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What's going on in Thailand


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Maybe you were standing on his foot and he was just trying to attract your attention?

I know you're trying to be funny here with that comment. For most of the night I was seated and this went on for approximately 2 hours. I think after that length of time anyone of you would have probably reacted in a very similar manner. Edited by Rayk
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I am also well aware of the possible repercussions of my actions and will definitely steer clear of the place from here on in.

The new band sucked anyway.

Wise move Rayk.

I'd tell your friends to just be on their guard regardless, as well as you should be on yours. Your actions may have inadvertently put them at risk.

Thai 'networks' can run a lot deeper and further than we know or realise; for these lads to find out who your companions are or where they live, or indeed yourself for that matter, may be a lot easier than you think.

I'm not being too paranoid here either, especially if they are after revenge.

All it may take is for them to return to the pub and ask: ''who was that 'farang' who hit us, or those girls he was with?" .

All it could take for them to locate you or your companions is a simple reply of "I've seen him near 'such or such a place' and think he lives near there'' OR "I think the girls he was with work at 'XXXX''. then to narrow it down or even pinpoint it from there won't be too hard.

It will pay for you to be on your guard for a while and put your companions on theirs as they will be deemed 'guilty by association' in their eyes if 'face' has been 'lost'

If I were you I'd be hopping on a bus or train to 'pastures new' for a week or two, taking my pals along for the ride for their sake too....

Stay safe, and be vigilant for yourself and your friends....Good luck.

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Delusionsl troll.

Been watching Steven Seagal movies again.

Why do people feel the need to post this stuff.

I suppose you were that fsst the "security" you reported it too earlier were just shocked and stunned and stood in amazement ss you left...5555

Agree. I don't believe the word of the OP. If true, he would have been arrested for aggravated assault...if not worse. Unless he's posting from prison.

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I am also well aware of the possible repercussions of my actions and will definitely steer clear of the place from here on in.

Keep in mind some of us are just screwing with you because your OP reminded us of some adventures in our past... The details may change, but the gist of it is oh so familiar.

But don't go back. That's good advice.

Edited by impulse
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I suspect that the news about the Hua Hin attack is spreading in Thai networks, maybe now that they feel the whole country "lost face" the provocations against Farangs will actually increase... but now they are interested in making the Farangs look like the protagonists, you know. Maybe now they just have to prove that "me not crazy - you crazy..." or some other nonsense like that which happens after they lose face... Maybe a lot of them understand that they are being seen as some old grannie beaters, so they have to come up with a way to compensate for this newly acquired image...

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Delusionsl troll.

Been watching Steven Seagal movies again.

Why do people feel the need to post this stuff.

I suppose you were that fsst the "security" you reported it too earlier were just shocked and stunned and stood in amazement ss you left...5555

Ummm. Actually I was escorted out with my hands behind my back and told I was banned for 1 month. Edited by Rayk
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Delusionsl troll.

Been watching Steven Seagal movies again.

Why do people feel the need to post this stuff.

I suppose you were that fsst the "security" you reported it too earlier were just shocked and stunned and stood in amazement ss you left...5555

Agree. I don't believe the word of the OP. If true, he would have been arrested for aggravated assault...if not worse. Unless he's posting from prison.

I have much better things to do with my time than to make up such a story. What would that accomplish? Maybe in your mind you like to make things up but I tell it like it happened. And btw i was escorted out by security and told I was banned for 1 month.

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Right. Thai thugs will often come back with guns or knives to settle scores. It's hard to win on their turf.

more believable police and handcuffs.cheesy.gif

Thai thugscheesy.gif

How you know its be?

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Constantly tapping or poking someone is such strange behavior for an adult, it's like something a small child would do. Was there any reason? Were they trying to take your seat or did they think you had taken their seat? I'm interested, did you try to talk to them?

