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Trump takes aim at Clinton over her husband's infidelities


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AP Interview: Trump says he's unlikely to release tax returns before election


That's right. None of anybody's business.

It is the concern or 'business' of anyone who cares about America's future. If people want to see the US go down the tubes, then sure, they would want a blowhard liar for a president. Yet some of us care about America's future, and want it to be reasonably well off. In order for America's future to be in good hands, it's got to have a decent person at the helm. If it's shown that The Divider Donald is corrupt to the core, then it's our business to know. Pardon me repeating, but in 40 yrs of presidential campaigning, The Donald is the only candidate who is hiding his tax returns.

Granted, there are the hard core of US rednecks who will remain Donald fans no matter what. Similar to Mussolini's Brown Shirts, who wouldn't abandon him no matter what was revealed about his dangerous character.

But tell us, how is Trump's refusal to release his tax records any different than Hillary's refusal to release her speech transcripts?

It's an immature tactic to switch targets during a debate. If I ask my kid to eat his lima beans, and he shoots back, "Well Billy doesn't play fair at baseball!" it's diversion, isn't it?

On the one hand, we're discussing why Trump is determined to continue to hide his tax returns for the past 3 years. Then you shoot back about H's speech transcripts. If Hillary released transcripts, then Trump fans would shoot back with another shielding ploy, "Well what about Bill's....? " or "What about Chelsea's......"

In case you forgot, Trump was leading the charge, for many months, about Obama's birth certificate. No time in the history of US politics has a birth certificate been an issue. Yet, Trump was showing what a taunting immature piece of crud he is by leading that stupid charge. Then, surprisingly, Obama complied ! Oh, but it wasn't good enough for Trump (who by that time had his intelligence-challenged numbnuts riled up), "We want to see the long form!" Then, even more surprisingly, Obama complied. Trump had promised to pay $5 million to Obama's favorite charity if Obama complied. Obama complied. Trump, true to his lying self, didn't give a penny. Where's the $5 million Mr. Trump? Trump has an oilslick of lies 10 miles long behind him. He is to gentlemanliness, what a mud skipper is to formal attire.

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Nothings really come up so they are going all the way back to the blue dress and beat that into the ground.


Believe we've seen Hillary in 'action' back when she was booted from the Watergate investigations for dishonesty and even before that during Whitewater.

Her crimes go back decades! smile.png

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AP Interview: Trump says he's unlikely to release tax returns before election


That's right. None of anybody's business.

It is the concern or 'business' of anyone who cares about America's future. If people want to see the US go down the tubes, then sure, they would want a blowhard liar for a president. Yet some of us care about America's future, and want it to be reasonably well off. In order for America's future to be in good hands, it's got to have a decent person at the helm. If it's shown that The Divider Donald is corrupt to the core, then it's our business to know. Pardon me repeating, but in 40 yrs of presidential campaigning, The Donald is the only candidate who is hiding his tax returns.

Granted, there are the hard core of US rednecks who will remain Donald fans no matter what. Similar to Mussolini's Brown Shirts, who wouldn't abandon him no matter what was revealed about his dangerous character.

But tell us, how is Trump's refusal to release his tax records any different than Hillary's refusal to release her speech transcripts?

It's an immature tactic to switch targets during a debate. If I ask my kid to eat his lima beans, and he shoots back, "Well Billy doesn't play fair at baseball!" it's diversion, isn't it?

On the one hand, we're discussing why Trump is determined to continue to hide his tax returns for the past 3 years. Then you shoot back about H's speech transcripts. If Hillary released transcripts, then Trump fans would shoot back with another shielding ploy, "Well what about Bill's....? " or "What about Chelsea's......"

