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Why there is so much stereotype around Thai girls?

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Agree with OP, that in your farang-home-country the thoughts of a relationship with a Southeast Asian lady, especially Thai, is that she is in the it for the money only; some use words like bar-girl or prostitute.

Especially if the man is older – often quite a bit – than the lady.

However, that is also more than often the truth; but it's a cultural difference. In Thailand – and many neighboring countries – the husband provides for a family, and shows he is able to do that by paying a sin sot (kind of dowry to the brides family). Many families teach their daughter(s) that too young men are not good providers, and it's also kind of status for a man, to be able to afford a young wife – normally higher sin sot for young "unused" ladies.

Girls normally try to marry up in social status – also in Western and probably all other countries – and a "rich" foreigner must be a better provider and higher social level, than a Thai man from Isaan. We foreigners often meet the girls and ladies from the lower social levels – often from farmer families up Isaan, but of course not always – it's not extremely likely we hook up with a hi-so Thai-Chinese lady from a wealthy family...whistling.gif

But nothing wrong with being the main provider for a family, and a marriage primary based on financial sense – sure love can also be part of it, or love may come later – it was the same in the West, if you look some 75 to 100 years back.wink.png

And then I noticed, that when an man of some age mingles up with a young lady – can be Southeast Asian or not – then he is an "old pig", but if he's famous or rich, preferably both, then he's a cool guy; just read the gossip columns, countless cases...biggrin.png

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I'm going to be unpopular now and say it "because they earned that reputation". Okay so now you all hate me, but hear me out.

How many farang do you meet over here that you would be happy to represent as typical of your origin country/city/village? It's the pot calling the kettle black.

My earliest opinions that formed when I'd 'just got off the boat' were more about farang - about 50% of them are here because they're seeking a new and different life or are unhappy with what their own country has morphed into. The other 50% seem to be running away from problems, yet wherever they go, the problem is inside them. If you consider yourself to be in the first 50% then I think you have a chance at happiness, but even then, start with yourself - learning to know yourself will make you the best version of yourself. Are you what the type of person you desire would also desire in another? (not speaking from a position of greatness here, I've made just as many f-ups as the next guy).

Also, I'd like to substitute the area around Thai girls for something else to cast an alternate way of trying to find an answer to the original question - How many plumbers/Sparkies/Street or shop vendors could you target and say it doesn't exist in their origin country?

The question also neglects to point out that Thais get ripped off too - not just us. Having the language gives them an edge, but also blinkers (eg. pretty much all the times I've been ripped off for a decent amount of cash has been a farang, with my naivety allowing me to trust total strangers, whereas the worst I've had a Thai bar girl rip me off is to charge a stupid number for a soft drink and looking out for self rather than the owner and job giver boss) - they change jobs a lot don't they.

One huge difference in our indoctrination is that if the plumber/bricky or whatever does a substandard job, you deal with it with them, knowing that word of mouth will enhance or damage his reputation in the future. A Thai is not meant to challenge and will smile it away, although I can tell you for sure that in my experience they're raging inside when that happens.

I had one experience with a doctor here (hierarchically they're supposed to be above me, which I'll generally go with the flow even if inside I don't claim to like that structure, but at certain times I will disregard that and ask questions which they don't like, such as "these tablets in a ziplock bag...can you tell me what they are? since I'm the customer and I'm paying, I think I deserve to know what it is exactly that you're selling me". LOL, ways to wind up a doctor "first...you are not my customer you are my patient...[non easy interaction ensued]". I called him one day some time after this event, to apologise in advance as I wouldn't be able to make our appointment, so just wanted to call ahead so as not to waste his time, enabling him to repurpose it elsewhere. He called me back shortly afterwards to ask why I called him (he must have been pondering). I said "Because it would be disrespectful of me to treat his time as worthless, and it's just the polite thing to do". *Everything* changed after that. He said "nobody had ever done that before, not even one". I had shown respect even though I don't believe in the hierarchy, and he'd been in other countries to study to be a doctor so was a bit more worldly wise than many, in that there are different cultures, and now we get on like a house on fire having (inadvertently) found a third way. He knows my case in his head without needing to pull out the file, and stands up to greet me rather than sitting behind a desk and pen without making eye contact.

