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Former Republican presidents will not endorse Trump


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Just wait till those missing 28 pages of the 9/11 event come out.

Trump will make that happen.

Then Bush and the Saudies are really in poop.

Did you know,

the Saudies have recently said if those are released,

they will call in the $750 Billion debt.

A currency war that will crash the US economy.

Rembember Obamha ran over there to kiss butt, cause of this.

I suspect Trump would tell them where to stick it,

the announce the exact date when the US,

will pull out all US forces in Saudi,

then default on the Saudi funds saying

"sorry, we are a debtor nation, can't pay",

Betch'a the Saudies will come back to the table real fast.

No, I don't think Bill Clinton (nor Hillary), or Obama.

will send well wishes to Trump,

nor attend his inaugural, nor even be invited.

Your grasp and accuracy of current events is staggering. Saudi Arabia has not said they will "call their 750 billion debt" if the classified pages are released. The issue for them is the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act bill already passed by the Senate and being considered by the house. This would allow 9/11 victims families to sue sovereign nations that currently enjoy immunity. Also it was reported that an Saudis official (unnamed )said they would sell their assets to protect them from being siezed in case of a judgment in a future lawsuit. If you care about the facts, read the following :



yep, 2nd time I flubbed it today. Darn.

I know what you stated is correct, without reading the forbes link.

Thanks for being kind and not calling me a dumbarse,

though I deserve it.

I promise to slow down and pay more attention to what I type.


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My American politic knowledge is elementary, but didn't many people despise the Bush's anyway?

Seems like if they endorsed him, it would do more harm than good?

No, I think this is huge. Americans understand and distinguish between the elder statesman Bush, and the warmonger idiot son. Sure, George W. sullied the family name, but it is still hugely powerful in politics, and this lack of endorsement is similarly huge in the eyes of mainstream Republicans. I think many will just sit out this election, let Hilary take it, then regroup for next time and try to hold on to their party. Better to do that than let Trump redefine the ideals of the party.

Well that just about says it all. You've just voiced whats wrong with American politics today and promoting it..

Democracy American style. Establishment insiders keeping their cosy seats warm until the next election. Just give up, preserve private and personal power and let Hillary take the job or even vote for her to achieve that. Too bad about what the American people want, the economy, desperate times for many, the $20 Trillion national debt and $200 Trillion unbudgeted guarantees etc etc etc.

Oh but what was I thinking? It's all about people serving the Party and it's ideals not the party serving the people. Spurning Trump isn't about ideals or party principles, that's a pretext. It's the family dynasties that matter. It's the money in their pockets, if you want any answers just follow the money trail

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My American politic knowledge is elementary, but didn't many people despise the Bush's anyway?

Seems like if they endorsed him, it would do more harm than good?

No, I think this is huge. Americans understand and distinguish between the elder statesman Bush, and the warmonger idiot son. Sure, George W. sullied the family name, but it is still hugely powerful in politics, and this lack of endorsement is similarly huge in the eyes of mainstream Republicans. I think many will just sit out this election, let Hilary take it, then regroup for next time and try to hold on to their party. Better to do that than let Trump redefine the ideals of the party.

Well that just about says it all. You've just voiced whats wrong with American politics today and promoting it..

Democracy American style. Establishment insiders keeping their cosy seats warm until the next election. Just give up, preserve private and personal power and let Hillary take the job or even vote for her to achieve that. Too bad about what the American people want, the economy, desperate times for many, the $20 Trillion national debt and $200 Trillion unbudgeted guarantees etc etc etc.

Oh but what was I thinking? It's all about people serving the Party and it's ideals not the party serving the people. Spurning Trump isn't about ideals or party principles, that's a pretext. It's the family dynasties that matter. It's the money in their pockets, if you want any answers just follow the money trail

You're partially (and only just) right. Ryan set the path today for rejecting Trump and sitting this one out. The Bushes and Romney already weighed in. It just might be an old fashioned sit-in demonstration of Trump. Just sit back and let him lose the most embarrassing show of all time. It's still too early to tell of most Republicans will follow suit, or fall in behind Trump. Anything is possible, even a Trump victory in November.

