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Israel PM Netanyahu rebukes deputy military chief over Holocaust speech


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While I realize the obsessive Israel demonization agenda will take his statement out of context and use it as "Jew washing" (it's a thing, look it up) to support continued demonization of Israel. So in that sense, perhaps he shouldn't have given such ammunition to people who obviously hate Israel ... but the context really was INTERNAL.

I think this article explains that very well but you really need to read the entire article to get the context, which also explains the INTERNAL context of the general's statement:


So an American, living in Thailand tries to interpret the meaning of a full career hardened member of the IDF that is second only in command of the Army. The only one being obsessive on here is you and your habit of calling anyone who dares to criticize the Israeli Government as being a Jew hater. You see the truth is for me (and I think many others) that I do not even think of Israeli's as Jews, it NEVER enters my head. I think of them as just other nationals from another country. i think Israel has a despicable Government, a despicable foreign policy, they lack any consideration of international Human rights issues and have for decades ignored all UN resolutions, particularly anything related to Nuclear weapons. I can't stand the North Korean Government - not the people, the Government, does that make me a hater of all the people in Korea (an atheist hater no less). You dislike Putin intensely does that make you a Russian hater (are you an orthodox Christian hater?)? As soon as someone dislikes the Israeli Government, the old twist is put on it immediately, they become jew haters. It is getting boring, predictable and is WRONG!

If General Golan's comments were meant to be 'internal' and not meant they way they have been interpreted then Netanyahu would not have reacted the way he did. He would have said to the worlds press 'Guys you have misinterpreted the Generals comments', but he didn't, he almost had a baby in his rage. Netanyahu has interpreted the meaning of the Generals comments exactly the same way as most TV members on here, so why not mail him and tell him he misunderstands the General and he has taken it out of context.

A few points.

First of all, your comment was offensively personalized toward me. Foul.

Secondly, you tell a BALD FACED lie that anyone reading my posts for awhile would know, and I assume you have based on your sickening familiarity.

I have NEVER, EVER, not even one time suggested that anyone who criticizes Israeli government policies, as I have as well, is a Jew hater.

I have repeated AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN that normal criticism of the Israeli government as towards any other government is perfectly fine, actually welcome.

It's the obsessive and toxic Israel demonization, seeing blame ONLY on the Israeli side, sometimes blaming the entire mess in the Middle East ONLY on Israel, sometimes blaming everything wrong in the entire world ONLY on Israel, often but not always explicitly mixed with Jew hating rhetoric that is not normal.

It's usually very, very easy to distinguish between normal criticism of Israel and sick minded Israel demonization. Not 100 percent of the time, but almost always.

I've had enough. I won't participate with the mind games of members that post such obvious personal attacks and lies ... so congratulations ...

welcome to my esteemed IGNORE LIST. thumbsup.gif (Enjoy.)

Lol! in a while your gonna have everyone who dares disagree with you on ignore and you'll be sitting here jawing with a few zionists!!

Unless the playing field levels out, that is exactly what is going to happen.

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Some will read more into this story than is there. This isn't about Israel. Rather it is about a senior military commander who is trying to remake his own record. This is the man who was on of the top commanders and under who's watch some of the abuses occurred. What exactly did he do to remedy the situation? The old generals gave him advice. He did not listen. The courts gave him guidance. He did not follow it. His civilian bosses gave him directives. He did not carry out the directives successfully. Sorry, but the chap is feeling the heat from his own people and now he's suddenly discovered Jesus. Yea, right. In American football, they call this a hail Mary pass.