In case you forgot, Trump was leading the charge, for many months, about Obama's birth certificate. No time in the history of US politics has a birth certificate been an issue. Yet, Trump was showing what a taunting immature piece of crud he is by leading that stupid charge. Then, surprisingly, Obama complied ! Oh, but it wasn't good enough for Trump (who by that time had his intelligence-challenged numbnuts riled up), "We want to see the long form!" Then, even more surprisingly, Obama complied. Trump had promised to pay $5 million to Obama's favorite charity if Obama complied. Obama complied. Trump, true to his lying self, didn't give a penny. Where's the $5 million Mr. Trump? Trump has an oilslick of lies 10 miles long behind him. He is to gentlemanliness, what a mud skipper is to formal attire.

I seem to recall that Trump's wife (at the time - Ivana?) said 'only the little people pay taxes' - which might explain why he is being evasive about his tax returns....

As for the Obama birth certificate fiasco, there are still Americans that believe this lie promulgated by his political enemies!

Edited by dick dasterdly
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Nothings really come up so they are going all the way back to the blue dress and beat that into the ground.


Believe we've seen Hillary in 'action' back when she was booted from the Watergate investigations for dishonesty and even before that during Whitewater.

Her crimes go back decades! smile.png

What ever you say Hannity.

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AP Interview: Trump says he's unlikely to release tax returns before election


That's right. None of anybody's business.

It is the concern or 'business' of anyone who cares about America's future. If people want to see the US go down the tubes, then sure, they would want a blowhard liar for a president. Yet some of us care about America's future, and want it to be reasonably well off. In order for America's future to be in good hands, it's got to have a decent person at the helm. If it's shown that The Divider Donald is corrupt to the core, then it's our business to know. Pardon me repeating, but in 40 yrs of presidential campaigning, The Donald is the only candidate who is hiding his tax returns.

Granted, there are the hard core of US rednecks who will remain Donald fans no matter what. Similar to Mussolini's Brown Shirts, who wouldn't abandon him no matter what was revealed about his dangerous character.

But tell us, how is Trump's refusal to release his tax records any different than Hillary's refusal to release her speech transcripts?

It's an immature tactic to switch targets during a debate. If I ask my kid to eat his lima beans, and he shoots back, "Well Billy doesn't play fair at baseball!" it's diversion, isn't it?

On the one hand, we're discussing why Trump is determined to continue to hide his tax returns for the past 3 years. Then you shoot back about H's speech transcripts. If Hillary released transcripts, then Trump fans would shoot back with another shielding ploy, "Well what about Bill's....? " or "What about Chelsea's......"

In case you forgot, Trump was leading the charge, for many months, about Obama's birth certificate. No time in the history of US politics has a birth certificate been an issue. Yet, Trump was showing what a taunting immature piece of crud he is by leading that stupid charge. Then, surprisingly, Obama complied ! Oh, but it wasn't good enough for Trump (who by that time had his intelligence-challenged numbnuts riled up), "We want to see the long form!" Then, even more surprisingly, Obama complied. Trump had promised to pay $5 million to Obama's favorite charity if Obama complied. Obama complied. Trump, true to his lying self, didn't give a penny. Where's the $5 million Mr. Trump? Trump has an oilslick of lies 10 miles long behind him. He is to gentlemanliness, what a mud skipper is to formal attire.

I seem to recall that Trump's wife (at the time - Ivana?) said 'only the little people pay taxes' - which might explain why he is being evasive about his tax returns....

As for the Obama birth certificate fiasco, there are still Americans that believe this lie promulgated by his political enemies!

That was Leona Hemsley.


This is a prime example of disinformation - blaming The Donald for anything slightly negative, eh? wink.png

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Nothings really come up so they are going all the way back to the blue dress and beat that into the ground.


Believe we've seen Hillary in 'action' back when she was booted from the Watergate investigations for dishonesty and even before that during Whitewater.

Her crimes go back decades! smile.png

Hillary and Watergate ?! .....wow, that really is a stretch. HRC was 22 at the time. Doubtful she was in with Nixon's dirty tricks. And during that time, Nixon was in his small dark study, by himself, drinking one to two bottles of brandy a day. Another upstanding Republican president.

