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Sanders: Clinton team thinks race 'is over. They're wrong'


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Sanders: Clinton team thinks race 'is over. They're wrong'

WASHINGTON (AP) — Bernie Sanders said Tuesday that his primary bid against Hillary Clinton was far from over, pointing to his victory in Indiana and strength in upcoming races as a sign of his durability in the presidential campaign.

"I know that the Clinton campaign thinks this campaign is over. They're wrong," Sanders said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press from New Albany, Indiana. "Maybe it's over for the insiders and the party establishment but the voters today in Indiana had a different idea."

Sanders spoke to the AP after he defeated Clinton in Indiana's primary, predicting that he would achieve "more victories in the weeks to come" in West Virginia, Kentucky, Oregon and California. The Vermont senator acknowledged that he faced an "uphill climb" to the Democratic nomination but said he was "in this campaign to win and we are going to fight until the last vote is cast."

Sanders' win in Indiana likely won't make much of a dent in Clinton's lead of more than 300 pledged delegates. Clinton is still more than 90 percent of the way to clinching the Democratic nomination when the count includes superdelegates, the elected officials and party leaders who are free to support the candidate of their choice.

Sanders said in the interview that he would be the best-positioned Democrat to take on Republican Donald Trump, who is now the likely Republican nominee after Texas Sen. Ted Cruz dropped out of the race. "There is nothing more I would like than to take on and defeat Donald Trump, someone who must never become president of this country."

Sanders said he had no intention to drop out of the race and rejected the notion that his criticism of Clinton's record on issues like trade, campaign finance and the Iraq war would help Trump.

"There is nothing that I have said about Secretary Clinton that the Republicans are not more than aware of. They must have dozens and dozens of opposition researchers," Sanders said. "They will go into areas that I have chosen not to go into. They will be talking about emails. They will be talking about the Clinton foundation."

Sanders said he wants to debate Clinton in California later this month, noting that both campaigns had reached an agreement in principle to hold the forum in the nation's largest state.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-04

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If this will come to fruition, it will be interesting to see an aging socialist/communist pitted against

a maverick buffoonish, a bull in the china store Trump.....

but than again, 8 years ago, no one believed a black guy will elected to be a president, and he was,

so with crazy America, anything can happened....

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Clinton is such a loser. She can't even put away a wobbly old socialist. She can't enthuse or motivate or even draw a decent crowd. She visited W. Virginia this week and the crowds lining the streets were flipping her off. That is coal mine country and years ago she promised to shut down those mines as she didn't like the pollution. They hate her. They are union democrats. She's in big trouble.

Obama is busy pushing the TTIP while Americans have learned that these deals export jobs. Bernie is against those deals. Trump is against those deals. People are voting for outsiders who are against those deals.

Hillary has been in favor of those deals and she's toast.


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If Sanders can win the remaining states he may still have a slight chance, but it would have to be big wins. California has over 500 delegates and if he can take over 75% thats over 200 in one state.

Super delegates don't vote yet so don't count them. They can change any time they like.

Who knows what can happen to Hillary between now and the convention, she could get indicted.

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If Sanders can win the remaining states he may still have a slight chance, but it would have to be big wins. California has over 500 delegates and if he can take over 75% thats over 200 in one state.

Super delegates don't vote yet so don't count them. They can change any time they like.

Who knows what can happen to Hillary between now and the convention, she could get indicted.

When competing against Sinderella why not run the clock down waiting for pumpkin time? The fact Clinton's past has not blown her up yet is amazing, for Trump this may be useful as he can keep his powder dry.
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If this will come to fruition, it will be interesting to see an aging socialist/communist pitted against

a maverick buffoonish, a bull in the china store Trump.....

but than again, 8 years ago, no one believed a black guy will elected to be a president, and he was,

so with crazy America, anything can happened....


Sorry, I must have missed the statements or any valid credentials stating that Sanders is a Communist.

Please educate us by sharing the source of your statement. I believe he has stated Social Democrat leanings.

