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Is 'dual pricing' on the increase


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Why do people leave without saying anything? That can be open to any kind of interpretation by the retailer/supplier. All it needs is a "paeng". give them a dirty look or resigned look if you want to imply dual charging but as others have said it may not be a dual pricing issue at all - simply a little bit of overcharging that might also be applied to Thais.

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Having lived in four foreign countries as an expat and traveled to 45 countries, it has been my experience there is dual pricing most foreign countries.

There should be!

Most citizens in foreign countries that tourists and many expats come in contact with did not have the same money making opportunities. Woman in Thailand

over 25 have difficulty getting jobs competing with younger women. When many reach 40, it's very difficult for them to earn money. The elderly depend upon family members for financial security, primarily their daughters.

The dual price system is increasing with the loss of Thai jobs, food inflation, currency exchange rates, increased taxes, and more tourists spending less money and spending less time in the country.

Without dual pricing many citizens and elders would be homeless, hungry or be forced to crime.

Be thankful for the dual pricing and it's better not to even talk about it. Just be thankful what you have and the more money you spend, the power of money dictates it will come back to you in the future. Feel good about it as you are proving a gift to feed the needy, help with rents, medical expenses, and social security for the elderly, school uniforms and much more.

The land of smiles are not smiling as back in the day.

Be calm and show empathy.coffee1.gif

Complete and utter nonsense

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Nothing you can do about it, if you think they are charging you more walk away, their loss at the end of the day

I don't even bother saying anything if I think I am being dual charged, just walk off, I remember a incident years ago where a brush salesman came outside my house whilst I was in the garden, I asked him how much for a brush, he said 100 Baht, (30-40 in the Shopping Mall) I didn't say a word to him and walked in the house, when I came out 10 minutes later he was still stood there laugh.png

There are things I have seen on the markets that I would like to buy but never do, I really can't be bothered with all the haggling, I just shop at places where the price is clearly shown

As for hairdressers the one I go to charges me the price shown in Thai on the list,

I really don't class it as racism, Thais try to rip each other off as much as they do Farangs

I agree with you - it is most certainly NOT racialism, it is simple grees. Unfortunately it is common not only in Thailand, but in most other tourists centres. Take Manhattan main Stree - 6th Ave.- with all the tourists stores, where the prices are 3 to 4 fold of the normal prices. Here in Thailand, each Farang is considered a tourist and hence the

situation, which looks like racism.

Agree with you, its not racism ! Its trying to earn more money as they can, from tourism... Its all over Europe, i got stung 15 euros for a shot of espresso in Rome, tourist price !! Visited a food stall in Egypt, alone, then with a friend, paid less than half the second visit.. Life as tourist.. A mate was conned in London as well......

And how much the italians pay? Same price? So it's not racism it's only a expensive place!!!

But some people are to stupid to see a different!!!

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The OP has got it spot on, myself and some mates went down to Pattaya last week, and decided to go to this theme park about 20 Ks away. There was a notice board

telling you what was on and had a set price for each thing depending on what you wanted to see, no mention of any dual pricing.

When we went to pay, we were told that as Farangs we would have to pay more, I refused, but as my mates had children with them, they just paid the extra.

I know some posters will say they are entitled to use dual pricing, and may have a point, as some Thais pay tax etc. But for Farangs who actually live in Thailand,

we are also contributing to the Thai economy, and If we can prove this, ie work permit, Thai driving licence, yellow book, we should not be discriminated against in this way.

But hey, we are "guests" here, are we not?

No we are not guests. I didn't come here by invitation

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Having lived in four foreign countries as an expat and traveled to 45 countries, it has been my experience there is dual pricing most foreign countries.

There should be!

Most citizens in foreign countries that tourists and many expats come in contact with did not have the same money making opportunities. Woman in Thailand

over 25 have difficulty getting jobs competing with younger women. When many reach 40, it's very difficult for them to earn money. The elderly depend upon family members for financial security, primarily their daughters.

