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UN praises Thailand for efforts in promoting human rights


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Do the coup buffoons not know about Google? Because if the UN offered any praise to Thailand regarding human rights there is obviously a conspiracy or a gag order to keep said praise secret since Google can't find it anywhere except here on Thaivisa.com

Here's an idea. Everybody start forwarding these claims to the Office of the UN High Commission on Human Rights. InfoDesk@ohchr.org

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When the junta propaganda machine sounds off with vague references that the UN praised Thailand without naming who exactly delivered the praise, you can be sure that what is referenced as "praise" is at best unsubstantiated and at worst fiction.

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The rest of the planet saw this review as a serious attack on Thailand's worsening human rights record. The problem for these dinosaurs is that much of the Thai electorate is nowhere near as stupid as they are.

Can you provide links to where all the other countries in the world confirmed how they saw this please?

Or did you mean to say you saw this as a serious attack on Thailand's human rights record?

Just as some spokespeople like to speak for others, so it seems do you.

Whilst I understand that you have painted yourself into an unenviable corner as an unquestioning adherent and flag waver for the less pleasant parts of the current Thai dilemma over the past few years, attempting to do so partially by shrouding it all as some sort of skewered sensibleness, even you can surely read the foreign media and the UN Human Rights releases without having to have all it explained? Maybe not.

Pull that blinker up just a tad and google may well be your friend.

You must understand that those who aren't Shin clan worshipers, believing the lies and make believe fairy tales they spew out are not necessarily lovers of the current self selected alternative.

Google is indeed my friend. But nowhere does it contain a suggestion that you have been appointed as the spokes person for the rest of the planet. Or that the rest of the planet, all those countries and people, agree with you.

So unless you can show, that the rest of planet, as you freely stated, interpreted this in the way you did, then admit you were exaggerating somewhat.

Go on admit it. Most others couldn't give a rat's arse. Those at the UN like to make often hypocritical comments about other countries. Then the reports are published and bugger all happens.

The only people who pretend to care are the over paid UN staffers who need to justify all those attendance expenses. And social media posters who want to use it to push their own agenda of course.

hehe Does anyone take the Left Wing 'Third World Social Club' (AKA, United Nations) seriously anymore? Not too many I reckon. Their Security Council is even a bigger joke.

The Thais, like others, will go along telling them what they want to hear and going through the motions.

Australia has been copping it in the neck for years from this mob over our so called 'Asylum Seeker' Policy and treatment of detainees. Among other things. Meanwhile Europe is struggling to cope with the UN inspired Colonisation that is going on there.

Do us all a favour and shut the bloody thing down. The UNHCR charter needs a serious overhaul, if not ditched. it is not 1945 any more.

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The rest of the planet saw this review as a serious attack on Thailand's worsening human rights record. The problem for these dinosaurs is that much of the Thai electorate is nowhere near as stupid as they are.

Can you provide links to where all the other countries in the world confirmed how they saw this please?

Or did you mean to say you saw this as a serious attack on Thailand's human rights record?

Just as some spokespeople like to speak for others, so it seems do you.

Whilst I understand that you have painted yourself into an unenviable corner as an unquestioning adherent and flag waver for the less pleasant parts of the current Thai dilemma over the past few years, attempting to do so partially by shrouding it all as some sort of skewered sensibleness, even you can surely read the foreign media and the UN Human Rights releases without having to have all it explained? Maybe not.

Pull that blinker up just a tad and google may well be your friend.

You must understand that those who aren't Shin clan worshipers, believing the lies and make believe fairy tales they spew out are not necessarily lovers of the current self selected alternative.

Google is indeed my friend. But nowhere does it contain a suggestion that you have been appointed as the spokes person for the rest of the planet. Or that the rest of the planet, all those countries and people, agree with you.

So unless you can show, that the rest of planet, as you freely stated, interpreted this in the way you did, then admit you were exaggerating somewhat.

Go on admit it. Most others couldn't give a rat's arse. Those at the UN like to make often hypocritical comments about other countries. Then the reports are published and bugger all happens.

The only people who pretend to care are the over paid UN staffers who need to justify all those attendance expenses. And social media posters who want to use it to push their own agenda of course.

It's possible you, and many others, don't understand the process. The feedback on human rights offered to Thailand was not from UN staff, it was direct from individual member nations. That's why there are 200+ observations. The UN is the facilitator of what is essentially a peer review. Now Thailand knows exactly what other countries think of their human rights situation.

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The National what? Bureau Of Thailand?!


Saw the headline, knew it was them. They have become the new daily poll announcement we were getting in the first year after the coup. The NNBT are now my second favourite behind only Prime Minister versus The World topics.

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Ok Thailand you have 68 serious human rights abuses being breached upon currently, but you have made efforts in three other areas, so yu'p no bloody surprise that the headline reads "UN PRAISES THAILAND FOR EFFORTS IN PROMOTEING ON HUMAN RIGHTS".

An what your ploblem falang? We lespec human light, see National New Bureau of Thailand tell us.

Not exactly an independent source of news huh? I mean no reason to spin/slant/twist any thing,(68 breaches V 3 efforts.)

Think most here know were the few Junta fan boys get their solid info huh.whistling.gif

I've no idea if NNBoT is biased although I wouldn't be surprised but it's headlines are usually blatantly incorrect so it's good to see they've not let their standards drop on this story.

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"GENEVA, May 11, 2016 This morning, one week after the flawed UN review of Sudans human rights record, Thailand underwent its own human rights assessment. Although several countries prioritized politics over human rights with empty praise for the government, this mornings universal periodic review (UPR) session generated significant criticism of the Thai government and its commitment to human rights.

As expected, several countries used the session as an opportunity to score political points. Venezuela offered its congratulations to Thailand for its human rights achievements, Yemen noted with satisfaction that the Thai government is committed to the protection and promotion of human rights and Qatar maintained that Thailand gives priority to the protection of human rights."


The the jewel in the crown having Yemen praise you eh?

It's obvious Thailand is a propaganda Nation under military rule .

Posts here get deleted for slightest indication of anti military personal viewpoints .

People can waddle around swallowing polls that' show 99.3% approval .

Or that America praises in general their human rights.

For people considering flying there on a first time holiday.

Google tier 3 human rights countries ( it's the lowest level)

There you will notice Thailand on it.

Then google recent UN & US statements .

Perhaps look at other considerations like crime etc.

The praise Thailand gets is minimum compared to serious concerns expressed .

Thai visa to its credit still prints stories that highlight some truths.

How much longer that will be permitted is anyone's guess.

Don't worry, I'm sure the Thai authorities like to read all this stuff on TVF and with help of the American NSA they'll have no problem identifying posters. IMHO only of course.

You sound a lot, like you would approve of this!

Doesn't matter whether I like it or not. The American friends can be very helpful towards friendly countries.

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Ok Thailand you have 68 serious human rights abuses being breached upon currently, but you have made efforts in three other areas, so yu'p no bloody surprise that the headline reads "UN PRAISES THAILAND FOR EFFORTS IN PROMOTEING ON HUMAN RIGHTS".

An what your ploblem falang? We lespec human light, see National New Bureau of Thailand tell us.

Not exactly an independent source of news huh? I mean no reason to spin/slant/twist any thing,(68 breaches V 3 efforts.)

Think most here know were the few Junta fan boys get their solid info huh.whistling.gif

The first review in 2011 led to the Thai government accepting 136 out of 172 recommendations. It would be nice to see what happened with those. All resolved seems somewhat unlikely. Maybe the commission put some of the issues together?

PS if 'human rights abuses are being breached' does that mean issues are being resolved?

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