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Of course the courageous Maj General did not imply Israel was about to install gas chambers to murder millions as the Nazis did, but pointed out the nauseating processes and disturbing trends that the current right wing government is moving towards and is actively encouraging, similar to things that happened in Europe to Jews in the 1930s.
Such as
..the Zionist principle of racial purity of a Jewish State
..the threats to strip Israeli Arabs of their citizenship and deportation
..confiscation and destruction (kristallnacht) of Palestinian property without compensation to create Lebensraum for Jewish only colonies
..virtual apartheid in the West Bank and ghettoes in the West Bank and Gaza
..shoot to kill policy with thousands turning out in support of the IDF who cold bloodedly shot an injured Palestinian
..the daily terrorising of Palestinians
"There are thousands if not tens of thousands of Israelis who call for ejecting, raping and murdering Palestinians, leftists and even plain old critics of the government, on an almost daily basis. The cry “Death to the Arabs” which reverberates in radical right wing demonstrations as well as football fields has become so routine that no one seems to notice anymore. Just this past Sunday, a gang of 40-50 football thugs assaulted Nadwa Jabber, an Israeli-Arab teacher in a mixed school devoted to coexistence, when she was in her car with her two young daughters outside the Jerusalem shopping mall."
...very good article in Haaretz on the the Major General's comments above.

Too funny.

So, Golan is now a "courageous Maj General", no less.

The only question here is if poster is aware of certain highlights in Golan's illustrious IDF career (pushing for IDF actions within Palestinian cities, authorizing use of Palestinians as human shields, and opting for negotiating with (rather than evicting) illegal settlers in the West Bank), or if these are currently shelved as to enable the faux embrace.

I'm pretty sure that without the quoted bit in the OP, Golan would be credited with quite different dexcriptions, ranging between the negative and the demonizing

Of course, as the OP does not include Golan's full reference to the IDF, a whole lotta fun can be had with his words.

Golan did not mention the items on your list, nor directly referred to them. To imply that he identifies with the usual talking points is laughable. To portray him as an anti-Zionist, is preposterous. Vilifying the IDF must be getting trickier with support and similar views aired by Golan's superiors (Minister of Defense and IDF Chief of Staff).

Those cheering Golan may want to take some of his other words to heart, specifically those touching on fear mongering, hatred of the other, and sanctimonious preaching. Should probably add being able to reflect honestly on unsavory aspects of one's side and tolerance for other opinions - but that's probably too much to hope for.

Here's another article from the same source, albeit with a somewhat different angle:

IDF Deputy Chief Yair Golan Has History of Outspokenness, Bold Action


I am well aware of Golan's career in the IDF.

Many soldiers have been repulsed by what they have seen and done, and in his case continue to witness.

He is courageous for speaking out, in that it will do his career no good at all, but his influence may help the state of Israel back on the correct path. A pity more influential and ordinary righteous Germans did not speak out against Hitler's regime. If the internet had been around then, maybe they could have done.

It's interesting that you are willing to do a hatchet job on Golan to undermine his comments. The usual ploy.

Edited by dexterm
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Some will read more into this story than is there. This isn't about Israel. Rather it is about a senior military commander who is trying to remake his own record. This is the man who was on of the top commanders and under who's watch some of the abuses occurred. What exactly did he do to remedy the situation? The old generals gave him advice. He did not listen. The courts gave him guidance. He did not follow it. His civilian bosses gave him directives. He did not carry out the directives successfully. Sorry, but the chap is feeling the heat from his own people and now he's suddenly discovered Jesus. Yea, right. In American football, they call this a hail Mary pass.

Another hatchet job on Golan's courageous outspokenness.

1. Deny the facts.

2. If you can't deny, besmirch the messenger.

...the usual tactic.

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.... U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Union dictator Josef Stalin — all of them descended from Jews(so-called) and surrounded by Jewish advisers — had aimed for years to overthrow Hitler and liquidate the entire German population.When Hitler removed the Jews from power in Germany in 1933, Jews all over the world declared war on him, and through their behind-the-scenes political control of the U.S., Britain, and the USSR, eventually obliterated the prosperous and innocent nation Hitler had resuscitated from the ashes of World War I.

Why is it when the mention of Jews come up no matter how tenuous the link, everything then revolves around being Jewish and it becomes the focus of the debate? Facts then get twisted to try and fit the particular views about their religion. To rationale observers like myself the degree to which those facts need twisting sometimes becomes absurd.

Churchill's main actions were driven by him being British.