The dual price system is increasing with the loss of Thai jobs, food inflation, currency exchange rates, increased taxes, and more tourists spending less money and spending less time in the country.

Without dual pricing many citizens and elders would be homeless, hungry or be forced to crime.

Be thankful for the dual pricing and it's better not to even talk about it. Just be thankful what you have and the more money you spend, the power of money dictates it will come back to you in the future. Feel good about it as you are proving a gift to feed the needy, help with rents, medical expenses, and social security for the elderly, school uniforms and much more.

The land of smiles are not smiling as back in the day.

Be calm and show empathy.coffee1.gif

Congrats u win "biggest load of crap ever" postthumbsup.gif

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I don't understand people getting upset

Over a duel price for the poor workers

And the wealthy foreigners.

What about rich Thai people and poor foreigners?

Your stance (and that of others with the same point of view) is ludicrous. Dual pricing isn't based upon wealth, but upon the colour of one's face, and that is straightforward, out and utter racism.

Your stance is ludicrous also, as I stated in one of my above posts Thais try to rip Thais off also so what is that classed as?

It is not racism at all, it is simply Thais trying to get more money because they think you have more money then them

The word Racism is banded about far to often, usually by people with a chip on their shoulder about the colour of their skin

and all those whitening creams???

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Absolute madness.......but for this Gym....no problem.

Oh...i seem to heard they went bankrupt....a new sporting business is rising up.....

lets wait and see.


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Absolute madness.......but for this Gym....no problem.

Oh...i seem to heard they went bankrupt....a new sporting business is rising up.....

lets wait and see.

That's awful. They didn't even use Thai script for the numbers for Thais.

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Absolute madness.......but for this Gym....no problem.

Oh...i seem to heard they went bankrupt....a new sporting business is rising up.....

lets wait and see.

Name and shame this fine gym please.

(At least they wrote 'thanks')

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Stupid reply...racist??? If you

Are fortunate to have 10X the

Income in retirement that the locals

Are making working 6 days a week

Why complain if you pay 10-15%

More for something....Stop being

So freaken cheap!!

There are many many Thais whose income is far greater than mine. They should be paying more than me.

Stop being so freaken stupid.

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Having lived in four foreign countries as an expat and traveled to 45 countries, it has been my experience there is dual pricing most foreign countries.

There should be!

Most citizens in foreign countries that tourists and many expats come in contact with did not have the same money making opportunities. Woman in Thailand

over 25 have difficulty getting jobs competing with younger women. When many reach 40, it's very difficult for them to earn money. The elderly depend upon family members for financial security, primarily their daughters.

The dual price system is increasing with the loss of Thai jobs, food inflation, currency exchange rates, increased taxes, and more tourists spending less money and spending less time in the country.

Without dual pricing many citizens and elders would be homeless, hungry or be forced to crime.

Be thankful for the dual pricing and it's better not to even talk about it. Just be thankful what you have and the more money you spend, the power of money dictates it will come back to you in the future. Feel good about it as you are proving a gift to feed the needy, help with rents, medical expenses, and social security for the elderly, school uniforms and much more.

The land of smiles are not smiling as back in the day.

Be calm and show empathy.coffee1.gif

Whilst I do not worry or care too much about the occasional couple of Bts I sometimes have to pay for things,your analogy about me helping to fund the local income for poor people quite honestly is a load of hogwash.I am dam sure my little extra does not go on the needs of their school kids,their Rent,medical expenses,social security or even a little more rice in their bowl. I see many "poor" people in the villages wasting money on rubbishy items and their kids doing the same.There is a government voted in to take care of things like that but these so called poor people are the same ones who sit at home and winge but do not vote------ they tell me it's all rigged anyway------ and even if they had more money they could and would just waste more,as they(most of them) cannot handle money and do not know how to budget. Just as an example,the man selling some goods must realise that if he sells them all he will have a certain amount,and that amount has to cover his family's expenses.If he works that one out,and finds that it doesn;t and by adding one Bt to all items it will,then that equates to everyone helping him, and not just the "rich falang". Lastly I would say that I had a quizzical laugh at your line-----"the power of money dictates it will come back to you in the future"------clap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif -------- It would be helpful if you could elaborate on that.

