny started it - she don't be doing that again in a hurry.

Oh so I suppose that justifys a thai flying kick... sick in the head ........Thai boy on booze.....Perhaps we should warn all grannies and grandpas not to come to Thailand and visit the neighbouring countries which are much safer and friendly and hospitable.... Thailand you amaze me.... Grinning lot....

No, it does not justify their actions - but is makes clear those Brits and in particula this woman have their guilty part in the story, too


Sadly the scenes depicted in that video are commonplace to be seen late on a Friday or Saturday night in towns and cities around the world.

Really? Semi-conscious grannies on the ground getting kicked in the face?

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This country is a very backward country they are trying toplay on the world stage that they in controt but there right hand doesn't know what it's doing from there left hand they are the dumbest people on this planet the governments are corrupt the people are mainly prostitutes or thieves the police are the biggest mafia in Thailand and they're trying to solve a Case like this what a joke and pretending they are civilised in in front of the world when. the world knows Thailand is the toilet of the world....why would anyone go there has got me beat sex and it's cheap that's it land of smiles what myth Thailand you must remember the Internet is a very powerful thing the whole world has seen this footage

Edited by Eli1
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Well this or similar happen in every country....i remember than the english have a tradition to kick someones head over and over when he is on the ground...in any place in england or aussie when drunks gather outside a pub unprovoked attacks on bypassers are the usual with often lethal results...in germany gangrape happens way more often than published köln newyear and the police are masters of the cover up to practice newspeak newthink ...so why thailand should be different at a festival

Like songran when ever,body gets pissed like hell and releases a year long repressed anger...i mean i feel this what happened was a 100000% wrong and needs to be punished BUT keep the perspective guys in your homecountrys 100 times worster things are the everyday common so dont cry like babys when human beeings display there real inner selfes ...killing murdering torture rape is much wider spread in the world than compassion goodwill and love ..I guess 90 to 10 ratio want proove ? see all the wars now tchetchenia ukraine syria afghanistan northern africa many forgotten conflicts in central africa middle east etc etc and all sponsered by western and eastern guntrade and so called civilised government policys hidden from ur eye etc...

Oh yes, Sadly you are 100% correct. It is not about nationality at all. It unfortunately is just a microcosm of the unpleasant nature of some human beings and happens all over the world. Much of it because of a prevalence of soft approaches to dealing with it and the lack of education and family principles. Bullies continue to be bullies, unless they are taught not to be. I think the reason this became such a big story is the video and of course this is a web site called Thai Visa, so it is mainly about Thailand and events in Thailand. So people respond to the topic. Equally you can see loads of videos on youtube too where nasty violence occurs all over the world. And on those specific ones people write in shock and disgust too. It is very sad reflection on humanity 2016. But of course this thread is about this specific incident, not ones anywhere else in the world. But I love to see the reaction of people here. Because what it does for me, is give me confidence that there are decent people in this world, who live by a code and a set of principles. It gives me hope that the majority of people do not like to see old people beaten and to see violence. The more people speak out against such disgusting behavior is a good thing. People are tired of it all over the world. In the same way as I see people protesting unnecessary war and brutality anywhere in the world. It is good people have a platform to do this. To show people it is not acceptable, whoever you are, or whatever country you live in.

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The four neanderthals who couldn't handle their booze and assaulted a senior citizen lady, among others, "damaged the country".

Trying to hide the incident "damaged the country".

Saving face after the fact instead of conducting oneself in a manner in which face doesn't have to be saved "damages the

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Well this or similar happen in every country....i remember than the english have a tradition to kick someones head over and over when he is on the ground...in any place in england or aussie when drunks gather outside a pub unprovoked attacks on bypassers are the usual with often lethal results...in germany gangrape happens way more often than published köln newyear and the police are masters of the cover up to practice newspeak newthink ...so why thailand should be different at a festival

Like songran when ever,body gets pissed like hell and releases a year long repressed anger...i mean i feel this what happened was a 100000% wrong and needs to be punished BUT keep the perspective guys in your homecountrys 100 times worster things are the everyday common so dont cry like babys when human beeings display there real inner selfes ...killing murdering torture rape is much wider spread in the world than compassion goodwill and love ..I guess 90 to 10 ratio want proove ? see all the wars now tchetchenia ukraine syria afghanistan northern africa many forgotten conflicts in central africa middle east etc etc and all sponsered by western and eastern guntrade and so called civilised government policys hidden from ur eye etc...

