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The week that was in Thailand News: Big Brother is watching you brush past your fellow man

Jonathan Fairfield

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Big Brother is watching you brush past your fellow man


Even some of the most suspicious people would accept that there are at least some benefits in the proliferation of CCTV cameras throughout the world. But the very tool that authorities cite as so useful in bringing offenders of all descriptions to justice is very much a double edged sword.

Never was this so plain in a week of Thaivisa news dominated by one story that was largely based on a video clip. For while some - even after ten viewings of the graphic footage - disputed the actual "evidence" that was displayed in the Hua Hin Songkran violence no one could doubt the wanton severity of the shocking damage done to the British victims or the potential for a similar kick in the face for tourism in Thailand.

Authorities needed the images to track down the miscreants. But the country's 'image' needed the 'images' as much as the holes in the head suffered by Welsh pensioners Rosemary and Lewis Owen and their son.

No one would blame them if these people who loved Thailand, and had come multiple times since the eighties, had had enough, as British papers claimed. And who could blame citizens and netizens for sharing their story (even if that was suggested briefly later in the week) for as many Thais themselves have said, not to do so would mask an undercurrent of violence in the streets few would deny exists. One need only look at almost equally disgraceful footage of a Laotian girl suspected of being a 'gik' who was handed out a terrible beating just this week by eight men on one girl. Again caught on CCTV (though this time what happened in Bangkok, stayed in Bangkok).

What people want to see - both locals and tourists alike - is the rule of law. The police did well to bring the Hua Hin suspects to book but they need to ensure that all cases are pursued with the same vigour irrespective of involvement of the influential or the downtrodden or the foreign. And now the courts need to back them up with a realistic sentence in this case and fair and just treatment of many others.

While true that a report posted just after the event on Thaivisa mentioned the incident, the warning to foreigners it contained always seemed over the top - not that that deterred the rabid British press who had a field day intimating the attacks were racially motivated; all based on the hearsay evidence of someone on a forum who overheard someone say something about foreigners in a language they didn't understand when they had all had a skinful.

As the four suspects had - 16 bottles of beer between four (over the whole long evening) as one said in mitigation, making me want to ask, big bottles or small khrap?

No, this it emerged was not an attack on foreigners per se, this was drunken thuggery fuelled by alcohol as a volatile situation spiralled, albeit just a brushed arm initially. Of course it can happen anywhere, but the fact is in these days of CCTV and social media everyone is going to hear about it. Even the British press would likely have said nowt without the video.

In short one would hope that after a while, a few tourist seasons maybe, the Owens could return to a Thailand that had learnt some lessons from what happened in Soi Bintabaht and its aftermath and a couple of minutes of idiotic street violence could act as a catalyst marking a watershed for change.

With all the bad news the sad death of a very old German lady in a Samui rented room had a more touching angle. She had asked her landlady if it was OK to die in the land she loved so no one could blame her when less than a week later, she did.

And who could not be gladdened by the Chiang Mai driver who returned 100K to a Chinese tourist even if the tourist should have been fined for his dress sense in the smiling-police-honest local-feel good picture.

Likewise the lovely cleaning lady at Mor Chit returning 60K left in her toilets helped provide some balance to a terrible week and reminded us why we love Thailand so much.

Certainly the foreign man, spending up to 50K of his hard earned a month on feeding and caring for the canine population, seemed as happy as Lally with his Thai lot.

And the love for the kingdom once again showed through in those quirky "it could only happen here" stories that could fill a book every week of the year.

I mean, what was the Don Muang passenger thinking who tried to take a 13 kg gas canister on a plane to Phuket? (Or for that matter what were the airport staff who made him take it out of his bag in front of a hundred or more jittery passengers at the gate thinking?)

What was it like to come home to your 3.8 million dream home and see it reduced to the mother of all piles of timber because of the summer storms? (Especially when your mother had paid for it). Or what did the people think who escaped the mother of all advertising hoardings that flattened a bus garage causing 20 million baht in damage?

Maybe they all thought, at least no damage was done to any human in the making of this video....

Meanwhile the cremation site saga rumbled on in Udon with allegations of mischievous goings on by the living and the dead. The first from claims of extortion made against police on Sunday and the second from "spirits of the dead seeking justice" looking on at investigators in pictures taken a day or two later.

