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Bashing, or actually knowledgeable on the subject?

As this guy lives in northern Thailand I doubt he has been down to the site to measure the length and width of the damaged area, so his opinion cannot be considered particularly knowledgeable.

So what if I do live in north easternThailand, at least I now where Loei is and it ain' in northern Thailand. You want to bag me and you can't even get your locations right. Good start. So what has where I live go to do with my ability to do a little research and being able to discover (with photos) that the damaged section of roadway is approximately 600 metres long, and at least 4 metres wide. And no, I haven't been there, do you really think there is a need for this insert, or is it just an attempt by yourself to suggest I am talking through my hat.

With the knowledge I gained, by reading, (something you should do) I spoke to a family member, who works for the Highways Department in a certain province, and given that the mayor indicated that the road is to be repaired with reinforced concrete, to allow for movement of heavy vehilces, he advised me, that if the repairs were carried out to the specifications required then the cost would exceed that indicated. He never quoted an actual figure, nor did I, as we do not know the actual specifics.

Given I was able to find photographs and note certain measurements, and then speak to someone who is far more knowledeable than me, then what I wrote, I believe, is reasonable given the circumstances. So despite your little quip, I would say that what I wrote is more knowledgeable than your effort. So please, before shooting from the hip, be able to back up what you proffer with someting sound, not just an ill infromed response in you attempt to discredit someone and garner likes..

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I don't know what game you are talking about, but seeing as your water guy is in the know, I figured you would be too. I'm trying to ascertain which side of this argument is taking the piss, those that say it costs a lot more to fix the road than the 400K, or those that say this will cover the costs. If we knew the dimensions of the repair, we would then know how many sqm we are talking about and come to a price per sqm. No games, just facts and figures. Is the road length, 20 metres, 100 metres, 500 metres and what is the width?

I haven't mentioned my water guy on this thread, I think your confusing my post with LIKs. My water guy is a local village man with a small tanker and I think he fills up from a local deep well.

I agree with your thoughts that you would need to know the dimensions and amount of damage to make an estimate to fix it.

That was my point.

The other guy doesn't know either, but wanted to dispute the costs given by the people on the ground.. You supported him.

Like I said before, you should learn to read before going to print. What costs have been given by people on the ground. None, as they are only referring to a donation, so what costs am I disputing? Show me where they have actually gone in and planned the repairs, surveyed ther road and have come up with the actual costings. I sure the hell can't and I don't believe you can either.


I don't know what game you are talking about, but seeing as your water guy is in the know, I figured you would be too. I'm trying to ascertain which side of this argument is taking the piss, those that say it costs a lot more to fix the road than the 400K, or those that say this will cover the costs. If we knew the dimensions of the repair, we would then know how many sqm we are talking about and come to a price per sqm. No games, just facts and figures. Is the road length, 20 metres, 100 metres, 500 metres and what is the width?

Sorry but I am not the P out of anyone, just read the story, saw some pictures, spoke to a family member, and then put my two bob's worth in. Poor Old Croc and his mate, whenever any one has a differing opinion, they get on their attack horse, shoot from the hip but forget to load their gun, (No facts, no research, do not read) Cannot proffer an argument with these factors missing).


My deepest apologies for describing your location as northern Thailand. I was, of course, talking geographically, and not using the correct terminology to describe the various general regions of the country. Loei is on the Mekong River in the north of the country. I know very well where the province is because my wife comes from Dan Sai. A bit pathetic that you used this as your major personal attack against me.

Good to see you subsequently did a bit of reading to calculate the length of the damage? I am particularly interested to find out how you came to decide that the area to be repaired is 600 metres long. Presumably you are talking about the damaged section and not just measuring the whole road as you found it on Google. I would particularly like to see the photos you described.

You have a family member who works on the roads! Perhaps I knew him when I wielded a shovel behind the hot mix truck!

Did you actually do this research before I posted my doubts about your distant opinion on the damage to this small road in far off Phuket, Southern Thailand? If so, could you please explain to interested readers why you would go to such lengths to calculate these costings? Slow day in the North-EAST?

I doubted your opinion on the matter, in this opinion discussion forum, I didn't personally attack you.


Incidentally, the people on the ground, who decided the cost of repairs of the road, were the Mayor and the company causing the damage. They agreed 400,000 would cover it. It was not an under the table, brown envelope payment because such things are not openly discussed in the press.

If the Mayor has committe​d to doing repairs at that price, I tend to think it will be done despite protestations from an "expert" at the other end of the country.

And please, could you all just read the posts properly. I didn't talk to any water truck delivery driver about this matter, LivinginKata did!

Perhaps our man in the north-east should read this update:



More personal attacks and replies have been removed, please do not make us come here again to remove inflammatory posts.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

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