BTW I don't think even many German's would agree with your view that Germany was a:

"prosperous and innocent nation Hitler had resuscitated from the ashes of World War I".

Germans themselves largely acknowledged that after WWI "it should never happen again", but that they let it happen again and were at least part culpable in doing so.

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Prepare for the usual Israeli supporters accusing anynoe who questions the actions of the Israeli government as anti-semetic.

I for one am fed up of listening to the israeli propaganda to justify their hypocricy, note I did not use the word Jew.

So hostile.

I don't recall even one member over many years saying everyone who criticizes Israeli government policies is a Jew hater.

Anyway, why waste time?

Ignore list time.

How quaint.

Delighted to be on your infamous ignore list.

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Israel has the Palestinians encaged. It has illegally occupied their land in alleged self-defense for a long time and is constantly expanding this illegal occupation against UN Resolutions. It dictates what material, food and medicine is allowed in and what is allowed out. Israel attacks and murders people in international waters who are bringing food and supplies to the Palestinians. Israel kills Palestinians at a ratio of 10 - 1 or better. Israel is a nuclear State contrary to UN Resolutions. Israel used Canadian Passports to send Mossad agents around the world murdering people whom it considered enemies of the State.

Israel is the 21st Century Nazi regime. They are nobodies friend.

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Well I read the article, and it is quite clear

Here is another quote :

They must stop thinking of themselves only as victims and begin to understand themselves also as actors. If they don’t, they’re in danger of sliding down that same slippery slope and becoming perpetrators.

So basically they say what most of the people you tax as "jew hater"... they see the victims puhing worldwide the victim card each time and never think the way they do the things to other.

Because you criticize the thai government can you be taxed as thai hater? Don t think so, think you even like this country and are sadden by the action taken, am I right?

Can't you simply imagine that most of the critics seen here, in Europe, in USA and even in Israel with Breaking The Silence, the same way you criticize the government.

Israel, proudly boasting its democratic country in middle east, has the power to change its leaders and the way the Cisjordania settlements and abuses are seen by Israeli. That' s also why the world (yeah a lot of people worldwide disapprove the politics of Israel) put pressure and call for boycott...certainly not for the "end of Israel" but to show that those illegal settlements are bad for the palestinians AND for the Israeli....

So maybe you will play the "jew Hater" card but from the other post you wrote not linked to Israel you seem a clever man and hope you can see the difference between this poor game of : you not agree so you hate the jew, and the reality which is : stealing lands of your neighbours and ressources is bad and leads to more confrontation...

Many posters on these topics, when supposedly commenting negatively on the Israeli government's policies, do so while employing generalizations - "Israel", "Israelis", "IDF", "Zionists", and yes "Jews". These are often conflated, with little effort made to direct criticism at specific elements. IMO, this contributes to the feelings of demonization expressed. Of course, the common hyperbole and inflammatory rhetoric employed do not help things.

And here's a mirror image - anyone not fully identifying with the full blown criticism of Israel is deemed unworthy by the above posters. It is not enough to be somewhat critical, either with us or against us. There's also not much extra points for expressing criticism on both sides.

Apart from all this, denying that there were and are posters expressing "Jew hater" views, in this context or others, is simply counterfactual. Not all criticism of Israel is to do with antisemitism, but some of it certainly does.

You do the conflating. When I and others define exactly what we mean in our terminology you nitpick and attempt to muddy the waters. You have just done it again with a poster above.

Ad hominem reply to a general argument. Well done. And "nitpicking" is the new buzzword. Good to know.

I'm not the one continuously painting sides and groups with the same broad brush strokes. Poor attempt at turning tables.

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Well I read the article, and it is quite clear

Here is another quote :

They must stop thinking of themselves only as victims and begin to understand themselves also as actors. If they don’t, they’re in danger of sliding down that same slippery slope and becoming perpetrators.

So basically they say what most of the people you tax as "jew hater"... they see the victims puhing worldwide the victim card each time and never think the way they do the things to other.

Because you criticize the thai government can you be taxed as thai hater? Don t think so, think you even like this country and are sadden by the action taken, am I right?