It's already known that Republicans are anti-science, but reversing time? Come on fellas. Watergate preceded Whitewater. One was a Republican-formulated dirty tricks campaign which brought down a president. The other was a tempest in a teacup which didn't amount to anything, unless you're a Republican, then Whitewater was the 2nd crucifiction of Christ.

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AP Interview: Trump says he's unlikely to release tax returns before election


That's right. None of anybody's business.

It is the concern or 'business' of anyone who cares about America's future. If people want to see the US go down the tubes, then sure, they would want a blowhard liar for a president. Yet some of us care about America's future, and want it to be reasonably well off. In order for America's future to be in good hands, it's got to have a decent person at the helm. If it's shown that The Divider Donald is corrupt to the core, then it's our business to know. Pardon me repeating, but in 40 yrs of presidential campaigning, The Donald is the only candidate who is hiding his tax returns.

Granted, there are the hard core of US rednecks who will remain Donald fans no matter what. Similar to Mussolini's Brown Shirts, who wouldn't abandon him no matter what was revealed about his dangerous character.

But tell us, how is Trump's refusal to release his tax records any different than Hillary's refusal to release her speech transcripts?

It's an immature tactic to switch targets during a debate. If I ask my kid to eat his lima beans, and he shoots back, "Well Billy doesn't play fair at baseball!" it's diversion, isn't it?

On the one hand, we're discussing why Trump is determined to continue to hide his tax returns for the past 3 years. Then you shoot back about H's speech transcripts. If Hillary released transcripts, then Trump fans would shoot back with another shielding ploy, "Well what about Bill's....? " or "What about Chelsea's......"

In case you forgot, Trump was leading the charge, for many months, about Obama's birth certificate. No time in the history of US politics has a birth certificate been an issue. Yet, Trump was showing what a taunting immature piece of crud he is by leading that stupid charge. Then, surprisingly, Obama complied ! Oh, but it wasn't good enough for Trump (who by that time had his intelligence-challenged numbnuts riled up), "We want to see the long form!" Then, even more surprisingly, Obama complied. Trump had promised to pay $5 million to Obama's favorite charity if Obama complied. Obama complied. Trump, true to his lying self, didn't give a penny. Where's the $5 million Mr. Trump? Trump has an oilslick of lies 10 miles long behind him. He is to gentlemanliness, what a mud skipper is to formal attire.

There is always some extra demand and once that is satisfied another would follow. Bush can be prosecuted only if all those who approved the war were prosecuted for actually believing what they were being told which Trump has told us on more than once occasion was a Big Fat Lie.

No tax return until Hilary provides transcripts if she did that tomorrow there would still be no tax returns from Trump.

As you say Trump the man who has never admitted that he was lying about Obama's birth certificate.

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That was Leona Hemsley.

This is a prime example of disinformation - blaming The Donald for anything slightly negative, eh? wink.png

Who was it that said: "If you mud wrestle with a pig, you both get muddy, but the pig likes it."

Guess who is the pig who likes wrestling in the mud?

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It's an immature tactic to switch targets during a debate. If I ask my kid to eat his lima beans, and he shoots back, "Well Billy doesn't play fair at baseball!" it's diversion, isn't it?

On the one hand, we're discussing why Trump is determined to continue to hide his tax returns for the past 3 years. Then you shoot back about H's speech transcripts. If Hillary released transcripts, then Trump fans would shoot back with another shielding ploy, "Well what about Bill's....? " or "What about Chelsea's......"

In case you forgot, Trump was leading the charge, for many months, about Obama's birth certificate. No time in the history of US politics has a birth certificate been an issue. Yet, Trump was showing what a taunting immature piece of crud he is by leading that stupid charge. Then, surprisingly, Obama complied ! Oh, but it wasn't good enough for Trump (who by that time had his intelligence-challenged numbnuts riled up), "We want to see the long form!" Then, even more surprisingly, Obama complied. Trump had promised to pay $5 million to Obama's favorite charity if Obama complied. Obama complied. Trump, true to his lying self, didn't give a penny. Where's the $5 million Mr. Trump? Trump has an oilslick of lies 10 miles long behind him. He is to gentlemanliness, what a mud skipper is to formal attire.