I would certainly welcome, as an American, a test at the ballot box between Trump and Sanders, as to who speaks for the soul of the American people.

Edited by wwest5829
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Clinton is such a loser. She can't even put away a wobbly old socialist. She can't enthuse or motivate or even draw a decent crowd. She visited W. Virginia this week and the crowds lining the streets were flipping her off. That is coal mine country and years ago she promised to shut down those mines as she didn't like the pollution. They hate her. They are union democrats. She's in big trouble.

Obama is busy pushing the TTIP while Americans have learned that these deals export jobs. Bernie is against those deals. Trump is against those deals. People are voting for outsiders who are against those deals.

Hillary has been in favor of those deals and she's toast.


Got that right.

Sanders voters going to The Donald.

Som Nam Na smile.png

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If this will come to fruition, it will be interesting to see an aging socialist/communist pitted against

a maverick buffoonish, a bull in the china store Trump.....

but than again, 8 years ago, no one believed a black guy will elected to be a president, and he was,

so with crazy America, anything can happened....

Once again a typical right winger labelling socialism the same as communism.

So conservatism is the same as fascism is it? No, no of course not but that's the logical progression as the extreme end of the left-wing spectrum is communism so the extreme end of the right-wing spectrum is fascism!

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If this will come to fruition, it will be interesting to see an aging socialist/communist pitted against

a maverick buffoonish, a bull in the china store Trump.....

but than again, 8 years ago, no one believed a black guy will elected to be a president, and he was,

so with crazy America, anything can happened....

Nobody believed a black guy would be elected? Sure, no one but the majority of American voters who voted for him--take off that hood, your racism is showing.

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If this will come to fruition, it will be interesting to see an aging socialist/communist pitted against

a maverick buffoonish, a bull in the china store Trump.....

but than again, 8 years ago, no one believed a black guy will elected to be a president, and he was,

so with crazy America, anything can happened....

socialist/communist Bernie is neither.

He is ageing but no way in this world could I keep up with him. Concerns me a little it is a tough hard campaign. During the early stages of the campaign Bernie went into hospital for a hernia operation and was back on the campaign trail the next day. Man I would be at home feeling sorry for myself for a week.

I don't think Bernie would have the slightest problem serving it up to Trump. He doesn't suffer fools lightly. In fact he can be out and out hostile.

He's a tough old nut for an old bloke.

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Run it down to the wire and force her to cash in her superdelegates. The media will give you one last national forum. Spend ten seconds to congratulate her on her choreographed victory and the rest of the speech lambasting everything you have for the last several months. Finish by saying that you cannot, in good conscience, extend your endorsement to Clinton as she is a poster child for everything you just described.

Then retire

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If this will come to fruition, it will be interesting to see an aging socialist/communist pitted against

a maverick buffoonish, a bull in the china store Trump.....

but than again, 8 years ago, no one believed a black guy will elected to be a president, and he was,

so with crazy America, anything can happened....

As much as I think Obama has been a poor president, it's not because he's black..... your post seems to suggest that Americans were crazy to elect a black man as president.

Maybe your wording was a little poor?

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If Sanders can win the remaining states he may still have a slight chance, but it would have to be big wins. California has over 500 delegates and if he can take over 75% thats over 200 in one state.

Super delegates don't vote yet so don't count them. They can change any time they like.

Who knows what can happen to Hillary between now and the convention, she could get indicted.

When competing against Sinderella why not run the clock down waiting for pumpkin time? The fact Clinton's past has not blown her up yet is amazing, for Trump this may be useful as he can keep his powder dry.

"Sinderella!" I had not heard that before. Love it! clap2.gif Doesn't that story also require 'magic', things appearing as something else, fleeing in the dark of night, and always the sense that she was entitled to go to the ball?

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If this will come to fruition, it will be interesting to see an aging socialist/communist pitted against

a maverick buffoonish, a bull in the china store Trump.....

but than again, 8 years ago, no one believed a black guy will elected to be a president, and he was,

so with crazy America, anything can happened....