Can't you simply imagine that most of the critics seen here, in Europe, in USA and even in Israel with Breaking The Silence, the same way you criticize the government.

Israel, proudly boasting its democratic country in middle east, has the power to change its leaders and the way the Cisjordania settlements and abuses are seen by Israeli. That' s also why the world (yeah a lot of people worldwide disapprove the politics of Israel) put pressure and call for boycott...certainly not for the "end of Israel" but to show that those illegal settlements are bad for the palestinians AND for the Israeli....

So maybe you will play the "jew Hater" card but from the other post you wrote not linked to Israel you seem a clever man and hope you can see the difference between this poor game of : you not agree so you hate the jew, and the reality which is : stealing lands of your neighbours and ressources is bad and leads to more confrontation...

Many posters on these topics, when supposedly commenting negatively on the Israeli government's policies, do so while employing generalizations - "Israel", "Israelis", "IDF", "Zionists", and yes "Jews". These are often conflated, with little effort made to direct criticism at specific elements. IMO, this contributes to the feelings of demonization expressed. Of course, the common hyperbole and inflammatory rhetoric employed do not help things.

And here's a mirror image - anyone not fully identifying with the full blown criticism of Israel is deemed unworthy by the above posters. It is not enough to be somewhat critical, either with us or against us. There's also not much extra points for expressing criticism on both sides.

Apart from all this, denying that there were and are posters expressing "Jew hater" views, in this context or others, is simply counterfactual. Not all criticism of Israel is to do with antisemitism, but some of it certainly does.

You do the conflating. When I and others define exactly what we mean in our terminology you nitpick and attempt to muddy the waters. You have just done it again with a poster above.

Ad hominem reply to a general argument. Well done. And "nitpicking" is the new buzzword. Good to know.

I'm not the one continuously painting sides and groups with the same broad brush strokes. Poor attempt at turning tables.

You did EXACTLY that in your last post!!

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Excuse me but that's not equivalent to Nazi Germany. I see you fail to mention that leaders behind a Palestinian state intend to allow zero Jews. Also that may be an unfortunate and disturbing survey finding (reflective of decades of conflict) but the fact remains 20 percent of Israeli citizens are Arab and there is no serious political movement to actually kick them out. Really none at all. As usual the obsessed Israel demonization agenda only sees blame on one side.

That is the exact equivalent to Nazi Germany... as Major-General Yair Golan has just pointed out.

Nope, Golan was referring to trends reminiscent of these times, and which ought to be nipped at the bud.

His words are more a warning of what might be, rather than a description of what is.

Zionists have been ethnically cleansing, repressing, humiliating and murdering Palestinians for 70 years now...not much nipping in the bud there.

Perhaps it takes soldiers on the front line to speak out either because of guilty consciences or foresight into where Israel is heading.

"One of the most important lessons of the Holocaust was ignoring the early signs that brought the Nazi regime to where it ended up. Maj. Gen. Golan wanted to warn against this. We shouldn’t criticize or attack him. Rather, we should listen to him and examine Israel under this light."

Your view are your own, and they are not Golan's.

Spin in all you like, it will not turn Golan into an anti-Zionist. Golan's speech specifically refers beginning of trends (even the link posted refers to "early signs"), includes assertions regarding the IDF's morality and Jews right to Israel.

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Some will read more into this story than is there. This isn't about Israel. Rather it is about a senior military commander who is trying to remake his own record. This is the man who was on of the top commanders and under who's watch some of the abuses occurred. What exactly did he do to remedy the situation? The old generals gave him advice. He did not listen. The courts gave him guidance. He did not follow it. His civilian bosses gave him directives. He did not carry out the directives successfully. Sorry, but the chap is feeling the heat from his own people and now he's suddenly discovered Jesus. Yea, right. In American football, they call this a hail Mary pass.

Golan is not trying to remake a record. He was never one to hold back airing opinions, or acting as he saw fit.

If anything, the speech will likely play against him with regard to Israeli public opinion and cost him the enmity of certain political figures.