Did no one think to check they were just curious villagers wondering what the fuss was all about? No, much more fun to visit the local monk to find out what rituals are needed to allow the spirits to find peace and be born again......though it begs the question why they might want to return for more of the same.

Certainly one would hope that the monk who changed in and out of his robes after stalking his ex-wife on Facebook, of all holy places, before visiting her with a scythe, will never be seen again in either this life or the next.

And finally to two tales of irony and remorse. Much of the former and hopefully plenty of the latter for the cop who rode his bike on a forbidden bridge and is charged with killing his girlfriend due to negligent riding. The Lat Prao officer could get ten years but won't lose his job, it seems.

And the Songkran drink drivers who were taken on tours of hospital morgues and local prisons to teach them the error of their ways.

Interesting, perhaps even innovative solutions and so much better than just watching accident videos on CCTV.

Gerry Carter

-- 2016-04-30

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A poem by -- Jessica Shaver

I told God I was Angry

I thought He’d be surprised.

I thought I’d keep hostility

quite cleverly disguised.

I told the Lord I hated Him

I told Him that I hurt.

I told Him that He isn’t fair,

He’s treated me like dirt.

I told God I was Angry, but I’m the one surprised.

“What I’ve known all along,”

He said, “you’ve finally realized.

At last you have admitted what’s really in your heart.

Dishonesty, not anger, was keeping us apart.

Even when you hate Me I don’t stop loving you.

Before you can receive that love

you must confess what’s true.

In telling Me the anger you genuinely feel,

it loses power over you, permitting you to heal”

I told God I was sorry and He’s forgiven me.

The truth that I was angry has finally set me free.

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A fair post. I could write pages about the better aspects of Thailand. The reason I live here is because I like the Thai people. But there will always be bad people everywhere.

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Johnathan Fairfield, make no mistake ....

The Thai thugs in the Hau Hin incident are nothing but scum.

Please don't try to soften the viciousness of the attack with excuses for these scum.

+1...many of us know the real Thai perspective of foreigners. While it may not always end in violence we are seldom is accepted. Except for the money we bring to the table.
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So, what the hell is the point of these ramblings of some semi illeterate journalist. This is Thailand, we all know that, we all love it or we wouldn't remain here, we all know these things happen anywhere, we all know that, thank god, we don't have the mass shootings on a monthly basis as in the USA, we all know that 99% of Thai people are generous and helpful to us, including taxi drivers who keep getting bashed on this forum, which is also run by semi illeterate people judging by the posts that occur every day, we all know that anything can be got simply paying for it,corruption is endemic to all, and so on and so on, but we are all still here for better or for worse. At least we can escape from it which is a lot more than the average Thai can do.

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Scottish not Welsh, but Brits anyway.

The "brush" by the son which was described as the "catalyst" by the Daily Mail.


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Edited by mickba
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Scottish not Welsh, but Brits anyway.

The "brush" by the son which was described as the "catalyst" by the Daily Mail.


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if you look at the video you can see there were plenty of other people brushing by other people in the very crowded and drunken atmosphere.

The drunk Thai man ( clutching a bottle of alcohol ) that shoved the Son was all pumped up and being aggressive anyhow, as you can clearly see him arguing and physically getting aggressive with another person ( a Thai person ) just before the son "brushed" past him.

You could say with a 99 % degree of certainty that drunk Thai guy was "Cruising for a Bruising"


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"overheard someone say something about foreigners in a language they didn't understand"

Not that its applicable to this case, but this must be a factor in many altercations.

To often westerners ( who think they know everything) hear a language they can have no idea about..

but still ASS-ume...Thais are talking about them or their partner in derogatory terms.

I once witnessed a couple (better not mention nationality) walking in Silom, who assumed Thais were speaking badly of them as they passed.

Immediately the guy starts mouthing off, swearing and hurling insults at the Thais.

what was said?

As i was following close behind the couple i specifically heard the Thai words..blonde hair, beautiful, why isnt thai woman like this (in this style)

Farangs have got to realise this is a Thai trait, they observe and sometimes comment, but its not always bad and the habit is not considered in bad form (for them anyway)

The guy and his gal walked on by, but if the know-all SOB had of got a kicking i would of had no trouble in walking on by also.

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"this was drunken thuggery fuelled by alcohol as a volatile situation spiralled, albeit just a brushed arm initially, albeit just a brushed arm initially"

It's pretty amazing that so many farang dismiss the initial contact as trivial 'brushed arm' when the video clearly shows the Brit man grabbing the Thai man by the arm and casually pushing him aside as if he were a child.

