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Thai delegate reviews UPR Working Group's 2nd Cycle report on Thailand


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Thai delegate reviews UPR Working Group's 2nd Cycle report on Thailand

BANGKOK, 16 May 2016 (NNT) - Thailand has reviewed a report on human rights recommendations as part of the 25th session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group in Geneva, Switzerland, with more suggestions adopted than the previous session.

The Thai delegation led by Mr. Charnchao Chaiyanukij, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, attended an adoption of the UPR Working Group report on the review of Thailand (2nd Cycle) during the 25th Session of the UPR Working Group in Geneva, Switzerland.

In his statement after the report's adoption, the Permanent Secretary expressed his appreciation of the opinions, recommendations and encouragement made by other countries to support Thailand’s efforts in advancing human rights. He also noted that Thailand's Second Cycle Review had been conducted in a constructive and equal manner. He believed that several recommendations are in line with the principles that Thailand upholds and the policy direction of the government.

Of the 249 recommendations received, 181 or 72.69 per cent were immediately supported by the Thai delegation, as compared to 58.24 per cent in the first cycle. The recommendations include steps to ratify the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (ICPPED) and Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT); improving human rights infrastructure and measures; strengthening human rights protection of women, children and persons with disabilities; enhancing rights to education, healthcare and safe working conditions; and support for inclusive participation and freedom of expression.

The delegation will bring back the 68 remaining recommendations to Thailand for further deliberation with relevant agencies before seeking the Cabinet’s approval. Thailand will inform whether it will support the additional recommendations during the next session of the Human Rights Council, which is scheduled for September 2016.

In addition to the accepted recommendations, Thailand made several voluntary pledges to further improve and protect human rights in the country, aligning domestic legislations with its international obligations and recommendations by the treaty bodies.

The government will also work closely with civil society, the business sector and other countries in order to implement the accepted recommendations. The voluntary pledges will be included in the final report to be adopted at the 33th Session of the Human Rights Council in September.

UPR is a process under the United Nations Human Rights Council that allows members states of the United Nations to exchange views and make recommendations on human rights principles in a constructive and equal manner to members states. Thailand is scheduled to present its National UPR report for the Third Cycle in 2020. In addition, the Kingdom must also submit a voluntary midterm review in 2018.

-- NNT 2016-05-16 footer_n.gif

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Australia took them to task about the stripping of free speach, gagging of the media, the expulsion of internation media, the refusal to allow outside observations, the abuse of the computer crimes act, the defamation laws and the leste majeste. How these laws are being used for personal reasons and to silence critics. The following day the junta issues a press release in the "Thai" media on how the international community supports Prayuth and his junta in the way they are operating.

Hello McFly, anybody home? These numbnuts want a seat on the U.N and think they deserve it.


Edited by Thechook
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Australia took them to task about the stripping of free speach, gagging of the media, the expulsion of internation media, the refusal to allow outside observations, the abuse of the computer crimes act, the defamation laws and the leste majeste. How these laws are being used for personal reasons and to silence critics. The following day the junta issues a press release in the "Thai" media on how the international community supports Prayuth and his junta in the way they are operating.

Hello McFly, anybody home? These numbnuts want a seat on the U.N and think they deserve it.

Did anyone take Australia to task for their appalling treatment of migrants at camps they built; on the alleged and never denied paying of people smugglers to illegally traffic boat people away from Australia, and the continued abuse and denial of rights for the Aboriginal peoples whose land, children and way of life was stolen?

Australia, fast becoming one of the most hypocritical of the non significant wannabee nations out there.

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Australia took them to task about the stripping of free speach, gagging of the media, the expulsion of internation media, the refusal to allow outside observations, the abuse of the computer crimes act, the defamation laws and the leste majeste. How these laws are being used for personal reasons and to silence critics. The following day the junta issues a press release in the "Thai" media on how the international community supports Prayuth and his junta in the way they are operating.

Hello McFly, anybody home? These numbnuts want a seat on the U.N and think they deserve it.

Did anyone take Australia to task for their appalling treatment of migrants at camps they built; on the alleged and never denied paying of people smugglers to illegally traffic boat people away from Australia, and the continued abuse and denial of rights for the Aboriginal peoples whose land, children and way of life was stolen?

Australia, fast becoming one of the most hypocritical of the non significant wannabee nations out there.

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Australia took them to task about the stripping of free speach, gagging of the media, the expulsion of internation media, the refusal to allow outside observations, the abuse of the computer crimes act, the defamation laws and the leste majeste. How these laws are being used for personal reasons and to silence critics. The following day the junta issues a press release in the "Thai" media on how the international community supports Prayuth and his junta in the way they are operating.

Hello McFly, anybody home? These numbnuts want a seat on the U.N and think they deserve it.

Did anyone take Australia to task for their appalling treatment of migrants at camps they built; on the alleged and never denied paying of people smugglers to illegally traffic boat people away from Australia, and the continued abuse and denial of rights for the Aboriginal peoples whose land, children and way of life was stolen?

Australia, fast becoming one of the most hypocritical of the non significant wannabee nations out there.

This was a UPR for Thailand.

Australia had their 2nd cycle UPR last November.

Report here


These sessions are basically an exchange of views. Many countries mentioned the issues you raise.

A key difference between Thailand and Australia (over and above the extent of human rights violations) is the level of functioning for their respective internal human rights commissions. Thailand's HRC is not doing well.

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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Australia took them to task about the stripping of free speach, gagging of the media, the expulsion of internation media, the refusal to allow outside observations, the abuse of the computer crimes act, the defamation laws and the leste majeste. How these laws are being used for personal reasons and to silence critics. The following day the junta issues a press release in the "Thai" media on how the international community supports Prayuth and his junta in the way they are operating.

Hello McFly, anybody home? These numbnuts want a seat on the U.N and think they deserve it.

Did anyone take Australia to task for their appalling treatment of migrants at camps they built; on the alleged and never denied paying of people smugglers to illegally traffic boat people away from Australia, and the continued abuse and denial of rights for the Aboriginal peoples whose land, children and way of life was stolen?

Australia, fast becoming one of the most hypocritical of the non significant wannabee nations out there.

I'm an Aboriginal, so please explain. I don't see a problem with how I have been treated. I got off my arse and made

something of myself with the guidance of my aboriginal father. Never played the race card or the pitiful me card.

Edited by Thechook
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