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UN praises Thailand for efforts in promoting human rights


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UN has been praising Thailand efforts since January so this comes as no surprise.

Just witnessing the changes at the Laos / Thai border at Nong Kai allows one to easily see their have been strong improvements by the PM in this area.

Of course if the UN said Thailand was going backwards in this area the very same people that denounced this result and found excuses to not respect the UN's narrative would also applaud that UN narrative? Why? It suits their agenda.

Reminds me of that out back drag movie all the queens praising the boys

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They got a battering as far as these proceedings go. My worry is that they actually believe this spin they are putting out.

"Effort" is diplomatic code for failure... sad.png

I used to get school reports like that, ''could do better''

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The rest of the planet saw this review as a serious attack on Thailand's worsening human rights record. The problem for these dinosaurs is that much of the Thai electorate is nowhere near as stupid as they are.

Can you provide links to where all the other countries in the world confirmed how they saw this please?

Or did you mean to say you saw this as a serious attack on Thailand's human rights record?

Just as some spokespeople like to speak for others, so it seems do you.

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Who in the UN handed out this praise?

If there is no name mentioned, it's just another Thai spokesperson putting invented words in to an unknown mouth that probably didn't say anything like that at all.

A plan is just that.

If someone actually read the plan and actually praised the Junta I can only suggest they take a trip to the opticians...

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UN has been praising Thailand efforts since January so this comes as no surprise.

Just witnessing the changes at the Laos / Thai border at Nong Kai allows one to easily see their have been strong improvements by the PM in this area.

Of course if the UN said Thailand was going backwards in this area the very same people that denounced this result and found excuses to not respect the UN's narrative would also applaud that UN narrative? Why? It suits their agenda.

The UN has said nothing about Thailand's human rights one way or another.

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They got a battering as far as these proceedings go. My worry is that they actually believe this spin they are putting out.

"Effort" is diplomatic code for failure... sad.png

That's what they do. Praise effort, praise the slightest improvement, all to soften the blow when they then make suggested areas of improvement.

Typical UN wishy washy crap. But face it, not surprising when most of the UN Security Council permanent members ain't exactly got fantastic HR records either.

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They got a battering as far as these proceedings go. My worry is that they actually believe this spin they are putting out.

"Effort" is diplomatic code for failure... sad.png

That's what they do. Praise effort, praise the slightest improvement, all to soften the blow when they then make suggested areas of improvement.

Typical UN wishy washy crap. But face it, not surprising when most of the UN Security Council permanent members ain't exactly got fantastic HR records either.

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UN has been praising Thailand efforts since January so this comes as no surprise.

Just witnessing the changes at the Laos / Thai border at Nong Kai allows one to easily see their have been strong improvements by the PM in this area.

Of course if the UN said Thailand was going backwards in this area the very same people that denounced this result and found excuses to not respect the UN's narrative would also applaud that UN narrative? Why? It suits their agenda.

If you had actually dedicated the time to read the recent widely distributed reports from the UN's Human Rights body this would have come as quite a surprise to you. One day - maybe - you may come to understand that making things up as you do really doesn't convince many people. Then, your heroes in Khaki do much the same and expect others to believe them. Few do it seems.

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UN has been praising Thailand efforts since January so this comes as no surprise.

Just witnessing the changes at the Laos / Thai border at Nong Kai allows one to easily see their have been strong improvements by the PM in this area.

Of course if the UN said Thailand was going backwards in this area the very same people that denounced this result and found excuses to not respect the UN's narrative would also applaud that UN narrative? Why? It suits their agenda.

The UN has said nothing about Thailand's human rights one way or another.

If you follow them on Twitter, they have said quite a bit - none positive sadly.

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UN has been praising Thailand efforts since January so this comes as no surprise.

Just witnessing the changes at the Laos / Thai border at Nong Kai allows one to easily see their have been strong improvements by the PM in this area.

Of course if the UN said Thailand was going backwards in this area the very same people that denounced this result and found excuses to not respect the UN's narrative would also applaud that UN narrative? Why? It suits their agenda.


The spin-master is back!

You know, what "human rights" are, do you?

Otherwise, there is no use in discussing this with you...oh well...

Among others: human rights include the right to free speech!

The right to voice an opinion, without being impr...taken to "attitude adjustment" for it!

It includes equal rights before the law or stuff like an actual "fight" against human trafficking!

Nothing of that sort is happening here!

Article 44 rings a bell, doesn't it?!

