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And the "Chelsea: Standing up to Racism since Sunday"....


Yes a good turn out that was by united last night, tickets getting into the right hands makes a big difference, than the tourists and executives getting them.

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<b>carmine, on 2012-11-01 14:30:56, said:</b><br /><br /><br />Give them a chance Nev.  They're surely going to hand Terry an ban arn't they?  I mean they must surely?<br />
Ban him he is mister chelsea no &lt;deleted&gt; way, he leads by example thats why they have and always have had a racist element following them, if he was not a player he would be one of the fans in the stands leading them on.<br />There captain leader legend banner sums cfc uptongue.png

You're wrong nev. He'd likely be in prison.

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Congrats to Chelsea. Overall i think you had the best of the game, and our youngsters showed some naivety, especially in the last minute of injury time to concede the penalty.

To be honest, feel a certain sense of relief on behalf of Mason after he missed that handball that Man United committed... what character assassination would he of been subjected to had Chelsea not won after that i wonder...

I think not given as not intentional same as sideshow bob on sunday just hit there trailing arms.

Thought Mason had a good game and handled the game well.

Trailing (high in the air)??!! Definitely a pen and Lee would have been round for the few glasses of Chianti and 'we welcome our latest member' club letter had SAF been in the mood to receive him.


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I can't wait until Terry is back wearing the armband in a couple of weeks. :-)

Ofcourse not, it wouldn't be right without your racist chav wannabe thug captain at the helm.

But Chelsea are fighting racism since last Sunday

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i'm going to throw this out there. i don't reckon there's any substance at all to these clattenburg accusations and it's a ruse to make it look just how misunderstood or misheard things can be in the heat of a match. a la john terry. they're going to fuc_k a ref's career based on peevishness and underhanded PR.

I agree, it's a load of BS

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i'm going to throw this out there. i don't reckon there's any substance at all to these clattenburg accusations and it's a ruse to make it look just how misunderstood or misheard things can be in the heat of a match. a la john terry. they're going to fuc_k a ref's career based on peevishness and underhanded PR.

I agree, it's a load of BS

They are trying to cover up their own actions, I'm sure. The FA should reveal what is in the referee's report.

Wenger has essentially accused Chelsea of being classless for their public outburst, and RedNose has called them a bunch of liars.

They're both right.


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I've just read the bbc report from rednose, saying in 15 years he has never known a ref to swear to a player. Well, he obviously doesn't watch games very often then.

Some of you guys are so anti chelsea that if they invented the cure for cancer you would say something against it.

Edited by mjj
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I've just read the bbc report from rednose, saying in 15 years he has never known a ref to swear to a player. Well, he obviously doesn't watch games very often then.

Some of you guys are so anti chelsea that if they invented the cure for cancer you would say something against it.

You obviously didn't watch it very carefully, because he said NOTHING of the sort. And he clearly said he absolutely does not believe that Clattenburg used any racist language.

And so does everyone else.

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I've just read the bbc report from rednose, saying in 15 years he has never known a ref to swear to a player. Well, he obviously doesn't watch games very often then.

Some of you guys are so anti chelsea that if they invented the cure for cancer you would say something against it.

You obviously didn't watch it very carefully, because he said NOTHING of the sort. And he clearly said he absolutely does not believe that Clattenburg used any racist language.

And so does everyone else.

8th paragraph.


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The FA opened this can of worms by not relying on the legal assessment of the Terry case and presuming to have their own holier-than-thou attack on him, spurred on by the hyenas of the press who have also created the anti-Terry lynch-mobs amongst the football fan base. They applied their easier-to-convict criteria and spurned the 'beyond reasonable doubt' criteria used in law.

Som nam na that players will now take pot shots at each other (and surprisingly refs) having spotted which way the PC wind blows at the FA. Reap what yee shall sow FA.

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in 15 years he has never known a ref to swear to a player


"I've never had a player come to me in the last 15 years and say a referee swore in a game - ever."

Perhaps the difference is too subtle for you.