You're wrong however that spurning Trump isn't about ideals and substance. Trump has no substance nor any ideals. He's merely a VERY clever opportunist who is in over his head like never before anyone in history. And, regarding family dynasties, who cares about those?

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What every American understands is tha 97% of those

Supporting and voting for Trump, are a protest votes

Against the self serving politician that have been in

Office forever and are owned and supported by their

PACS and the People are sick of them. Americans are

Sick of a Congress who has members that will retire and

Pay themselves $850K per year for life, Nancy Polossie,

Sick of their children who work for them never having to

Repay college loans, better health insurance than any other

Citizen, the list goes on and on. Americans are sick of giving

And giving to countries and being slapped in the face. Sick

Of the Pussy Politics of the last 7.5years and We hope a non

Politician, astute business man, will add some common sense

To our Government and clean house....Go Trump!!!

That's the best poem I have ever read on TVF

Edit: Apparently not all factual but hey no matter!

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No endorsement by Bush Sr., Bush Jr and Romney (and probably McCain also)....could help rally the brown shirts rednecks. It's doubtful it will add any rednecks to Trump, because he's already got them all (They're about 14% of the electorate). Yet there's another side to this. There are Republicans who are decent and thoughtful. They don't divide the world (and people) between things they hate and things they love, with nothing in between. There are probably Republicans who respect elders and don't think it's cool/funny to shit on foreign leaders.

Some of those are they types who may think twice about voting for Trump, particularly when hearing some of their respected statesmen are turned off to him. The people who are yelling support for Trump now, are nearly all the same folks who were big fans of Romney, McCain, Bush Jr and Bush senior in prior years. If Trump wants his supporters to hate all Republican sages from prior years, then he may be somewhat successful in attaining that, .......or maybe not. Will Trump gain or lose votes when respected leaders publicly turn off to him? We'll find out in November. Or maybe all those prior Republican leaders are scorned now by Trump fans. Interesting dynamics in this election cycle.

Trump destroyed the Bush dynasty.

....next stop...destroy the Clinton dynasty.

Spoken like a true Trump fan. Trump is not only the Divider, but he wants to take it a few steps further and be the Destroyer. "Make America Hate Again."

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I can hear Trump now, "We don't need the Bushes, do we? We don't need their support. I'm all you need. I'm smart and very rich. I'm probably richer than both Bushes put together. Who loves you more, me or the Bushes? Right. Me. Stick with me folks. We don't need no stinking former presidents. They're all losers anyway. I'll be the best president ever, except may Lincoln. Trust me on that, folks. You can take it to the bank."

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I can hear Trump now, "We don't need the Bushes, do we? We don't need their support. I'm all you need. I'm smart and very rich. I'm probably richer than both Bushes put together. Who loves you more, me or the Bushes? Right. Me. Stick with me folks. We don't need no stinking former presidents. They're all losers anyway. I'll be the best president ever, except may Lincoln. Trust me on that, folks. You can take it to the bank."

I don't agree Boomer but you make me laugh, you've just about got the accent right

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Must read: a man who really knows Trump well. Who verbally grappled with Trump, sued him for libel, and won a big settlement! A man who, when he predicted Trump's business (Taj Casino) would tank, was ravaged by Trump. Trump caused him to get fired, and did all he could (yes, including childish name calling) to ruin the critic's life and career. Yet the critic proved right. Trump was proven to be a bad manager, and the critic won a lawsuit against Trump.

Get to Know Trump, boys and girls

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Even against despicable Clinton, neofascist Trump will loose. Against a decent well meaning person, Bernie, he will loose even bigger, hell against my old Labrador (dead) he would loose. He's been a looser all his life, just another spoiled rich brat born with a platinum spoon up his, oops in his mouth. The 2 most disliked candidates in history. https://jonathanturley.org/2016/05/06/poll-negative-views-of-trump-and-clinton-reach-historic-levels/

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Even against despicable Clinton, neofascist Trump will loose. Against a decent well meaning person, Bernie, he will loose even bigger, hell against my old Labrador (dead) he would loose. He's been a looser all his life, just another spoiled rich brat born with a platinum spoon up his, oops in his mouth. The 2 most disliked candidates in history. https://jonathanturley.org/2016/05/06/poll-negative-views-of-trump-and-clinton-reach-historic-levels/

So many of you on this site have no clue how angry the American public really is now.

