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Something wrong with my tongue ? (pic)


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my tongue has a white/yellow coating at the back, I noticed it while I was in Thailand last month, I got sick (sore throat, cough, phlegm, runny etc..) which I made a post about on this forum called 'back in England, still have cough from thailand'...

I did have casual sex in Thailand, not with prostitutes or bar girls, woman from a dating website, I performed unprotected oral on both woman

I got back to England and went to a sex clinic, throat swab, HIV blood test and urine test all came back negative

I then saw a nurse about my tongue, thinking I may have oral thrush, but she said she is sure its not that and told me to buy antiseptic mouthwash

I have used the mouthwash for 2 days, brushing my tongue with my toothbrush, ans it looks like its going away and my tongue looks normal, then when I stop using the mouthwash and stop brushing my tongue the coating comes back.

I saw a doctor about about my cough, she did some checks on me and said its nothing serious, it takes a while to go away, and she can't help me with the tongue.

is my tongue normal or is there something wrong ??


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OP, I'd go for all sorts of tests.


Please see: Oral TB may occur at any location on the oral mucosa, but the tongue is most commonly affected. Other sites include the palate, lips, buccal mucosa, gingiva, palatine tonsil, and floor of the mouth. Salivary glands, tonsils, and uvula are also frequently involved. Primary oral TB can be present as painless ulcers of long duration and enlargement of the regional lymph nodes [13].


You should tell the doctors what you did and where you did that.

Edited by lostinisaan
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Do not be concerned about oral TB and do not go and get unnecessary tests.

The tongue is coated with small hairs which can become inflamed from many causes including fever, smoking, dehydration etc. When inflamed, they trap bacteria which can result in a yellowish or greenish color like you have.

Nothing to do with the sex you had, but might be related to the respiratory infection you are just getting over.

Drink more fluids, be careful about your oral hygiene and use an antiseptic mouthwash. Brushing with dilute hydrogen peroxide also good (be sure to spit it out after wards and rinse well).

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Do not be concerned about oral TB and do not go and get unnecessary tests.

The tongue is coated with small hairs which can become inflamed from many causes including fever, smoking, dehydration etc. When inflamed, they trap bacteria which can result in a yellowish or greenish color like you have.

Nothing to do with the sex you had, but might be related to the respiratory infection you are just getting over.

Drink more fluids, be careful about your oral hygiene and use an antiseptic mouthwash. Brushing with dilute hydrogen peroxide also good (be sure to spit it out after wards and rinse well).

Thank you, I have Chlorexidine mouthwash at home, how long is it safe to use for ? should i use this mouthwash or another type of mouthwash without chlorexidine ?

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Chlorhexidine oral rinse is usually reserved for treatment of gingivitis. It can cause staining of the teeth and other problems and I would not advise its use unless instructed to use it by a dentist.

Something simple like Listerine would be more like it.

And brush your tongue. There are special tongue brushes you can get (some toothbrushes have it on their handle ends) or you can use the toothbrush itself but gently.

Note that these measures are just to get rid of the coating because it bothers you. It is not necessary in fact to do anything.

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I reckon Google induced hypochondria is a modern epidemic. Much more likey to be a common, harmless and temporary issue than some tongue rotting disease. If you get run down or sick your immune system can get weak and normal mouth flora can grow - causing a temporary chamge in colour, or just dehydration, or drinking coffee.

Focus on getting fit and eating healthily and you will get back to a healthy balance.

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OP, I'd go for all sorts of tests.


Please see: Oral TB may occur at any location on the oral mucosa, but the tongue is most commonly affected. Other sites include the palate, lips, buccal mucosa, gingiva, palatine tonsil, and floor of the mouth. Salivary glands, tonsils, and uvula are also frequently involved. Primary oral TB can be present as painless ulcers of long duration and enlargement of the regional lymph nodes [13].


You should tell the doctors what you did and where you did that.

Scaremongering !

TB of the tongue is so rare that the chance of contacting it via unwise sexual contact can be discounted.

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