I seem to recall that Trump's wife (at the time - Ivana?) said 'only the little people pay taxes' - which might explain why he is being evasive about his tax returns....

As for the Obama birth certificate fiasco, there are still Americans that believe this lie promulgated by his political enemies!

That was Leona Hemsley.


This is a prime example of disinformation - blaming The Donald for anything slightly negative, eh? wink.png

My (honest) mistake as Trump's wife was widely accredited to have said this.

Your mistake is in assuming that I'm vocal in expressing my opinions about Trump, as that was my first post on anything to do with Trump!

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Nothings really come up so they are going all the way back to the blue dress and beat that into the ground.


Believe we've seen Hillary in 'action' back when she was booted from the Watergate investigations for dishonesty and even before that during Whitewater.

Her crimes go back decades! smile.png

Hillary and Watergate ?! .....wow, that really is a stretch. HRC was 22 at the time.

Not really.

Read some history:


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It's an immature tactic to switch targets during a debate. If I ask my kid to eat his lima beans, and he shoots back, "Well Billy doesn't play fair at baseball!" it's diversion, isn't it?

On the one hand, we're discussing why Trump is determined to continue to hide his tax returns for the past 3 years. Then you shoot back about H's speech transcripts. If Hillary released transcripts, then Trump fans would shoot back with another shielding ploy, "Well what about Bill's....? " or "What about Chelsea's......"

In case you forgot, Trump was leading the charge, for many months, about Obama's birth certificate. No time in the history of US politics has a birth certificate been an issue. Yet, Trump was showing what a taunting immature piece of crud he is by leading that stupid charge. Then, surprisingly, Obama complied ! Oh, but it wasn't good enough for Trump (who by that time had his intelligence-challenged numbnuts riled up), "We want to see the long form!" Then, even more surprisingly, Obama complied. Trump had promised to pay $5 million to Obama's favorite charity if Obama complied. Obama complied. Trump, true to his lying self, didn't give a penny. Where's the $5 million Mr. Trump? Trump has an oilslick of lies 10 miles long behind him. He is to gentlemanliness, what a mud skipper is to formal attire.

I seem to recall that Trump's wife (at the time - Ivana?) said 'only the little people pay taxes' - which might explain why he is being evasive about his tax returns....

As for the Obama birth certificate fiasco, there are still Americans that believe this lie promulgated by his political enemies!

That was Leona Hemsley.


This is a prime example of disinformation - blaming The Donald for anything slightly negative, eh? wink.png

My (honest) mistake as Trump's wife was widely accredited to have said this.

Widely accredited by whom?

Political disinformation right there most likely from the Left Wing Press, eh? thumbsup.gif

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I seem to recall that Trump's wife (at the time - Ivana?) said 'only the little people pay taxes' - which might explain why he is being evasive about his tax returns....

As for the Obama birth certificate fiasco, there are still Americans that believe this lie promulgated by his political enemies!

That was Leona Hemsley.


This is a prime example of disinformation - blaming The Donald for anything slightly negative, eh? wink.png

My (honest) mistake as Trump's wife was widely accredited to have said this.

Widely accredited by whom?

Political disinformation right there most likely from the Left Wing Press, eh? thumbsup.gif

It was a long time ago, and I can't remember - but yes, it probably was the left wing press.

A bit like the political disinformation re. Obama's birth certificate.

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It was a long time ago, and I can't remember - but yes, it probably was the left wing press.

Widely accredited by whom?

Political disinformation right there most likely from the Left Wing Press, eh? thumbsup.gif

A bit like the political disinformation re. Obama's birth certificate.

And who initiated the Obama BC scandal?

That's right! Hillary Clinton! smile.png

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AP Interview: Trump says he's unlikely to release tax returns before election


That's right. None of anybody's business.

