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Quick arrest of step father beast who mercilessly beat two year old to death


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- a journalist using "beast" in the headline; violating basic standards of "objective" journalism, and stooping to the level of a cheap tabloid.

- guilty until proven innocent (unlikely)

- "high on drugs" will be used as a defense for a lighter sentence (don't forget the 'Mercedes Murderer' who has had it pretty easy so far -- not even charged with murder)

- the ludicrous "re-enactment" (where was the "pointing" this time?)

- the over-the-top posts on TV (e.g. post #20)

Yes a brutal crime was committed that sickens us all. It just seems that Fantasy Land adds an air of surrealism to the whole nauseous mix.

Would you prefer it if they referred to him as a gentleman, rather than a beast? He is a beast. Stop defending him by attacking innocent people!

I'd prefer journalism that just reports the news, and avoids "yellow journalism." Journalism 101

Secondly, how does my post defend him? Reading 101

You are defending him by omission, by not condemning his actions and focusing on trivial issues.

Your post suggests that you find journalistic integrity a more serious issue than the beating to death of an innocent 2 year old.

The fact that when you read about this, all these other issues are what springs to your mind, I would suggest you have the traits of a Sociopath.

This man is a beast, and this crime saddens and shocks me greatly. I have a two year old daughter and I would happily see "this beast" tortured. His crime is the worst of the worst and he deserves the worst punishment. I believe death is far to easy for him, and would prefer he was in a living hell for the rest of his days. I almost cried reading this about this poor little girl. How you can think of such trivialities in the face of this I find impossible to understand.

By "omission." Is that the best you can do?

Oh what a sad and OTT post. Lends new depths of meaning to your avatar nick, Mr. Puffy.

Edited by Fookhaht
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The Thai police actually needed a re-enactment of this crime ? The Thai police really are a sick load of b*****ds , is this how they get their kicks?

In most civilized countries police are literate and can write detailed reports and have no need for this farsical game every time a crime is commited.

Can Thai police actually read and write or do they always need a picture drawn for them ?

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OK. I changed my mind. Capital punishment isn't such a bad idea after all. Better yet, just release him with a public notification of when it will take place. Then the police can get into their cars and drive away.

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What is Yaba ? Does it really make users getting totally out of control ?

The Wikipedia article is wildly inaccurate and looks like it was written by Thaksin's media team ...

Among other bs, it states that since Thaksin's 'drugs on wars', the consumption of Yaba has diminished drastically accross Thailand and that the prices have gone up. Wrong, and wrong.

This link is better http://www.urban75.com/Drugs/yaba.html

Does it make people lose control ? In some cases yes, especially when people use it for a length of time or when they take too much. When you see someone in that state, his acute paranoia is obvious, and scary. Give him a wide birth ...

Thaksin's 'War on Drugs', just like Bush's 'War on Terror', were merely communication stunts, and not only did they not succeed but they produced the opposite effect. More drugs, more terrorism, simply because you do not fight violence with more violence.

Besides, drugs, terrorism, addiction to the 'hopeless little screen'(*), lack of respect for others, lack of interest for reality, self-centeredness, wild materialism, fascination with violence, all these are the results of our societies and the 'values' they promote, all based on making money. All our 'social diseases' are either a direct consequence of that major obsession, or a reaction against it.

Cause and effect. Trying to adress the effects without understanding the cause is pointless. I suspect that politicians (most of them anyway) do understand the cause, only they know that facing and trying to adress it will make them look like a mouse challenging Godzilla to a duel.

(*) words from a Leonard Cohen song, written before the Smartphone tsunami. He was talking about the TV of course, but it applies so accurately to the phones too.

Edited by Yann55
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Well it is time for police to teach him a lesson.

Beat the scum till he is dead.

Why waste money taking him to court, keeping him in prison.

Disgusting lowlife does not deserve to life.

How can anyone do something like he did to a poor defenseless child?

No that is to good for him. Beat him to an inch of his death, let him recover without medical assistance and then beat him again. Let him relive the pain and agony the child would have felt over and over.

I disagree with this concept, its no better than this scums actions - he should be immediately removed from the air supply - a bullet behind the ear would suffice -- clean, effective, cheap, end of the story.

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I would definitely be in tears if I were at the scene to witness the pleading from this little girl.

I would like to think that if you were at the scene witnessing the little girl pleading and screaming, that you would also be in the process of putting that creature who killed her, out of his misery by terminating his oxygen supply..

I know I would. The tears may come later..

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Well it is time for police to teach him a lesson.

Beat the scum till he is dead.

Why waste money taking him to court, keeping him in prison.

Disgusting lowlife does not deserve to life.

How can anyone do something like he did to a poor defenseless child?

He won't last many days in prison, beaten to death by inmates sounds good to me, give this scumbag the same punishment he gave his stepdaughter. Nobody will miss him anyway.

RIP. little girl.

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Well it is time for police to teach him a lesson.

Beat the scum till he is dead.

Why waste money taking him to court, keeping him in prison.

Disgusting lowlife does not deserve to life.

How can anyone do something like he did to a poor defenseless child?

More like to start seriously tackling police production of Ya-Ba in Thailand, pretty unenlightened view of the situation: the problem being this guy was most probably psychotic, being incapable of rational thought. Were is all the sh!t coming from, don't even start with Cambodia, Myanmar or Laos? The answer is Thai labs supplying its population with catastrophic consequences. Police don't know or care as long as they get paid their cut. Consequential thought could be a good start, unheard of here generally.

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Yes a lot of bad shit happens in this World from the murder above to people putting babies in microwave ovens. If I was in charge the World would be a lot less populated with people like him and members of ISIS being at the top of my list.

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Usually I am against death sentence except for few exceptions and this guy deserves a very painful execution ! I would be the first to pull the trigger and shot him !

How can it be possible ! A 2 years old little girl, a little angel ! OMG !

It makes me sick ! I feel so terrible when i read this kind of horror. There is nothing worse than killing a child.

RIP little angel !

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that why we can't talk too much about death sentence...cause..violence on a child....is something that can turn us as bad as he is and what could we possibly do to him right? crazy world guy ...

RIP little girl :(

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High on 'ya-ba' or not, this skank deserves to be sodomized by inmates daily.

Hypocritical, the present issue needs too prevent the mob mentality in the lawless environment of the ongoing corrupt behaviour (unacceptable sale to the individual in question); the problem is sheer quantities of this drug as it sends you nuts (I got spiked once by undercover police on Phuket) off chops totally. This guy being sodomised as you so eloquently put it, does not fix the crux of the national problem - very uninformed short sighted observation. Your aggressive nature towards a generally peaceful race shows kindergarten understanding. He will have to live with these events for ever. No winners except the police ?

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