The mere fact that Donald Trump is now going to be the Republican candidate is jaw dropping.

Millions and millions have already approved him.

Trump will be a smooth operator and change as required. Just like any politician.

The only real question left is who will he place on the Supreme Court.

Just sayin"

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Why would former republican presidents endorse Trump? Trump is not a republican

Joining the Republican party or for that mater the Democratic party does not make you a Republican or a Democrat.

Ascribing to the principles of the party makes you one, and Trump does not ascribe to many Republican principles.

But even if he did support the Republican agenda, Trump is not a good person.

Would you endorse some one simply because he or she won the nomination? I dont think you would. So why should they? Unless we think they should put the party ahead of the country.

Personally I think they are taking a principally motivated position and should be commented for it.

Hello sirineou

Your point can be considered valid, but then the obverse most be equally true- there must first be evidence of Republican Principles.

Republicans have not effected the Republican agenda and have colluded with the Progressive agenda in a near incestuous manner.

Republicans have not taken any principally motivated position in years, and the electorate continually begged them in landslide elections.

It is to this very reason that the disaffected within this party see Trump running out the rascals. Republicans, pejoratively referred to has RHINOs by Republicans, have been the key partners in all the policies of the Democratic agenda these past x years.

So, assigning a principled motivation to the Republican Party cannot past the sniff test because their recent history has been the very thing that has alienated its core, and enabled Trump. A mistake many make is to presume Trump is solely a consequence of Obama; this is not correct. Two things are taking place:

1. People want America back (pre-progressive agenda) and

2. people want to clean the Republican House and do it from there.

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Why would former republican presidents endorse Trump? Trump is not a republican

Joining the Republican party or for that mater the Democratic party does not make you a Republican or a Democrat.

Ascribing to the principles of the party makes you one, and Trump does not ascribe to many Republican principles.

But even if he did support the Republican agenda, Trump is not a good person.

Would you endorse some one simply because he or she won the nomination? I dont think you would. So why should they? Unless we think they should put the party ahead of the country.

Personally I think they are taking a principally motivated position and should be commented for it.

Hello sirineou

Your point can be considered valid, but then the obverse most be equally true- there must first be evidence of Republican Principles.

Republicans have not effected the Republican agenda and have colluded with the Progressive agenda in a near incestuous manner.

Republicans have not taken any principally motivated position in years, and the electorate continually begged them in landslide elections.

It is to this very reason that the disaffected within this party see Trump running out the rascals. Republicans, pejoratively referred to has RHINOs by Republicans, have been the key partners in all the policies of the Democratic agenda these past x years.

So, assigning a principled motivation to the Republican Party cannot past the sniff test because their recent history has been the very thing that has alienated its core, and enabled Trump. A mistake many make is to presume Trump is solely a consequence of Obama; this is not correct. Two things are taking place:

1. People want America back (pre-progressive agenda) and

2. people want to clean the Republican House and do it from there.

I agree with you, in fact I believe both parties have lost their way and their agenda has being usurped by special interests.And I am sure I am not the only one as evidenced by the increasing number of independents,

and in a sense, it is funny that they would find Trump Unrepublican, but when it suits the purpose , will welcome many Unrepublican groups under their tent.

But that does not change the fact that if they were to "endorse" Trump it would expose them exactly for what they are, totally bankrupted of ideology, and in it only for the power.

So perhaps the Bushes have seen the light and are taking a principled position or perhaps it is just a case of sour grapes.

But regardless of what it is, in out heart we all know what it should be.and what Trump is and is not.Now if we could all also say the same for Hillary.