Oh yes, Sadly you are 100% correct. It is not about nationality at all. It unfortunately is just a microcosm of the unpleasant nature of some human beings and happens all over the world. Much of it because of a prevalence of soft approaches to dealing with it and the lack of education and family principles. Bullies continue to be bullies, unless they are taught not to be. I think the reason this became such a big story is the video and of course this is a web site called Thai Visa, so it is mainly about Thailand and events in Thailand. So people respond to the topic. Equally you can see loads of videos on youtube too where nasty violence occurs all over the world. And on those specific ones people write in shock and disgust too. It is very sad reflection on humanity 2016. But of course this thread is about this specific incident, not ones anywhere else in the world. But I love to see the reaction of people here. Because what it does for me, is give me confidence that there are decent people in this world, who live by a code and a set of principles. It gives me hope that the majority of people do not like to see old people beaten and to see violence. The more people speak out against such disgusting behavior is a good thing. People are tired of it all over the world. In the same way as I see people protesting unnecessary war and brutality anywhere in the world. It is good people have a platform to do this. To show people it is not acceptable, whoever you are, or whatever country you live in.

yes it does happen other places...BUT....if someone had done that in the US or UK or AUS they would have been tried on attempted murder charges and with video evidence likely a very long jail term. The problem here is we likely will not have that...Thai boys are often excused for bad behavior unless it is drug related or politically motivated. Beating someone senseless is not really a big deal here...therein lies the problem, a lack of accountability unless you happen to be a Burmese or Cambodian laborer...then you are sunk.

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What we have here is a failure to recognise the underlying problems.

The military seem to struggle with the concept that lying, hiding things, sweeping them under the carpet is not always the best approach.

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What we have here is a failure to recognise the underlying problems.

The military seem to struggle with the concept that lying, hiding things, sweeping them under the carpet is not always the best approach.

This is true.

And "they" thought everything would go so smoothly under "their control"....lol....

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Every single baby born in Thailand is brainwashed from birth to believe that Thailand is not only the finest country in the world but it is also the largest. This is the literal teaching they receive every day in school and is enforced by the press and the TV. Along with this is the implication that all foreigners are by nature inferior, somehow not entirely human, and to be tolerated, at best. At worst, particularly with young Thai men (who have a mental age of an adolescent out of control with an excess of testosterone) farangs are to not to be tolerated, given the slightest excuse. Add to this cultural belief that any kind of loss of face concerning a farang needs addressing immediately, and the aggression and hatred bursts out. As Thai men never go anywhere alone, this usually involves an enraged mob.

This wasn't just someone pushing back to save face. This was an outburst of hatred and rage - coming back again and again to punch and kick the old people who were already semi-conscious on the ground.

If further argument is needed, the same culture teaches Thai people to venerate the aged. Which they do. Unless the old people are not real people - ie foreigners.

It is irrelevant who pushed first or if the farangs started it or not. This incident is yet another example that Thailand is not a civilised nation in the way the rest of the world understands the concept. This is a country where there is so much dissatisfaction and aggression that the name of the daily exercise for everyone is to make everything *appear* wonderful and keep things in line with way that the Thais like to perceive themselves - smiling and gentle. In other words - do absolutely anything at all to save face.

Unfortunately for Thailand, again and again and again over the last few years, the instantaneous nature of social media and its global coverage is revealing the lies and cover-ups almost daily to the rest of the world. And the more it happens, the more tragic the Thai reaction, as they panic and flap about pathetically with implausible explanations and responses which only serve to dig them deeper in the shit, as they desperately try to save some last despairing shred of face like senseless schoolkids babbling obvious lies at the teacher.