It is the concern or 'business' of anyone who cares about America's future. If people want to see the US go down the tubes, then sure, they would want a blowhard liar for a president. Yet some of us care about America's future, and want it to be reasonably well off. In order for America's future to be in good hands, it's got to have a decent person at the helm. If it's shown that The Divider Donald is corrupt to the core, then it's our business to know. Pardon me repeating, but in 40 yrs of presidential campaigning, The Donald is the only candidate who is hiding his tax returns.

Granted, there are the hard core of US rednecks who will remain Donald fans no matter what. Similar to Mussolini's Brown Shirts, who wouldn't abandon him no matter what was revealed about his dangerous character.

But tell us, how is Trump's refusal to release his tax records any different than Hillary's refusal to release her speech transcripts?

It's an immature tactic to switch targets during a debate. If I ask my kid to eat his lima beans, and he shoots back, "Well Billy doesn't play fair at baseball!" it's diversion, isn't it?

On the one hand, we're discussing why Trump is determined to continue to hide his tax returns for the past 3 years. Then you shoot back about H's speech transcripts. If Hillary released transcripts, then Trump fans would shoot back with another shielding ploy, "Well what about Bill's....? " or "What about Chelsea's......"

In case you forgot, Trump was leading the charge, for many months, about Obama's birth certificate. No time in the history of US politics has a birth certificate been an issue. Yet, Trump was showing what a taunting immature piece of crud he is by leading that stupid charge. Then, surprisingly, Obama complied ! Oh, but it wasn't good enough for Trump (who by that time had his intelligence-challenged numbnuts riled up), "We want to see the long form!" Then, even more surprisingly, Obama complied. Trump had promised to pay $5 million to Obama's favorite charity if Obama complied. Obama complied. Trump, true to his lying self, didn't give a penny. Where's the $5 million Mr. Trump? Trump has an oilslick of lies 10 miles long behind him. He is to gentlemanliness, what a mud skipper is to formal attire.

What makes you possibly believe this is a debate? Your constant reference to any supporters of Trump being rednecks is hardly conducive to a pleasant conversation. But that's generally all the liberal side has so many of us forgive the ignorance of your side.

I fail to understand why you feel the non-release of Hillary's speeches is any less of an attempt on her part to hide something than the non-release by Trump of his tax returns, which you claim is the reason for his not releasing them. See your post #163.

I honestly believe her refusal to release the transcripts is a much more egregious offense than Trump's failure to release his tax returns.

He is under IRS audit and a public release of his returns might prove harmful to his case.

Hillary on the other hand, is not currently under FBI investigation for giving $225,000 speeches to Goldman Sachs. But she is running as the opponent of Wall Street and makes the campaign promise she will crack down on the devil inspired bankers there. It might be a little hard to do that if she is caught glorifying them for their contributions to America's financial success and soundness in some of her speeches.

What I just don't understand is why she simply doesn't have a convenient fire at her safe space and destroy all those transcripts? That's the Clinton way...lose it, hide it or destroy it.

Remember the Rose Law Firm billing records. They were located after only two years of searching for them after Congress subpoenaed them on a table in her bedroom! The investigation had just conveniently closed down.

I haven't forgotten Trump was demanding Obama's birth certificate. What you are forgetting is the entire birther movement began when some Hillary supporters started it during the 2008 primary campaign. Trump was successful in getting one released, though, wasn't he. Now be honest. Do you feel Obama would have released one if Trump hadn't made an issue of it?

If you feel you really need to defend this woman, at least do it on some remotely credible basis. Honesty is not one you should use.

Promote her career titles but avoid her career accomplishments.

Promote her support of women but avoid her attempts to destroy Bill's ex-girlfriends.

Promote her as one of the common people but don't mention she hasn't driven a car since 1996.

Promote her as a good grandmother. She hasn't mucked that up just yet.

PS: If my son had responded to my direction to eat his peas with the retort that Billy doesn't play fair, I would have smacked him on the head with a spoon and he would have eaten his peas. But then, I was raised in the WWII generation and things worked a little differently back then. We respected our elders and didn't smoke dope.