This was an incredibly offensive act and is what led to the confrontation Had the Brit sidestepped to avoid someone who had been clearly drinking, none of this wouldve happened. Instead he acted out in an arrogant and clearly aggressive fashion. Perhaps he had been drinking as well prior to this altercation?

Let's not forget the same Brit restraining another Thai man from behind so his dad could assault him. What was he thinking? I'm in Thailand surrounded by Thais, but no matter, I'm going to hold another Thai so he can get his face bashed in.

And what about the Brit mother? Clearly she wasnt thinking straight and was under the influence of alcohol to so rashly slap a local in a foreign country.

What kind of people act this way as guests in a foreign country? Clearly theyre not as innocent as many other farang and western media make them out to be.

Being elderly does not give one a free pass to assault others without retaliation.

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We all who live in Thailand love this place and therefore we do not want things go bad the way it is happening. I have noticed that due to the new law things have become better at least in Pattaya. Now the bars and other security guards can not just beat the people for any reason or else their business will be closed for few months. Good things are also happening and it is not only the beating of foreigners, jet ski scam, taxi scam etc.

But never the less we need to feel that we have the security we need. It is important for all of us to know for example what happen to these criminal from Hua Hin. We should know if they are punished properly or just by saying we are very sorry and paying of few hundred Baht are released.

I appreciate the Thai visa for bringing this news to us and I hope they will follow such cases til the end and let us know what the punishment was.

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Sex and violence sell newspapers. This is nothing new, with more CCTV installed in tourist areas the more chance of getting a criminal act on tourists on camera. With mobile phones now able to record high definition video the chance of getting a despicable act of violence increases. Advanced technology combined with the social media and you can capture an event on your mobile, upload to say Facebook and within literally minutes have an international news story.

Reading through most of the comments of posters replying to the Hua Hin attack I saw mentioned several times that this kind of thing has happened before in Thailand but what was unique to this attack was that it was captured on CCTV and the police released the video footage to the general public so that the perpetrators of this despicable crime could be identified, found and brought to justice. Well done RTP. It wasn't an easy decision I guess but bringing criminals to justice is the priority of the police force.

The aftermath of a horrendous crime such as this is at first shock, then outrage, then questioning why this happened. The conclusion provided by the OP seems correct in my opinion. Caught on camera, alcohol played a major part, a street brawl but this time targeted old and vulnerable tourists.

What next? The officers of the RTP in Hua Hin have set a shining example to other RTP forces throughout Thailand by releasing the CCTV footage in trying to capture the criminals. Justice is what is next, justice is what will deter other people from assaulted as well as more cameras. Justice comes first even if it tarnishes the image of tourism in Thailand. The Royal Thai Police of Hua Hin are crusaders for justice and truth.

Edited by tukkytuktuk
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"this was drunken thuggery fuelled by alcohol as a volatile situation spiralled, albeit just a brushed arm initially, albeit just a brushed arm initially"

It's pretty amazing that so many farang dismiss the initial contact as trivial 'brushed arm' when the video clearly shows the Brit man grabbing the Thai man by the arm and casually pushing him aside as if he were a child.

This was an incredibly offensive act and is what led to the confrontation Had the Brit sidestepped to avoid someone who had been clearly drinking, none of this wouldve happened. Instead he acted out in an arrogant and clearly aggressive fashion. Perhaps he had been drinking as well prior to this altercation?

Let's not forget the same Brit restraining another Thai man from behind so his dad could assault him. What was he thinking? I'm in Thailand surrounded by Thais, but no matter, I'm going to hold another Thai so he can get his face bashed in.

And what about the Brit mother? Clearly she wasnt thinking straight and was under the influence of alcohol to so rashly slap a local in a foreign country.

What kind of people act this way as guests in a foreign country? Clearly theyre not as innocent as many other farang and western media make them out to be.

Being elderly does not give one a free pass to assault others without retaliation.

That was not the case.

There was one video posted only showing that 2 second interval ( over and over again and clearly seen ) when the Foreigner and the Drunk Thai man crossed one another's path.

You can see that the Thai guy was actually, more or less, stumbling forward and cutting in front of the foreigner who put out his arm and hand to avoid being crashed into by the staggering drunk Thai guy.

