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Trump, Ryan, pledge to work together, see end to rift in GOP


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Trump, Ryan, pledge to work together, see end to rift in GOP

WASHINGTON (AP) — Straining to mend their party after months of chaos, Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan declared themselves "totally committed" to working together after a fence-mending personal meeting on Thursday. Ryan praised Trump as "very warm and genuine," and suggested that after initial hesitance he may well end up endorsing the GOP candidate for president.

"We will have policy disputes. There is no two ways about that. The question is, can we unify on the common core principles that make our party?" Ryan said. "And I'm very encouraged that the answer to that question is yes."

Trump, who used the day to launch a robust charm offensive with members of Congress, broadcast his own enthusiasm, on Twitter and on TV. "I really think we had a great meeting today, and I think we agree on a lot of things and it'll be a little process but it'll come along . I'm pretty sure," he said in an interview recorded for Fox News Channel's "Hannity."

The surprisingly fervent show of unity capped a remarkable week that began with Ryan, the GOP's top elected office-holder and its 2012 vice presidential nominee, turning his back on his party's presumptive presidential nominee just days after Trump had effectively clinched the nomination.

Ryan said at the time he was not yet ready to back Trump, who had succeeded in insulting women, Latinos, disabled people and many conservatives in the course of a brutal primary season. He also has alarmed the Republican establishment with proposals including deporting millions of immigrants and barring Muslims from the country.

Yet in the days since, many GOP lawmakers — and voters themselves — have made peace with the reality that Trump is their candidate and therefore their only hope of defeating likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Although some in the GOP fear Trump could spell election disaster and cost Republicans control of the Senate and seats in the House, recent polls have shown a closer race, helping their comfort level.

Ryan himself insisted from the beginning that his only goal was real party unity. His allies in the House have predicted he will get behind Trump in the end, and on Thursday Ryan sounded like he was well on his way.

"We talked about what it takes to unify, where our differences were and how we can bridge these gaps going forward," Ryan said, praising Trump's "unparalleled" accomplishment in getting more votes already than any Republican presidential candidate in history — 10.9 million even before California and New Jersey vote in June.

The two discussed "core principles" including limited government, the Constitution, separation of powers and pro-life philosophy, Ryan said.

Asked whether he would be endorsing Trump a week after his refusal to do so shocked the GOP, Ryan said: "Yeah, I think this is going in a positive direction. And I think this was a first, very encouraging meeting."

The two also issued a joint statement in which they pledged to work together to beat Clinton.

Trump, 69, and Ryan, 46, would make one of the oddest of political odd couples, one a brash and unpredictable billionaire with a malleable political philosophy and tendency to insult all comers, the other a wonky if telegenic Midwestern conservative dedicated to paring back entitlements and with a big-tent view of the GOP. Like many political partnerships this one would be driven by necessity and a common foe, Clinton, whose candidacy is proving a powerful incentive to Republicans of all kinds to bury their differences.

Trump also met with other House GOP leaders, as well as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his top deputies, and senators were later full of praise and offers of help.

Sen. John Cornyn said he invited Trump to come to Texas and offered to help him with Latino voters.

"I was fortunate enough to win the Hispanic vote in 2014. I said I'd be glad to share with you my experience and observations because that's an important part of the voters in 2016," Cornyn said.

"I've always been impressed but I was really impressed today," said Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, adding they discussed the Supreme Court, an important issue for conservatives who've questioned whether they can trust Trump to appoint judges who would ratify their philosophy.

Even Sen. Lindsey Graham, who has called Trump a "nut job" and a "loser as a person," softened his stance after speaking with the candidate by telephone Wednesday.

Graham, R-S.C., described the billionaire as funny and cordial and said he asked insightful questions about national security.

"He's from New York. He obviously can take a punch," said Graham, who waged his own unsuccessful bid for his party's nomination. He said he still won't endorse Trump but his barrage of "insults will stop."

Trump, in a black SUV, slipped from one GOP power center to another on his fence-mending mission made necessary by his outsider status in a city that embodies insiders.

About a dozen protesters who oppose Trump's immigration positions demonstrated at the front of the Republican National Committee building where the men met. They chanted "Down, down with deportation. Up, up with liberation."

The scene was similar outside Senate Republican campaign offices where Trump gathered later with McConnell and others. "The GOP is dead to our community," said Deyanira Aldana, 21, a protester who is the child of Hispanic immigrants. "And Donald Trump is the final nail in that coffin."


