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Students go to police about foul mouthed and abusive Chiang Rai teacher


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Students go to police about foul mouthed and abusive Chiang Rai teacher - "no truth in it at all" says school

Image: Thairath

CHIANG RAI:-- Five students said they could take an abusive teachers bad behaviour no more and went to police to lodge complaints.

They say a teacher at the Chiang Rai Withayakhom school kicked and punched students, used foul and abusive language and suggested a girl was a prostitute just for arriving late at school, reports Thairath.

The school director categorically denies that any member of staff has behaved inappropriately saying the accusations may have come out of prejudice.

Patrakrit Duangsanit, 29, an alumnus of the school took two girls and three boys to see Chiang Rai police to lodge their complaints against the teacher who was not named.

They claimed the male teacher:

- kicked and hit the heads of male students
- slapped the face and kicked female students
- used foul and suggestive language to girls
- insulted girls questioning their moral integrity

And further claimed that all of the above were done in front of other students causing the complainants to leave the school in the middle of the school year.

One of the girls given the assumed name of "Sai Fon" said that when she arrived late one day she was hit on the head with the teacher using foul language suggesting she was a prostitute who liked it with "bigger" men. Just minor infractions were met with assault by kicking, she said. And when her brother took her by motorcycle to school one day the teacher is alleged to have said in front of her friends "so your husband brought you in today, did he?" (This was done using an inappropriate word for husband, it was claimed). She said she left to go to another school.

Many other students were subjected to similar behaviour, the complainants suggested.

School director Phikul Ngaotragoon said:"There is no truth in any of the allegations. No one has made any complaints about any teacher at the school and no teacher has behaved inappropriately or improperly with students."

She added that the complaints may have arisen out of prejudice against a teacher from the students concerned."

The alumnus, Patrakrit asked police to forward the complaints to education department officials to follow up the claims.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-05-05

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Maybe the teacher had given them poor grades.

As is well known all students have the get passes, if not they lose face.

That cannot be allowed to happen, go to police and make a complaint.

If the story is true, why only 5 students ans not all the students?

It would be very interesting to see the grades of the 5.

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You got to get it on video kids. Even then the system is rigged against you. But at least you got some education this week..

Yes,Use that cell phone and record it.If this was true then a a parent I would have that teacher in a bit of an attitude adjustment then no longer have my kids going there.Sound like he needs a little Western Justice.

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In this age of i Phones, and clandestine videos of just about everything you can imagine, surely some kid has a video ... if the story is true.

Sounds more like revenge. It's a free ride culture where nobody fails ... teachers beware.

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A disappointing but predictable statement by the director IMO.

Surely a response like "we take all accusations against staff seriously and we will holding an investigation" would've been more appropriate.

To just come out and deny everything makes you wonder if the accusations will be treated seriously.

Somehow, I doubt it.

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A disappointing but predictable statement by the director IMO.

Surely a response like "we take all accusations against staff seriously and we will holding an investigation" would've been more appropriate.

To just come out and deny everything makes you wonder if the accusations will be treated seriously.

Somehow, I doubt it.

+1 spot on.

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Thats what i should have done when i got regular beating by the Catholic Clergy in Ireland in my youth .The police then would have done nothing but i would have offered some rebellion .Hope they are rotting in Hell .

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videos, medical reports, photos? From what I've seen lately, these young adults need a real wake-up call.....perhaps a Singapore style caning would be the safest way, physically. I would hate to lose a student to currency fluctuations while he/she received some good ole "Edison Medicine."

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The school I teach at has security cameras in every classroom, corridor and stairwell. No false claims or denials. No hiding place.

and most sensible schools advise their staff to never be alone with a student of either sex, anywhere, and that is the policy at many churches nowadays, too. It really cuts down on the legal costs associated with multiple false accusations and valid accusations, too.

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