If you see that video part played over and over again you can see the foreigner put out his arm to support the drunken Thai guy from stumbling into him and the foreigner's arm and hand ended up brushing past the drunk Thai man and then barely touching the front of the chest and stomach area of the drunken Thai man....as if to say without saying anything: "Whoa ..carefull there mate"....

Seriously...watch the video closely and you can see the drunk Thai guy staggering after another Thai person ( was it his friend??? as that other Thai guy came back to be the one to sucker punch the father later on ) that he was arguing with just seconds before he started to stumble after that other Thai person and nearly collided with the British man that was walking just ahead of his Mother and Father.

The British guy did not push or shove the drunken Thai guy rather barely connected with him as the drunk guy was staggering about after the other Thai man.

Then it escalated when the Mother and the Father, who realized their son had been shoved by the drunk Thai man for no apparent reason...confronted the Thai man as to why he shoved their son like he did.


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"this was drunken thuggery fuelled by alcohol as a volatile situation spiralled, albeit just a brushed arm initially, albeit just a brushed arm initially"

It's pretty amazing that so many farang dismiss the initial contact as trivial 'brushed arm' when the video clearly shows the Brit man grabbing the Thai man by the arm and casually pushing him aside as if he were a child.

This was an incredibly offensive act and is what led to the confrontation Had the Brit sidestepped to avoid someone who had been clearly drinking, none of this wouldve happened. Instead he acted out in an arrogant and clearly aggressive fashion. Perhaps he had been drinking as well prior to this altercation?

Let's not forget the same Brit restraining another Thai man from behind so his dad could assault him. What was he thinking? I'm in Thailand surrounded by Thais, but no matter, I'm going to hold another Thai so he can get his face bashed in.

And what about the Brit mother? Clearly she wasnt thinking straight and was under the influence of alcohol to so rashly slap a local in a foreign country.

What kind of people act this way as guests in a foreign country? Clearly theyre not as innocent as many other farang and western media make them out to be.

Being elderly does not give one a free pass to assault others without retaliation.

Joined at the hip.

It seems to me you and the author of this post are in each other's pockets having previuisky worked out everything for us dumb imbecile avid tv members.

No use us trying to interject with biased or personal views when it's all been worked for us already. This masterpiece is second to none and by all accounts or so it seems be addressed and considered as final. Therefire are we to abide by this op and your kind selfsame apparent rendition of how we should think or act accordingly.

Freedom of speech is a myth like democracy in Thailand.

Just saying .........

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The PM stated that the video of the 6 punks who attacked a 65 and a 68 year old man along with there 43 year old made Thailand look bad. It is not the videos so stop with these remarks. It is your Thai lawless people who make Thailand look bad. Police do not do there job and nothing happens. What has really changed since the junta take over of the governments?

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"this was drunken thuggery fuelled by alcohol as a volatile situation spiralled, albeit just a brushed arm initially, albeit just a brushed arm initially"

It's pretty amazing that so many farang dismiss the initial contact as trivial 'brushed arm' when the video clearly shows the Brit man grabbing the Thai man by the arm and casually pushing him aside as if he were a child.

This was an incredibly offensive act and is what led to the confrontation Had the Brit sidestepped to avoid someone who had been clearly drinking, none of this wouldve happened. Instead he acted out in an arrogant and clearly aggressive fashion. Perhaps he had been drinking as well prior to this altercation?

Let's not forget the same Brit restraining another Thai man from behind so his dad could assault him. What was he thinking? I'm in Thailand surrounded by Thais, but no matter, I'm going to hold another Thai so he can get his face bashed in.

And what about the Brit mother? Clearly she wasnt thinking straight and was under the influence of alcohol to so rashly slap a local in a foreign country.

What kind of people act this way as guests in a foreign country? Clearly theyre not as innocent as many other farang and western media make them out to be.

Being elderly does not give one a free pass to assault others without retaliation.

Joined at the hip.

It seems to me you and the author of this post are in each other's pockets having previuisky worked out everything for us dumb imbecile avid tv members.

No use us trying to interject with biased or personal views when it's all been worked for us already. This masterpiece is second to none and by all accounts or so it seems be addressed and considered as final. Therefire are we to abide by this op and your kind selfsame apparent rendition of how we should think or act accordingly.

Freedom of speech is a myth like democracy in Thailand.

Just saying .........

Kuhn Nemnut as they say a man who has a whole in his pockets gets solution on hand. Your hand has many solution i see!