Mind you, I'm pretty sure I saw Mark Halsey telling a player to Foxtrot Oscar only a few weeks ago.

Edited by Chicog
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The FA opened this can of worms by not relying on the legal assessment of the Terry case and presuming to have their own holier-than-thou attack on him, spurred on by the hyenas of the press who have also created the anti-Terry lynch-mobs amongst the football fan base. They applied their easier-to-convict criteria and spurned the 'beyond reasonable doubt' criteria used in law.

Som nam na that players will now take pot shots at each other (and surprisingly refs) having spotted which way the PC wind blows at the FA. Reap what yee shall sow FA.

Nice post,couldn,t agree more.
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The FA opened this can of worms by not relying on the legal assessment of the Terry case and presuming to have their own holier-than-thou attack on him, spurred on by the hyenas of the press who have also created the anti-Terry lynch-mobs amongst the football fan base. They applied their easier-to-convict criteria and spurned the 'beyond reasonable doubt' criteria used in law.

Som nam na that players will now take pot shots at each other (and surprisingly refs) having spotted which way the PC wind blows at the FA. Reap what yee shall sow FA.

Rubbish,Chelsea need taking to task about there constant harassment of officials,there racist captain was let off lightly and has secretly been punished by his club...yeah right whistling.gif

Can you explain this to me clearly....."by not relying on the legal assessment of the Terry case"

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The FA opened this can of worms by not relying on the legal assessment of the Terry case and presuming to have their own holier-than-thou attack on him, spurred on by the hyenas of the press who have also created the anti-Terry lynch-mobs amongst the football fan base. They applied their easier-to-convict criteria and spurned the 'beyond reasonable doubt' criteria used in law.

Som nam na that players will now take pot shots at each other (and surprisingly refs) having spotted which way the PC wind blows at the FA. Reap what yee shall sow FA.

Rubbish,Chelsea need taking to task about there constant harassment of officials,there racist captain was let off lightly and has secretly been punished by his club...yeah right whistling.gif

Can you explain this to me clearly....."by not relying on the legal assessment of the Terry case"

Exactly. i think theres little or no foundation to the latest complaint regards Clattenberg and if so it should have serious consequences for Chelsea.

Its fair to say "lets wait until we hear the evidence" but exactly how long are we going to have to wait. Or is it going to be a secret just like the so called punishment handed down by the club to captain, club legend racist and wananbe thug, John terry?

Or could a man's career be destroyed by lies created in the heat of the moment by sore losers? If its true then Clattenberg should be banned but where is the evidence and to come out so early with a formal complaint without showing any? I suppose time will tell.

Edited by carmine
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And to come out with an accusation before seeing if there is any evidence just shows that the club is classless....the annoying thing here is that the FA are now caught in a very difficult situation because of the way chelsea went about this.

Chelsea and its lot are just scum

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And to come out with an accusation before seeing if there is any evidence just shows that the club is classless....the annoying thing here is that the FA are now caught in a very difficult situation because of the way chelsea went about this.

Chelsea and its lot are just scum

Spurs fans have every reason to dislike them but thats a fans thing.

What i find strange is the way this has been handled at board level. Who's pulling the strings in for example allowing the complaint to be made without the evidence ready and available.

Who's made the decision to keep terry's so called punishment secret. To presumably fine a multi millionaire footballer rather than ban him and make a club statement against racism in football?

Or maybe JT, club legend has been given toilet cleaning duties in the youth team changing rooms for six months.

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The FA opened this can of worms by not relying on the legal assessment of the Terry case and presuming to have their own holier-than-thou attack on him, spurred on by the hyenas of the press who have also created the anti-Terry lynch-mobs amongst the football fan base. They applied their easier-to-convict criteria and spurned the 'beyond reasonable doubt' criteria used in law.

Som nam na that players will now take pot shots at each other (and surprisingly refs) having spotted which way the PC wind blows at the FA. Reap what yee shall sow FA.