Sorry, I must have missed the statements or any valid credentials stating that Sanders is a Communist.

Please educate us by sharing the source of your statement. I believe he has stated Social Democrat leanings.

I would certainly welcome, as an American, a test at the ballot box between Trump and Sanders, as to who speaks for the soul of the American people.

I don't know about "communist" but then again, most do not because in application, the difference between the two are only degrees of the same. However, Sanders most definitely does not lean "Socialist." He is quite emphatic and unapologetic that he is a "Socialist," though early on he preferred not to identify as such. He caveats being a socialist with educating the listener whenever [it] comes up. He never lets slip the chance to define socialism, as he sees it, to soften its blow. Invariably, 'free stuff' will always soften the blow of socialism. Its a siren. Stating someone is a Democratic Socialist is no different then being a Male Socialist, a Nurse Socialist, a Mexican or Irish Socialist- the compound means nothing. Socialist is the operative word; any compound is obfuscation.

Because he caucused with the Democrats, and because the difference between the two is effectively zero (again, degrees or sleight of hand), his being a "Socialist" has never been a problem before. It turns out to be ironic that a lifelong and declared "Socialist" actually appears to be the only candidate who has consistency. Like him or not, he is not a pretender.

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If this will come to fruition, it will be interesting to see an aging socialist/communist pitted against

a maverick buffoonish, a bull in the china store Trump.....

but than again, 8 years ago, no one believed a black guy will elected to be a president, and he was,

so with crazy America, anything can happened....

Once again a typical right winger labelling socialism the same as communism.

So conservatism is the same as fascism is it? No, no of course not but that's the logical progression as the extreme end of the left-wing spectrum is communism so the extreme end of the right-wing spectrum is fascism!

Fascism is about as Left as you can get; National Socialism (Nazi) is a singular example. That hackneyed label has long been poppycock. Socialism and communism and fascism are all degrees of the same. Suggesting socialism is categorically different than communism is simply untrue. There is a reason it was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Nobody would suggest USSR was Socialist. History defines USSR as communist; yet they clearly self identified as Socialist as well.

In any event, I applaud Sanders for his tenacity and consistency. I hope he stays in the fight and continues to prod HRC to define exactly who she is. We know who he is.

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This is probably the best discussion on America and the taboo Socialist Boogie man.

"Professor Richard D. Wolff explains in 50 minutes what socialism is NOT.
Where does the American fear of Socialism, Communism and Marxism come from?"

It really is a matter of educating the American electorate that inherent in Capitalism, Socialism and Communism are benefits to a society. Capitalism can be just as destructive for a Nation as can Socialism and Communism and I think America demonstrates the toxic environment pure unfettered Capitalism can construct. It is about getting the balance right and not being ignorant or frightened of a word but rather adopting what is in the best interest and benefit to a Nation.

If Bernie was advocating a purely Socialist Government I would not support him. As he is advocating a balance and the very best ideological aspects of Capitalism, Socialism and Communism with the oversight of a democratic Republic then he is heading in the right direction to wind back the damage unregulated Capitalism has done to America.

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If this will come to fruition, it will be interesting to see an aging socialist/communist pitted against

a maverick buffoonish, a bull in the china store Trump.....

but than again, 8 years ago, no one believed a black guy will elected to be a president, and he was,

so with crazy America, anything can happened....

Once again a typical right winger labelling socialism the same as communism.

So conservatism is the same as fascism is it? No, no of course not but that's the logical progression as the extreme end of the left-wing spectrum is communism so the extreme end of the right-wing spectrum is fascism!

Fascism is about as Left as you can get; National Socialism (Nazi) is a singular example. That hackneyed label has long been poppycock. Socialism and communism and fascism are all degrees of the same. Suggesting socialism is categorically different than communism is simply untrue. There is a reason it was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Nobody would suggest USSR was Socialist. History defines USSR as communist; yet they clearly self identified as Socialist as well.

