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Thai Police Issue Summons for Red Bull Heir Vorayudh “Boss” Yoovidhaya

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There's another guy overseas who they've been trying to get into court for years... so if that's any example to go by then...

Other than the fact the RB guy has been in an out of Thailand at least up until March this year.

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What a complete joke this bunch have become???? 4 years later???????

Have become?


The only reason it's gotten this far is because of modern day media and technology.

Go back to before everybody having smartphones,computers, social media accounts etc. and this would have been done and dusted within an hour. the deceased's family would have likely been threaten to accept the immediate offer of payment or receive nothing, and it wouldn't even have made the news.

Modern technology and media really is a painful curse for Thai bahavior. Their actions can actually be made public and some sort of accountability and responsibility might need to be taken. Horrific!


I think that he will soon be living in "self imposed exile to avoid a prison sentence".

I think the correct phrase is "living in self-imposed exile to avoid politically-based persecution"

He ran over and killed a copper. Where is the politically based persecution? It is criminal actions that he has to be accounted for. try to remind yourself " Engage brain before mouth or keyboard". Or are you so totally spaced out that you think this OP is about Thaksin? blink.png


Police again paying lip service to the pursuit of justice, totally pathetic.

We don't know where he is. Ask his mother and if she does not know detain her until she remembers, as they would do in a just country. There is more hope of Leicester City winning the Premier league for the next 10 years than this ever getting to court. And less money changing hands in the process.

I'm pretty sure no just country detains a mother who committed no crime.

By the way, Happy Mothers' Day!


Raise your hand if you think he'll show up. At times like this I wonder why the police want to lose face as they know he won't show up. As mentioned earlier, it must be about the envelopes.

Two reasons. First if he doesnt appear then they can get an arrest warrant and secondly he can be charged with ignoring a court order

Ooohh, he's so scared and quavering in his crocodile boots .. NOT


Only been 4 years then to get to this point. Ahh if only they had taken his passport off him at the beginning or had him put in custody. Take note for the future RTP.

Taking passport of a Ho-So in Thailand is useless in the case of a Thai Chinese s/he posses two passports Thai country of birth, Chinese country of ancestry. Thailand can only take back the Thai property that belong to Thailand (Thai passport). Remember a passport is a privilege NOT a BIRTHRIGHT. Same as a Driver License (a privilege) .

As the saying goes: "possession is half the law" how do you have possession??? Lock the culprit up in Remand Prison. This drug out case is one <deleted> after another trying to run out the clock. Of course with Hi-So I have seen identical cases in the West trying and succeeding to run out the clock, nothing typical Thailand, Thais only copy what they have seen the colonial masters do, never mind Thai hubris never having been a colony of the West. The only reason for that, France and "Great" Britain needed a buffer zone, same as "Great" Britain and Russia used Afghanistan as a buffer zone. Except that Thailand came out worse by France making the Mekong the border of Indo China causing everything West of the Mekong falling into Thailand, similar on the West of Thailand by "Great" Britain grabbing the strip along the Andaman Sea coast from Thailand making a landbridge Burma - Malaysia ('Great" Britain colonies) in return "Great" Britain added Malay land to the Thai southern border to complete the land switching. All this land switching has caused Thailand 43% ethnic citizens today to be overwhelmed by 57% Laotian (Isan), Cambodia Khmers (Buriram), Burmese, Malays and a economic immigrants, China, India, Pakistan, sorry if I forgot any, all with their own language. So Thailand landed up with more territory but it also landed up with a lot of headaches it did not needed and still is encumbered with today 21st century.


I disagree....I think 'the boss' is trying 'improve' his record to become eligible for election...as an assistant 'you know what'.

Seriously, I can't imagine how this must hurt the families of the victims every time the RTP drag their feet on this. This country is very fortunate that it hasn't fostered vigilantism.


Raise your hand if you think he'll show up. At times like this I wonder why the police want to lose face as they know he won't show up. As mentioned earlier, it must be about the envelopes.

But expect them to be very cross if he doesn't show. And, stamp their feet and then shrug and say they did their best.


There's another guy overseas who they've been trying to get into court for years... so if that's any example to go by then...

Other than the fact the RB guy has been in an out of Thailand at least up until March this year.

Do you drink with him or something?


are they joking?

they could have done that long ago - actually they should have

Is this just a tactical move to impress the public that they care for justice

or may be the police has started changing? - Wouldn't that be great?

Still not convinced - what would convince me?

Some ideas: Blocking his money supply, International warrant - interpol, special command?

But only arresting him, presenting him, convicting him, and let him stay his time in prison would.


I think that he will soon be living in "self imposed exile to avoid a prison sentence".

I think the correct phrase is "living in self-imposed exile to avoid politically-based persecution"

He ran over and killed a copper. Where is the politically based persecution? It is criminal actions that he has to be accounted for. try to remind yourself " Engage brain before mouth or keyboard". Or are you so totally spaced out that you think this OP is about Thaksin? blink.png

never miss an opportunity to mention this other criminal until justice gets him.

