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PM Prayuth appreciative of US understanding of Thai politics


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Admiral Blair is retired and does not speak for the U.S. government or its citizens; any comments he made are strictly his own personal views. If he made comments favorable to the current regime, he obviously wants something. IMHO

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For those whom wish to directly criticize the PM and his government, like to posts below:

I hate to be Captain Obvious on this matter my fellow TV members, but given the current political climate, posting really negative critiques of the government may not be the wisest of ideas. Sure, this is an English language site, and sure we're mostly Expats and probably not in cross-hairs of the current administration, but.......... ermm.gif

If it was me, I'd at least cloak my critiques in satire, parody, of lampoon seeing that most Thais aren't hard-wired to understand these types of written literary conventions, especially in English.

But in the end.....'up to you.' Just saying. Don't shoot the messenger. thumbsup.gif Best of luck!

Bullshit! Yes that's what I'm calling on this one.

You couldn't make this depth of utter delusion - or baldfaced lies - up if you tried. And this a day after the US slammed Thailand in the UN.

National News Bureau Of Thailand

Junta Propaganda

Edited by connda
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The US should focus on its own problems. They are far from perfect but keep telling the world how to do things.

How about the UN? They should mind their business too?

Not really but you can't expect them to know what is going on in Thailand.. They often judge all countries the same regardless of culture, history etc.

I didn't expect a different answer. Wonder why even Thailand bothers to be part of the UN then.

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Huuuuge supporter of PM Prayut. I remember all too well the deep corruption and the anarchy that passed for government in Thailand. I'm in no hurry to see any changes in Government for a long time. The day the Army leaves, all the old crooks move back in.

I'm especially pleased with what happened here in Phuket. Throwing all the encroaching businesses off the beach. Real change came to Phuket, something that was never going to happen without him.

Prayut can do no wrong in my book.

I think you have made an excellent point with which no reasonable person could disagree.It's absurd to believe the purpose of government is anything to do with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.As everyone knows the supreme objective of every government is to end that pesky beach encroachment.

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"He insisted that citizens are guaranteed full freedom of expression within the legal framework."

​...while people who read 1984 in public and play the Marseillaise on their phone get arrested!

Is this true? Genuine question.

Yes it's true. Detained for reading 1984 in public - caught on camera if I recall correctly.. Others were detained variously for holding up 3 fingers, for eating sandwiches during their lunch break, and for holding up blank A4 sheets of paper.

Strange but true. Reality distorts as soon as you move into Thai airspace, and re-appears when you leave it. Which I understand increasing numbers of folk are doing. Not me though, I can't be bothered.


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"He insisted that citizens are guaranteed full freedom of expression within the legal framework."

​...while people who read 1984 in public and play the Marseillaise on their phone get arrested!

Is this true? Genuine question.

Yes it's true. Detained for reading 1984 in public - caught on camera if I recall correctly.. Others were detained variously for holding up 3 fingers, for eating sandwiches during their lunch break, and for holding up blank A4 sheets of paper.

Strange but true. Reality distorts as soon as you move into Thai airspace, and re-appears when you leave it. Which I understand increasing numbers of folk are doing. Not me though, I can't be bothered.


Also I believe,

Boarding a train with intent to investigate,

And using the word "Ja" in response to a private online message.

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Huuuuge supporter of PM Prayut. I remember all too well the deep corruption and the anarchy that passed for government in Thailand. I'm in no hurry to see any changes in Government for a long time. The day the Army leaves, all the old crooks move back in.

I'm especially pleased with what happened here in Phuket. Throwing all the encroaching businesses off the beach. Real change came to Phuket, something that was never going to happen without him.

Prayut can do no wrong in my book.

I believe there is much merit in your post. I don't however embrace the idea that "he can do no wrong however."

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The US should focus on its own problems. They are far from perfect but keep telling the world how to do things.

How about the UN? They should mind their business too?

Not really but you can't expect them to know what is going on in Thailand.. They often judge all countries the same regardless of culture, history etc.

You mean aside from the substantial physical presence the UN has in the country, the embassies of countless constituent countries all filing reports home regularly and access to the global media?

And that is a fairly wide-ranging "They often judge all countries the same regardless of culture, history etc" statement which seems to mean almost nothing. Do you have any supporting evidence beyond the words from your keyboard? "They" being some 200 nations that make up the UN.

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Huuuuge supporter of PM Prayut. I remember all too well the deep corruption and the anarchy that passed for government in Thailand. I'm in no hurry to see any changes in Government for a long time. The day the Army leaves, all the old crooks move back in.

