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Obama out: President closes out his run as comedian-in-chief


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Basically his policies were that of a competent moderate republican. I don't really get what he did that was so horrible. It's just depressing that he is hated with such vitriol.

I know everyone was told to hate him from the very beginning until the very end, but really what did he do that hurt America so badly compared the previous 8 years before him?

No need to tell me. I know all the talking points. It was a rhetorical question intended to possibly make you think.

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The most polarizing President in my lifetime...the posters here are a good example of how there is little middle ground when it comes to Obama...

The President hasn't been polarizing. Not in the least. It's the far right wingnuts who chose to obstruct and undermine everything he's ever tried to do. And they couldn't even get that done. All they've managed to do is polarize the country. But don't worry, history will remember this President well. The list of his accomplishments will be long and distinguished. But his proudest achievement will be the destruction of the Republican Party....although he can't take full credit for that.

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The most polarizing President in my lifetime...the posters here are a good example of how there is little middle ground when it comes to Obama...

The President hasn't been polarizing. Not in the least. It's the far right wingnuts who chose to obstruct and undermine everything he's ever tried to do. And they couldn't even get that done. All they've managed to do is polarize the country. But don't worry, history will remember this President well. The list of his accomplishments will be long and distinguished. But his proudest achievement will be the destruction of the Republican Party....although he can't take full credit for that.

You can't blame one side for polarization.

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The most polarizing President in my lifetime...the posters here are a good example of how there is little middle ground when it comes to Obama...

IMO, (and the majority of the American people) Obama is the worst president since WWII, but credit where credit is due, he has great comedic timing. With top notch writers, he is genuinely funny. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/who-is-the-worst-president-since-wwii/

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The most polarizing President in my lifetime...the posters here are a good example of how there is little middle ground when it comes to Obama...

The President hasn't been polarizing. Not in the least. It's the far right wingnuts who chose to obstruct and undermine everything he's ever tried to do. And they couldn't even get that done. All they've managed to do is polarize the country. But don't worry, history will remember this President well. The list of his accomplishments will be long and distinguished. But his proudest achievement will be the destruction of the Republican Party....although he can't take full credit for that.

1. "The Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home. . . . What I think we know — separate and apart from this incident — is that there is a long history in their country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately, and that’s just a fact." — President Obama on Gates’ arrest.

2. "The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person..." -- Barack Obama

3. "The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person..." -- Barack Obama

4. "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon."...Barack Obama

More to follow later but I am on the way to Loei at the moment.

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The most polarizing President in my lifetime...the posters here are a good example of how there is little middle ground when it comes to Obama...

IMO, (and the majority of the American people) Obama is the worst president since WWII, but credit where credit is due, he has great comedic timing. With top notch writers, he is genuinely funny. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/who-is-the-worst-president-since-wwii/

Mate, two election wins and a high popularity would suggest otherwise...

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Gonna miss you.

Same here, like a miss the flu.

What a perfect comment to sum up all these wingnut posts, dripping with hate. And then it gets favored! "Like a miss the flu." cheesy.gif

Republicans have no sense of humor and it's a shame because they're hilarious. clap2.gif

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The most polarizing President in my lifetime...the posters here are a good example of how there is little middle ground when it comes to Obama...

IMO, (and the majority of the American people) Obama is the worst president since WWII, but credit where credit is due, he has great comedic timing. With top notch writers, he is genuinely funny. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/who-is-the-worst-president-since-wwii/

That's not a majority of THE American people, that's your opinion and the rest of the Fox News koolaid swilling wingnuts.

You're thinking of the last Republican President GW Bush. And it wasn't just since WWII.

Obama remains quite popular and his stature as a great President will rise in the future. He kept America on course over the last eight years despite a vicious Republican opposition dedicated to nothing but his failure. That's quite an achievement. His success will allow HRC to crush whatever the Republican finally decide to throw up against her. Trump? What a joke.

Donald Trump is going to be the next Republican Presidential nominee. Who says the Republicans don't have a sense of humor?