So to bring this back on topic to the OP's question, it's "because people of most nations like to gossip, and will make up any information that fills a void in the jigsaw - whether true or not". Very damaging, and as a result you see that many Thais don't have lasting close friendships - they're inseperable at one point, then cease to exist in their mind at the drop of a hat. If I told you that All English football supporters are drunken hooligans, would you follow the stereotype or pause that belief until you learned that this may not be even close to the truth? (football doesn't interest me so I have no dog in that fight).

If the western TV had the title of "Shock, horror, it has been proven that most Thais clean their house, work for a living and enjoy relaxing with friends", it wouldn't get good ratings would it [rhetorical].

So if you want to "Pay per Play" then fine. If you want to meet someone special who can be your opposite number or team player and wish to 'burn the oceans' with your intense passion and love, then fine. I would suggest one or the other though, mixing a commitment like marriage (taken all too lightly imo and not beneficial to the man in today's world) whilst being a playboy at the same time, that's like playing Russian Roulette with a Glock. Or at least put on the safety first ha ha.

Edited by Shiver
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However, the majority of Thai women are NOT bar girls.

I never said they were.

95% of the Thai population have never encountered a western foreigner.

(I was going to say never encountered a foreigner, but there are loads of Burmese and Cambodians floating around the rural areas)

Edited by BritManToo
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How many farang do you meet over here that you would be happy to represent as typical of your origin country/city/village? It's the pot calling the kettle black.

Don't see why we should restrict ourselves to white foreigners only, no need for racism.

Most western people stay in their own country for 50 weeks, or more, of every year.

Those who have ever lived or worked in any country other than their birth country are not representative of their peers.

Edited by BritManToo
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My wife has never been viewed in poor light, either here or o/s.

Her Father and Mother are proud, honourable people.

She's a "good girl", savvy and switched on and I love her unconditionally.

The hard part living here is finding similar couples to befriend. I see them infrequently and I doubt many of the men are on this forum.

What's disappointing is the lads I know with the former whores who wish to maintain friendship. It'll never happen but the dudes just can't see it. They're desperate for their Lo-so girls to be friends with my girl but neither of us will have it.

Just remember, you're in a class driven society.

Accept your choices.

OMG, you are from a different class? I don't need/want a hi-so girl to elevate my class. You judge people based on their GF's/wifes? You call them "dudes"? According to you, such class is the majority on this forum? Aaaarch, I have friends from different walks of life regardless who their GF/wife is.

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Take a look at the western-Thai relationships around. Most of the men want a very, very young girl. Many of the men that enter the country to stay for the long term are of retirement age. The only way they're going to find the "looks" they want is to pay. It's exceptionally rare to see a western man with an age appropriate woman. As such, they're willing to pay to play. That's their choice.

I'm 32 and my wife is 31. She has a masters degree in marketing, speaks three languages, has never asked me for or about money and we have a great relationship. Good people do exist, even here. You're just not going to find them at a bar or on a Thai dating website. Go out, be friendly, speak a little Thai and impress a girl, things will work out.


Tell your wife you have no more money and you will have to sell the house or condo,

cars and everything to pay the bills.

She will be running out the door so fast you'll be able to pour cocktails on her coat tails!

Money is their God; next is home, condo, car, motorbike, before family, children, friends.

Guess where you fit in Mr ATM?

Some guys can only draw judgement based on their own limited experiences.... It's clear what experiences 'Suitcase' had had.... someones a comment attempting to bring someone else down says more about yourself than anyone else... the words 'bitter, failed, sour, negative' spring to mind....