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Well, I'm not too sure who is talking about what. The UPR webpage has not been updated and says; When the report is issued the language links are in blue. As they are still in black the website has not been updated on the 'outcome'. So where has this apparent report come from?

(Thailand) 'Date of consideration: Wednesday 11 May 2016 - 9:00 - 12:30...... Outcome of review:......Decision of outcome A C E F R S.....'

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The rest of the planet saw this review as a serious attack on Thailand's worsening human rights record. The problem for these dinosaurs is that much of the Thai electorate is nowhere near as stupid as they are.

Can you provide links to where all the other countries in the world confirmed how they saw this please?

Or did you mean to say you saw this as a serious attack on Thailand's human rights record?

Just as some spokespeople like to speak for others, so it seems do you.

Whilst I understand that you have painted yourself into an unenviable corner as an unquestioning adherent and flag waver for the less pleasant parts of the current Thai dilemma over the past few years, attempting to do so partially by shrouding it all as some sort of skewered sensibleness, even you can surely read the foreign media and the UN Human Rights releases without having to have all it explained? Maybe not.

Pull that blinker up just a tad and google may well be your friend.

Edited by Snig27
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UN has been praising Thailand efforts since January so this comes as no surprise.

Just witnessing the changes at the Laos / Thai border at Nong Kai allows one to easily see their have been strong improvements by the PM in this area.

Of course if the UN said Thailand was going backwards in this area the very same people that denounced this result and found excuses to not respect the UN's narrative would also applaud that UN narrative? Why? It suits their agenda.

Here is a report that is closer to the truth. Thailand has entered a phase where you must read foreign news to find out the truth, much the same as under apartheid South Africa, Soviet union and China.


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UN has been praising Thailand efforts since January so this comes as no surprise.

Just witnessing the changes at the Laos / Thai border at Nong Kai allows one to easily see their have been strong improvements by the PM in this area.

Of course if the UN said Thailand was going backwards in this area the very same people that denounced this result and found excuses to not respect the UN's narrative would also applaud that UN narrative? Why? It suits their agenda.

UN Human Rights Chief deeply concerned at growing military role in Thai Government

GENEVA (22 April 2016) – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein on Friday expressed growing concern about the military’s deepening role in Thailand’s civilian administration, as well as tight curbs on dissent, as the Kingdom prepares to vote on a final draft Constitution.


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UN has been praising Thailand efforts since January so this comes as no surprise.

Just witnessing the changes at the Laos / Thai border at Nong Kai allows one to easily see their have been strong improvements by the PM in this area.

Of course if the UN said Thailand was going backwards in this area the very same people that denounced this result and found excuses to not respect the UN's narrative would also applaud that UN narrative? Why? It suits their agenda.

Are you out of your mind?

UN Highlight Junat Hypocrisy


U.N. Human Rights Council Slams Thai Junta at Universal Periodic Review


Come one we all know it is a lie, you know it is a lie, the PM knows it is a lie, the Human Right Nows it is a lie...

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"GENEVA, May 11, 2016 This morning, one week after the flawed UN review of Sudans human rights record, Thailand underwent its own human rights assessment. Although several countries prioritized politics over human rights with empty praise for the government, this mornings universal periodic review (UPR) session generated significant criticism of the Thai government and its commitment to human rights.

As expected, several countries used the session as an opportunity to score political points. Venezuela offered its congratulations to Thailand for its human rights achievements, Yemen noted with satisfaction that the Thai government is committed to the protection and promotion of human rights and Qatar maintained that Thailand gives priority to the protection of human rights."


The the jewel in the crown having Yemen praise you eh?

It's obvious Thailand is a propaganda Nation under military rule .

Posts here get deleted for slightest indication of anti military personal viewpoints .

What happened to China, Russia and North Korea -- Thailand's new BBFs???

I'm sure they too would have heaped praise of Thailand's human rights record... cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

The Saudi's would have been in there too, except for that small matter of the missing diamond....

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UN has been praising Thailand efforts since January so this comes as no surprise.

Just witnessing the changes at the Laos / Thai border at Nong Kai allows one to easily see their have been strong improvements by the PM in this area.

Of course if the UN said Thailand was going backwards in this area the very same people that denounced this result and found excuses to not respect the UN's narrative would also applaud that UN narrative? Why? It suits their agenda.