There is only one principled candidate out there and it is Sanders, and I rather have some one I might disagree on some points but respect, than more of the same unprincipled, uninspired, selfish, unpatriotic same same.

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So many of you on this site have no clue how angry the American public really is now.

The mere fact that Donald Trump is now going to be the Republican candidate is jaw dropping.

Millions and millions have already approved him.

Trump will be a smooth operator and change as required. Just like any politician.

The only real question left is who will he place on the Supreme Court. Just sayin"

Ok, so a bunch of Americans are angry. I get angry about things sometimes. Does getting angry require such weird recourse. If I stub my toe on a door sill, do blow up the whole house? There are better ways to deal with anger than to go on a rampage, which is what Trump supporters appear to be doing. They say they're angry against Washington insiders for doing nothing. Yet most of Congresspeople are Republicans who the now-angry people voted into office. And nearly all the foot dragging in Congress is by Republicans. "Delay, delay, delay" .....remember that?

Konaboy1 asserts: "Trump will be a smooth operator and change as required. Just like any politician."

Boomer responds: He will change? But wait, isn't the campaigning Trump presenting himself as the man to elect? He repeats ad nauseum that he's the real deal, but now you're telling me that campaigning Trump is not the real Trump. Does that mean that all his promises are BS? How will he change? Will he become a bit mature or will he become ever more like Mussolini? Which is it? Even Trump himself doesn't know. He changes day to day, hour to hour. He keeps saying he's not a politician - yet now you're telling me he will be "just like any politician" Wow.

Trump: fueling anger and preaching divisiveness. Yea sure, he sounds like the right man for the job.

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Just wait till those missing 28 pages of the 9/11 event come out.

Trump will make that happen.

Then Bush and the Saudies are really in poop.

Did you know,

the Saudies have recently said if those are released,

they will call in the $750 Billion debt.

A currency war that will crash the US economy.

Rembember Obamha ran over there to kiss butt, cause of this.

I suspect Trump would tell them where to stick it,

the announce the exact date when the US,

will pull out all US forces in Saudi,

then default on the Saudi funds saying

"sorry, we are a debtor nation, can't pay",

Betch'a the Saudies will come back to the table real fast.

No, I don't think Bill Clinton (nor Hillary), or Obama.

will send well wishes to Trump,

nor attend his inaugural, nor even be invited.

Default on US Treasury obligations (Just for the Saudis) ? You need to get a reality check. All this bluster is why Trump has been so successful...he takes the visceral parts of what irks Americans and then targets the least informed about reality.

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So many of you on this site have no clue how angry the American public really is now.

The mere fact that Donald Trump is now going to be the Republican candidate is jaw dropping.

Millions and millions have already approved him.

Trump will be a smooth operator and change as required. Just like any politician.

The only real question left is who will he place on the Supreme Court. Just sayin"

Ok, so a bunch of Americans are angry. I get angry about things sometimes. Does getting angry require such weird recourse. If I stub my toe on a door sill, do blow up the whole house? There are better ways to deal with anger than to go on a rampage, which is what Trump supporters appear to be doing. They say they're angry against Washington insiders for doing nothing. Yet most of Congresspeople are Republicans who the now-angry people voted into office. And nearly all the foot dragging in Congress is by Republicans. "Delay, delay, delay" .....remember that?

Konaboy1 asserts: "Trump will be a smooth operator and change as required. Just like any politician."

Boomer responds: He will change? But wait, isn't the campaigning Trump presenting himself as the man to elect? He repeats ad nauseum that he's the real deal, but now you're telling me that campaigning Trump is not the real Trump. Does that mean that all his promises are BS? How will he change? Will he become a bit mature or will he become ever more like Mussolini? Which is it? Even Trump himself doesn't know. He changes day to day, hour to hour. He keeps saying he's not a politician - yet now you're telling me he will be "just like any politician" Wow.

Trump: fueling anger and preaching divisiveness. Yea sure, he sounds like the right man for the job.

"Trump: fueling anger and preaching divisiveness. Yea sure, he sounds like the right man for the job. "

Sure, because anger makes people do stupid tings, and the only way Trump could get elected is if people did a very very stupid thing.