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It isn't a small percentage, it's 95% of all Thai girls foreigners are able to meet.

Among the foreigners I know with Thai girls, 100%, despite 75% claiming they aren't.

Good luck with the 'loyal and caring'

Not sure about them being 'the best quality' but they are certainly easy and cheap.

That says more about you and the people you choose to associate yourself with than it does anything about Thai/foreigner relationships. Me and my wife both have tons of friends who are mixed couples and not a single one of those women was ever a bargirl or anything even close to it. Then again none of my friends are 60 year old bald guys in Chang shirts and sandals either.

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Jeffery, you might as well pound sand down a rat hole. The vast majority of posters who frequent this forum simply have no concept of a relationship with a local female that is not based on money.

Strange you should think that. There are loads of guys posting on here who are (allegedly !) just like Jeffery O.

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As far i know, most of the people who come to thailand do end up with a Bar girl as its not easy for them to meet up with a normal Thai girl unless they know how to pick up (Which Thai girls arent that used to) or if they work in some office. Now when their relationship doesnt work, they just label all Thai girls the same. Thats too bad

Finding a suitable g/f or wife takes hard work. It cost me money and time and some bad experiences to find a good one. They are here. Coming here with a bar room mentality is not the answer. I would prefer a Thai lady anyday as compared to a Western one. You have to dig down through the cultural thinking and ATM ideas in some cases. On a side note I do see a lot of older foreigners with young Thai ladies sometimes with children and they are not smiling.
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Why there is so much stereotype around Thai girls?

Three guesses.

As mentioned, even 'normal' girls like to mix it up and do the p4p thing for cash on the side... students in particular are rife for it. No biggie, it's just different ballgame.

Yes your right I have young ladies from all over the world asking to be a "contact" on Skype. We all know what they are after. Being old is not a negative anymore but old and poor is.
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Sometime ago I there was a report thais are the second bigest cheaters in the world after some african country.

I had 3 gfs who had other relationships when we were dating and having sex, 1 was married to a thai.

3 girlfriends cheated on you??

After 3, most guys would take a long hard look at themselves for a clue as to why it keeps happening but other guys just put it down to an intrinsic flaw in the culture

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Well, that click-bait sure worked. Brought just about every knuckle-dragging racist and misogynist Neanderthal in LOS roaring out of the cave.

I'd rather share a beer with a Thai bar-girl any day than with this little lot.

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My wife has never been viewed in poor light, either here or o/s.

Her Father and Mother are proud, honourable people.

She's a "good girl", savvy and switched on and I love her unconditionally.

The hard part living here is finding similar couples to befriend. I see them infrequently and I doubt many of the men are on this forum.

What's disappointing is the lads I know with the former whores who wish to maintain friendship. It'll never happen but the dudes just can't see it. They're desperate for their Lo-so girls to be friends with my girl but neither of us will have it.

Just remember, you're in a class driven society.

Accept your choices.

OMG, you are from a different class? I don't need/want a hi-so girl to elevate my class. You judge people based on their GF's/wifes? You call them "dudes"? According to you, such class is the majority on this forum? Aaaarch, I have friends from different walks of life regardless who their GF/wife is.

I won't be meeting you or your wife then.

No problems dude, chin up.

Points to note; I also have many friends from different walks but their gf's/wives are not former hookers.

Additionally, my wife and I are middle class of similar age.

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Sometime ago I there was a report thais are the second bigest cheaters in the world after some african country.

I had 3 gfs who had other relationships when we were dating and having sex, 1 was married to a thai.

3 girlfriends cheated on you??

After 3, most guys would take a long hard look at themselves for a clue as to why it keeps happening but other guys just put it down to an intrinsic flaw in the culture

I find the whole concept of 'cheating' as being totally outdated.

I don't own any woman, she can do what she likes with whomever she likes.

Which is what most Thai woman will be doing anyway.

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It isn't a small percentage, it's 95% of all Thai girls foreigners are able to meet.