Very sadly, I think it's all going to get a lot worse before it begins to get any better.

Well observed and correct analysis of the problem.

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Has anyone here every heard of authorities in any other country complain about the "damage to the country" when videos of people getting killed or beaten surface?

Thai authorities, even before this dictatorship, have done this since I can remember. They really do have their heads up their collected asses and it shows you that Thais don't give a krap about the well-being of anyone, but what they do give a Kraap about is $$$>>

Krap is intentionally misspelled, BTW.

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The truth always hurts!

More threats.

What about the damage to the British family? Is it not in the worlds benefit to see what's in store for you in the Land Of (false) Smiles?

Silencing the media ain't gonna happen and victims lives are much more important than the Thai baht and just go to show what's the REAL PRIORITY in Thailand.

Just saying ..,,,,,

In the Land of Broken Smiles, they would rather seem like everything is sunshine and roses and keep their head in the sand and worry about visitor numbers never address the silly "loss of face" or a chance to dog pile farangs I don't think they see press cover ups hurt just as much as hiding what really goes on here
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Every single baby born in Thailand is brainwashed from birth to believe that Thailand is not only the finest country in the world but it is also the largest. This is the literal teaching they receive every day in school and is enforced by the press and the TV. Along with this is the implication that all foreigners are by nature inferior, somehow not entirely human, and to be tolerated, at best. At worst, particularly with young Thai men (who have a mental age of an adolescent out of control with an excess of testosterone) farangs are to not to be tolerated, given the slightest excuse. Add to this cultural belief that any kind of loss of face concerning a farang needs addressing immediately, and the aggression and hatred bursts out. As Thai men never go anywhere alone, this usually involves an enraged mob.

This wasn't just someone pushing back to save face. This was an outburst of hatred and rage - coming back again and again to punch and kick the old people who were already semi-conscious on the ground.

If further argument is needed, the same culture teaches Thai people to venerate the aged. Which they do. Unless the old people are not real people - ie foreigners.

It is irrelevant who pushed first or if the farangs started it or not. This incident is yet another example that Thailand is not a civilised nation in the way the rest of the world understands the concept. This is a country where there is so much dissatisfaction and aggression that the name of the daily exercise for everyone is to make everything *appear* wonderful and keep things in line with way that the Thais like to perceive themselves - smiling and gentle. In other words - do absolutely anything at all to save face.

Unfortunately for Thailand, again and again and again over the last few years, the instantaneous nature of social media and its global coverage is revealing the lies and cover-ups almost daily to the rest of the world. And the more it happens, the more tragic the Thai reaction, as they panic and flap about pathetically with implausible explanations and responses which only serve to dig them deeper in the shit, as they desperately try to save some last despairing shred of face like senseless schoolkids babbling obvious lies at the teacher.

Very sadly, I think it's all going to get a lot worse before it begins to get any better.

Well observed and correct analysis of the problem.

I agree... well said. I would add that the reason for this pent up aggression is indeed this idea of always saving face and societal norms taht require you not to make a fuss when you are wronged. People smile and say Krap and wai each other but becaause of Thailand's rigid norms, people's agression is pent up. I think this comes out in the way people drive here, when they are behind tinted windows where nobody can see their face. Since they don't have to look anyone in the eyes when on the roads, they drive aggressively and selfishly, putting others in danger.

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I have to say after studying the video the tourist asked for it and they got it. 18sec in son pushes Thai man,21 sec Thai man pushes son back 51 sec mom slaps Thai man in face,1.14 sec dad sucker punches Thai man 1.29 all hell break loose and apart from the kick to moms face they got what they deserved. I would of done the same had they done that to me. on this occasion I think the Thais deserve a break.

So if a old lady slapped you in the face,would you hit Her?

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