I remember when I dropped something heavy on my left foot, and got so angry at it, I kicked it hard with my right foot, and ended up hopping around in pain for 10 minutes. Actually my self inflicted injury hurt a lot more than the original accident.

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My American politic knowledge is elementary, but didn't many people despise the Bush's anyway?

Seems like if they endorsed him, it would do more harm than good?

I agree. the fact that the Bushes won't endorse Trump is within itself an endorsement.

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so what? Trump won't invite them to his inaugural either.

The further they disassociate Trump from establish politics, the better he becomes.

Exactly the reason I, and so many others, support him.

His inaugural...cheesy.gif

So many others...clap2.gif

What's the weather like out there in Wingnuttia? Getting any rain?

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My American politic knowledge is elementary, but didn't many people despise the Bush's anyway?

Seems like if they endorsed him, it would do more harm than good?

No, I think this is huge. Americans understand and distinguish between the elder statesman Bush, and the warmonger idiot son. Sure, George W. sullied the family name, but it is still hugely powerful in politics, and this lack of endorsement is similarly huge in the eyes of mainstream Republicans. I think many will just sit out this election, let Hilary take it, then regroup for next time and try to hold on to their party. Better to do that than let Trump redefine the ideals of the party.

Well that just about says it all. You've just voiced whats wrong with American politics today and promoting it..

Democracy American style. Establishment insiders keeping their cosy seats warm until the next election. Just give up, preserve private and personal power and let Hillary take the job or even vote for her to achieve that. Too bad about what the American people want, the economy, desperate times for many, the $20 Trillion national debt and $200 Trillion unbudgeted guarantees etc etc etc.

Oh but what was I thinking? It's all about people serving the Party and it's ideals not the party serving the people. Spurning Trump isn't about ideals or party principles, that's a pretext. It's the family dynasties that matter. It's the money in their pockets, if you want any answers just follow the money trail

Your economy is doing great. Have you seen the latest data on jobs and inflation?

It's a pity you view your national debt like a house wife. You are the USA and the debt is in USD. I don't have time to explain but you shouldn't lose any sleep over it

As far as voting for Trump, well we have fools everywhere ( similar to Brexiteers in UK). This is why universal suffrage is not necessarily a great idea!

I reckon the USA party system is terminally broken. I think you should prepare for multi party politics and coalition government

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Not just former Republican presidents (the same guys that Trump fans used to totally support), .....but others. Many Republican leaders are now stepping forward and saying they can't/won't support the Trumpster.

It's almost funny: Some Republican big shots, like Christie and Carson, quickly supported Trump in the hope of getting some hand-outs in return.

Other Republicans, with a bit of self-respect are simply not supporting Trump - even tho the non-supporters know they'll get lambasted (at best) or cut-out from appointments (ambassadorships, Dept. heads, promotions, S.Court justice nominations, etc) if Thwump gets in the White House.

Trump has a long history of vindictiveness, particularly if someone says something non-adulatory about him. Mussolini smiles knowingly.

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My American politic knowledge is elementary, but didn't many people despise the Bush's anyway?

Seems like if they endorsed him, it would do more harm than good?

No, I think this is huge. Americans understand and distinguish between the elder statesman Bush, and the warmonger idiot son. Sure, George W. sullied the family name, but it is still hugely powerful in politics, and this lack of endorsement is similarly huge in the eyes of mainstream Republicans. I think many will just sit out this election, let Hilary take it, then regroup for next time and try to hold on to their party. Better to do that than let Trump redefine the ideals of the party.

Well that just about says it all. You've just voiced whats wrong with American politics today and promoting it..

Democracy American style. Establishment insiders keeping their cosy seats warm until the next election. Just give up, preserve private and personal power and let Hillary take the job or even vote for her to achieve that. Too bad about what the American people want, the economy, desperate times for many, the $20 Trillion national debt and $200 Trillion unbudgeted guarantees etc etc etc.