Among the foreigners I know with Thai girls, 100%, despite 75% claiming they aren't.

Good luck with the 'loyal and caring'

Not sure about them being 'the best quality' but they are certainly easy and cheap.

You surely have a lopsided opinion BriittMan.It may be 95% of the Thai women you meet, but it is not 95% of all Thai women. Again, 100% of the foreigners you know may indeed be involved with bar girls. That in itself is a shame; for your life must revolve around bars, bar girls, and foreigners who go with bar girls.

Your statement about, the only types of Thai women foreigners can meet are bar girls; is no doubt self-incriminating.

I am a foreigner and certainly no angel. Since 1967, I have spent my fair share of time in the bars of SEA--some say far too much time. However, the bars are not my entire life. My wife is not Thai, so I know many Thai women who are her friends. I am a professional expat who has worked in industry with Thai women who are not bar girls; my son's former Thai girlfriend and his Thai wife are not a bar girls; I know many of the wives of my Thai and foreign friends who are not bar girls, I know several Thai female teachers and nurses who are not bar girls, I have Thai neighbor ladies who are not bar girls, and I know several Thai female travel agents, hotel and bank workers, and shop owners who are not bar girls.

Nevertheless, I do know several bar girls and I have several foreign friends who have Thai wives/gfs who are bar girls. Consequently, I am not denying there are plenty of Thai bar girls. However, the majority of Thai women are NOT bar girls.

This is to all the replies that Thai prostitutes are working in bars.

What about the escort services available, what about the girls that do their day jobs and

then go off and work in a Thai nightclub for men or a Japanese only club?

I even know of nurse's at Bumrungrad International Hospital that do their normal hours

of work and then go off to the fancy clubs at night looking for extra money.

Around university areas is another good place to pick up girls that are

out for play for pay.

Love it when some of these replies say they have a university gal!

Meet a lot of them from Univ of Patpong, Univ of Nana Plaza, and Univ of Soi Cowboy.

No matter how long you are married to a Thai girl, most of them you will never know their complete background.

And then we have the comments about the "nice girls" back home in Australia,

GB, and USA.

Around the universities they are giving away sex like it was candy!

Also the ones that are putting themselves through college working on their backs.

I should marry a Thai girl and then I would not have to pay for sex! Hahahaha

Sure, there are women who sell their wares who are also working in other professions and/or going to school—so? And, sex around universities, my god, say it isn't so. My point was, there are Thai women who are not whores; the majority of them.

No relationship to any nationality is going to ensure happiness or free sex. However, being in a relationship with someone who makes more money than you may go a long way to getting you free sex. Look how many Thai women are doing it.

As far as relational happiness, love, is concerned; that will only be found when you care for someone more than you care for yourself and the feeling is reciprocated. However, those relationships are few and most of us will never experience such love and happiness.

Most of us must be satisfied with getting good value for what we pay.

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My wife has never been viewed in poor light, either here or o/s.

Her Father and Mother are proud, honourable people.

She's a "good girl", savvy and switched on and I love her unconditionally.

The hard part living here is finding similar couples to befriend. I see them infrequently and I doubt many of the men are on this forum.

What's disappointing is the lads I know with the former whores who wish to maintain friendship. It'll never happen but the dudes just can't see it. They're desperate for their Lo-so girls to be friends with my girl but neither of us will have it.

Just remember, you're in a class driven society.

Accept your choices.

OMG, you are from a different class? I don't need/want a hi-so girl to elevate my class. You judge people based on their GF's/wifes? You call them "dudes"? According to you, such class is the majority on this forum? Aaaarch, I have friends from different walks of life regardless who their GF/wife is.
I won't be meeting you or your wife then.

No problems dude, chin up.

Points to note; I also have many friends from different walks but their gf's/wives are not former hookers.

Additionally, my wife and I are middle class of similar age.

After reading your post, I already guessed you were middle class.
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My wife has never been viewed in poor light, either here or o/s.