The way the a game of football is officiated, both during and after, is completely different from the way a court of law works. To suggest that the same methods in a court of law - for example the 'beyond reasonable doubt' criteria - be applied to the way a game of sport is officiated is a complete nonsense.... for fairly obvious reasons... how for example would a ref ever be able to award a penalty from a handball, because how can a ref ever prove beyond all reasonable doubt that the player raised his arm with the intention of blocking the ball?

It's a sport &lt;deleted&gt;, not a court of law, and rules that are applied, both on and off the pitch, do not have to be proved beyond all reasonable doubt... if they did, it wouldn't be a sport, it would be a legal case.

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No its not. He's a racist and we at Spurs no that full well and have done for years since his verbal abuse to Ledley King. Or i suppose you are going to deny that too.....

Must have had something to do with Terry knowing King was a better player than he could ever hope to be and due to the knee injury handed Tery fifty international caps on a plate.

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The FA opened this can of worms by not relying on the legal assessment of the Terry case and presuming to have their own holier-than-thou attack on him, spurred on by the hyenas of the press who have also created the anti-Terry lynch-mobs amongst the football fan base. They applied their easier-to-convict criteria and spurned the 'beyond reasonable doubt' criteria used in law.

Som nam na that players will now take pot shots at each other (and surprisingly refs) having spotted which way the PC wind blows at the FA. Reap what yee shall sow FA.

Rubbish,Chelsea need taking to task about there constant harassment of officials,there racist captain was let off lightly and has secretly been punished by his club...yeah right whistling.gif

Can you explain this to me clearly....."by not relying on the legal assessment of the Terry case"

Exactly. i think theres little or no foundation to the latest complaint regards Clattenberg and if so it should have serious consequences for Chelsea.

Its fair to say "lets wait until we hear the evidence" but exactly how long are we going to have to wait. Or is it going to be a secret just like the so called punishment handed down by the club to captain, club legend racist and wananbe thug, John terry?

Or could a man's career be destroyed by lies created in the heat of the moment by sore losers? If its true then Clattenberg should be banned but where is the evidence and to come out so early with a formal complaint without showing any? I suppose time will tell.

If you remember with the JT incident, within hours of the game ending, there was mountains of stuff on the internet, showing that Terry racially abused Ferdinand.

This incident, which is potentially more serious, with it being a ref.....................................Absolutely nothing!! All the cameras from Sky........ Nothing!!

Coupled that with the fact that managers such as Wenger, Ferguson, Warnock and a couple of others have come out in defence of Clattenburg, I would suggest that this is nothing more than sour grapes by Chelsea.

Apparently Clattenburg is a bit of a supercilious tw@t with the players. I still believe he had an awful game with some real bad decisions. But Chelsea just showed themselves up by bringing this to boil. They would have come out of all this with credibility if they had just accepted they were robbed and moved on.

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Another aspect of this is that referee's are coming into unknown territory with this allegation and i can see in the not to distant future(if not dealt with properly)that we could end up with a revolt against the FA and PFA by the referee's union prospect and without the refs there will be no football.

It is in the best interest's of the game and the clubs that the FA clamp down heavily on these unfounded bitter jealous allegations by a classless club.

Abamovich is getting to big for his velenki's jerk.gifjerk.gif

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Another aspect of this is that referee's are coming into unknown territory with this allegation and i can see in the not to distant future(if not dealt with properly)that we could end up with a revolt against the FA and PFA by the referee's union prospect and without the refs there will be no football.

It is in the best interest's of the game and the clubs that the FA clamp down heavily on these unfounded bitter jealous allegations by a classless club.

Abamovich is getting to big for his velenki's jerk.gifjerk.gif

Agreed so going back to what i said before you really have to question the handling at board level and the owners lack of direction here.

As J&D said, sour grapes being shown but with hopefully major FA sanctions is nothing is proven other than false allegations from a player

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A ban for the player and and a fine or even deduction of points to the club.

Then a charge of slander to Mikkel from Clattenburg in the high court.

All three are appropriate IF no evidence is forthcoming. Some resignations too for the handling of the matter.

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