I'm especially pleased with what happened here in Phuket. Throwing all the encroaching businesses off the beach. Real change came to Phuket, something that was never going to happen without him.

Prayut can do no wrong in my book.

I think you have made an excellent point with which no reasonable person could disagree.It's absurd to believe the purpose of government is anything to do with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.As everyone knows the supreme objective of every government is to end that pesky beach encroachment.

Pinot has simplier view of life than you. He value moving of beach chairs a much more weightier matter than human rights and freedom of speech.

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Adm Dennis Blair is irrelevant, and talking to him about anything except his old-age pension is an exercise in stupidity.

A prime minister is supposed to act with dignity and decorum. This one kicks at a Muay Thai lad to show how macho he is, shouts at people because he can't control his own mouth, is Mr Grumpy whenever speaking to people with an actual; IQ, and is generally undignified - to the huge amusement of everyone who doesn't support him and the huge embarrassment of everyone who does.

So, after the completely irrelevant Dennis Blair, then what? Leap out at a passing pedestrian and 'explain' Thai human rights to him?

It really is a bit depressing. How on earth did Thais get themselves in this mess?


Edited by Winniedapu
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The US should focus on its own problems. They are far from perfect but keep telling the world how to do things.

How about the UN? They should mind their business too?

Not really but you can't expect them to know what is going on in Thailand.. They often judge all countries the same regardless of culture, history etc.

All embassies have analysts and intelligence people attached, and their governments will brief their UN representatives according to the intelligence and analyses received.

To say that other countries don't know what's going on in Thailand is just ridiculous. They probably know better than most Thais. Having said that, the comment probably isn't completely wrong. UN member states probably are aware that the culture and history of Thailand is based on dishonesty and exploitation - similar to what most states were 200 years ago, but from which they emerged as a part of growing up.


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PM Prayut appreciative of US understanding.

In April Presidential hopeful Donald trump said that US allies should pay more for their own defence rather than look upon the USA for help.

I can hear PM Prayut saying "OK, now your talking. How much for your approval?"

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For those whom wish to directly criticize the PM and his government, like to posts below:

I hate to be Captain Obvious on this matter my fellow TV members, but given the current political climate, posting really negative critiques of the government may not be the wisest of ideas. Sure, this is an English language site, and sure we're mostly Expats and probably not in cross-hairs of the current administration, but.......... ermm.gif

If it was me, I'd at least cloak my critiques in satire, parody, of lampoon seeing that most Thais aren't hard-wired to understand these types of written literary conventions, especially in English.

But in the end.....'up to you.' Just saying. Don't shoot the messenger. thumbsup.gif Best of luck!

Bullshit! Yes that's what I'm calling on this one.

You couldn't make this depth of utter delusion - or baldfaced lies - up if you tried. And this a day after the US slammed Thailand in the UN.

National News Bureau Of Thailand

Junta Propaganda


It's a bit late for that. Members have been warned on numerous occasions to mask their IP and pay attention to security if they are posting from within Thailand.

And then there are those of us who are not posting from within Thailand.

Anyway, we are exercising free speech until such time as TVF following the Thai law, current government or political climate says otherwise. The junta don't want us to use the 'D word' and I am happy to comply. If they later say we are not to say the word 'propaganda' then I will also be happy to comply.

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"He insisted that citizens are guaranteed full freedom of expression within the legal framework."

​...while people who read 1984 in public and play the Marseillaise on their phone get arrested!

Is this true? Genuine question.

Check it out...



and how about this:


Eating sandwiches in public

Amnesty said that “sandwiches became symbolic of peaceful resistance at one point, leading state-run newspapers to warn people against eating sandwiches, and a senior police chief to say they are keeping a close eye on sandwich eaters.”

But 7 ELEVEN is still allowed to sell them...

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The idea that anyone in the US understands anything about Thailand is laughable. And look at all of us and the Thais trying make head or tail of where this all going. I am sure the US government is happy to have yet another dictatorship in place. Don't suppose they are happy with Thailand's relationships with Russia and China. Hope they don't decide that "regime change" is called for here!

Edited by laolover88
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The idea that anyone in the US understands anything about Thailand is laughable. And look at all of us and the Thais trying make head or tail of where this all going. I am sure the US government is happy to have yet another dictatorship in place. Don't suppose they are happy with Thailand's relationships with Russia and China. Hope they don't decide that "regime change" is called for here!

You might be a little bit right. the reason Thailand and its politics is hard to understand, is that observers tend to analyse it according to first world politics. Thai politics (and everything in Thailand) is anarchic, chaotic, lacking in disciplne. Thais behave like a set of individuals not as a society, and it's easy to understand why. They may look as if they are co-ordinated sometimes (eg when 4 Thais assault an elderly British couple), but they are hugely anarchic and quarrelsome.