Oh yeah, it was me.

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Obama does the funniest White House Correspondence dinners. I have watched them all and he is a genuinely funny guy when he wants to be. I was wondering when this years would be and am delighted it is out now.

It doesn't matter who is elected in the USA, because of the structure of US politics there are always 49.5% of the population going to hate whoever is President and diss everything he (soon she) says or does. That is a constant in US politics, where a difference can be measured is how the individual is seen by the rest of the world. I would give him an 8/10. There has been far less killing and global economic crisis in the last 8 years than the previous. That's a good yard stick to start with.

Obama's speeches on the inevitable circuit are likely to be both enlightening and entertaining.

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That's not a majority of THE American people, that's your opinion and the rest of the Fox News koolaid swilling wingnuts.

Wrong as per usual. Unlike you, I can back up what I say with FACTS:

As if President Obama doesn't have enough to worry about running the country day-to-day, now his legacy can be added to his laundry list of concerns.

Mr. Obama edges out former President George W. Bush as the worst president since World War II, American voters say, according to a new Quinnipiac Poll released Wednesday.


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That's not a majority of THE American people, that's your opinion and the rest of the Fox News koolaid swilling wingnuts.

Wrong as per usual. Unlike you, I can back up what I say with FACTS:

As if President Obama doesn't have enough to worry about running the country day-to-day, now his legacy can be added to his laundry list of concerns.

Mr. Obama edges out former President George W. Bush as the worst president since World War II, American voters say, according to a new Quinnipiac Poll released Wednesday.


And I can raise you a Gallup poll which says for this time in the cycle, only Clinton and Eisenhower were more popular.


He's going down as one of the better ones. The economy isn't the smoking wreck he inherited, and more people have better access to health care. All in the face of strident opposition from the GOP and a level of truely mean spirited vitriol directed towards him that no other president has ever faced.

And Hillary will take up where he left off..

Unlike many of your ideological travellers, i think you know in your heart of hearts that is exactly how history will view him.

Edited by samran
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In a few years time you're all going to realise you'll miss him. He was the best president the US has had in quite a few decades, and the present crop looks only half his quality.


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In a few years time you're all going to realise you'll miss him. He was the best president the US has had in quite a few decades, and the present crop looks only half his quality.


Auto spell correct.

Dont recall what I wanted to write, but for sure it was not more than half :)

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The most polarizing President in my lifetime...the posters here are a good example of how there is little middle ground when it comes to Obama...

The President hasn't been polarizing. Not in the least. It's the far right wingnuts who chose to obstruct and undermine everything he's ever tried to do. And they couldn't even get that done. All they've managed to do is polarize the country. But don't worry, history will remember this President well. The list of his accomplishments will be long and distinguished. But his proudest achievement will be the destruction of the Republican Party....although he can't take full credit for that.

This argument could be intellectually accepted were it not for 25% of his term being entirely dominated by his office and party. That... control, demonstrates that even without republican input he significantly isolated and offended large populations of America with his very own comedy. After all, republican opposition to Obama formed during the time the republicans were not in power.

Like blaming Bush before him, and rapists for being raped, and whites for being white, it is not surprising that Obama... indeed his defenders here, would blame other people for Obama's comedy/actions. How transparent, but it perfectly reflects the ethos of Obama- blame someone, anyone, everyone, all the time, for anything, everything... all the time- every time.

Obama is a very bad joke. I dare say his jokes will unravel for years as we tease out the labyrinth of domestic and foreign stages he acted out his craft.

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Gonna miss you.

Same here, like a miss the flu.

What a perfect comment to sum up all these wingnut posts, dripping with hate. And then it gets favored! "Like a miss the flu." cheesy.gif

Republicans have no sense of humor and it's a shame because they're hilarious. clap2.gif

I am not a republican and never will be. I don't hate Obama I will just miss him like I miss the flu.