Oh but what was I thinking? It's all about people serving the Party and it's ideals not the party serving the people. Spurning Trump isn't about ideals or party principles, that's a pretext. It's the family dynasties that matter. It's the money in their pockets, if you want any answers just follow the money trail

Your economy is doing great. Have you seen the latest data on jobs and inflation?

It's a pity you view your national debt like a house wife. You are the USA and the debt is in USD. I don't have time to explain but you shouldn't lose any sleep over it

As far as voting for Trump, well we have fools everywhere ( similar to Brexiteers in UK). This is why universal suffrage is not necessarily a great idea!

I reckon the USA party system is terminally broken. I think you should prepare for multi party politics and coalition government

It is your understanding of the US political system which may be the one terminally broken. The US constitution does not allow for 'coalition government'. The US constitution is based on the separation of powers between the President and the Houses of Congress, so a 'coalition' in the European style is not possible.

Edited by SheungWan
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Isn't this what supporters of Trump want -- separation from the old established money and those so desperate to keep the status quo? Apparently, enough Americans have lost confidence in all those comfy old Washington cronies always scratching each other's (financial) back regardless of their supposed party affiliation. Trump should completely exploit this to draw support from what might be surprisingly high numbers of people, whether they think of themselves as Democrats or Republicans, who feel betrayed by decades of politicians who have done little to serve average Americans or preserve the middle class. He should run as a virtual independent, telling people to abandon the illusion of a 2-party system.

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Isn't this what supporters of Trump want -- separation from the old established money and those so desperate to keep the status quo? Apparently, enough Americans have lost confidence in all those comfy old Washington cronies always scratching each other's (financial) back regardless of their supposed party affiliation. Trump should completely exploit this to draw support from what might be surprisingly high numbers of people, whether they think of themselves as Democrats or Republicans, who feel betrayed by decades of politicians who have done little to serve average Americans or preserve the middle class. He should run as a virtual independent, telling people to abandon the illusion of a 2-party system.

if he was elected, he's be no different

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Isn't this what supporters of Trump want -- separation from the old established money and those so desperate to keep the status quo?

if he was elected, he's be no different

Maybe not. But wouldn't it be great to try just one president who owes nothing to the party machine, nothing to lobbyists and nothing to donors and PACs? Just to the country he's elected to serve.

And who isn't really focused on cashing in after he leaves office, or 4 years of begging for donations for others in the party, just because they're in the party? (Dare I propose, 8 years??)

Edited by impulse
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Isn't this what supporters of Trump want -- separation from the old established money and those so desperate to keep the status quo?

if he was elected, he's be no different

Maybe not. But wouldn't it be great to try just one president who owes nothing to the party machine, nothing to lobbyists and nothing to donors and PACs? Just to the country he's elected to serve.

And who isn't really focused on cashing in after he leaves office, or 4 years of begging for donations for others in the party, just because they're in the party? (Dare I propose, 8 years??)

wont happen and even if it did, every member of congress and senate would still be bought.

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Isn't this what supporters of Trump want -- separation from the old established money and those so desperate to keep the status quo?

if he was elected, he's be no different

Maybe not. But wouldn't it be great to try just one president who owes nothing to the party machine, nothing to lobbyists and nothing to donors and PACs? Just to the country he's elected to serve.

And who isn't really focused on cashing in after he leaves office, or 4 years of begging for donations for others in the party, just because they're in the party? (Dare I propose, 8 years??)

wont happen and even if it did, every member of congress and senate would still be bought.

Given the choice between "slim chance" and "no chance in hell", I'm all for trying the slim chance for 4 years.

Obama surprised a lot of us by being so lame. Maybe Trump will be a surprise in the other direction.

No surprises possible with Hillary. Disappointment- sure, but that won't be a surprise.

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Given the choice between "slim chance" and "no chance in hell", I'm all for trying the slim chance for 4 years.

Obama surprised a lot of us by being so lame. Maybe Trump will be a surprise in the other direction.

No surprises possible with Hillary. Disappointment- sure, but that won't be a surprise.

there is no chance in hell and obama did a lot given that those repub bastards stonewalled him at every turn

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