Associated Press writers Steve Peoples, Andrew Taylor, Richard Lardner, Alan Fram and Mary Clare Jalonick contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-13

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There's going to be a lot of egg on a lot of TV faces when Trump slaughters Clinton, and he will..... she's an out and out crook, evil as they come..... he's going to completely destroy her.

Is she as evil as the old woman chef who put ketchup on your fries instead of putting condiments on the side?

You get the picture? Not only do Trump fans refuse to watch HRC speeches (to see what she says and what she stands for), they're determined to try and paint her as the worst ogre in history - akin to Vlad The Impaler's wife who stood alongside him and kept shouting at her husband, "ram that sharpened stake up their bodies, Vlad. Don't worry if they're screaming in pain."

It reminds me of the little baby in his crib who's crying and fussing for his bottle, while squeezing his eyes shut. The bottle's nipple (solutions from the Democrats) is right in front of his contorted face, but he can't see it, so he continues wailing like his crib is on fire.

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Ryan better come around soon or he's toast.

Sarah Palin is already lined up a replacement for him in any regard.

Oh pleeeeese Republicans. Please put Palin in the Speaker's seat. 3rd in line for the presidency if both the prez and vp expire.

A woman who can't put a legible sentence together. Actually neither can Trump, but for different reasons. Trump can't make himself clear because he studied talking from 2nd rate mafia chumps in NYC (those were his heroes while he was trying to grow up, though he never did, and suffers from arrested development syndrome). Palin thinks she's being poetic in her speeches but sounds like a reject from the Betty Ford center who ran away and only had $3 in her pocket to get whatever street drug was available for that price. Palin is to speeches, what a howling dog is to Shakespeare.

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Trump to Ryan: You self -serving, do nothing bunch of

Overpaid as..oles...Can't you see the writing on the

Wall? The only reason I am here is because the

American Taxpayers are sick of all your Bulls..t.

I want to clean house and get America back on

Track...Eat Sh.., and get to work or you're all out

Of here!!!

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There's going to be a lot of egg on a lot of TV faces when Trump slaughters Clinton, and he will..... she's an out and out crook, evil as they come..... he's going to completely destroy her.

You get the picture? Not only do Trump fans refuse to watch HRC speeches (to see what she says and what she stands for)...

Goldman Sachs didn't invite us ?

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There's going to be a lot of egg on a lot of TV faces when Trump slaughters Clinton, and he will..... she's an out and out crook, evil as they come..... he's going to completely destroy her.

That's his cousin you are talking about, albeit distant cousin.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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There's going to be a lot of egg on a lot of TV faces when Trump slaughters Clinton, and he will..... she's an out and out crook, evil as they come..... he's going to completely destroy her.

Is she as evil as the old woman chef who put ketchup on your fries instead of putting condiments on the side?

You get the picture? Not only do Trump fans refuse to watch HRC speeches (to see what she says and what she stands for), they're determined to try and paint her as the worst ogre in history - akin to Vlad The Impaler's wife who stood alongside him and kept shouting at her husband, "ram that sharpened stake up their bodies, Vlad. Don't worry if they're screaming in pain."

It reminds me of the little baby in his crib who's crying and fussing for his bottle, while squeezing his eyes shut. The bottle's nipple (solutions from the Democrats) is right in front of his contorted face, but he can't see it, so he continues wailing like his crib is on fire.

What on earth are you smoking?

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There's going to be a lot of egg on a lot of TV faces when Trump slaughters Clinton, and he will..... she's an out and out crook, evil as they come..... he's going to completely destroy her.

Is she as evil as the old woman chef who put ketchup on your fries instead of putting condiments on the side?

You get the picture? Not only do Trump fans refuse to watch HRC speeches (to see what she says and what she stands for), they're determined to try and paint her as the worst ogre in history - akin to Vlad The Impaler's wife who stood alongside him and kept shouting at her husband, "ram that sharpened stake up their bodies, Vlad. Don't worry if they're screaming in pain."

It reminds me of the little baby in his crib who's crying and fussing for his bottle, while squeezing his eyes shut. The bottle's nipple (solutions from the Democrats) is right in front of his contorted face, but he can't see it, so he continues wailing like his crib is on fire.

What on earth are you smoking?

