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Hungary’s PM Orban slams plans for migrant quota fines


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Hungary’s PM Orban slams plans for migrant quota fines


It’s “outrageous” and a “kick in the stomach.” Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has slammed EU proposals to fine member states a quarter of a million euros for every migrant they refuse to take, as part of controversial quotas.

He says the focus should be on protecting Schengen borders and the running of refugee camps.

Orban told Hungarian public radio that the fine plans show that “those who should be our leaders in Brussels are sitting in an ivory tower, isolated from the world.

“They don’t know the reality, they don’t have a clue what they are talking about.

“How can some draw up a proposal like this?”

Orban opposes the plans – agreed in September – to redistribute 160-thousand migrants around the bloc.

Voters are set to be asked whether Hungary should accept any future EU quota system.

Euronews’ Andrea Hajagos reported from Budapest: “There could soon be a referendum in Hungary, asking if the EU can decide on obligatory requirements without the permission of the Hungarian Parliament.

“Its result in fact won’t have a direct effect on the EU’s decision, but it could be an important trump card for the Hungarian government, in negotiations in Brussels.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-07

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How dare Hungary continue to question Mrs. Merkel's decision that every EU nation in Schengen must accept her idea of imposed quotas?

She doesn't have the Panzers and Luftwaffe as enforcers but does have the puppet Juncke and all those EU bureaucrats.

This, more than anything, will make nations other than Britain demand referendums and promote the question of immigration as the number 1 issue.

In her eagerness to rule Europe and see German domination a final reality Merkel may well knock the dominoes down.

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Hungary should accommodate as many of these illegal MIGRANTS as THEY want, and they should not pay a single Euro to EU. So should every other state. Merkel and a bunch of lunatic EU beurocrats are breaking up EU with this insanity. I supported the idea of a euro free trade zone, but I am dead against this European federation ruled by unelected beurocrats.

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This man is a visionary and speaks the truth - watch his videos on YouTube - in front of Merkel he tells her she is wrong and that her policies stink. After his speech he is given rousing applause but Frau Merkel doesn't even acknowledge him - her face looks like she is a cow with a musket stuck up her arse. Poland, Hungary, Austria and some of the former states that made up Yugo won't bow to her. Good for them! As for poor olde London - I wonder how long before it becomes our Beirut? Muslims in London will now be insufferable and will flex their new muscles - Mr Corbyn needs to stay home and shine his sandals and polish his buckles for thinking that winning the Mayoral race at any cost was a smart move. The new mayor Khan has condoned hate Imams in London mosques in the past, by never criticising them. He is a "secular" Muslim in name only. IMO

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Hungary and the other Visegrad countries are exactly right and within their rights when saying they don't want Muslim immigration under whatever pretense, having acknowledged the obvious in that it is more trouble than it is worth in the long run, as can be witnessed in every single nation that had a taste of it.

250k per refugee they don't take? Like the sort of money you can easily finance a fully functioning camp along the Syrian border or in Turkey or Jordan for close to a hundred people a year, without all the "social costs" in our modern countries? Yeah, let's play the arm-twisting game some more and watch the whole EU implode. Which, to my mind, would be more catastrophic than anything that has so far perspired. You might not like the EU, they seriously should all get together and do some renegotiating on some points like immigration and welfare, but it is as such a really good thing and worth keeping.

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Why on earth would EU leaders ramrod such insane agenda down the throats of the member states? Why is there a sense of quickening, doubling down, inexorability?

Because they [they] are playing for time. Of course the end result will be repudiating Merkel et al, but only intellectually; practically, she will be the victor. The only reason there could possibly be for a doubling down, an escalation in the very things that are terrifying member states, is if they end result is worth any means. One has to totally divorce all observations from history to appreciate current events as meaningless.

Its a “kick in the stomach” is terribly understated. It is an exercise/evidence in/of regulatory despotism. Using EU mechanisms they are making hostages of member states- "Do this or..." I refuse to believe real context Hungary's frustration can be appreciated in isolation. While the US is an ocean away does anyone really believe there is no relationship to the doors being thrown open on both sides of the pond? The odds of two regions simultaneously presenting with rampant abuse of immigration laws, overflowing 'migrants,' non-enforcing of existing laws, and terror of the populace... well, this would be a staggering number. It is too much to accept as national evolution of unrelated events. We know it is intentionally being effected. We see it every day. Shooting this appreciation a the vast numbers entering the EU/US like an arrow in flight, a blind person can see where the arrow lands.

Hungary is clearly not a team player. UK is clearly not being cooperative. If ever there were yet one more reason for the UK to realize they are being victimized its this issue to which the PM speaks. What is taking place is the largest fraud in the history of the world. Entire populations are quickly being diluted with agreeable constituents to ensure the unchallenged role of Socialism/Progressivism. It is an absolute coup d'état.

