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Donald Trump pledges higher taxes for the wealthy


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Donald Trump pledges higher taxes for the wealthy


NEW YORK: -- Donald Trump has said that he would increase taxation on the rich if he became president.

He told US news channel NBC “For the wealthy, I think frankly it is going to go up and, you know what, it really should go up.” He added “when it comes time to negotiate, I feel less concerned with the rich than I do with the middle class.”

His comments break with Republican core policies going back to the 1990s to not put up tax.

The Clinton campaign dismissed Trump’s claims on tax, saying he had no real intention of raising the taxes of wealthy people.

While he may have won over millions of Republican voters, Trump is struggling to get endorsement from many top Republican figures.

Republican Senator John McCain is one of the few who has come out in support for Trump. He criticised other leading Republicans for not respecting the choice of voters who have enabled the billionaire tycoon to be the only remaining candidate left in the nominating race.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-09

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The Clinton campaign dismissed Trump’s claims on tax, saying he had no real intention of raising the taxes of wealthy people.

You don't need to be a mind reader to work that out.


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These republicans that won't endorse him are like little children having there candy taken away. He run against 17 candidates and won hands down elected by the voters. What the <deleted> ? Give him a chance , let the voters decide.

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These republicans that won't endorse him are like little children having there candy taken away. He run against 17 candidates and won hands down elected by the voters. What the <deleted> ? Give him a chance , let the voters decide.

could not agree with you more. surely these republicans are just going to hurt trumps, and there fore their own chances of winning any election by not showing a unified front.

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These republicans that won't endorse him are like little children having there candy taken away. He run against 17 candidates and won hands down elected by the voters. What the <deleted> ? Give him a chance , let the voters decide.

could not agree with you more. surely these republicans are just going to hurt trumps, and there fore their own chances of winning any election by not showing a unified front.

You Trump supporters crack me up. Trump is more like Bernie Sanders than any Republican. You really have no idea what this guy is about. But still, you support him. Bizarre.

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These republicans that won't endorse him are like little children having there candy taken away. He run against 17 candidates and won hands down elected by the voters. What the <deleted> ? Give him a chance , let the voters decide.

could not agree with you more. surely these republicans are just going to hurt trumps, and there fore their own chances of winning any election by not showing a unified front.

You Trump supporters crack me up. Trump is more like Bernie Sanders than any Republican. You really have no idea what this guy is about. But still, you support him. Bizarre.

No one knows what this guy is about. He's about whatever is on his little mind at any given moment, like a 5 year old. I want ice cream.

Yeah tax the wealthy, that's how to win over the wingnut base. They love to hearing about more new taxes. Tomorrow he'll come out against guns. Six more months of this nonsense. Republicans are screwed.

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These republicans that won't endorse him are like little children having there candy taken away. He run against 17 candidates and won hands down elected by the voters. What the <deleted> ? Give him a chance , let the voters decide.

could not agree with you more. surely these republicans are just going to hurt trumps, and there fore their own chances of winning any election by not showing a unified front.

You Trump supporters crack me up. Trump is more like Bernie Sanders than any Republican. You really have no idea what this guy is about. But still, you support him. Bizarre.

No one knows what this guy is about. He's about whatever is on his little mind at any given moment, like a 5 year old. I want ice cream.

Yeah tax the wealthy, that's how to win over the wingnut base. They love to hearing about more new taxes. Tomorrow he'll come out against guns. Six more months of this nonsense. Republicans are screwed.

Yeah, he's disproving the theory that there is some clever method to his approach, and that he is being coached in the wings by top handlers. He's a loose canon, and is really showing how dangerous he would be as President. He is unable to keep the inner irrational Trump from showing through, plus is proving an inability to intellectually handle complex and competing thoughts. He is everything he has always been. There is no hidden man here.

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These republicans that won't endorse him are like little children having there candy taken away. He run against 17 candidates and won hands down elected by the voters. What the <deleted> ? Give him a chance , let the voters decide.

could not agree with you more. surely these republicans are just going to hurt trumps, and there fore their own chances of winning any election by not showing a unified front.

You Trump supporters crack me up. Trump is more like Bernie Sanders than any Republican. You really have no idea what this guy is about. But still, you support him. Bizarre.

No one knows what this guy is about. He's about whatever is on his little mind at any given moment, like a 5 year old. I want ice cream.

Yeah tax the wealthy, that's how to win over the wingnut base. They love to hearing about more new taxes. Tomorrow he'll come out against guns. Six more months of this nonsense. Republicans are screwed.

Do you think he's been watching Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves on loop?


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Trump aiming for the Democrat high school diploma or less vote. He is doing the numbers.