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As other posters have mentioned, it should be recognised that the police did (eventually) release the CCTV.

You can debate the issue of how long it took them to do so, and IF they would have done so at all, if it had not been for social media spreading the story internationally.

Still, those cameras could have easily been suddenly not working, or not available due to the private property baloney..as we have seen before.

so credit to them in that regard.

It seems the foreigners initiated the altercation by overreacting in a situation that could have been easily avoided.

How much of this stuff have we got to see before westerners on holiday loose this " they are only puny little Asians" mindset??

Im pretty sure they would never contemplate bunging this on in non Asian countries where the locals look a bit more "formidable".

I remember visiting places like Italy where a lot of tourists talked about getting taken for a ride in the tourist traps and it wasnt just chump change either.

I never heard anyone say they retaliated in this way.

Getting in someones face, talking down to them, waving the finger around and slapping them..

all over getting slightly jostled in the street.

people know better to try it in other places,

Why do it in Thailand?

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"this was drunken thuggery fuelled by alcohol as a volatile situation spiralled, albeit just a brushed arm initially, albeit just a brushed arm initially"

It's pretty amazing that so many farang dismiss the initial contact as trivial 'brushed arm' when the video clearly shows the Brit man grabbing the Thai man by the arm and casually pushing him aside as if he were a child.

This was an incredibly offensive act and is what led to the confrontation Had the Brit sidestepped to avoid someone who had been clearly drinking, none of this wouldve happened. Instead he acted out in an arrogant and clearly aggressive fashion. Perhaps he had been drinking as well prior to this altercation?

Let's not forget the same Brit restraining another Thai man from behind so his dad could assault him. What was he thinking? I'm in Thailand surrounded by Thais, but no matter, I'm going to hold another Thai so he can get his face bashed in.

And what about the Brit mother? Clearly she wasnt thinking straight and was under the influence of alcohol to so rashly slap a local in a foreign country.

What kind of people act this way as guests in a foreign country? Clearly theyre not as innocent as many other farang and western media make them out to be.

Being elderly does not give one a free pass to assault others without retaliation.

Still doesn't excuse six young fit guys beating a family of three senseless, two of whom were pensioners and of course included a white-haired old lady.

You keep looking at the cause rather than the reaction so that if you can convince people that the family started it, then that makes the ensuing severe beating ok.

Edited by jesimps
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"this was drunken thuggery fuelled by alcohol as a volatile situation spiralled, albeit just a brushed arm initially, albeit just a brushed arm initially"

It's pretty amazing that so many farang dismiss the initial contact as trivial 'brushed arm' when the video clearly shows the Brit man grabbing the Thai man by the arm and casually pushing him aside as if he were a child.

This was an incredibly offensive act and is what led to the confrontation Had the Brit sidestepped to avoid someone who had been clearly drinking, none of this wouldve happened. Instead he acted out in an arrogant and clearly aggressive fashion. Perhaps he had been drinking as well prior to this altercation?

Let's not forget the same Brit restraining another Thai man from behind so his dad could assault him. What was he thinking? I'm in Thailand surrounded by Thais, but no matter, I'm going to hold another Thai so he can get his face bashed in.

And what about the Brit mother? Clearly she wasnt thinking straight and was under the influence of alcohol to so rashly slap a local in a foreign country.

What kind of people act this way as guests in a foreign country? Clearly theyre not as innocent as many other farang and western media make them out to be.

Being elderly does not give one a free pass to assault others without retaliation.

Still doesn't excuse six young fit guys beating a family of three senseless, two of whom were pensioners and of course included a white-haired old lady.

You keep looking at the cause rather than the reaction so that if you can convince people that the family started it, then that makes the ensuing severe beating ok.

Your right, absolutely right.

Meantime ...What has the world learned????

The world has learned: Be careful when you are out and about partying and drinking and getting drunk amongst the drunken Thai people as bad happenings can and do happen...as seen in the Video.

Furthermore, there has been numerous video posts, having previously been posted and seen by more than enough people showing vicious and brutal assaults performed by Thai men whether they are drunk or not and it does confirm the Thais fight in numbers and they are vicious and reckless about doing so while stomping on the peoples heads and performing powerful kicks to the head, when their opponent is already down, seems to be a routine part of how a fight is conducted concerning Thai men and women also.

*** I surmise it has something to do with their love of Muay Thai Boxing while many of them probably aspire to be Muay Thai boxers and feel that head kicks need to be included in a bar brawl or street fight.