I don't smoke anything. I don't even live near an urban region, so the air I breathe is relatively clean. I eat healthy also, no MSG, no red meat, mostly salads, ......anything else you'd like to know about me?

But my point is proven: no Trump fan has watched Clintons' recent speeches in their entirety. They get the most negative fixation (usually from something she may have said 25 yrs ago) and steadfastly stick with it. I've watched Clinton and Trump speeches, so I at least know what I'm talking about.

Trump fans not knowing about Trump's competitor would also explain why they can't discuss issues. Trump fans latch onto one negative character trait, blow it up to the size of the Goodyear Blimp, and that's all they ever want to know about that one person. Trump fans know they're flummoxed if challenged to talk issues, because Trump himself flip-flops and obfuscates like a guy who sneaks into Medical school the week before final exam, and belatedly realizes he has to take an oral exam to get a diploma.

It's like trying discuss Climate Change with a person who doesn't want to know anything about glaciers, because that sort of knowledge would prove the world is warming.

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Well, well, well.

The flip-flopping Bloviator groveling and willingly getting sucked into the vortex of the "establishment" that he and his lemmings so despise.


The neutering process of the "outsider" has begun... thumbsup.gif

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"I don't smoke anything. I don't even live near an urban region, so the air I breathe is relatively clean. I eat healthy also, no MSG, no red meat, mostly salads..."

But Boomer you look terrible in your photo, what happened? biggrin.png


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Trump to Ryan: You self -serving, do nothing bunch of

Overpaid as..oles...Can't you see the writing on the

Wall? The only reason I am here is because the

American Taxpayers are sick of all your Bulls..t.

I want to clean house and get America back on

Track...Eat Sh.., and get to work or you're all out

Of here!!!

So, if Trump wins ( and he won't ) he will be the first President in the history of the country to have the power to decide who is in congress and the house and the power to kick out those he doesn't care for?

It sound like you know as little about how the government functions than Trump does......

.and he knows nothing about it.

Now shall we discuss building a wall on the Mexican border when net immigration from Mexico has been zero since the GOP and Bush destroyed the economy?

Facts..they do make a difference!

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"I don't smoke anything. I don't even live near an urban region, so the air I breathe is relatively clean. I eat healthy also, no MSG, no red meat, mostly salads..."

But Boomer you look terrible in your photo, what happened? biggrin.png


That's a tiny jumping spider and I think she looks great. She sees a lot more than you or I, with all those eyes.

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Well, well, well.

The flip-flopping Bloviator groveling and willingly getting sucked into the vortex of the "establishment" that he and his lemmings so despise.


The neutering process of the "outsider" has begun... thumbsup.gif

Trump is now hiring Goldman Sachs execs to try and raise over a billion dollars for his campaign. He's breaking at least 2 of his Golden Rules right there. But as Trump said himself (one of his few truthful statements): his fan base are so excited that there's nothing he can do or say which will alienate them. He can switch policy positions each day, and they'll continue to cheer as his gold-plated motorcade glides by.

Ryan has high aspirations so he can't be seen to be too chummy with a guy like Trump.

Trump is toxic.

Ryan has a few synapses popping re; personal moral code, but he'll set those aside in a beltway minute. He will support Trump. There's no doubt about it. He's just angling for Trump to soften his rough corners a bit. It's not about moral standards, it's about trying to keep the Republicans from getting tsunamied in November. He can see the pie charts (and read the poll numbers) as easily as any of us on Thai visa. He knows Trump is heading for Loserville, but Ryan is just as worried about losing a bunch of Republican congressional seats in the process. It don't envy Ryan's predicament. He wants to salvage some Republican credibility, but their candidate is a complete dufus, and dangerous to boot.

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There's going to be a lot of egg on a lot of TV faces when Trump slaughters Clinton, and he will..... she's an out and out crook, evil as they come..... he's going to completely destroy her.

Is she as evil as the old woman chef who put ketchup on your fries instead of putting condiments on the side?

You get the picture? Not only do Trump fans refuse to watch HRC speeches (to see what she says and what she stands for), they're determined to try and paint her as the worst ogre in history - akin to Vlad The Impaler's wife who stood alongside him and kept shouting at her husband, "ram that sharpened stake up their bodies, Vlad. Don't worry if they're screaming in pain."

It reminds me of the little baby in his crib who's crying and fussing for his bottle, while squeezing his eyes shut. The bottle's nipple (solutions from the Democrats) is right in front of his contorted face, but he can't see it, so he continues wailing like his crib is on fire.