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It was a long time ago, and I can't remember - but yes, it probably was the left wing press.

Widely accredited by whom?

Political disinformation right there most likely from the Left Wing Press, eh? thumbsup.gif

A bit like the political disinformation re. Obama's birth certificate.

And who initiated the Obama BC scandal?

That's right! Hillary Clinton! smile.png

Don't forget the 2nd World War as well oh and the Black Death in the Middle Ages.

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It was a long time ago, and I can't remember - but yes, it probably was the left wing press.

Widely accredited by whom?

Political disinformation right there most likely from the Left Wing Press, eh? thumbsup.gif

A bit like the political disinformation re. Obama's birth certificate.

And who initiated the Obama BC scandal?

That's right! Hillary Clinton! smile.png

No, that's not right. http://www.factcheck.org/2015/07/was-hillary-clinton-the-original-birther/

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Obama has his IRS meticulously examining every square millimeter of Trumps return in hopes of finding something out of line so I am confident that the media, and then us, will be the first to know if things look shady. Other than that, I don't really give a rats ass about his tax returns. I am sure he has written off everything he legally can like other businesses similar to his including business expenses such as buying politicians, etc..

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Hilarious the way Americans pretend to have morals!

It's the world capital of porn!

Hookers available on yellow pages

And you try and run down the president for a bit of fun?

Did his wife care? I bet she asked if he loved her. If not, who cares

Honestly, you have much more important issues to consider

Not least of which the real possibility of electing a low life bottom feeder called Trump as president!

What is a bottom feeder BTW? I've led a sheltered life. If it's what I think, nothing wrong with that on a Friday. But the other.....

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Obama has his IRS meticulously examining every square millimeter of Trumps return in hopes of finding something out of line so I am confident that the media, and then us, will be the first to know if things look shady. Other than that, I don't really give a rats ass about his tax returns. I am sure he has written off everything he legally can like other businesses similar to his including business expenses such as buying politicians, etc..

So if its all legal and above board then why not release them He becomes the first candidate in 40 years to refuse to release his tax returns. As for your claim that Obama has his IRS etc, really too silly for words.

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Why are other people's tax returns anyone's business? Good to see he has the balls to NOT release them. Why don't you post your returns here for all to see!

Because for 40 years of presidential campaigns, there's never been any candidate who refused .....until Trump. It doesn't takes any balls to hide something. It takes deception and lying. Trump claims he can't release his current statement because it's still being processed. That's complete BS. There's no law anywhere that alludes to that. Plus, what about the 2 years prior? Trump is to honesty what a duck is to playing chess. He's a con artist from his toenails on up to his pretty hair.

" It doesn't takes any balls to hide something. It takes deception and lying. "

I am assuming you learned this little gem from watching the Clinton's in operation over the past 30 years?

But tell us, how is Trump's refusal to release his tax records any different than Hillary's refusal to release her speech transcripts?

Your hypocrisy is showing.whistling.gif

Because there is a precedent for candidates releasing their tax returns going back 40 years but as far as I know nobody has ever been called to release transcripts of speeches any more than they have had to provide birth certificates or college transcripts both of which Trump has demanded but will not be disclosing himself.

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Why are other people's tax returns anyone's business? Good to see he has the balls to NOT release them. Why don't you post your returns here for all to see!

Because for 40 years of presidential campaigns, there's never been any candidate who refused .....until Trump. It doesn't takes any balls to hide something. It takes deception and lying. Trump claims he can't release his current statement because it's still being processed. That's complete BS. There's no law anywhere that alludes to that. Plus, what about the 2 years prior? Trump is to honesty what a duck is to playing chess. He's a con artist from his toenails on up to his pretty hair.

" It doesn't takes any balls to hide something. It takes deception and lying. "

I am assuming you learned this little gem from watching the Clinton's in operation over the past 30 years?

But tell us, how is Trump's refusal to release his tax records any different than Hillary's refusal to release her speech transcripts?

