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Jesus, and this moron has a driving licence?

I bet he does, and perhaps he's now considering getting driving licenses for the dolls as well.


Going to get my daughter's Barbie collection headed this way very soon...?

Now there's a good idea. I was told that carrying one with you at all times prevents you from being viciously attacked by ladyboys on yaba.

The driver of the Civic said that he had fallen asleep at the wheel.

So admitting this makes it acceptable ?

And is there any "Science" behind these dolls preventing serious injury ?

Yep, if someone bangs his or her forehead against one of those dolls rather than a brickwall they surely do their job. I mean the dolls.

But well, that ain't fall under rocket science but rather shrewdness. rolleyes.gif


I believe and spend money on airbags.

Thai save money on airbags. They believe in dolls.

We might be both right, but even after reading the story I am not willing to go the doll way!!

They did just recall many millions of Air Bags for killing people.

So far I have only seen Luk Thep kill anyone in a Thai Soap Opera.


What hope is there for any improvement in driving standards whilst they think that getting their vehicle blessed or carrying dolls will protect them?


Some Thai people look after luuk thep dolls as if they were their own children.

If I were a luuk thep doll, I am not sure I would find this comment reassuring.


and i just read today that a guy was murdered because someone said he was practicing scorcery. yes no hope for this country. living in the middle ages.


Well let him try to jump of a 20 storie building with these dolle in his arms. Curious what he will look like when he hits the ground.


I wouldn't be to hard on him guys for believing in his dolls, at least he can see, feel and touch them. There are hundreds of millions of people that actually believe there is a guy (they call this guy god) they have never seen, felt, touched, talked too that is lookin' out for them and sort'a controls things that happen in their lives. If they treat this never seen "guy" "god" right AND give money every week to their "guy" "god"s earthly messengers that he will do good stuff for'em. "They" believe all good things that happen in their lives are "god"s doing and all bad things are done by rheir "god"s rival who "they" call the "devil" who they also have never seen ... millions say they live their lives according to their "guy" "god"s word who they have never spoken to ... hmmm how does that work? ...I know, I know sounds crazy to me too but "they" have even written a book about him, they call it the "bible" and it has all kinds of stories that are straight outta some sci-fi movie only it takes place years and years ago ... and equally just as amusing there is another group of hundreds of millions of people that believe the same stuff only they call their unseen "magic doll" knd'a guy "alan" ... no.no wait it's "allah" yeah yeah that's it "allah" not alan. He has his own book also called the koran. There's other "magic doll" groups all over the world with different names for their unseen "magic doll"s ... so again don't be to harsh on this guy because he can at least see, feel and touch his "magic doll"s ... who knows maybe some day his "magic dolls" will speak to him ... now wouldn't that be a kick in the nuts.... oh I almost forgot to mention this "god" guy supposedly had a son who roamed around doin magic tricks till they killed him, but no problem he came back to life and then left for good ... nobody saw him come back to life but it is in the book ... yeah I know ;)


"Some Thai people look after luuk thep dolls as if they were their own children."

it would seem the dolls have more common sense than their own children


Jesus, and this moron has a driving licence?

"Jesus".......and you question this chaps sanity?

I was telling some Thai friends about Jesus and his mother. They didn't believe the Virgin Mary bit. They said she probably had a gik or that even her husband Joe might have been the father. I told them I thought they were probably right, but in the First World millions of farangs believe it to be true.

They didn't really buy the Easter story either.

right there,, at least the dolls are something you can actually see and touch,, not like Christians that believe in a god made out of thin air, that no one has ever even seen.. Christians believe so much rubbish It actually makes the Thai beliefs not so bad,, But the dolls didn't do much for saving the truck !!


Jesus, and this moron has a driving licence?

"Jesus".......and you question this chaps sanity?

I was telling some Thai friends about Jesus and his mother. They didn't believe the Virgin Mary bit. They said she probably had a gik or that even her husband Joe might have been the father. I told them I thought they were probably right, but in the First World millions of farangs believe it to be true.

They didn't really buy the Easter story either.

Yeah, and we think they are stupid


Obviously the dolls provided extra padding - additional to the airbags?.

No other possible way they could help.

What is in the heads of these people?

The scary thing is that they are driving cars on the same roads as me . . .


and i just read today that a guy was murdered because someone said he was practicing scorcery. yes no hope for this country. living in the middle ages.

read it again.......not Thailand.

For those who keep saying third world country - I suggest you actually go to a third world country - you will find Thailand's not so bad after all.


Oh really? Not a lucky amulet? Must be the latest persons to have joined the flat earth society! coffee1.gif

Edit: Spelling error

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