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Warning against Trump, Clinton urges Democrats to unite


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Warning against Trump, Clinton urges Democrats to unite

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Hillary Clinton urged Democrats on Thursday to unite around her candidacy as a way of fending off Republican Donald Trump, telling black community leaders that her advantage over Bernie Sanders far outpaces the deficit she faced in the 2008 primaries.

Campaigning ahead of California's June 7 primary, Clinton pointed to her lead of more than 3 million votes and nearly 300 pledged delegates over Sanders. When she was running against then-Sen. Barack Obama in 2008, Clinton said, they were "neck and neck" in the popular vote but she eventually relented and campaigned hard to elect him president.

"He was about 60 or so pledged delegates ahead, a much, much smaller margin than what we see in this race. But I knew that he had won because it matters how many delegates you have, whether it's 60 or 300," Clinton told supporters at the California African American Museum.

Pointing to Trump as a "loose cannon we cannot afford," Clinton said in 2008 she knew "that whatever differences we might have had in the campaign, they were nothing compared to the differences between us and the Republicans. Now if that were true in '08, that is true on steroids (today)."

Clinton and her advisers have avoided publicly urging the Vermont senator to drop out of the race, saying he has the right to campaign until the end of the primaries as she did in 2008. But her pointed comments in Los Angeles were the closest she has come to suggesting Sanders should move on to allow Democrats to concentrate on Trump, who became the presumptive GOP nominee this week after Republicans Ted Cruz and John Kasich ended their campaigns.

Clinton was joined at the meeting with community leaders by Reps. Maxine Waters and Karen Bass, who represent the Los Angeles area in Congress and are helping her in the state's upcoming primary. Sanders has vowed to barnstorm the state in hopes of winning a large trove of delegates here and has shown few signs of stepping aside.

"As Maxine has said, we've got to work hard and win big here in the California primary to get ready for the general election," Clinton said. "I will do everything I can to unify the party. I did that when I pulled out in '08, as some of you remember."

Later, during a raucous rally with Latino supporters in Monterey Park, Clinton devoted much of her remarks to what a Trump presidency might mean for Hispanics. She said Trump had "doubled down on his plan to create a deportation force to round up millions of people" and would scrap Obama's immigration executive orders and "finalize a design for a giant wall on the border."

"The best way to prevent that from happening is to make sure he never gets near the White House," Clinton said. She was heckled by some protesters at the Cinco de Mayo rally and a large group of protesters gathered outside the event at East Los Angeles College.

Sanders won Tuesday's Indiana primary and is aiming to pull off a string of victories against Clinton in upcoming contests in West Virginia, Kentucky and Oregon. Helped by elected and party leaders called superdelegates, Clinton is more than 90 percent of the way to clinching the nomination. But Democrats worry that losses in the May primaries and in California, the nation's largest state, might hurt her outlook against Trump.

She pushed for a show of force in California, telling the crowd, "I know winning big in California will put us on the path to winning big in November."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-06

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Same problem as the Repubs this year, uniting around a con man Trump, Democrats have to dig deep and unite around an unlikable neocon figure who has more in common with Republicans then Democrats. Her biggest problem is the trust element. Nobody trusts her.

So, vote for an ill-informed, neophyte politician bull-in-a-china shop billionaire or a perceived "everything that's wrong with national politics" establishment figure. Toughest choice in generations.

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As I've said before, the democratic party has a cold or perhaps a flu.

The republic party has pancreatic cancer.

There will be no problem for democrats to unite against the horrific candidacy of psychopathic demagogue Trump.

Edited by Jingthing
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Just in:

Breaking Poll: 57% of Americans Agree With Donald Trump on Policy

And this is just the start! smile.png



You quote a conservative politcal imagazine owned by Philip Anschutz--another right-wing neo-con.

The article even says, “Nearly half of Americans (49 percent) say U.S. involvement in the global economy is a bad thing because it lowers wages and costs jobs . . .”

George Carlin said, "Think of how stupid the average person is; then realize half of them are dumber than that."

This poor unenlightened nearly 50% who think the US involvement in the global economy is a bad thing probably have no idea of two straight-forward facts: 1) the US makes more products than it can consume and 2) the US consumes more products than it makes. I know, a fairly difficult concept to grasp, but just try.

Those same people probably think we can build another wall on our northern border and make Canada pay for it and then build seawalls on the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts and make the rest of the world pay for them. t

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In a true democracy the odds against different members of the same family becoming president should be odds of millions to one .

Trumps frankness albeit lacking political correctness are the downside but compared to the Clinton's past record it looks like time for a change .

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If Hillary was concerned about Trump and not her self, she should drop out and support Sanders since every poll shows that Sanders defeats Trump by a much winder margin than her.