In any event, I applaud Sanders for his tenacity and consistency. I hope he stays in the fight and continues to prod HRC to define exactly who she is. We know who he is.

'er no. 'National Socialism' was a label introduced by the then relatively small German fascists in the C20 to compete with the then mass parties of the German Communist Party and German Social Democratic Party. The German Nationalist tradition was neither a left-wing movement nor has it ever been so. The same goes for latter-day fascists and neo-Nazis. For the historical divisions in the left-wing movement one can if inclined follow the establishment and splits in the First, Second, Third and Fourth Internationals. There is a certain tradition in latter-day neo-fascist circles of trying to whitewash Nazi history by painting extreme right/left as all the same thing and occasionally its ugly head pops up in these forums. What is interesting in recent years is the collapse of what passes for the hard left into outright populism where it rubs shoulders with the populist right. And that is where Sanders sits: talks left but all of it is hot air including the protectionism he shares with the Donald. It is this type of stuff which gets him the nod from the right nuts here.

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You want to educate the American people? One of the two major parties just assured the nomination of a white supremacist Mussolini style demagogue. Focus on the now and what is realistically possible now.

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This is probably the best discussion on America and the taboo Socialist Boogie man.

"Professor Richard D. Wolff explains in 50 minutes what socialism is NOT.

Where does the American fear of Socialism, Communism and Marxism come from?"

It really is a matter of educating the American electorate that inherent in Capitalism, Socialism and Communism are benefits to a society. Capitalism can be just as destructive for a Nation as can Socialism and Communism and I think America demonstrates the toxic environment pure unfettered Capitalism can construct. It is about getting the balance right and not being ignorant or frightened of a word but rather adopting what is in the best interest and benefit to a Nation.

If Bernie was advocating a purely Socialist Government I would not support him. As he is advocating a balance and the very best ideological aspects of Capitalism, Socialism and Communism with the oversight of a democratic Republic then he is heading in the right direction to wind back the damage unregulated Capitalism has done to America.

All that idealist nonsense is for the birds in a world of economic globalization. That is why the the so-called democratic socialist project has collapsed into populism and Bernie Saunders, rather than being able to offer a brave new world, gives us protectionism, state capitalism and hot air Vs Trump's nationalism and protectionism and 'er, hot air.

Edited by SheungWan
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Clinton is such a loser. She can't even put away a wobbly old socialist. She can't enthuse or motivate or even draw a decent crowd. She visited W. Virginia this week and the crowds lining the streets were flipping her off. That is coal mine country and years ago she promised to shut down those mines as she didn't like the pollution. They hate her. They are union democrats. She's in big trouble.

Obama is busy pushing the TTIP while Americans have learned that these deals export jobs. Bernie is against those deals. Trump is against those deals. People are voting for outsiders who are against those deals.

Hillary has been in favor of those deals and she's toast.


In some ways I feel sorry for Hillary, She's tried twice for the "ring" and this time, like last time it looks as if the "dark" horse is going to get up! In every way bernie is the better canditdate, he knows what he's talking about, he's independant and he has no baggage! Trump is going to tear her apart with inuendo, he wont have to accuse her of anything, he'll just have to read out the list of supeonas she's going to collect if she doesn't make POTUS!

That's why she's so desperate, it's the only way she can keep out of jail! Unless of course, Obama can grant her executive clementsy?? Bush did it! thumbsup.gifwhistling.gifsad.pngwai.gif

Edited by TPI
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This is probably the best discussion on America and the taboo Socialist Boogie man.

"Professor Richard D. Wolff explains in 50 minutes what socialism is NOT.

Where does the American fear of Socialism, Communism and Marxism come from?"

It really is a matter of educating the American electorate that inherent in Capitalism, Socialism and Communism are benefits to a society. Capitalism can be just as destructive for a Nation as can Socialism and Communism and I think America demonstrates the toxic environment pure unfettered Capitalism can construct. It is about getting the balance right and not being ignorant or frightened of a word but rather adopting what is in the best interest and benefit to a Nation.