No question about it. No one is consulted. No referendums on the issue (UK effectively pending); no elections about the issue. International invitations issued. International agreements/quotas signed. Coercive polices enacted locally to ensure compliance. Its a power grab, no doubt.

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If it was not so serious it would be amusing to watch these countries implode. But it is serious. Deadly serious. What is wrong with them? None of the explanations for this suicidal lunacy seem to pass rational inspection. There is no such thing as a secular Muslim and if there was we would have seen useful input by now. I rest my case. What kind of a world/Europe do Mrs Merkel and her mates think they are leaving for their grand children?

Edited by The Deerhunter
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If it was not so serious it would be amusing to watch these countries implode. But it is serious. Deadly serious. What is wrong with them? None of the explanations for this suicidal lunacy seem to pass rational inspection. There is no such thing as a secular Muslim and if there was we would have seen useful input by now. I rest my case. What kind of a world/Europe do Mrs Merkel and her mates think they are leaving for their grand children?

What is wrong with them?

Nothing. It is all part of the dilution plan.

Just so happens that Orban and a few others are beginning to see clearly and are starting to throw spanners into the works.

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So the 'choice' given to Hungary is to be 'enriched' or else be impoverished. There is of course a third choice, leave the EU. If Brexit happens I see The EU folding like a deck of cards.

Greece might just be the catalyst for this before we even get to the UK referendum.

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If it was not so serious it would be amusing to watch these countries implode. But it is serious. Deadly serious. What is wrong with them? None of the explanations for this suicidal lunacy seem to pass rational inspection. There is no such thing as a secular Muslim and if there was we would have seen useful input by now. I rest my case. What kind of a world/Europe do Mrs Merkel and her mates think they are leaving for their grand children?

What is wrong with them?

Nothing. It is all part of the dilution plan.

Just so happens that Orban and a few others are beginning to see clearly and are starting to throw spanners into the works.

When Brexit happens, poor GB, where are the export markets? China? Africa? Thailand? Russia? And the fascist Orban should be quiet, he wants the money from the EU, but no obligations. The EU should candel all money to the Visegrad countries, if they not accept common solutions. Otherwise they can leave the EU and join the Russian common market. Good luck!

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If it was not so serious it would be amusing to watch these countries implode. But it is serious. Deadly serious. What is wrong with them? None of the explanations for this suicidal lunacy seem to pass rational inspection. There is no such thing as a secular Muslim and if there was we would have seen useful input by now. I rest my case. What kind of a world/Europe do Mrs Merkel and her mates think they are leaving for their grand children?

What is wrong with them?

Nothing. It is all part of the dilution plan.

Just so happens that Orban and a few others are beginning to see clearly and are starting to throw spanners into the works.

When Brexit happens, poor GB, where are the export markets? China? Africa? Thailand? Russia? And the fascist Orban should be quiet, he wants the money from the EU, but no obligations. The EU should candel all money to the Visegrad countries, if they not accept common solutions. Otherwise they can leave the EU and join the Russian common market. Good luck!

Highly informative post. Thank you.

It might have escaped your attention but the EU market is shrinking year on year and there is a big bad world outside the EU. I know where I would rather take my chances.

Fascist is not a label that you can pin on an elected leader for refusing something that will possibly be detrimental to his Country, that is called common sense.

Remember those words. Common Sense. It is something that is in very short supply where the EU is concerned.

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. Poland, Hungary, Austria and some of the former states that made up Yugo

Explain the word Yugo to me

Yugo is short/abbreviated for the former Yugoslavia the countries that are now Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia, and a couple of others that slip the memory right now. Jugoslavia broke up after Tito died - he held it all together. There were many small wars over the break-up, the usual discord.

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For those who respond with suspicion that an intentional borderless world is being forced on Hungary, the EU, the US, and everyone else, consider US SoS Kerry's comments on a "borderless world." Of course this is contrived, coercive, and insidious. Reverse engineering the problem (uncontrolled migration) to the source (agenda) we can conclude that absolutely nothing healthy can arise from social engineering that is based on deceit. It is agenda!


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For those who respond with suspicion that an intentional borderless world is being forced on Hungary, the EU, the US, and everyone else, consider US SoS Kerry's comments on a "borderless world." Of course this is contrived, coercive, and insidious. Reverse engineering the problem (uncontrolled migration) to the source (agenda) we can conclude that absolutely nothing healthy can arise from social engineering that is based on deceit. It is agenda!


Border-less world is not being forced on Hungary, Hungary can reject the proposed fines for not accepting it's allotted quota of vetted asylum seekers. In fact the Hungarian government has already rejected a number of EU proposals for asylum seekers, to retain power in collaboration with the far right.

I have a suspicion Kerry's comment concerning a "border-less world" is quoted out of context, it would be political suicide if the comment is literal as you pose. I tried to link to the full text / recording of his speech without success.

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