Your hypocrisy is showing.whistling.gif

Because there is a precedent for candidates releasing their tax returns going back 40 years but as far as I know nobody has ever been called to release transcripts of speeches any more than they have had to provide birth certificates or college transcripts both of which Trump has demanded but will not be disclosing himself.

As far as I know there has never been a candidate that was paid $225,000 for a speech to somebody she is vowing to set straight or run them out of business.

Hillary is sort of a one-off candidate, thank God.

All types of precedents look like being set with this election.

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Because there is a precedent for candidates releasing their tax returns going back 40 years but as far as I know nobody has ever been called to release transcripts of speeches any more than they have had to provide birth certificates or college transcripts both of which Trump has demanded but will not be disclosing himself.

As far as I know there has never been a candidate that was paid $225,000 for a speech to somebody she is vowing to set straight or run them out of business.

Hillary is sort of a one-off candidate, thank God.

All types of precedents look like being set with this election.

But is quite clear there is a precedent for releasing tax returns and has been for 40 years but no precedent for releasing transcripts of speeches just some nonsense that you have made up in order to skirt round the issue of Trump's tax returns.

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Obama has his IRS meticulously examining every square millimeter of Trumps return in hopes of finding something out of line so I am confident that the media, and then us, will be the first to know if things look shady. Other than that, I don't really give a rats ass about his tax returns. I am sure he has written off everything he legally can like other businesses similar to his including business expenses such as buying politicians, etc..

So if its all legal and above board then why not release them He becomes the first candidate in 40 years to refuse to release his tax returns. As for your claim that Obama has his IRS etc, really too silly for words.

I don't know if it's "legal and above board" or not. That's up to Obama's IRS to determine as they are the auditors.

If I was the candidate, I wouldn't release my returns either as I am still allowed some level of privacy even as a Presidential candidate. If it bothers the voters too much, they can vote for someone else. It's Trump's risk and he can manage it as he wishes.

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" It doesn't takes any balls to hide something. It takes deception and lying. "

I am assuming you learned this little gem from watching the Clinton's in operation over the past 30 years?

But tell us, how is Trump's refusal to release his tax records any different than Hillary's refusal to release her speech transcripts?

Your hypocrisy is showing.whistling.gif

Because there is a precedent for candidates releasing their tax returns going back 40 years but as far as I know nobody has ever been called to release transcripts of speeches any more than they have had to provide birth certificates or college transcripts both of which Trump has demanded but will not be disclosing himself.

As far as I know there has never been a candidate that was paid $225,000 for a speech to somebody she is vowing to set straight or run them out of business.

Hillary is sort of a one-off candidate, thank God.

All types of precedents look like being set with this election.

What? you think this lawyer lady, aspiring presidential candidate, that has been hounded & investigated by the right wing her entire adult life, is going to say something sinister at some dinner?

Just the other day I read Colin Powell was speaking for a large fee. Reagan made speeches for $1 million. This is nothing new. People even pay GWBush to make speeches. Now that is a laugh.

Edited by LarryLindsey
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Trump is obviously hiding something very damaging. The audit excuse is lame. He'll never release them.

What's the worst that it could reveal...that he donated to Hillary's 2008 campaign?

I'm sure he did by the way

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Trump is obviously hiding something very damaging. The audit excuse is lame. He'll never release them.

What's the worst that it could reveal...that he donated to Hillary's 2008 campaign?

I'm sure he did by the way

Well if there is nothing to hide then release them, I think you answer your own question.

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Trump is obviously hiding something very damaging. The audit excuse is lame. He'll never release them.

What's the worst that it could reveal...that he donated to Hillary's 2008 campaign?

I'm sure he did by the way

Well if there is nothing to hide then release them, I think you answer your own question.

This is all a 'deal' to Trump. He's hiding something but why should he show it and lose some leverage on the 'deal' to get the presidency.

This is just another sleazy business transaction to Trump. The joke is on us.

Lets be honest. Would you trust him if you were buying his second hand car?

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