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NCPO spokesman insists the junta always respects human rights


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"Better understanding."....( there it is) ....their mantra .

Even disagreeing with his statement , by a Thai ...is tantamount to a security breach.

The lack of freedoms of speech, arrests and detention of citizen , not to mention LM laws that see people rot in jail, is a human rights failure.

Then there is the seafood industry.

Keep saying we need a better understanding.....that's fine.

We better understand its dangerous.

We better understand sanctions need imposing.

We better understand that down the track a military solution to this may be needed.

But mostly we better understand we are dealing with a lying immoral unelected dangerous pack of armed thugs, who have nil respect for their population or the world in general

You will fall.

It's only a matter of time

In my opinion, they have already failed. It is just that the repercussions have yet to happen. It will not be pretty when it does.

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How timely. Ja New's mother's just been arrested and detained for LM. Where will it all end.

You think it's bad now, just wait until the inevitable happens. Personally, I think having a rapid exit strategy is a must.

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"He suspected that the lecturers might be over-worried with the consequences of the enforcement of the laws and orders enacted by the NCPO whereas the public in general were indifferent to the laws or orders."

So alleged public indifference {it could just be simple fear} makes everything ok then?

No matter what happens, as long as the public are indifferent it's ok?


Edited by Bluespunk
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Being arrested, denied bail, and marched in front of a military court, not for writing a post on facebook, not even for liking a post on facebook, but for having one sent to you, as is happening to the mother of Ja New, the student activist, could be construed as a pretty fundemental breach of human rights.

It is possible to argue that Freedom of Speech is not a universal human right as there are limitations particularly when it comes to hate speech and possibly national security issues but the Junta now how taken it to a whole new level (or plumbed a whole new depth) by removing the right to 'Freedom of Unspeech' which is totally indefensible.

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How timely. Ja New's mother's just been arrested and detained for LM. Where will it all end.

You think it's bad now, just wait until the inevitable happens. Personally, I think having a rapid exit strategy is a must.

I think when that happens there will be some bitter ( and perhaps bloody) infighting, amongst the ranks of those born to rule. It will probably be behind closed doors.

Of course it may well spill over onto the streets, most likely in Bangkok. In the more distant and less "well connected" provinces I suspect it will be a spectator event.

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What truly amazes me is that I read the "Letters to the editor" of a well know English language newspaper. The comments are really negative about the junta and they sign what looks like their real names. Amazing!!

Not really. Most of those are written by farang. They aren't about to 'have at us' yet laugh.png

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How timely. Ja New's mother's just been arrested and detained for LM. Where will it all end.

Now if only an international expert lawyer in human rights would come and defend her then see how the junta cliam they always respect human rights...

And the junta fan boys are yet again quiet when they are shown that they are WRONG.........

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How timely. Ja New's mother's just been arrested and detained for LM. Where will it all end.

Yes, and no need to walk on eggs here and worry about repeating what she said because apparently she said absolutely nothing. Zilch...Zero....not one word. She has actually been arrested for not saying anything at all in a private correspondence with another person.

Doesn't exactly inspire respect or belief in the government spokesman's comments.

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the world of 1984 run by morons.

I guess we are fortunate that they are, at least, morons.

morons i can handle, powerfull morons start to worry me.

one fear i have is, there maybe one intelligent one, he just lets the morons speak to the media.

un-pucking believeable.

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the world of 1984 run by morons.

I guess we are fortunate that they are, at least, morons.

morons i can handle, powerfull morons start to worry me.

one fear i have is, there maybe one intelligent one, he just lets the morons speak to the media.

un-pucking believeable.

What about powerful ones with tanks and guns? and a history of not being able to deal with a disenting public?

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How timely. Ja New's mother's just been arrested and detained for LM. Where will it all end.

Yes, and no need to walk on eggs here and worry about repeating what she said because apparently she said absolutely nothing. Zilch...Zero....not one word. She has actually been arrested for not saying anything at all in a private correspondence with another person.

Doesn't exactly inspire respect or belief in the government spokesman's comments.

Please forgive my trespass if I'm wrong, but why was this not news here on TVF? Did I miss the story? or was it just missed ? or was it deliberately left out and for what reason?

Considering it is a relevant news issue it would be nice to know from TVF why this is still not a featured article here?

BTW this is not a shot at TVF simply a question. hope I don't get banned for a few dayswhistling.gif

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the world of 1984 run by morons.

I guess we are fortunate that they are, at least, morons.

morons i can handle, powerfull morons start to worry me.

one fear i have is, there maybe one intelligent one, he just lets the morons speak to the media.

un-pucking believeable.

What about powerful ones with tanks and guns? and a history of not being able to deal with a disenting public?

thats our boys, guns tanks etc, they do scare me.

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His words are not in line with the actions of the Junta. Maybe this bloke is unaware of them ?

Can't be, he is lying through his teeth.

I'm really not sure about that. To be a liar one has to be aware one is lying. Now these people live in a nice cosy bubble where they spend their days praising and passing round medals and decorations to one another, so it is possible they have come to believe their own claptrap. Worrying indeed, if that is the case...

Don't underestimate them, they know full well what they are doing and why they are doing it.

The goal is quite clear, continued influence in the way Thailand is run, without the need to actually receive a mandate. Key to this goal is acceptance of the draft charter on August 7.

That acceptance at the very least will (in their eyes) legitimize the draft and the 'democracy' it contains.

Any dissent is currently handled with a heavy hand, with only one goal, dissuade others from trying the same.

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"Better understanding."....( there it is) ....their mantra .

Even disagreeing with his statement , by a Thai ...is tantamount to a security breach.

The lack of freedoms of speech, arrests and detention of citizen , not to mention LM laws that see people rot in jail, is a human rights failure.

Then there is the seafood industry.

Keep saying we need a better understanding.....that's fine.

We better understand its dangerous.

We better understand sanctions need imposing.

We better understand that down the track a military solution to this may be needed.

But mostly we better understand we are dealing with a lying immoral unelected dangerous pack of armed thugs, who have nil respect for their population or the world in general

You will fall.

It's only a matter of time

In my opinion, they have already failed. It is just that the repercussions have yet to happen. It will not be pretty when it does.

Fall ...not fail....

But I agree with your observations and prediction

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Obviously, the spokesperson has no clue as to what human rights are. Must have a Thai education. coffee1.gif

This gentleman spent a part of his education in Australia at officer training, this is one reason why he speaks reasonable English. I am sure he has an understanding of human rights as it is perceived by other countries. His personal opinions would be interesting to hear.

I think he would be great as a stand up comedian as he can deliver any line with a straight face.

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How timely. Ja New's mother's just been arrested and detained for LM. Where will it all end.

Yes, and no need to walk on eggs here and worry about repeating what she said because apparently she said absolutely nothing. Zilch...Zero....not one word. She has actually been arrested for not saying anything at all in a private correspondence with another person.

Doesn't exactly inspire respect or belief in the government spokesman's comments.

Please forgive my trespass if I'm wrong, but why was this not news here on TVF? Did I miss the story? or was it just missed ? or was it deliberately left out and for what reason?

Considering it is a relevant news issue it would be nice to know from TVF why this is still not a featured article here?

BTW this is not a shot at TVF simply a question. hope I don't get banned for a few dayswhistling.gif

There was a thread started early this morning.

It was quickly taken down...

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Only criminal said their Human right are not respect

Majority of Thai are not care with them.

WRONG... not only "criminals" claim their human rights have been violated.

And as far as the "Majority of Thai are not care with them" back that statement up with facts please, reckon you can't.

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