Perhaps that's the target demo he wants. If so, it would be the majority

Yep, watch him change his rhetoric completely now he has to garner popularity with another section of the electorate.

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What a sad shell of a man. He makes a statement, and the first reaction by everyone (himself included?) is a mix of:

"it's not true"

"maybe it's true, but we'll have to wait until tomorrow to see whether he switches positions."

"It's true for now, but it's a ruse to try and get more votes. If he reaches office he will vacillate again."

Who remembers the 8-ball game? It was popular when Pat Boone was copying Little Richard songs. It had a little window. You shake the black plastic ball, and then look at the window. Little messages would appear at random. It might show; "yes" "no" "maybe" "probable" "doubtful" "try again" ....and so on. Trump has an 8-ball way of making decisions. Not the type of person you want with a finger on the triggers of 77 nukes.

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This is where Trump begins to look weak, on policy. This is a "2 acres and a mule," "chicken in every pot" pledge if ever there was. He is not unique in this regard, and that is the problem. He has offered himself as unique in such regards.

It is sheer math. A minority... a shockingly small minority, pay a massive majority of the taxes in the US. Meanwhile, a near majority... approaching 50%, pay nothing at all. These numbers are striking, and meaningful. The problem with a graduated taxation scheme is its inherently evil. By this mechanism the majority inflict their will on the minority. Rationalize all one wants, its dark, dark stuff. This is the reason such schemes where generally abhorred by our founders.

So, close the capital gains, dividends, shell games that enable un-taxed gains or taxed lower. The real bounty is not in income. The really super rich who avoid taxes are not increasing their wealth by income, as we know it. Look at that. But treat everyone fairly. Everyone should be required to participate freely and invest in their own social contract. We should end the policies of masses of people escaping any taxation and instead sucking from the system. This deprives them of their moral certainty and investment when they later pull levers.

Tax everyone equally!

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What a sad shell of a man. He makes a statement, and the first reaction by everyone (himself included?) is a mix of:

"it's not true"

"maybe it's true, but we'll have to wait until tomorrow to see whether he switches positions."

"It's true for now, but it's a ruse to try and get more votes. If he reaches office he will vacillate again."

Who remembers the 8-ball game? It was popular when Pat Boone was copying Little Richard songs. It had a little window. You shake the black plastic ball, and then look at the window. Little messages would appear at random. It might show; "yes" "no" "maybe" "probable" "doubtful" "try again" ....and so on. Trump has an 8-ball way of making decisions. Not the type of person you want with a finger on the triggers of 77 nukes.

This is just the land based Minuteman missiles.. does not count Cruise and Trident based nuclear based missiles.

Five hundred Minuteman III missiles are deployed at four bases in the north- central United States: Minot AFB and Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota, Malmstrom AFB, Montana, and F. E. Warren AFB, Wyoming. Operational since 1968, the model "G" differs from the "F" in the third stage and reentry system. The third stage is larger and provides more thrust for a heavier payload. The payload, the Mark 12 reentry system, consists of a payload mounting platform, penetration aids, three reentry vehicles (RVs) and an aerodynamic shroud. The shroud protects the RVs during the early phases of flight. The mounting platform is also a "payload bus" and contains a restartable hypergolic rocket engine powered by hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide. With this configuration, the RVs can be independently aimed at different targets within the missile's overall target area or "footprint". This concept is known as Multiple Independently Targeted Reentry Vehicles (MIRV).

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The thing is, you do have to feel sorry in a way for Trump backers. Because they never know where he's going to land on an issue. Take the tax thing. Most of the right wingers backing trump in this forum were also adamantly opposed to raising taxes on the rich. Now Trumpk takes a U turn and abandons them.. He even made positive noises at one point about Obamacare. Will he do it again? How do you know?

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Donald Trump's Messy Ideas For Handling The National Debt, Explained


Trump (actual quote, verbatum): "I think, look. I've borrowed knowing that you can pay back with discounts. And I've done very well with debt. Now of course I was swashbuckling, and it did well for me, and it was good for me and all of that. And you know debt was always sort of interesting to me. Now we're in a different situation with a country, but I would borrow knowing that if the economy crashed you could make a deal. And if the economy was good it was good so therefore you can't lose. It's like you make a deal before you go into a poker game. And your odds are much better."

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This is where Trump begins to look weak, on policy. This is a "2 acres and a mule," "chicken in every pot" pledge if ever there was. He is not unique in this regard, and that is the problem. He has offered himself as unique in such regards.

It is sheer math. A minority... a shockingly small minority, pay a massive majority of the taxes in the US. Meanwhile, a near majority... approaching 50%, pay nothing at all. These numbers are striking, and meaningful. The problem with a graduated taxation scheme is its inherently evil. By this mechanism the majority inflict their will on the minority. Rationalize all one wants, its dark, dark stuff. This is the reason such schemes where generally abhorred by our founders.

