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Patong bar with good listening music with no bar girl hassels


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I will be in Patong next week, and I like drink beer and listen to good R&B music (no Rap or Electric) without all the bar girl hassles. Any places in the area you guys recommend?

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Most of the bars in Patong with music don't really have "bar girl hassles" as long as you don't start buying lady drinks. You should have no hassle at the larger live music bars on Bangla Rd (NY Live, Monsoon and Tao). In the smaller bars, just saying that you want to have a beer and listen to music usually shuts down any unwanted attention for the evening with no hard feelings.

The bigger issue is that it's going to be difficult to find R&B music in Patong. Yes, many of the bands may occasionally play an R&B tune or two during their set, but they'll be few and far between, interspersed among typically "urban pop" music, sometimes with a little classic rock thrown in now and then.

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Just tell the first bar girl that, in no way, you are going to buy any lady drinks, or pay any bar fine, and she will be away quicker than Usain Bolt.

When you order your next drink, don't expect top class service.

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I am just as guilty as the next guy, and spent some time in "buy me drinkee" bars....without buying drinks. It was my idea that I could go in, and all the ladies would just want to talk to me anyway. Well, it didn't take long for me to figure out that the girls were not that generous with their good will. Much better to go to a place where customers are both female, and male. I had much more pleasant experiences.

In other words...why go into a "buy me drinkee bar" to sit at a table by yourself, when there are very nice alternatives. Girlie bar girls are there to make money....I don't want to take up a table and their time, and I find those places are very superficial (no kidding).

Give me a lively mix of guys and girls, a friendly atmosphere, great music... A place where I don't have to stick out like a sore thumb, as the "sticky" guy who won't play with the bargirls.

Edited by slipperylobster
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