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The most polarizing President in my lifetime...the posters here are a good example of how there is little middle ground when it comes to Obama...

The President hasn't been polarizing. Not in the least. It's the far right wingnuts who chose to obstruct and undermine everything he's ever tried to do. And they couldn't even get that done. All they've managed to do is polarize the country. But don't worry, history will remember this President well. The list of his accomplishments will be long and distinguished. But his proudest achievement will be the destruction of the Republican Party....although he can't take full credit for that.

This argument could be intellectually accepted were it not for 25% of his term being entirely dominated by his office and party. That... control, demonstrates that even without republican input he significantly isolated and offended large populations of America with his very own comedy. After all, republican opposition to Obama formed during the time the republicans were not in power.

Like blaming Bush before him, and rapists for being raped, and whites for being white, it is not surprising that Obama... indeed his defenders here, would blame other people for Obama's comedy/actions. How transparent, but it perfectly reflects the ethos of Obama- blame someone, anyone, everyone, all the time, for anything, everything... all the time- every time.

Obama is a very bad joke. I dare say his jokes will unravel for years as we tease out the labyrinth of domestic and foreign stages he acted out his craft.

I challenge anyone to translate the above.

Specifically: "Like blaming Bush before him, and rapists for being raped, and whites for being white, it is not surprising that Obama... indeed his defenders here, would blame other people for Obama's comedy/actions."

Rapists for being raped? What the...?

Come on, man, word salad.

Huge fan by the way. whistling.gif

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The most polarizing President in my lifetime...the posters here are a good example of how there is little middle ground when it comes to Obama...

The President hasn't been polarizing. Not in the least. It's the far right wingnuts who chose to obstruct and undermine everything he's ever tried to do. And they couldn't even get that done. All they've managed to do is polarize the country. But don't worry, history will remember this President well. The list of his accomplishments will be long and distinguished. But his proudest achievement will be the destruction of the Republican Party....although he can't take full credit for that.

This argument could be intellectually accepted were it not for 25% of his term being entirely dominated by his office and party. That... control, demonstrates that even without republican input he significantly isolated and offended large populations of America with his very own comedy. After all, republican opposition to Obama formed during the time the republicans were not in power.

Like blaming Bush before him, and rapists for being raped, and whites for being white, it is not surprising that Obama... indeed his defenders here, would blame other people for Obama's comedy/actions. How transparent, but it perfectly reflects the ethos of Obama- blame someone, anyone, everyone, all the time, for anything, everything... all the time- every time.

Obama is a very bad joke. I dare say his jokes will unravel for years as we tease out the labyrinth of domestic and foreign stages he acted out his craft.

I challenge anyone to translate the above.

Specifically: "Like blaming Bush before him, and rapists for being raped, and whites for being white, it is not surprising that Obama... indeed his defenders here, would blame other people for Obama's comedy/actions."

Rapists for being raped? What the...?

Come on, man, word salad.

Huge fan by the way. whistling.gif

Sorry, no luck with me. I don't speak Paranoid.

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In a few years time you're all going to realise you'll miss him. He was the best president the US has had in quite a few decades, and the present crop looks only half his quality.

Please stay on topic...this thread is about Obama, not Bush. ;)

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The keyboard warriors the world over momentary breathed a sigh of relief that everything they stood against - an intelligent popular person of colour - was stepping down in a few short months as their President..only then to realise that he is being replaced by an intelligent female who is running with his legacy.

So don't worry fellas, you can replace your latent racism with your misogyny next January and you'll barely have to miss a beat. The vitriol can still flow.

She'll be delivering the address at next years dinner, mainly at your expense.

And for the record, Barry killed it the other night. An absolute slam dunk.

Obama is not only intelligent, he is also bright and clean. Obama was the "first mainstream African-American [presidential candidate] who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy." http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1895156_1894977_1644536,00.html

He is also the first president to preside over an economy that has never had a single quarter of at least 3% growth. That is 32 quarters in all.

That is the legacy that Hillary would continue?