If Bernie was advocating a purely Socialist Government I would not support him. As he is advocating a balance and the very best ideological aspects of Capitalism, Socialism and Communism with the oversight of a democratic Republic then he is heading in the right direction to wind back the damage unregulated Capitalism has done to America.

All that idealist nonsense is for the birds in a world of economic globalization. That is why the the so-called democratic socialist project has collapsed into populism and Bernie Saunders, rather than being able to offer a brave new world, gives us protectionism, state capitalism and hot air Vs Trump's nationalism and protectionism and 'er, hot air.

Which bit of the video didn't you understand? I will try to step you through it.

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This is probably the best discussion on America and the taboo Socialist Boogie man.

"Professor Richard D. Wolff explains in 50 minutes what socialism is NOT.

Where does the American fear of Socialism, Communism and Marxism come from?"

It really is a matter of educating the American electorate that inherent in Capitalism, Socialism and Communism are benefits to a society. Capitalism can be just as destructive for a Nation as can Socialism and Communism and I think America demonstrates the toxic environment pure unfettered Capitalism can construct. It is about getting the balance right and not being ignorant or frightened of a word but rather adopting what is in the best interest and benefit to a Nation.

If Bernie was advocating a purely Socialist Government I would not support him. As he is advocating a balance and the very best ideological aspects of Capitalism, Socialism and Communism with the oversight of a democratic Republic then he is heading in the right direction to wind back the damage unregulated Capitalism has done to America.

All that idealist nonsense is for the birds in a world of economic globalization. That is why the the so-called democratic socialist project has collapsed into populism and Bernie Saunders, rather than being able to offer a brave new world, gives us protectionism, state capitalism and hot air Vs Trump's nationalism and protectionism and 'er, hot air.

So Scandinavia doesn't work eh! Economic globalisation is falling apart at the seams as ordinary people wake up to the lies and misinformation put out by the oligarks and their puppet media. Where are the much vaunted benefits to ordinary people that were trumpeted about? How is YOUR life better from globalisation? Learning economics from a textbook in a sheltered workshop like, say, Singapore, must give you a cockeyed view of the world

I don't support Trump although he makes much more sense that Hillary with her strong leaning towards "Wall St"! thumbsup.gifsmile.pngwai.gif

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What is fascinating is the degree of support, indeed disassembly, in presenting Sanders as a brilliant arrival to problem solve. The reason Americans support Trump is because of Sanders-like policies over the past x years that have destroyed us and distilled the injured into a vast number. People are slow, but not stupid.They know Sanders is a bright shiny face, on a useless old coin.

For those who switched baskets and are jumbling eggs between HRC and Sanders, my sympathies- one's an honest socialist incapable of winning and one's a socialist incapable of winning.

...and of course Socialism is to Communism what a glow is to flame. Arguing there is no relationship between these ideologies evidence the natural disassembly of the left (as attempted in an earlier post). One cannot make their argument the better by spinning socialism into another orbit. It is in the communist orbit and every person born before 1989 knows this.

Trump may not win, but Sanders never could win. HRC may not win, but Sanders never could win. Continuing to support Sanders at this point is like shuffling deck chairs...


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Clinton may pull off a narrow victory in California on June 7, but I imagine it's going to put some strain on her war chest (that'd be the one with all the banker money in it...). Nothing in California is cheap, including political propaganda. And she's going to have to keep up the anti-Sanders rhetoric awhile longer, further antagonizing an already bitter and exasperated (some would even say die-hard) crowd which she's going to be needing to get off their butts & get out and actually vote for her in November. All of which will just make the job of post-convention reconciliation within the party that much harder. And then there's the FBI nipping at her heels... Meanwhile, Trump is already busy mending fences. 'Sounds like he and Ryan are going to meet and bury the hatchet. I'm not much of a Trump fan, but this is beginning to look like his election to lose.

Edited by hawker9000
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