Not quite the calculated move of a candidate for the next IDF Chief of Staff, but that's Golan for ya....

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Of course the courageous Maj General did not imply Israel was about to install gas chambers to murder millions as the Nazis did, but pointed out the nauseating processes and disturbing trends that the current right wing government is moving towards and is actively encouraging, similar to things that happened in Europe to Jews in the 1930s.
Such as
..the Zionist principle of racial purity of a Jewish State
..the threats to strip Israeli Arabs of their citizenship and deportation
..confiscation and destruction (kristallnacht) of Palestinian property without compensation to create Lebensraum for Jewish only colonies
..virtual apartheid in the West Bank and ghettoes in the West Bank and Gaza
..shoot to kill policy with thousands turning out in support of the IDF who cold bloodedly shot an injured Palestinian
..the daily terrorising of Palestinians
"There are thousands if not tens of thousands of Israelis who call for ejecting, raping and murdering Palestinians, leftists and even plain old critics of the government, on an almost daily basis. The cry “Death to the Arabs” which reverberates in radical right wing demonstrations as well as football fields has become so routine that no one seems to notice anymore. Just this past Sunday, a gang of 40-50 football thugs assaulted Nadwa Jabber, an Israeli-Arab teacher in a mixed school devoted to coexistence, when she was in her car with her two young daughters outside the Jerusalem shopping mall."
...very good article in Haaretz on the the Major General's comments above.

Too funny.

So, Golan is now a "courageous Maj General", no less.

The only question here is if poster is aware of certain highlights in Golan's illustrious IDF career (pushing for IDF actions within Palestinian cities, authorizing use of Palestinians as human shields, and opting for negotiating with (rather than evicting) illegal settlers in the West Bank), or if these are currently shelved as to enable the faux embrace.

I'm pretty sure that without the quoted bit in the OP, Golan would be credited with quite different dexcriptions, ranging between the negative and the demonizing

Of course, as the OP does not include Golan's full reference to the IDF, a whole lotta fun can be had with his words.

Golan did not mention the items on your list, nor directly referred to them. To imply that he identifies with the usual talking points is laughable. To portray him as an anti-Zionist, is preposterous. Vilifying the IDF must be getting trickier with support and similar views aired by Golan's superiors (Minister of Defense and IDF Chief of Staff).

Those cheering Golan may want to take some of his other words to heart, specifically those touching on fear mongering, hatred of the other, and sanctimonious preaching. Should probably add being able to reflect honestly on unsavory aspects of one's side and tolerance for other opinions - but that's probably too much to hope for.

Here's another article from the same source, albeit with a somewhat different angle:

IDF Deputy Chief Yair Golan Has History of Outspokenness, Bold Action


I am well aware of Golan's career in the IDF.

Many soldiers have been repulsed by what they have seen and done, and in his case continue to witness.

He is courageous for speaking out, in that it will do his career no good at all, but his influence may help the state of Israel back on the correct path. A pity more influential and ordinary righteous Germans did not speak out against Hitler's regime. If the internet had been around then, maybe they could have done.

It's interesting that you are willing to do a hatchet job on Golan to undermine his comments. The usual ploy.

A hatchet job how? As posted on this topic I do not disagree with most of what Golan said - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/915937-israel-pm-netanyahu-rebukes-deputy-military-chief-over-holocaust-speech/?p=10729909

The only thing pointed at was the hypocrisy of those making him into their new hero, and the disingenuous attempts to present his views as conforming to their agendas.

Golan specifically defended the IDF as a moral army, and did differentiate between immoral actions of individuals and the character of the whole organization. The same applies to Israel. He did not announce his resignation from the IDF, did not express wholesale repulsion with either Israel or Zionism, and he definitely does not subscribe to your views as presented on this forum.

Pretty much a re-hash of the recent topic dealing with Biden's speech. Hijacking statements and misleadingly presenting them as supportive of agenda, ignoring parts of the speech with do not sit well with the same.

