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Treatment of activists who used Facebook to make fun of PM

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Yet the rich murder and walk free, enjoying the their life.

The rich know what game they are playing and have read the rule book. Everyone else either doesn't know the game or hasn't read the ruke book. These guys obviously were oblivious to the game.


There is one place Thais can talk. The Thai community grows very fast on minds.com since they realized that FB is a traitor.

Pvin Chachavalpongpun's interview with Minds is now on Youtube about the junta intruding into private FB chat, the blocking of GuKult and the exploitation of lese-majeste law to silence critics. -> https://plus.google.com/events/c5p69v4ol8apske1ckeoimvfmtk?hl=en

...or https://www.minds.com/pavin

...or my own channel https://www.minds.com/cyberdustjedi

Anyways I recommend minds.com as an alternative to FB and Twitter.

Decide for yourself.

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