Thai society is skin-deep. It revolves around uncivilised behaviours such as boasting, worshipping self-esteem (face) and social status. Its quite like more primitive animal societies in some ways.

Subtle it isn't, the Thai is not hard to understand, and this is where I differ from you. Thinking that 1st-world countries do not understand Thai society perfectly wqell, is a mistake, and itself the consequence of Thais thinking they are superior (and thus incomprehensible) to everyone else. The root cause of this is actually the actions of the USA, ironically, but we are not able to discuss that.

Never over-estimate what motivates Thais and lies behind the (sometimes rather odd) things that they do, it will only result in more puzzlement and confusion. Not all Thais of course, but by far the majority.


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The idea that anyone in the US understands anything about Thailand is laughable. And look at all of us and the Thais trying make head or tail of where this all going. I am sure the US government is happy to have yet another dictatorship in place. Don't suppose they are happy with Thailand's relationships with Russia and China. Hope they don't decide that "regime change" is called for here!

No, I'm afraid what is laughable is your assertion based on no evidence whatsoever that nobody in the US understands anything about a country they have enjoyed uninterrupted diplomatic relations with for decades. As for looking at all of us and the Thais trying make head or tail of where this all going, well, you speak for yourself, not the rest of us.
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I f***ing LOVE it when they make statements on behalf of other governments endorsing or praising LOS controversies or teaming up as bros! Spin that sh*t and the nation shall lap it up. *except TV members*

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The idea that anyone in the US understands anything about Thailand is laughable. And look at all of us and the Thais trying make head or tail of where this all going. I am sure the US government is happy to have yet another dictatorship in place. Don't suppose they are happy with Thailand's relationships with Russia and China. Hope they don't decide that "regime change" is called for here!

Well, if you have the opportunity to read the leaked U.S. embassy cables when you are outside Thailand, you will see that they are much better informed than you and me.

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Seriously? This group doesn't speak for Americans! I doubt anyone even knows who this guy is!

Not so important. This PM will leap out at and talk at passing strangers. Nobody of any consequence even wants to be near him, much less have talks with him. If you look carefully at the group photos of when he struts the world stage, you'll see that the body language of actually elected world leaders is very eloquent indeed.

I think he got some face time with the leaders of Mozambi

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Seriously? This group doesn't speak for Americans! I doubt anyone even knows who this guy is!

Not so important. This PM will leap out at and talk at passing strangers. Nobody of any consequence even wants to be near him, much less have talks with him. If you look carefully at the group photos of when he struts the world stage, you'll see that the body language of actually elected world leaders is very eloquent indeed.

I think he got some face time with the leaders of Mozambique and Swaziland though, and lectured them on the merits of sufficiency 'theory'. He probably also tried to sell rainmaking 'technology to them as well. God alone knows what they might have thought of Thailand...


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Seriously? This group doesn't speak for Americans! I doubt anyone even knows who this guy is!

Not so important. This PM will leap out at and talk at passing strangers. Nobody of any consequence even wants to be near him, much less have talks with him. If you look carefully at the group photos of when he struts the world stage, you'll see that the body language of actually elected world leaders is very eloquent indeed.

I think he got some face time with the leaders of Mozambique and Swaziland though, and lectured them on the merits of sufficiency 'theory'. He probably also tried to sell rainmaking 'technology to them as well. God alone knows what they might have thought of Thailand...


I believe during his NYC visit, on the way to the G77 leadership triumph, the PM also met with esteemed representatives of Fiji and Guinea.

So it really is a distinguished group of countries in the Thai orbit these days.

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Seriously? This group doesn't speak for Americans! I doubt anyone even knows who this guy is!

Not so important. This PM will leap out at and talk at passing strangers. Nobody of any consequence even wants to be near him, much less have talks with him. If you look carefully at the group photos of when he struts the world stage, you'll see that the body language of actually elected world leaders is very eloquent indeed.

I think he got some face time with the leaders of Mozambique and Swaziland though, and lectured them on the merits of sufficiency 'theory'. He probably also tried to sell rainmaking 'technology to them as well. God alone knows what they might have thought of Thailand...


I believe during his NYC visit, on the way to the G77 leadership triumph, the PM also met with esteemed representatives of Fiji and Guinea.

So it really is a distinguished group of countries in the Thai orbit these days.

Your attitude shown here is one reason why small countries tend to have little respect for the USA.

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