Her Father and Mother are proud, honourable people.

She's a "good girl", savvy and switched on and I love her unconditionally.

The hard part living here is finding similar couples to befriend. I see them infrequently and I doubt many of the men are on this forum.

What's disappointing is the lads I know with the former whores who wish to maintain friendship. It'll never happen but the dudes just can't see it. They're desperate for their Lo-so girls to be friends with my girl but neither of us will have it.

Just remember, you're in a class driven society.

Accept your choices.

The thing with some

people is that, no

matter how much

lipstick they apply,

they can't hide the

pig beneath and so

it is with the poster

formerly known as


There's light-hearted

snobbery that we all

chuckle at and then

there's the more

malevolent sort that

makes people type

up classist crap like

you just did. No one

with any true "class"

would ever talk or

look down on people

based purely on

whether or not their

wife was from a

"good" family.

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"I do think they are the best quality girls you can find around the world"

I think anyone who makes sweeping statements like these is kind of nuts. You get good and bad of every nation, of both sexes. I get the feeling- in the politest way possible- that the OP probably isn't a permanent residence here and still has a bit of that holiday mode thing going on. Which is great and I'm genuinely glad someone is happy, but mass generalisations aren't your friend. And if you'd personally find it difficult to find a girl that good looking and caring in your home country then that'd ring some warning bells for me...

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Just reading through these replies I am quit amazed at the various stereotypes people have of each other; other foreigners; Thai men; Thai women; and Thailand itself. After 50 years here with 3 Thai marriages; I find most of the responses uniformed; prejudiced; and in some cases arrogant. Here is what I have learned-

- Most Thai people have never had any real contact with foreigners and their impressions are formed by the news and all the acting out of said foreigners in Thailand. If I was a Thai I would approach any interaction with a foreigner with some doubt and trepidation.

-Most foreigners will never understand what makes Thais tick; their culture; or anything about their lives because most foreigners cannot speak Thai; refuse to learn it and never will understand the nuances of Thai life.

-Whether a Thai women is from Issan; Chiagnmai; Bangkok or Hay Yai will have no bearing on whether the relationship is sound or fails. It depends upon the maturity of the people involved- both Thai and Foreigner.

- The majority of Thai-Foreign marriages are failures due to lack of communication and an understanding of each others true nature and emotions.

-The age difference between a Thai and a Foreigner makes no difference. Again, it depends upon the people involved Just because you do not like the looks of a relationship and you are showing your prejudice to it- does not mean that those people care or are unhappy. I have learned not to prejudge other people because usually you are wrong. Even if the relationship is based upon money- it is none of your business.

-No matter how well you think your relationship is going-you will never fully understand how your Thai spouse thinks and will never be accepted as a Thai no matter how many years you stay together; how much money you spend; or how well you think you can speak Thai.

-Stop thinking you are better than someone else because your spouse did not work in the entertainment industry. My first wife did-Bangkok born-stayed happily married for 25 years and she died; Second one didn't-was from Chiang Mai- and cheated on me; Third one did not and still married-15 years with ups and downs If you are happy - I salute you but please stop thinking that other people are not -based upon your own prejudices. Some people have great lives; some in between; and some have miserable lives.

Most of the ignorance abut Thailand and Thai people comes from foreigners who think they know Thai people's habits,;culture and mores better than the Thais.

Edited by Thaidream
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Take a look at the western-Thai relationships around. Most of the men want a very, very young girl. Many of the men that enter the country to stay for the long term are of retirement age. The only way they're going to find the "looks" they want is to pay. It's exceptionally rare to see a western man with an age appropriate woman. As such, they're willing to pay to play. That's their choice.

I'm 32 and my wife is 31. She has a masters degree in marketing, speaks three languages, has never asked me for or about money and we have a great relationship. Good people do exist, even here. You're just not going to find them at a bar or on a Thai dating website. Go out, be friendly, speak a little Thai and impress a girl, things will work out.