Or his legacy in the Middle East which began with the Apology Tour in Cairo and ending with almost the entire MENA region on fire and on the verge of all out war?

Or maybe she will take up golf and continue his legacy out on the links.

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"President closes out his run as comedian-in-chief"

...and 7 + years later, the jokes on us.

Don't worry. In 7+ years time the jokes will be on you again in a much bigger way when/if Trump succeeds to get in. The world is already laughing at him big time.


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The keyboard warriors the world over momentary breathed a sigh of relief that everything they stood against - an intelligent popular person of colour - was stepping down in a few short months as their President..only then to realise that he is being replaced by an intelligent female who is running with his legacy.

So don't worry fellas, you can replace your latent racism with your misogyny next January and you'll barely have to miss a beat. The vitriol can still flow.

She'll be delivering the address at next years dinner, mainly at your expense.

And for the record, Barry killed it the other night. An absolute slam dunk.

Obama is not only intelligent, he is also bright and clean. Obama was the "first mainstream African-American [presidential candidate] who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy." http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1895156_1894977_1644536,00.html

He is also the first president to preside over an economy that has never had a single quarter of at least 3% growth. That is 32 quarters in all.

That is the legacy that Hillary would continue?

Or his legacy in the Middle East which began with the Apology Tour in Cairo and ending with almost the entire MENA region on fire and on the verge of all out war?

Or maybe she will take up golf and continue his legacy out on the links.

Bright and clean? Not once but twice, that's...odd.

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The keyboard warriors the world over momentary breathed a sigh of relief that everything they stood against - an intelligent popular person of colour - was stepping down in a few short months as their President..only then to realise that he is being replaced by an intelligent female who is running with his legacy.

So don't worry fellas, you can replace your latent racism with your misogyny next January and you'll barely have to miss a beat. The vitriol can still flow.

She'll be delivering the address at next years dinner, mainly at your expense.

And for the record, Barry killed it the other night. An absolute slam dunk.

Obama is not only intelligent, he is also bright and clean. Obama was the "first mainstream African-American [presidential candidate] who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy." http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1895156_1894977_1644536,00.html

He is also the first president to preside over an economy that has never had a single quarter of at least 3% growth. That is 32 quarters in all.

That is the legacy that Hillary would continue?

Or his legacy in the Middle East which began with the Apology Tour in Cairo and ending with almost the entire MENA region on fire and on the verge of all out war?

Or maybe she will take up golf and continue his legacy out on the links.

Bright and clean? Not once but twice, that's...odd.

And intentional. I didn't want anyone to think that was some kind of "dog whistle" or "micro-aggression" on my part so I provided the original source.

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The most polarizing President in my lifetime...the posters here are a good example of how there is little middle ground when it comes to Obama...

IMO, (and the majority of the American people) Obama is the worst president since WWII, but credit where credit is due, he has great comedic timing. With top notch writers, he is genuinely funny. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/who-is-the-worst-president-since-wwii/

That poll you're citing is almost 2 years old. Gallup's latest poll gives Obama an approval rating of 52 percent vs. 45 percent disapproval. At the comparable point in his presidency George W. Bush's approval rating was about 29 percent.

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The most polarizing President in my lifetime...the posters here are a good example of how there is little middle ground when it comes to Obama...

IMO, (and the majority of the American people) Obama is the worst president since WWII, but credit where credit is due, he has great comedic timing. With top notch writers, he is genuinely funny. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/who-is-the-worst-president-since-wwii/

That poll you're citing is almost 2 years old. Gallup's latest poll gives Obama an approval rating of 52 percent vs. 45 percent disapproval. At the comparable point in his presidency George W. Bush's approval rating was about 29 percent.
That's OK, this poster continuously misinforms here, we're used to it.
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Obama is not only intelligent, he is also bright and clean. Obama was the "first mainstream African-American [presidential candidate] who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy." http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1895156_1894977_1644536,00.html

Joe forgot to compliment him as a credit to his race

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