There is only one person in History with as high negatives as Trumpbah.gifbah.gifbah.gif and that person is Hillary.bah.gifbah.gif

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I shall say it again- neither Trump or Clinton will make any positive changes that will help the middle class or poor in America. I Sanders was the nominee, I believe he would change America for the better. His agenda is to make the rich and that includes the Wall Street elite actually pay their fair share of revitalizing America rather than continue to rip off the American public. America needs a real national healthcare plan such as they have in Canada and the UK not the nightmare plan that Obama touts which simply makes insurance companies wealthier and screw the American public out of more money for an overpriced healthcare system. I could go on and on but the reality is that Trump is nothing but a wealthy shill for business and Clinton is backed by the same people. The losers in this election are the American people who will continue to get more fed up with their government and sink further into the morass that government creates. neither Trump or Clinton give a darn bout the middle class or the poor.

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I shall say it again- neither Trump or Clinton will make any positive changes that will help the middle class or poor in America. I Sanders was the nominee, I believe he would change America for the better. His agenda is to make the rich and that includes the Wall Street elite actually pay their fair share of revitalizing America rather than continue to rip off the American public. America needs a real national healthcare plan such as they have in Canada and the UK not the nightmare plan that Obama touts which simply makes insurance companies wealthier and screw the American public out of more money for an overpriced healthcare system. I could go on and on but the reality is that Trump is nothing but a wealthy shill for business and Clinton is backed by the same people. The losers in this election are the American people who will continue to get more fed up with their government and sink further into the morass that government creates. neither Trump or Clinton give a darn bout the middle class or the poor.

Actually a Sanders Presidency that could acomplish it's goals,

(because let's remember ,non of them is running for emperor, )

would be good for the rich also. The American economy is consumer fueled.

An Educated citizen is more productive, because of it pays more taxes, and consumes more , creating a market where the rich can get richer.

An uneducated citizen , which is what we have now, is a burden , and a consumer of government welfare services .

Tuition free College is an investment with huge returns.

Not free College as some will like to say, Nothing in life is free.

Universal health coverage will bring health care costs down, to individuals and government.

are there problems associated with it? sure, but for those who can afford more than the baseline, universal health care, there will still be supplemental private insurance.

As it is now, private insurance gets the young and healthier, and government Medicare get's the Old and sick.

What we have now is insane. Sanders is the only adult in this who can bring Sanity back in the process .

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Not stay home- Write in Sanders. As the poster said- he is the only one who can bring some sense of sanity back to the Ameerican people. Otherwise- the insanity continues until the the people explode and we have total chaos in America.

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I will never, ever vote for Clinton nor a Republican, especially a neofascist like Trump. While our elections for some time have unfortunately been a choice between the lessor of 2 evils, this one is a choice between 2 evils, not necessarily lessor but different. I will, like many, many others either write in Sanders or vote Green Party. Many, many other simply won't vote. This will cause the Democrats the loss of the Senate again and more seats in the House. With Bernie it would be the opposite. Clinton is a lying neocon/neoliberal bought and sold tool of Wall Street criminals/Banksters and the military/spy/industrial complex that only gives a damn about herself. https://jonathanturley.org/2016/05/06/poll-negative-views-of-trump-and-clinton-reach-historic-levels/

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Just in:

Breaking Poll: 57% of Americans Agree With Donald Trump on Policy

And this is just the start! smile.png



No one need ever bother reading a Washington Examiner link. It's not a source as I've pointed out in the past to anything except right wing propaganda and hatred.

When you're Republican nominee is Donald Trump, a good deal of your time is spent grasping for straws as you march over the cliff with the rest of his low-info lemmings.

The hatred is picking up as we transition from Obama being the devil and the worst thing that ever happened to MERICA. It's HRC's turn. Stay tuned folks, the wingnuts are so obsessed that they're touting Trump.

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I shall say it again- neither Trump or Clinton will make any positive changes that will help the middle class or poor in America. I Sanders was the nominee, I believe he would change America for the better. His agenda is to make the rich and that includes the Wall Street elite actually pay their fair share of revitalizing America rather than continue to rip off the American public. America needs a real national healthcare plan such as they have in Canada and the UK not the nightmare plan that Obama touts which simply makes insurance companies wealthier and screw the American public out of more money for an overpriced healthcare system. I could go on and on but the reality is that Trump is nothing but a wealthy shill for business and Clinton is backed by the same people. The losers in this election are the American people who will continue to get more fed up with their government and sink further into the morass that government creates. neither Trump or Clinton give a darn bout the middle class or the poor.

You have to remember who votes for the nominees. If we get past the electoral college and actually install the nominee with the majority of votes; its the average American who carried the vote--no matter the party. Average Americans come in liberal and conservative attire, are roughly three-quarters of the population, and could not compare the platforms of any candidate with another--they may be able to repeat sound bites, but that is about it, no definitive comparison. The average American thinks socialism is communism and the US is a democracy. The belief that Sanders is a socialist/communist is super-imposed on the mind of the average American. Consequently, a socialist/communist could never win, unless supported by the electors. However, that is highly unlikely because the electors are die-hard Democrats or Republicans. Wait and see, the Republicans who hated The Donald so much will back him rather than vote for Hillary/ Look at the wimpy-assed Bushes, or should I say shrubs; making like they will not support Trump. Do you think they will not vote? Do you think they will not use their leverage to sway the vote? Do you think they will vote for Hillary?

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