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Ombudsman meets with airport officials to call for lower retail prices


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Ombudsman meets with airport officials to call for lower retail prices

BANGKOK, 11 May 2016 (NNT) – The Ombudsman has met with Airports of Thailand (AOT) and other relevant agencies to discuss reportedly high prices of items for sale, at Suvarnabhumi Airport.

Ombudsman Gen Witawas Rachatanan met today with Suvarnabhumi Airport Director Sirot Duangrat, Don Mueang Airport Deputy Director of Commerce and Finance Pranuda Theerawong, Department of Internal Trade Deputy Director-General Suchart Sinrat, and Director-General of the Consumer Protection Department Songsiri Jumpol to discuss ways to reduce the retail prices of goods in Thai airports.

The Ombudsman asked all involved to persuade retailers at airports to bring down their prices following reports that many were selling items at 15-20 percent more than prices in department stores. He also called on airports to make 10 baht bottles of water available for purchase and to insist that at least a few items be sold at promotional prices daily for the sake of consumers. In the long term, the Ombudsman said new retailer contracts would obligate sellers to keep their prices at the same level as department stores.

The Office of the Ombudsman is now performing an analysis of all airport costs to help lower capital costs for shop operators, aiding them in bringing down their prices.

-- NNT 2016-05-11 footer_n.gif

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So what about DUTY FREE ??? they should be 7% LOWER at least. The land of ROB THE FOREIGNERS BLIND.

the more we wroite on Tripadvisor and Booking and Agoda the more we can rekaly tell peopel GO ELSEWHERE.

thailand has taken us for granted.

The Tsunami is gone, they have their Friendship and Belgium Bridges.

they just want want want and take take take.

So many other nations deserve better.

Why is it, or is it just me, who feels Thais feel an OBLIGATION from us to get SOME MONEY for anything and everything they do?

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Nothing worth buying or eating inside Thai Airports. You can see 300% price marked up. I hardly buy anything except water for 30 baht after pass the security gate.

I hope IATA to bring a rule to keep the water for free. I prefer to buy at my destination. All duty free stuff sucks in Bangkok !

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I looked at some of the duty free prices last time I went through the airports, including some of my favorite whisky tipple.

Outrageous prices!

Less expensive for me to fly back to Wales to purr-chase

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"...reports that many were selling items at 15-20 percent more than prices in department stores."

I've seen food items selling for 200 to 300 per cent more than at the malls. Other items sell at the same mark up than than they do at street markets. There's too much profit and possibility for graft to expect this price gouging to go away soon.

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It’s a big ask……the Leicester City soccer players were promised a trip to Bankcock for yet more naked marketing…..someone has to pay for that trip, and it's not coming from the owner's savings in Panama, so the witless tourists will automagically pay…..inyaface!

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The only thing I would ever buy at an airport would be food, and that is only if I have a long wait for my flight. Food prices are overpriced at every airport I have been in. In many, the food quality is poor too. At least the food on the plane is free.

As for duty free, I have never understood why anyone would buy anything there. The few times I have looked at prices, the duty free pricse was at least as much as in any retail shop, and often more.

But when I see people paying in excess of full retail on ebay, I guess some people never bother to check prices, just assuming they are getting a deal.

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And what about the rip-off exchange rates offered by banks in the airport? Not only are the rates offered by bank branches in the airport worse than those offered outside the airport -- and outside the airport every branch of a bank uses the same rate set by its head office -- but all the banks in the airport offer exactly the same rip-off rates! This is blatant price-fixing collusion. How can the Bank of Thailand permit this?

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Not bothered at all as i never spend a single penny in airports anywhere. You don't have to pay the prices these sharks want for everything. As for 'Duty Free'; well, that's been a joke for many a year just about everywhere.

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Do King Power still have the double monopoly at Suvarnabhumi? I seem to remember that as well as having the exclusive Duty Free concession, AOT also gave them the contract to handle the entire retail rental operation.

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I looked at some of the duty free prices last time I went through the airports, including some of my favorite whisky tipple.

Outrageous prices!

Less expensive for me to fly back to Wales to purr-chase

Duty-free does not mean profiteering-free!

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Hardly considered high on the list of issues that need to be dealt with in Thailand. By the time you are leaving, you have become desensitised to all and every attempt to gouge the last Baht out of your pocket at every opportunity.

They should just have a large container at the departure lounge telling all foreigners to deposit any money they have leftover into it.

Better still at the arrivals lounge saying "foreign money welcome but you are not".

The military could use the money to buy some new toys to help them restrict more of peoples rights or buy themselves some new shiny medals to adorn their breasts as they prance around the country.

Edited by Reigntax
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Boycotted the airport years ago. Try to spend as little time as possible at Swampy or DM. Some Thais still do not understand that fortunes are made with high volume, not by fleecing a few gullible tourists.

It sounds like you know more about business than the guy who made billions with King Power.

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The Ombudsman asked all involved to persuade retailers at airports to bring down their prices

That's inaction and invites corruption.

Why not have the government lower airport fees and licenses for vendors who must pass on the savings to customers in the form of lower prices? The government can force the pass-through savings to customers under its authority from the Goods and Services Price Control Act of 1999.

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It’s a big ask……the Leicester City soccer players were promised a trip to Bankcock for yet more naked marketing…..someone has to pay for that trip, and it's not coming from the owner's savings in Panama, so the witless tourists will automagically pay…..inyaface!

Yes the King Power / Leicester owners really need the money as it's reported they're to offer Claudio Raneri 3 Million Pounds in salary next season.

In contrast Newcastle are supposedly to pay Raffa Benitez 5 Million to stay with them despite relegation.

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Do King Power still have the double monopoly at Suvarnabhumi? I seem to remember that as well as having the exclusive Duty Free concession, AOT also gave them the contract to handle the entire retail rental operation.

It is not called KING power for nothing. See the hidden agenda here... Someone owns a percentage of this company and wants their cut, the same as SCB every month from what I hear and read

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