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ECC Chiang Rai we are seeking native English teachers. This job is teaching at a primary school in town, Chiang Rai. This is a full time job, working on Monday to Friday 07.30am-4.30pm. The teacher have to teach around 20 Hrs/week. Because it is a full time job which a foreign teachers must do the as same otherThai teachers too. In the otehr words , the teacher must participate in every school activiites or when the shcool requires for any help such as, English Camp ,Easter day, Christmas day ,or being a judge in any competition or training students for Engllish academic competitions.The contract starts on 10th May 2016 until 31 March 2017, the salary is depend on qualification. And I offer you a visa and work permit.

contact e-mail: [email protected]


There are literally thousands of potential English teachers in Thailand but Thai Immigration won't allow them to work as they are in Thailand on retirement extensions and not allowed work permits. If you want English teachers, talk to Thai Immigration.


There are literally thousands of potential English teachers in Thailand but Thai Immigration won't allow them to work as they are in Thailand on retirement extensions and not allowed work permits. If you want English teachers, talk to Thai Immigration.

Are you suggesting that this is not a reasonable place to ask for legitimate teachers?

It sounds like the poster is well aware of visa and work permit requirements.


There are literally thousands of potential English teachers in Thailand but Thai Immigration won't allow them to work as they are in Thailand on retirement extensions and not allowed work permits. If you want English teachers, talk to Thai Immigration.

Are you suggesting that this is not a reasonable place to ask for legitimate teachers?

It sounds like the poster is well aware of visa and work permit requirements.

What I am suggesting is that there is a vast pool of untouched talent to be had in Thailand simply for the asking. If the op wants to tap this pool, then he/she should work with Thai Immigration to get the rules changed. There are many retirees in Thailand whose first language is English who would love to do volunteer work but can't because of restrictive Thai Immigration rules.

If the poster is well aware of visa and work permit requirements, I have no idea and neither do you. I am pointing toward a path which the op may not be aware.


Without wishing to be argumentative I'd guess that the largest language and computer teaching company in Thailand (I read) who offer visa and work permit in their ad know more than both of us about them.

What I do know is you can get a work permit as an older person, well over 50, and teach if you fit the bill.

As for volunteer teaching no doubt there are charitable aspects to that where it would be a very good thing and I wish it were better allowed and defined, but in the case in point someone in comfortable enough circumstances to live in retirement volunteering would be putting a candidate who needs an income out of a potential job.

Just saying.


".....volunteering would be putting a candidate who needs an income out of a potential job..."

That has not been my experience at all. The school where i volunteer does not have the money to hire more than one farang teacher so that is what they hire........as a volunteer I mostly just give the kids an opportunity to try and practice their speaking and understanding of english with a farang. There is always a thai teacher in the classroom with you so their jobs are not threatened at all...in fact the thai teachers seem to love to have a farang show up a couple days a week as it's less work for them and I suspect the thai teachers also learn a bit of english from the farang volunteer. Most of my "volunteer" work consists of walking around and trying to engage groups of kids in some kind of english conversation beyond..." hello how are you i am fine thank you"....which MOST of the kids seem to think is great fun.


I know of a few qualified people who approached EEC in Chiang Rai about teaching. As a rule they would never even respond or show any respect. Hope they stay understaffed to teach them a lesson about Karma.


".....volunteering would be putting a candidate who needs an income out of a potential job..."

That has not been my experience at all. The school where i volunteer does not have the money to hire more than one farang teacher so that is what they hire........as a volunteer I mostly just give the kids an opportunity to try and practice their speaking and understanding of english with a farang. There is always a thai teacher in the classroom with you so their jobs are not threatened at all...in fact the thai teachers seem to love to have a farang show up a couple days a week as it's less work for them and I suspect the thai teachers also learn a bit of english from the farang volunteer. Most of my "volunteer" work consists of walking around and trying to engage groups of kids in some kind of english conversation beyond..." hello how are you i am fine thank you"....which MOST of the kids seem to think is great fun.

Your case seems to be one where a volunteer might be appropriate which I believe I said would be very desirable


There are literally thousands of potential English teachers in Thailand but Thai Immigration won't allow them to work as they are in Thailand on retirement extensions and not allowed work permits. If you want English teachers, talk to Thai Immigration.

Are you suggesting that this is not a reasonable place to ask for legitimate teachers?

It sounds like the poster is well aware of visa and work permit requirements.

What I am suggesting is that there is a vast pool of untouched talent to be had in Thailand simply for the asking. If the op wants to tap this pool, then he/she should work with Thai Immigration to get the rules changed. There are many retirees in Thailand whose first language is English who would love to do volunteer work but can't because of restrictive Thai Immigration rules.

If the poster is well aware of visa and work permit requirements, I have no idea and neither do you. I am pointing toward a path which the op may not be aware.


Asking foreigners to do the same duties as Thai teachers, is asking for problems. It won't work, the cultural differences and perception of what education should be are too big, Just hire people to teach and not to act as Thai teachers. Mabye give the foreign teachers more teaching hours than the Thai teachers.

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