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Many posters on these topics, when supposedly commenting negatively on the Israeli government's policies, do so while employing generalizations - "Israel", "Israelis", "IDF", "Zionists", and yes "Jews". These are often conflated, with little effort made to direct criticism at specific elements. IMO, this contributes to the feelings of demonization expressed. Of course, the common hyperbole and inflammatory rhetoric employed do not help things.

And here's a mirror image - anyone not fully identifying with the full blown criticism of Israel is deemed unworthy by the above posters. It is not enough to be somewhat critical, either with us or against us. There's also not much extra points for expressing criticism on both sides.

Apart from all this, denying that there were and are posters expressing "Jew hater" views, in this context or others, is simply counterfactual. Not all criticism of Israel is to do with antisemitism, but some of it certainly does.

You do the conflating. When I and others define exactly what we mean in our terminology you nitpick and attempt to muddy the waters. You have just done it again with a poster above.

Ad hominem reply to a general argument. Well done. And "nitpicking" is the new buzzword. Good to know.

I'm not the one continuously painting sides and groups with the same broad brush strokes. Poor attempt at turning tables.

You did EXACTLY that in your last post!!

Exactly how?

I did not claim all posters comment in a certain way, only that many do.

Further, my response to GeorgesAbitbol was general argument, not ad-hominem.

Then, dexterm retorted an my general argument with an ad-hominem one.

My answer to dexterm is, perhaps, an ad-hominem comeback to an ad-hominem argument.

Capslocking, exclamation marks and likes notwithstanding will not change that.

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Israel has the Palestinians encaged. It has illegally occupied their land in alleged self-defense for a long time and is constantly expanding this illegal occupation against UN Resolutions. It dictates what material, food and medicine is allowed in and what is allowed out. Israel attacks and murders people in international waters who are bringing food and supplies to the Palestinians. Israel kills Palestinians at a ratio of 10 - 1 or better. Israel is a nuclear State contrary to UN Resolutions. Israel used Canadian Passports to send Mossad agents around the world murdering people whom it considered enemies of the State. Israel is the 21st Century Nazi regime. They are nobodies friend.

I'm pretty sure your own country, as well as the one you're posting from does have solid relationship with Israel. But that little factoid shouldn't hinder your ravings.

As predicted earlier, this topic would be a great platform for anyone wishing to air such views, even as they do not directly relate to the OP.

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Exactly how?

I did not claim all posters comment in a certain way, only that many do.

Further, my response to GeorgesAbitbol was general argument, not ad-hominem.

Then, dexterm retorted an my general argument with an ad-hominem one.

My answer to dexterm is, perhaps, an ad-hominem comeback to an ad-hominem argument.

Capslocking, exclamation marks and likes notwithstanding will not change that.

you did it just as much as he did.

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Golan's comments may resound more significantly with the Israeli public because he is an IDF war hero and thus clearly cannot be dismissed as anti semitic or anti Israeli.

Perhaps it will give Israelis pause to reflect on "nauseating trends that took place in Europe in general, and in Germany specifically back then, 70, 80 and 90 years ago, and seeing evidence of them here among us in the year 2016"

...their racist laws and racist repressive behavior towards Palestinians.

Michel Warschawski, a founder of the Alternative Information Centre, a joint Israeli-Palestinian advocacy group: "The heads of the military-security apparatus are genuinely fearful for Israel's future. They think the right is driving Israel into a wall.

"Golan and the others understand that Netanyahu has already lost global public opinion and now they see that in time the right will drive away Western states."

Edited by dexterm
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Prepare for the usual Israeli supporters accusing anynoe who questions the actions of the Israeli government as anti-semetic.

I for one am fed up of listening to the israeli propaganda to justify their hypocricy, note I did not use the word Jew.

And note that no one accused you of antisemitism. Strawman much?

Supporting Israel is not always the same as supporting all Israeli government policies.

And, of course, not every criticism of the Israeli government's actions is antisemitic.

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Exactly how?

I did not claim all posters comment in a certain way, only that many do.

Further, my response to GeorgesAbitbol was general argument, not ad-hominem.

Then, dexterm retorted an my general argument with an ad-hominem one.