So, it is confirmed: Alcohol induced violence is alive and well in Thailand.....

Gosh...who would of thought....While now that it is recognised all the more so that alcohol induced violence exists in Thailand and not uncommon it seems, then just be all the more careful what you do and what you say around drunk Thai people...mainly the Thai Men.



Edited by gemguy
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Disassembling in order to rationalize a different perspective! "...was not an attack on foreigners per se..."

This statement is offered to segue into speculation. We know only one thing for certain:

"It was an attack on foreigners." It is the single thing we know; not "per se."

Every other observation is just aftermath, not rationale.

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Johnathan Fairfield, make no mistake ....

The Thai thugs in the Hau Hin incident are nothing but scum.

Please don't try to soften the viciousness of the attack with excuses for these scum.

Yes, they are almost as bad as the two thugs who actually threw the first two punches, the British couple. Will they be charged with assault too,

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So, what the hell is the point of these ramblings of some semi illeterate journalist. This is Thailand, we all know that, we all love it or we wouldn't remain here, we all know these things happen anywhere, we all know that, thank god, we don't have the mass shootings on a monthly basis as in the USA, we all know that 99% of Thai people are generous and helpful to us, including taxi drivers who keep getting bashed on this forum, which is also run by semi illeterate people judging by the posts that occur every day, we all know that anything can be got simply paying for it,corruption is endemic to all, and so on and so on, but we are all still here for better or for worse. At least we can escape from it which is a lot more than the average Thai can do.

+ I agree with you tigermoth 100%. I have wanted to say something like you have written for a long time, but the words just did not come to me. You are right on. Thank you for a great post.

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"this was drunken thuggery fuelled by alcohol as a volatile situation spiralled, albeit just a brushed arm initially, albeit just a brushed arm initially"

It's pretty amazing that so many farang dismiss the initial contact as trivial 'brushed arm' when the video clearly shows the Brit man grabbing the Thai man by the arm and casually pushing him aside as if he were a child.

This was an incredibly offensive act and is what led to the confrontation Had the Brit sidestepped to avoid someone who had been clearly drinking, none of this wouldve happened. Instead he acted out in an arrogant and clearly aggressive fashion. Perhaps he had been drinking as well prior to this altercation?

Let's not forget the same Brit restraining another Thai man from behind so his dad could assault him. What was he thinking? I'm in Thailand surrounded by Thais, but no matter, I'm going to hold another Thai so he can get his face bashed in.

And what about the Brit mother? Clearly she wasnt thinking straight and was under the influence of alcohol to so rashly slap a local in a foreign country.

What kind of people act this way as guests in a foreign country? Clearly theyre not as innocent as many other farang and western media make them out to be.

Being elderly does not give one a free pass to assault others without retaliation.

Still doesn't excuse six young fit guys beating a family of three senseless, two of whom were pensioners and of course included a white-haired old lady.

You keep looking at the cause rather than the reaction so that if you can convince people that the family started it, then that makes the ensuing severe beating ok.

Your right, absolutely right.

Meantime ...What has the world learned????

The world has learned: Be careful when you are out and about partying and drinking and getting drunk amongst the drunken Thai people as bad happenings can and do happen...as seen in the Video.

Furthermore, there has been numerous video posts, having previously been posted and seen by more than enough people showing vicious and brutal assaults performed by Thai men whether they are drunk or not and it does confirm the Thais fight in numbers and they are vicious and reckless about doing so while stomping on the peoples heads and performing powerful kicks to the head, when their opponent is already down, seems to be a routine part of how a fight is conducted concerning Thai men and women also.

*** I surmise it has something to do with their love of Muay Thai Boxing while many of them probably aspire to be Muay Thai boxers and feel that head kicks need to be included in a bar brawl or street fight.

So, it is confirmed: Alcohol induced violence is alive and well in Thailand.....

Gosh...who would of thought....While now that it is recognised all the more so that alcohol induced violence exists in Thailand and not uncommon it seems, then just be all the more careful what you do and what you say around drunk Thai people...mainly the Thai Men.



Let me just rewrite that for you...

"Meantime ...What has the world learned????

The world has learned: Be careful when you are out and about partying and drinking and getting drunk amongst other drunken people as bad things can and do happen...as seen in the video.