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As I understand it there were 249 recommendations made ( compared to about 170 last time) out of which the Thai Government agreed to (pretend to) take action on 181 recommendations (those were passed) and refused to consider (the technical term is took away for review) another 68, which will no doubt include anything on lese majeste and a whole bunch of other sensitive freedom of speech and assembly issues. There are often multiple recommendations about the same issue so 68 recommendations does not equate to 68 different breaches of human rights.

One of the things the Government signs uop for is to make a Thai language translation of the report available to the population. Don't know if that will happen.

The last round in 2011 can be read here; http://UPR - Thailand www.ohchr.org

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The rest of the planet saw this review as a serious attack on Thailand's worsening human rights record. The problem for these dinosaurs is that much of the Thai electorate is nowhere near as stupid as they are.

Can you provide links to where all the other countries in the world confirmed how they saw this please?

Or did you mean to say you saw this as a serious attack on Thailand's human rights record?

Just as some spokespeople like to speak for others, so it seems do you.

Whilst I understand that you have painted yourself into an unenviable corner as an unquestioning adherent and flag waver for the less pleasant parts of the current Thai dilemma over the past few years, attempting to do so partially by shrouding it all as some sort of skewered sensibleness, even you can surely read the foreign media and the UN Human Rights releases without having to have all it explained? Maybe not.

Pull that blinker up just a tad and google may well be your friend.

You must understand that those who aren't Shin clan worshipers, believing the lies and make believe fairy tales they spew out are not necessarily lovers of the current self selected alternative.

Google is indeed my friend. But nowhere does it contain a suggestion that you have been appointed as the spokes person for the rest of the planet. Or that the rest of the planet, all those countries and people, agree with you.

So unless you can show, that the rest of planet, as you freely stated, interpreted this in the way you did, then admit you were exaggerating somewhat.

Go on admit it. Most others couldn't give a rat's arse. Those at the UN like to make often hypocritical comments about other countries. Then the reports are published and bugger all happens.

The only people who pretend to care are the over paid UN staffers who need to justify all those attendance expenses. And social media posters who want to use it to push their own agenda of course.

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"GENEVA, May 11, 2016 This morning, one week after the flawed UN review of Sudans human rights record, Thailand underwent its own human rights assessment. Although several countries prioritized politics over human rights with empty praise for the government, this mornings universal periodic review (UPR) session generated significant criticism of the Thai government and its commitment to human rights.

As expected, several countries used the session as an opportunity to score political points. Venezuela offered its congratulations to Thailand for its human rights achievements, Yemen noted with satisfaction that the Thai government is committed to the protection and promotion of human rights and Qatar maintained that Thailand gives priority to the protection of human rights."


The the jewel in the crown having Yemen praise you eh?

It's obvious Thailand is a propaganda Nation under military rule .

Posts here get deleted for slightest indication of anti military personal viewpoints .

People can waddle around swallowing polls that' show 99.3% approval .

Or that America praises in general their human rights.

For people considering flying there on a first time holiday.

Google tier 3 human rights countries ( it's the lowest level)

There you will notice Thailand on it.

Then google recent UN & US statements .

Perhaps look at other considerations like crime etc.

The praise Thailand gets is minimum compared to serious concerns expressed .

Thai visa to its credit still prints stories that highlight some truths.

How much longer that will be permitted is anyone's guess.

Don't worry, I'm sure the Thai authorities like to read all this stuff on TVF and with help of the American NSA they'll have no problem identifying posters. IMHO only of course.

I post threats against westerners by junta on numerous websites including twitter.

So I appreciate your info on junta threats.

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UN has been praising Thailand efforts since January so this comes as no surprise.

Just witnessing the changes at the Laos / Thai border at Nong Kai allows one to easily see their have been strong improvements by the PM in this area.

Of course if the UN said Thailand was going backwards in this area the very same people that denounced this result and found excuses to not respect the UN's narrative would also applaud that UN narrative? Why? It suits their agenda.

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UN has been praising Thailand efforts since January so this comes as no surprise.

Just witnessing the changes at the Laos / Thai border at Nong Kai allows one to easily see their have been strong improvements by the PM in this area.

Of course if the UN said Thailand was going backwards in this area the very same people that denounced this result and found excuses to not respect the UN's narrative would also applaud that UN narrative? Why? It suits their agenda.

Change the record Jamie.

Your praising what? Improved border crossings between 2 ASEAN countries!

Why don't you comment on the real big issues concerning Human Rights in this country? Probably you can't because their has been no progress on major issues!

Slightly off topic but nice to see your best mate in Thailand laying a foundation brick for your new home in BKK!

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