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Jealous Farangs, who probably boozed their

Money away, now upset because Thais make

More money then them....Jealous and cheap!!

I doubt any Farangs are jealous of Thais and only a few Thais could make the same as what even a low earner Farang can make in his/her own country

Still if it makes you happy thinking Farangs are jealous of Thais.....

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Jealous Farangs, who probably boozed their

Money away, now upset because Thais make

More money then them....Jealous and cheap!!

Not jealous and not stupid. Drink little and treat all as equals and expect to be treated the same.

I also do not hide from a poster by NOT quoting. That is rude.

Dual pricing is quite simply PURE GREED and has no place in a modern society.

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Dual pricing doesn't bother me, as long as it's within reason. I'm a farang; I'm rich compared to most Thais. A 20-30% markup on some things doesn't bother me. But a 100% or more markup? Nope, not gonna accept that.

I have to say, though: a respectful attitude and solid command of Thai goes a LONG way. I almost never get charged more than the locals for most things. And if it's an establishment with posted "farang prices"? I'll just (SILENTLY--this is important, no "well, you'll be getting none of my business, sir or madam!" posturing) take my business elsewhere. Example: I would never get a massage in a shop oriented toward farang tourists that charges 300 baht an hour or some similar ridiculous price. I'll go to a place that charges the correct price of 200-300 bath for two hours. Simple.

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Stupid reply...racist??? If you

Are fortunate to have 10X the

Income in retirement that the locals

Are making working 6 days a week

Why complain if you pay 10-15%

More for something....Stop being

So freaken cheap!!

And do rich people in America or UK or wherever get charged more when they use local shops????? (possibly! maybe they just don't realise it)...

By your logic we should start charging rich Chinese tourists in Europe more. Imagine the uproar....

I work in Thailand and pay more tax than most Thai people. Why should I be discriminated against because of the colour of my skin? I'm not cheap.I'm principled.

And don't tell me to leave if I'm not happy. I am happy here but I'm entitled to complain about discrimination and injustice.

Also, I live in the city centre and there are a lot of Thai people earning a lot more than I am. There's a lot more wealth in this country than people realise. Thai people don't spend money on big houses. They buy gold and cars etc instead. Dont assume that all the people selling stuff on the streets or in small shops are poor. A lot of them are wealthier than you are... Because people like you assume, that they are poor... I was once friends with a noodles stall owner who made more than 100,000 baht a month. He had a great location and great noodles though...

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i employ my own form of dual pricing by always leaving a small tip, 20 or 40thb. is worth it to see the look of surprise from the guy who filled up my pickup at the gas station. stuff is so cheap here paying an extra dollar here or there dose not make much difference. having a thai drivers licence and speaking a few words of thai normally gets around the double pricing thing. i was just in new zealand where the topic of making national parks more expensive for tourists came up. i doubt it will happen but it was still being discussed.

It's not a look of surprise, it'a look of shock that somebody tipped them, Thais don't tip them so why do you? By doing this you are adding to the problem

I always leave a 100 bhat tip when I eat a "breakfast included" at a hotel. The second day when I walk in, they have my coffee ready (the way I like it) and they remember how I like my eggs. You pay for good service. I know this makes some people angry. Years ago, when I worked in restaurants, there was a saying: "if you can't afford the tip, you can't afford the service".

Tipping at a breakfast buffet included in the price is inappropriate behaviour. This behaviour reinforces the perception that all farang are rich fools and is, to be honest, embarrassing behaviour. A Thai person would never tip in such a manner...

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I was disgusted when I found out KFC have dual pricing for Thai/Falang on thier home delivery service here.

I have not and shall not ever eat there again.