Furthermore, there have been numerous video posts previously posted, and seen by more than enough people, showing vicious and brutal assaults performed by young men whether they are drunk or not. They do confirm that young men fight in numbers, and they are vicious and reckless about doing so while stomping on the peoples heads and performing powerful kicks to the head when their opponent is already down. It seems to be a routine part of how a fight is conducted involving both men, and also amongst women.

So, it is confirmed: Alcohol induced violence is alive and well on planet Earth.....

Gosh, who would of thought it. Whilst now that it is recognised all the more that alcohol induced violence exists everywhere, and not uncommon it seems, then just be all the more careful what you do and what you say around drunken people - mainly the men."

There, that seems to be slightly more balanced and less singularly slanted to give the impression that such incidents are unique to Thailand. Hope you don't mind that I also took the liberty of slightly polishing up your punctuation and grammar too.

Maybe take a look at:-




Edited by Shadychris
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The "drunk" Thai guy was walking straight into him, I would have done the same. It seems that you would be saying that you would have let the gutless wonder walk into yourselfif it were you. What these spineless b.......s did to this family, especially to the woman and mom is over the line, Period!

Scottish not Welsh, but Brits anyway.

The "brush" by the son which was described as the "catalyst" by the Daily Mail.


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if you look at the video you can see there were plenty of other people brushing by other people in the very crowded and drunken atmosphere.

The drunk Thai man ( clutching a bottle of alcohol ) that shoved the Son was all pumped up and being aggressive anyhow, as you can clearly see him arguing and physically getting aggressive with another person ( a Thai person ) just before the son "brushed" past him.

You could say with a 99 % degree of certainty that drunk Thai guy was "Cruising for a Bruising"


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Johnathan Fairfield, make no mistake ....

The Thai thugs in the Hau Hin incident are nothing but scum.

Please don't try to soften the viciousness of the attack with excuses for these scum.

Yes, they are almost as bad as the two thugs who actually threw the first two punches, the British couple. Will they be charged with assault too,

To be fair, they have already had their justice dished out to them - and perhaps it will teach them a bit more of a lesson than the community service, probation order or small fine they would have received in the UK. Pond-life would be well advised not to go about aggravating sharks.

Edited by Shadychris
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Apparently the writer of the article or ThaiVisa were not amused by my comment posted earlier today, because it was not published. For the record. pointing out the backtracking in this article compared to previously posted news by Thaivisa itself I jokingly sugggeted that the writer had been called in for attiktude adjustment.

May be my comment was not published by a technical mistake. Only Big Brother would know.

My critical remarks on backtracking originated from mr. Carters harsh words on the foreign media followed by an attempt to compensate for the damage done by the video to the image of Thailand. That is how I read his presentation of shining examples of brave, honest and admirable Thai people. Indeed they are, and there are many of them. No news at all. Everybody living here or with heart for Thailand knows that. In the context of his article it all sounds like a sorry to interested Thai parties not amused by fthis video getting world attention. Most probably they told Thaivisa : If you not had been instrumental in making the video go viral nothing of this would have happened'.

Therefore, I would like to remind you of your own reporting after presenting the video as a Thaivisa scoop. Italics made by me.

Thaivisa april 27/28/

"The newspapers were alerted to the attack after Thaivisa shared the video footage that had emerged from police sources seeking others responsible in the melee who are still on the run.

The Mirror, The Telegraph, The Sun, The Star, The Daily Mail, Yahoo News and news.com.au out of Australia all aired similar stories as a worldwide audience on Facebook reeled in horror at the assaults.

Mainstream Thai news services and television had not reported the incident until mid morning Thursday, some 12 hours after Thaivisa first posted the story and several hours after the story had gained international attention.

This resulted in some netizens alleging there was a cover-up to protect tourism at the traditional Thai New Year celebrations though the local police turned out in force with chief Chayakorn Sriladecho for pictures with the two men arrested four days after the attack."

I belief in professional and independent newsreporting. I hope ThaiVisa shares that too.

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The video of the Hua Yin attack was very graphic and shocking. The murder of Hannah and David was also deeply shocking especially if you saw the pictures that were never posted on here I might add. Most people never see such graphic violence and it can cause distress and disturbs minds. Be aware of this. Looking at some responses to these awful events I can see that some people have been effected mentally. Those who have been effected need to go do something else and relax. True crime stories are not for you try 'Goldey Locks and the three bears' with a nice cup of cocoa.

Just sayin.

Edited by Wilsonandson
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