So, close the capital gains, dividends, shell games that enable un-taxed gains or taxed lower. The real bounty is not in income. The really super rich who avoid taxes are not increasing their wealth by income, as we know it. Look at that. But treat everyone fairly. Everyone should be required to participate freely and invest in their own social contract. We should end the policies of masses of people escaping any taxation and instead sucking from the system. This deprives them of their moral certainty and investment when they later pull levers.

Tax everyone equally!

Inherently evil, Arj? Come on, man. Evil? This is the world's tax system. This is what works. You may not like it, but it's hardly evil.

What your saying can be summarized as, "Tax the poor." The poor still pay a higher portion of their income for sales tax for example. They're still paying taxes.

In a the richest nation in the world, you're advocating screwing the poor. My hat's off to you, sir. You are a true Ayn Rand, screw you, I got mine, 1% Republican. Let them eat cake, huh? Tch

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These republicans that won't endorse him are like little children having there candy taken away. He run against 17 candidates and won hands down elected by the voters. What the <deleted> ? Give him a chance , let the voters decide.

could not agree with you more. surely these republicans are just going to hurt trumps, and there fore their own chances of winning any election by not showing a unified front.

You Trump supporters crack me up. Trump is more like Bernie Sanders than any Republican. You really have no idea what this guy is about. But still, you support him. Bizarre.

Did I say I was a Trump supporter? What I said was let the voters decide . Before you comment on a post read it correctly before making assumptions based on your own agenda.

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These republicans that won't endorse him are like little children having there candy taken away. He run against 17 candidates and won hands down elected by the voters. What the <deleted> ? Give him a chance , let the voters decide.

could not agree with you more. surely these republicans are just going to hurt trumps, and there fore their own chances of winning any election by not showing a unified front.

You Trump supporters crack me up. Trump is more like Bernie Sanders than any Republican. You really have no idea what this guy is about. But still, you support him. Bizarre.

Did I say I was a Trump supporter? What I said was let the voters decide . Before you comment on a post read it correctly before making assumptions based on your own agenda.

Before you react to a post, make sure you're reacting to the correct poster. Berkshire responded to williamgeorgeallen, not to you.

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My take:

Hillary = corrupt sellout, do nothing. (Message: More of the same)

Ted Cruz = wierdo, fanatical Canadian Christian full of hate. (Message: You will come to God)

Bernie = good ideas but doesn't think America belongs to its citizens (Message: I'll help the poor of the Americas... just come to America)

Trump = loudmouth, womanizer, buffoon-like, greedy madman. (Message: It's done. I'm rich.)

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This is where Trump begins to look weak, on policy. This is a "2 acres and a mule," "chicken in every pot" pledge if ever there was. He is not unique in this regard, and that is the problem. He has offered himself as unique in such regards.

It is sheer math. A minority... a shockingly small minority, pay a massive majority of the taxes in the US. Meanwhile, a near majority... approaching 50%, pay nothing at all. These numbers are striking, and meaningful. The problem with a graduated taxation scheme is its inherently evil. By this mechanism the majority inflict their will on the minority. Rationalize all one wants, its dark, dark stuff. This is the reason such schemes where generally abhorred by our founders.

So, close the capital gains, dividends, shell games that enable un-taxed gains or taxed lower. The real bounty is not in income. The really super rich who avoid taxes are not increasing their wealth by income, as we know it. Look at that. But treat everyone fairly. Everyone should be required to participate freely and invest in their own social contract. We should end the policies of masses of people escaping any taxation and instead sucking from the system. This deprives them of their moral certainty and investment when they later pull levers.

Tax everyone equally!


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Trump aiming for the Democrat high school diploma or less vote. He is doing the numbers.

Perhaps that's the target demo he wants. If so, it would be the majority

Yep, watch him change his rhetoric completely now he has to garner popularity with another section of the electorate.

Good reading about his constant changes.


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Trump declares no higher taxes for the rich - all his fans cheer fanatically.

Trump declares higher taxes for the rich - all his fans cheer fanatically.

next week: Trump declares no higher taxes for the rich - all his fans cheer fanatically.

a month later: Trump declares higher taxes for the rich - all his fans cheer fanatically.

Cut and paste for more of the same (note, each stanza is followed by sustained rapturous cheering by Trump fans):

criminalize abortion seekers / don't criminalize abortion seekers

bomb the shit out of ISIS / be the peace president

Be unpredictable / expect all foreign leaders to respect US for being reliable

get Trump clothing made in China / Don't allow China to take American jobs

Mexicans are rapists / I love Mexicans

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