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Police are on the tail of a large group of girls involved in an attack on an 18 old female student


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As much as I love Thailand- I must admit that the last few years have seen an increase in youth violence that at one time was unheard of in Thailand. The cause in Thailand is much the same as the rest of the World- lack of an authority figure in the home; a breakdown in the educational system; a lack of belief in the Temple/church and an unwillingness by church leaders to expound on morality and proper decorum; and stresses of everyday living. The World is angry and Thailand is no exception. In addition, easy access to drugs and alcohol also play apart. Take away hope for a better life and the results are obvious.

Really? Unheard of in Thailand? Personally I believe there is not more violence just more getting reported and also with the help of social media more getting uploaded and shared than ever before. I've only been here since 2000 but there was always tech college's fighting other colleges and dek wan running around. As others have said kids fight all the time world over its just a lot of people find the Thai way of fighting distasteful (ie: big gangs standing over a single person, kicking them when they are down, keeping going after they are knocked out) but this is in no way a Thailand thing. Look at the number of people that get killed or seriously injured by getting king hit in Australia no less cowardly than kicking someone in the head yet it happens all the time.

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As seen on lakorn every night, does it reflect these animals or encourage such acts?


Dear god where have you been? I guess you are not a user of any other social media apart from TVF.

Just once type YOUTUBE into your browser'

Then search girl fights

or Bum fights

or any fights

The world hasn't changed...some people have stopped developing at a certain age in their life and cannot accept reality.

In Yorkshire many, many years ago, men used to kick each other to death in clog fights. Hold each others shoulders and kick with wooden clogs...people died.

Nothing has changed except the immediacy of the information.

The world can be a violent place...always has and always will be.

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Unseen Thailand getting seen a lot these days. Smartphones put a magnifying glass on what previously would have been out of sight and unreported.

Thankfully...if the citizens won't be shamed into proper behavior, at least those who consider visiting will know what they may encounter...I wish I had known what Thainess was before I forged the emotional connections and commitments that keep me here...

Oh dear....we can expect another.....'thieving bitch ripped me off" or 'how do I get my kid back' post in the not too distant future.

Only have to watch any of the police reality shows from England to see what happens there when the pubs and clubs close......no way I'll be going there for a holiday!!

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As much as I love Thailand- I must admit that the last few years have seen an increase in youth violence that at one time was unheard of in Thailand. The cause in Thailand is much the same as the rest of the World- lack of an authority figure in the home; a breakdown in the educational system; a lack of belief in the Temple/church and an unwillingness by church leaders to expound on morality and proper decorum; and stresses of everyday living. The World is angry and Thailand is no exception. In addition, easy access to drugs and alcohol also play apart. Take away hope for a better life and the results are obvious.

You forgot the major influence in recent years...the internet with it's instant communication.

Why can't young Thai men and women emulate the perceived lifestyle of the black US gang bangers.

It's in their face all the time, why not use the same drugs, have the same angry attitude etc etc etc?

The western advertising industry are worse than sharks...absolutely no heart or conscience in promoting anything by any means for the sake of the almighty dollar and profit.

And the Thai kids see this and are affected by it in the same way as western kids are.


The world has changed and changed a long time ago from church leaders being the all knowing font of knowledge.

Deal with it.

Edited by Mudcrab
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She added that one girl to the side of the group pulled out a knife and threatened passersby not to intervene.

its simply getting worse by the day...

..we need martial law to retsore peace and order so these incidents stop occurring and give the citizens of Thailand confidence that they can go about their every day lives without fear of attack or reprisal.....Oh..silly me I just realized we already have Martial Law on the streets.

Edited by tandor
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If the attackers took the video, and then sent it to her using "Line" in order to taunt her, it does rather suggest that they knew her well enough to have her phone number....

The police have only to pay a call on the person who sent the clip (hint to any budding Inspector Clouseaus in the force, the number will be in the victims phone, possibly with a name attached - search contacts ) and Robert is your mothers brother. Finger pointing bouquets and rewards all round!

Edited by JAG
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