My answer to dexterm is, perhaps, an ad-hominem comeback to an ad-hominem argument.

Capslocking, exclamation marks and likes notwithstanding will not change that.

you did it just as much as he did.

Nope, and you can't even demonstrate how your statement makes sense.

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Prepare for the usual Israeli supporters accusing anynoe who questions the actions of the Israeli government as anti-semetic.

I for one am fed up of listening to the israeli propaganda to justify their hypocricy, note I did not use the word Jew.

And note that no one accused you of antisemitism. Strawman much?

Supporting Israel is not always the same as supporting all Israeli government policies.

And, of course, not every criticism of the Israeli government's actions is antisemitic.

he didnt claim anyone did

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Prepare for the usual Israeli supporters accusing anynoe who questions the actions of the Israeli government as anti-semetic.

I for one am fed up of listening to the israeli propaganda to justify their hypocricy, note I did not use the word Jew.

And note that no one accused you of antisemitism. Strawman much?

Supporting Israel is not always the same as supporting all Israeli government policies.

And, of course, not every criticism of the Israeli government's actions is antisemitic.

he didnt claim anyone did


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Prepare for the usual Israeli supporters accusing anynoe who questions the actions of the Israeli government as anti-semetic.

I for one am fed up of listening to the israeli propaganda to justify their hypocricy, note I did not use the word Jew.

And note that no one accused you of antisemitism. Strawman much?

Supporting Israel is not always the same as supporting all Israeli government policies.

And, of course, not every criticism of the Israeli government's actions is antisemitic.

Strawman indeed. These types want to pretend that there is no such thing as anti-Semitism AT ALL. That is why they bring it up when no one has accused them of it.

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Major-General Yair Golan's comments that his country was showing signs of "Nazi-esque behaviour" ​is just the latest crack to be detected in the foundations. It makes no difference what he did in the past. He may be beginning to see the radical Likhud agenda as the real threat to the future of Israel and Jews all over the world.

A voice that should be listened to; just as Americans should have listened to Eisenhower when he warned of the dangers of the military-industrial complex.

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Major-General Yair Golan's comments that his country was showing signs of "Nazi-esque behaviour" ​is just the latest crack to be detected in the foundations.

It makes no difference what he did in the past. He may be beginning to see the radical Likhud agenda as the real threat to the future of Israel and Jews all over the world.

A voice that should be listened to; just as Americans should have listened to Eisenhower when he warned of the dangers of the military-industrial complex.

Golan did not actually use the phrase "Nazi-esque behaviour". It appears in the OP as either being part of Netanyahu's criticism of Golan's speech or an editorial choice of words. Far as I can tell, the latter.

The differences of opinion with certain politicians, as exhibited in Golan's speech, do not quite align with the Left vs. Right political divisions. At least two of Netanyahu's ministers expressed support of Golan - both members of the Likud Party.

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No need to get excited, just a belch of wind from the completely discredited left. When foreign leftists aren't busy trying to destroy their own Countries they try the same with Israel, alas sometimes their infectious ideology seeps through in Israel too. There is no need for Golan to appeal to the Israeli left let alone their foreign counterparts.


Edited by Steely Dan
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Major-General Yair Golan's comments that his country was showing signs of "Nazi-esque behaviour" ​is just the latest crack to be detected in the foundations.

It makes no difference what he did in the past. He may be beginning to see the radical Likhud agenda as the real threat to the future of Israel and Jews all over the world.

A voice that should be listened to; just as Americans should have listened to Eisenhower when he warned of the dangers of the military-industrial complex.

Golan did not actually use the phrase "Nazi-esque behaviour". It appears in the OP as either being part of Netanyahu's criticism of Golan's speech or an editorial choice of words. Far as I can tell, the latter.

The differences of opinion with certain politicians, as exhibited in Golan's speech, do not quite align with the Left vs. Right political divisions. At least two of Netanyahu's ministers expressed support of Golan - both members of the Likud Party.

Golan didn't use the phrase?

Back up your claim with a credible source, please.