All the wonderful food here and you eat KFC? I met a pommie bloke once in a restaurant here that ordered egg and chips - said it tasted just like home. Strange fruit indeed.

Are you suggesting that just because we live in Thailand we have to eat Thai food every day? Rather strange if you are.

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dula pricing is CLEAR RACISM! thailand is not poor country . just they dont give poor people money or care. and overpopulated land also not help to kvality of life.. but its problem whole asia.

nobody like this in TH years . and they want increase ??

How is Thailand overpopulated? Similar population to the United Kingdom, which is half the size of Thailand and not generally considered to be overpopulated as far as I'm aware?

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What poor foreigners?? To retire here

You're supposed to have B65K per

Month. I seldom suspend more than

That and live well.

Is that right? If they feel that is the amount required to live in Thailand then why do Thai government schools only pay half that amount to English teachers?

Oh yeah forgot greed again.

because you have have too many unqualified people wanting to stay in Thailand and ready to accept a low salary.

I feel bad for all the teachers, just glad I didnt go down that path.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My local hair dresser charges 100thb/cut. I pay her 70 as I don't need all the blah included in that price... My haircut takes her 10 minutes. A Thai guy takes her 30 minutes. I love this country and the flexibility of fairs/prices. 555

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't say dual pricing is on the increase, with the possible exception of some tourist attractions. For example, Chiang Mai life is reporting that one particular local temple will start charging "tourists" 40 Baht but not locals. We all know what that means - "locals" means Thais and possibly anyone who can pass as Thai or can negotiate their way in for free, while "tourists" means foreigners, including expats (except those with Thai driver's licences/good negotiating skills and ability to speak Thai). The white temple in Chiang Rai, as reported here a few months back will also start charging foreigners.

However, if you are being ripped off at a hairdresser you need to ditch the mom and pop stores and start visiting shopping centre salons. Only local mom and pop stores engage in these rip off tactics, so by giving your money to corporations rather than individual enterprises you have no chance of being charged more than a local. This also means going to 7-11 rather than the neighborhood convenience store.

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i employ my own form of dual pricing by always leaving a small tip, 20 or 40thb. is worth it to see the look of surprise from the guy who filled up my pickup at the gas station. stuff is so cheap here paying an extra dollar here or there dose not make much difference. having a thai drivers licence and speaking a few words of thai normally gets around the double pricing thing. i was just in new zealand where the topic of making national parks more expensive for tourists came up. i doubt it will happen but it was still being discussed.

It's not a look of surprise, it'a look of shock that somebody tipped them, Thais don't tip them so why do you? By doing this you are adding to the problem

I always leave a 100 bhat tip when I eat a "breakfast included" at a hotel. The second day when I walk in, they have my coffee ready (the way I like it) and they remember how I like my eggs. You pay for good service. I know this makes some people angry. Years ago, when I worked in restaurants, there was a saying: "if you can't afford the tip, you can't afford the service".

Tipping at a breakfast buffet included in the price is inappropriate behaviour. This behaviour reinforces the perception that all farang are rich fools and is, to be honest, embarrassing behaviour. A Thai person would never tip in such a manner...


Tipping at a breakfast buffet is ridiculous and makes the farang (usually an American) look silly. Tipping is north American culture. It's completely bizarre to do it here. The breakfast staff won't remember you - nor the way you want your eggs served. Most likely there'll be a different person frying up eggs the next morning and if you can't speak Thai they probably won't understand what you want anyway unless it's "omelette". The only thing they'll remember about you, Jeffpk is you were the fool who paid money for a free breakfast (which, unless it was at a 4 or 5 star international standard hotel probably wasn't very good anyway) and maybe if they're having a bit of fun, they might make a sneaky comment about the size of your nose, as many Thais like to do.

It always makes me chuckle when I see some fat middle aged or elderly farang who wais every Thai hospitality worker including cleaners and throws around tips like it's water. No wonder Thais then expect all farang to act the same way and are then surprised when they don't get a tip from everyone.

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