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I was at a pub last night with 3 Thai girls that I know that I frequent on the occasional weekend. All the staff know me and we all get along well. There were two Thai guys standing behind me and all night one of them was contstantly tapping me on the shoulder and poking me. At first I thought we was just trying to be funny but I soon realized that they were looking for trouble. After his continuous tapping and poking I finally just started to ignore him. The tapping and poking continued. So I informed one of the security guards about the incident and he went and spoke to them. Well now they are just pissed off and he continues to tap and poke but now the poking is getting harder. I at this point am fed up and know I have to take matters into my own hands. Knowing perfectly well there were at least 2 of them i decided that it was probably in my best interest to take them both out before allowing them to have the upper hand. After another tap and poke I just turned around and with 3 simple punches both were immediately sleeping on the floor.

Could it have been handled differently, I don't know but it was very apparent that these 2 guys were trying to start a fight with me so they could both gang up on me. I wasn't going to allow that to happen.

I don't know what they thought they were going to accomplish.

I am 6' 265lbs and am a weightlifter who has training in boxing.

Did you try moving to a different part of the bar to put some space between you and these idiots? If not, then it sounds like you were in the mood for a fight as well.

Whyneed do it? may be need buy drink, women,car etc for "these idiots"?cheesy.gif

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Constantly tapping or poking someone is such strange behavior for an adult, it's like something a small child would do. Was there any reason? Were they trying to take your seat or did they think you had taken their seat? I'm interested, did you try to talk to them?

Why child?

Reason -protection against threats.

honor protection

Not enough?rolleyes.gif

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Delusionsl troll.

Been watching Steven Seagal movies again.

Why do people feel the need to post this stuff.

I suppose you were that fsst the "security" you reported it too earlier were just shocked and stunned and stood in amazement ss you left...5555

Agree. I don't believe the word of the OP. If true, he would have been arrested for aggravated assault...if not worse. Unless he's posting from prison.

You try it?

Some times its can happened after few day.

Or not even arrested only come to "talk"...

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Constantly tapping or poking someone is such strange behavior for an adult, it's like something a small child would do. Was there any reason? Were they trying to take your seat or did they think you had taken their seat? I'm interested, did you try to talk to them?

I had been at the table with my friends long before they came.

The first time he did it I just turned around lookee at him and i even gave him a wai. As he continued I would turn around and smile at him as if I got his joke. After awhile I just ignored it altogether and had one of the girls who I was with explain it to security, as I don't speak Thai very well. Security went over and had a few words with him and even came over and patted me on the shoulder as if to say it's taken care of.

But instead of stopping he became much more aggressive in his approach.

Now I myself personally think that it had to do with the 3 Thai girls I was with because quite frankly they are very sexy girls and I don't think he liked seeing a farang with 3 Thai women having a good time not to mention Thais cannot handle their alcohol. Also keep in mind that this is in Pathumthani and not Bangkok where there are much less foreigners in this city and in all the time I've been out to the pubs I very rarely see foreigners.

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Constantly tapping or poking someone is such strange behavior for an adult, it's like something a small child would do. Was there any reason? Were they trying to take your seat or did they think you had taken their seat? I'm interested, did you try to talk to them?

I don't speak Thai very well. Security went over and had a few words with him and even came over and patted me on the shoulder as if to say it's taken of.

You don't speak Thai very well yet you were able to relate what was happening to security well enough. Did you ask the security what Thais wanted with you ?

Could security not translate for you ?

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Constantly tapping or poking someone is such strange behavior for an adult, it's like something a small child would do. Was there any reason? Were they trying to take your seat or did they think you had taken their seat? I'm interested, did you try to talk to them?

I don't speak Thai very well. Security went over and had a few words with him and even came over and patted me on the shoulder as if to say it's taken of.

You don't speak Thai very well yet you were able to relate what was happening to security well enough. Did you ask the security what Thais wanted with you ?

Could security not translate for you ?

Can you read? One of the girls talked to security.

But give him a way?

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