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Major-General Yair Golan's comments that his country was showing signs of "Nazi-esque behaviour" ​is just the latest crack to be detected in the foundations.

It makes no difference what he did in the past. He may be beginning to see the radical Likhud agenda as the real threat to the future of Israel and Jews all over the world.

A voice that should be listened to; just as Americans should have listened to Eisenhower when he warned of the dangers of the military-industrial complex.

Golan did not actually use the phrase "Nazi-esque behaviour". It appears in the OP as either being part of Netanyahu's criticism of Golan's speech or an editorial choice of words. Far as I can tell, the latter.

The differences of opinion with certain politicians, as exhibited in Golan's speech, do not quite align with the Left vs. Right political divisions. At least two of Netanyahu's ministers expressed support of Golan - both members of the Likud Party.

Golan didn't use the phrase?

Back up your claim with a credible source, please.

Here's a more extensive quote from the Guardian: "The Holocaust must lead us to think about our public lives, and even more than that, it must guide anyone who has the ability, not only those who wish to bear public responsibility.

“Because if there is anything that frightens me in the remembrance of the Holocaust, it is discerning nauseating trends that took place in Europe in general, and in Germany specifically back then, 70, 80 and 90 years ago, and seeing evidence of them here among us in the year 2016.

“After all, there is nothing simpler and easier than hating the foreigner, there is nothing easier and simpler than arousing fears and intimidating, there is nothing easier and simpler than becoming bestial, forgoing principles and becoming smug.”

So, no, he didn't say Nazi-esque behavior. But what does "seeing evidence of them here among us in the year 2016" mean if not that or something like that?

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Major-General Yair Golan's comments that his country was showing signs of "Nazi-esque behaviour" ​is just the latest crack to be detected in the foundations.

It makes no difference what he did in the past. He may be beginning to see the radical Likhud agenda as the real threat to the future of Israel and Jews all over the world.

A voice that should be listened to; just as Americans should have listened to Eisenhower when he warned of the dangers of the military-industrial complex.

Golan did not actually use the phrase "Nazi-esque behaviour". It appears in the OP as either being part of Netanyahu's criticism of Golan's speech or an editorial choice of words. Far as I can tell, the latter.

The differences of opinion with certain politicians, as exhibited in Golan's speech, do not quite align with the Left vs. Right political divisions. At least two of Netanyahu's ministers expressed support of Golan - both members of the Likud Party.

Whether Golan or the editor of the OP used the term "Nazi-esque behaviour" to paraphrase ..so what?
I thought that was the idea of a public forum : you comment on the OP and others' comments, air your thoughts and views provided that you don't drift too far off topic. This is clearly not such a case. The actual words are in the OP.
This is just nitpicking obfuscating pedantry because you disagree with Golan's comments.
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Major-General Yair Golan's comments that his country was showing signs of "Nazi-esque behaviour" ​is just the latest crack to be detected in the foundations.

It makes no difference what he did in the past. He may be beginning to see the radical Likhud agenda as the real threat to the future of Israel and Jews all over the world.

A voice that should be listened to; just as Americans should have listened to Eisenhower when he warned of the dangers of the military-industrial complex.

Golan did not actually use the phrase "Nazi-esque behaviour". It appears in the OP as either being part of Netanyahu's criticism of Golan's speech or an editorial choice of words. Far as I can tell, the latter.

The differences of opinion with certain politicians, as exhibited in Golan's speech, do not quite align with the Left vs. Right political divisions. At least two of Netanyahu's ministers expressed support of Golan - both members of the Likud Party.

Golan didn't use the phrase?

Back up your claim with a credible source, please.

The phrase does not appear in even in the so-called "quote in full" mentioned in the OP. It also does not appear in other parts of the speech. There were various links on previous posts which include analysis and direct quotes from the speech. Nowhere is this phrase attributed to Golan. If he would have used it, it would make the headline.

The only direct use of the word "Nazis" appearing in the speech is as reference to the memory of his family members who were murdered by the Nazis.

As pointed out, the speech included parts which some posters are all too happy to ignore.

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