Do you remember the long list of his crimes?


Hard to deliver the summons when you don't know where he is. I am sure he would turn

up if he only had it placed in his hands. tongue.png


There's another guy overseas who they've been trying to get into court for years... so if that's any example to go by then...

Other than the fact the RB guy has been in an out of Thailand at least up until March this year.

Do you drink with him or something?

We have a couple of mutual friends.


I think that he will soon be living in "self imposed exile to avoid a prison sentence".

I think the correct phrase is "living in self-imposed exile to avoid politically-based persecution"

He ran over and killed a copper. Where is the politically based persecution? It is criminal actions that he has to be accounted for. try to remind yourself " Engage brain before mouth or keyboard". Or are you so totally spaced out that you think this OP is about Thaksin? blink.png

never miss an opportunity to mention this other criminal until justice gets him.

Do you remember the long list of his crimes?

Check the top resorts and villas in Dubai and Monte Carlo. With his family vast riches, he can live anywhere and have more fun than in Thailand. His family already paid off the other victims family probably more than the officer would have made in a lifetime this is Asoa and has always been this way and will continue to be. Corruption corruption corruption.


There's another guy overseas who they've been trying to get into court for years... so if that's any example to go by then...

Other than the fact the RB guy has been in an out of Thailand at least up until March this year.

Do you drink with him or something?

We have a couple of mutual friends.

On "Facebook poseurs" perhaps?

What Adult would even admit to being a "friend" of this clown?



Only been 4 years then to get to this point. Ahh if only they had taken his passport off him at the beginning or had him put in custody. Take note for the future RTP.

That is smart "farang" thinking. Actually not that smart, commonsense really. Just doesn't happen here though. There are those who must be protected, I suspect. whistling.gif


It's coming around to the time for a big announcement that Bernie Eccleston will be serious considering awarding Thailand an F1 Race. Naturally the people behind that will need to be big money sponsors like Red Bull.

I think the last time this was being announced in the Thai press, was exactly a month after an incident involving a Ferrari and a motorbike on Thonglor.

F1 is already in Malaysia and Singapore .Two in this area and they would have to drop one first before it could ever come here.


Da Boss done need no summins….gotta getta heself a new Ferrari, takes up all he time, man. Why not leave da Boss alone man!


Don't they actually have to serve the summons on him? How can they charge him for ignoring a court order if they don't know where he is to serve the summons. If they are looking for him I believe he is still in the Singapore Hospital with his cold and to unwell to travel.


On "Facebook poseurs" perhaps?

What Adult would even admit to being a "friend" of this clown?


What is facebook poseurs?

Who is admitting to being a friend of this clown?


I think that he will soon be living in "self imposed exile to avoid a prison sentence".

I think the correct phrase is "living in self-imposed exile to avoid politically-based persecution"

One could interpret this to mean you do not approve of a man being charged for murder, for killing a cop out of recklessness? Is that the case? I am not sure why one would consider the pursuit of a murderer to be politically motivated. And even if it is, who cares, as long as he faces trial? Justice is justice. If there are politics involved, and the end result is that the son of a billionaire has to face the music, due to the crimes he committed, than the end justifies the means.

Of course, the chances of him ever facing trial are very low. Very few billionaires are held responsible for their actions here. Essentially, if you are worth over 250 million baht, you are above the law here.


Maybe he went to study to pass the bar and his law exam because he didn't trust any Thai lawyers?Aren't we all jumping to conclusions here without giving him a chance,maybe he went on a shopping trip and liked Singapore so much he stayed,there could be a perfectly innocent explanation?


On May 25th he will be sick and ask for an extention. Then again and again and...

He will never face justice.

This case could have been wrapped up long ago.

"Wrapped Up"??...not in this Country where Money Talks and B___ S___ Walks....


I think that he will soon be living in "self imposed exile to avoid a prison sentence".

I think the correct phrase is "living in self-imposed exile to avoid politically-based persecution"

He ran over and killed a copper. Where is the politically based persecution? It is criminal actions that he has to be accounted for. try to remind yourself " Engage brain before mouth or keyboard". Or are you so totally spaced out that you think this OP is about Thaksin? blink.png

never miss an opportunity to mention this other criminal until justice gets him.

Do you remember the long list of his crimes?

Yes I do and he should be in jail. I never mentioned that Thaksin was the messiah or whether I loathed the man. I just asked if the bloke thought the post was about Thaksin because many on here claim it is "political persecution". Personally I couldn't give a rats arse one way or the other if Thaksin was on his last breathe. I am a visitor (though it has been long term) and have no right or wish to be involved in this countries politics. It is for the Thai people. They neither want or accept any farangs opinion. Rightfully so too. Guys on here that think by talking can make a difference to Thai political scene are absolute dreamers. Maybe they have been here for a thousand years but they will always be only "visitors". So in a nutshell I just enjoy the time here.

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