Jeffery, you might as well pound sand down a rat hole. The vast majority of posters who frequent this forum simply have no concept of a relationship with a local female that is not based on money.

There are very few male-female relationships in the world that don't have money in the mix somewhere. Financially independent women are a fairly small minority.

Is a relationship based on money offensive to you? If so,why?

If you are inferring that any relationship in which the man makes/has more money than the woman is a relationship based on money; the comparison offends me.

I would not want to be with a woman who was only with me, or even primarily with me, for the money. I have friends who are in such relationships and many of them have been hurt; that offends me.

I think I am worth loving; therefore, I want someone who loves me.

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The question was: Why there is so much stereotype around Thai girls?

The easy answer is: That is because they are not Blondies from Essex.

Or maybe you never heard people talk behind your back about a Eastern European or African Lady.
Those comments are not nice either.
It seems that, as in olden days, anyone from outside the village is suspect!

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There is a stereotype surrounding Thai girls.

Look at the quality of whites here and have a think about it.

Am I classist?

On this forum, u bet I am.

For those of you that speak the language and associate with Thais you'll know how classist they are.

Edited by subterminalvelocity
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Take a look at the western-Thai relationships around. Most of the men want a very, very young girl. Many of the men that enter the country to stay for the long term are of retirement age. The only way they're going to find the "looks" they want is to pay. It's exceptionally rare to see a western man with an age appropriate woman. As such, they're willing to pay to play. That's their choice.

I'm 32 and my wife is 31. She has a masters degree in marketing, speaks three languages, has never asked me for or about money and we have a great relationship. Good people do exist, even here. You're just not going to find them at a bar or on a Thai dating website. Go out, be friendly, speak a little Thai and impress a girl, things will work out.

Jeffery, you might as well pound sand down a rat hole. The vast majority of posters who frequent this forum simply have no concept of a relationship with a local female that is not based on money.

There are very few male-female relationships in the world that don't have money in the mix somewhere. Financially independent women are a fairly small minority.

Is a relationship based on money offensive to you? If so,why?

If you are inferring that any relationship in which the man makes/has more money than the woman is a relationship based on money; the comparison offends me.

I would not want to be with a woman who was only with me, or even primarily with me, for the money. I have friends who are in such relationships and many of them have been hurt; that offends me.

I think I am worth loving; therefore, I want someone who loves me.

If you knew only a little bit about Thai people, you would know they don't make decisions based on money alone. You offend them!
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smotherb said,

"If you are inferring that any relationship in which the man makes/has more money than the woman is a relationship based on money; the comparison offends me.

I would not want to be with a woman who was only with me, or even primarily with me, for the money. I have friends who are in such relationships and many of them have been hurt; that offends me.

I think I am worth loving; therefore, I want someone who loves me."

luk Aj said,

"If you knew only a little bit about Thai people, you would know they don't make decisions based on money alone. You offend them!"

luk Aj, are you talkin' to me?

Where is it I said anything about Thai people making decisions based upon money?

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Read well. I was banging a married thai women. Her thai husband works a lot and used to travel all the time. The other one had another bf in singapore and the other used to ask for money for sex on wechat and had a thai cop as bf. This later one after I found out she had a cop bf I finished real quick because he didnt know of her p4p activities. The married thai whore I banged for almost 8 months. They are all whores. Money hungry and have no loyalty. Only dumb forigners marry a thai

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Sometime ago I there was a report thais are the second bigest cheaters in the world after some african country.

I had 3 gfs who had other relationships when we were dating and having sex, 1 was married to a thai.

When I moved here I also thought they were the best, years on and after dating many I can assure you they are not. They have a very different mentality than us westeners. Today I would never marry a thai women. I dont know how long the Op has been living here but u will realize soon or later

Oh yes. We westerners are angels and naive people, we are the best. We are so different, the world should follow us.

What the <deleted>....

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