What on earth are you smoking?

I don't smoke anything. I don't even live near an urban region, so the air I breathe is relatively clean. I eat healthy also, no MSG, no red meat, mostly salads, ......anything else you'd like to know about me?

But my point is proven: no Trump fan has watched Clintons' recent speeches in their entirety. They get the most negative fixation (usually from something she may have said 25 yrs ago) and steadfastly stick with it. I've watched Clinton and Trump speeches, so I at least know what I'm talking about.

Trump fans not knowing about Trump's competitor would also explain why they can't discuss issues. Trump fans latch onto one negative character trait, blow it up to the size of the Goodyear Blimp, and that's all they ever want to know about that one person. Trump fans know they're flummoxed if challenged to talk issues, because Trump himself flip-flops and obfuscates like a guy who sneaks into Medical school the week before final exam, and belatedly realizes he has to take an oral exam to get a diploma.

It's like trying discuss Climate Change with a person who doesn't want to know anything about glaciers, because that sort of knowledge would prove the world is warming.

I do watch HRC speeches and she's a lying evil woman in my opinion, but hey you clearly know me and everybody else better than I do and obviously have more time than me to spend on this so good luck.

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Donald Trump trying to help unify the GOP. The great divider, working on unification. He could not unify anything, if his last breath depended on it. It is just not who he is. He is a divider, and destroyer, and a charlatan. Never has this country seen anyone less qualified to lead it. And I am including Blundering Barry in that statement. He is a fraud, and has little in the way of business acumen. He is a Barnum and Bailey type promoter. That is his great skill. There is nothing unifying in that skill set. He is chump.

As far as Ryan goes, one could have guessed this. His level of integrity is about the same as Bernie Madoff.

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Why do Republican politicians have such a hard time telling the truth?

Ryan doesn't like Trump or Trump's stances on most things. He can't come out, like his former running mate Romney, and say so.

So, instead Ryan puts himself in a Twilight Zone of , "Well, I'd like to support Trump, but it's not quite the right time, so let me think about it. Don't get me wrong, Trump is great, but I just have to waffle for awhile longer, in order to gain more influence."

What Ryan would say if he was straightforward and honest: "Trump is a buffoon and November is shaping up to be a giant skullfuk for the Republican party. My main job is to try to keep the Republican party from looking like a sinking ship of losers. You and I know I will have to support Trump, because I have no other choice, but it's a colossal pain in the donkey's ass to have to stand behind such a screw-up as The Divider, uhhh, I mean The Donald."

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Ok, from reading the responses, I feel it's my duty to highlight a paraphrase from the story many of you seemed to have missed: "...Trump's "unparalleled" accomplishment in getting more votes already than any Republican presidential candidate in history — 10.9 million even before California and New Jersey vote in June."

And this was done thumbing his nose and waving his "big hands" at the entire DC based, politically correct establishment, Dems and Reps alike.

Come November, your celebratory dinner will be Crow Flambee with Humble Pie ala mode'. So many people on here with their minds set in cement. thumbsup.gif wai2.gif

Might be time for a refresher; Repeat after me; "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Carry on biggrin.png

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How dumb is he ? Dumb Donald is so dumb ... that he is changing his platform to align with the republican platform. Ryan is slowly pulling him into their circle and Trump is happy to go as he only cares about winning. He also will be happy to get their money and that of big business. Hahaha... His supporters should be hiding their heads as one of his major campaign pledges was to self support so no one could buy him. This guy is as stupid as they come... Dumb Donald !!!

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How dumb is he ? Dumb Donald is so dumb ... that he is changing his platform to align with the republican platform. Ryan is slowly pulling him into their circle and Trump is happy to go as he only cares about winning. He also will be happy to get their money and that of big business. Hahaha... His supporters should be hiding their heads as one of his major campaign pledges was to self support so no one could buy him. This guy is as stupid as they come... Dumb Donald !!!

Not so fast, speedy.

Trump is a one man/funded show up to his official nomination at the convention. After then, it becomes a Republican Show....and will also involve a running mate.

With information confirming the Democrats will be helping Hillary raise money (100 million or more). Trump is only doing the same.

The one man show is pretty much over. It's a new ballgame...and yes...he is on the Republican Ticket. Republicans will be helping with fundraisers.

Not such a big surprise...and doesn't mean he "lied" at all.

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