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Why a Canadian man run over by a truck in Thailand is struggling to get treatment


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I think if the family signed an HIV waiver, then the RC should do any available transfusion.

Probable death vs slightly possible HIV transfer. Which would you choose?

Wait for his family to raise the couple hundred grand to fly him back home...

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If this man dies, he became yet another victim of Thai bureaucracy. There are Pattaya residents who would be able and willing to donate but all those rules on minimum stay or previous (30+ years ago) healed sicknesses etc. ensured that NONE of them could donate.
Interesting though is that donated blood is being sold a absolute premiums at the other end

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Why not fly in blood from Canada. Must the blood be from Thailand.? If he is Canadian and Canada can send blood they could use it right.

Excellent idea... to fly in blood from Canada. He could have it in just a matter of hours..

Unless they also have rules of not using blood given in other countries..

Fly the correct blood type in?

That makes too much sense!

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" Furthermore, Red Cross stipulates donors must have been in Thailand for a minimum of six months."


Communicable disease control. It has to be put in context of malaria.

Current regulations in place in North America in respect to donors who stay in malaria risk areas less than 6 months is a waiting period of 1 year. More than 6 months and the waiting period is 3 years.

I bet some folks on TVF would be shocked to learn that North Americans are not eligible to donate if they;

Spent a cumulative total of three months or more in the United Kingdom (UK) between January 1980 and December 31, 1996

Spent a cumulative total of three months or more in France between January 1980 and December 31, 1996

Spent a cumulative total of five years or more in Western Europe outside the U.K. or France from January 1, 1980 through December 31, 200

Spent a cumulative total of six months or more in Saudi Arabia from January 1, 1980 through December 31, 1996

Spent a cumulative total of three months or more in the United Kingdom (UK) between January 1980 and December 31, 1996

Mad cow disease........

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Stupid question but cannot the Canadian government do something through their medical system to help one of their nationals. This man has needed this blood for some time and has not been a solution. Surely time must be of an essence. No solution coming soon within Thailand give some of the ridiculous stipulations.

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" Furthermore, Red Cross stipulates donors must have been in Thailand for a minimum of six months."


18 crteria points listed in the Thai red cross

nothing i read has a six month period , maybe i missed it,

It can take up to six month to show the HIV virus. When i read this post, I really wanted to stop eating my breakfast.

There are people who want donate blood, but they haven't been in Thailand for six months? Jesus Christ....

I agree. In any case, the so-called HIV either doesn't exist or is harmless, and the HIV test is a fraud - it even says as much on the package insert. It is HIV test results which are dangerous if they come up positive, not the HIV.


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" Furthermore, Red Cross stipulates donors must have been in Thailand for a minimum of six months."


Considering that in other countries the rule of thumb is "believe none of what you hear and half of what you see", and I'm never sure what to believe here, could that be why?

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Why not fly in blood from Canada. Must the blood be from Thailand.? If he is Canadian and Canada can send blood they could use it right.

Excellent idea... to fly in blood from Canada. He could have it in just a matter of hours..

Unless they also have rules of not using blood given in other countries..

Exactly. God only knows what happened when a Caucasian Canadian soldier with A - might have been injured in Vietnam, or somewhere else not so far away now, but we don't hear about that. Why isn't that coming up, or too logical?

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According to the Red Cross: There is no upper age limit for blood donation as long as you are well with no restrictions or limitations to your activities.

So why does Thailand have an age restriction of 55, especially when someone's life is at stake? This country can be so infuriating with its own bizarre logic.

And as mentioned, how could it possibly matter is you've been here for at least 6 months. Have they got this mixed up with one of their immigration laws?

Is there anyway to get the media involved to perhaps wake somebody up regarding Thailand's disregard of world-wide Red Cross blood donation standards?

Indeed infuriating. And arrogant

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I was refused to donate blood as well even having been a donor all my life starting at my 18th sometimes 4 times a year with my O- now i am over 55 tooooo OLD !!!!

..there are enough of us 'A' NEG about to supply in urgent situations..a relaxing of the rules in those instances with the ok from a doctor is the logical way to go.

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One states l;ogic and compassion, both are like Rh negative Blood here very rare unfortunately being O neg myself I give up trying to give blood as they always refuse.. Amazing Thainad and it wants to be Medical Hub really. ?????????

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They want the blood but their rules are making it near impossible. The system is mentally imbalanced. Hope this guy can get home.

The rules are in place to protect the integrity of the blood supply. Do you have any idea how much damage HIV, Hepatitis C and BSE did the blood bank systems worldwide?

Nothing precludes flying in the blood from elsewhere. There are special allowances in an emergency. It's 6 hours to Darwin from Phuket on the freighter and 7 hours on Silkair. The blood can be shipped

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Me thinks the Thai Government is living in the past ,( err yeah we know that frank ) thirty plus years back the age limit applied , but with more modern equipment,( one hopes you have that ) that went out with button up boots , any age anytime, there, even got the new slogan for you .........................................

You could well be right, but it has nothing to do with this issue. There's not a sentence, not a single word on this page from the Thai government.

Methinks a lot of posters are way off topic. Either that or they think a Canadian woman is the Thai government.

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The last time I went to donate blood here (for the young backpacker ijn Chiang Mai) I was refused because of my age. Not sure, but I think 50 is the max. I'm sure if the patient, or their family had the choice, they wouldn't worry how old the donor was.

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This is a copy from https://english.redcross.or.th/node/49

Blood Donation
PostDateIcon.png Wed, 23/06/2010 - 13:31 | PostAuthorIcon.png hoonsri

Blood Donation

Blood Donor Criteria

1. Donors must weigh more than 45 kilograms and be in good health.

2. Donors must be between the ages of 17-70 years. Those who are 17 years of age and wish to donate, must have permission from parents. A first time donor must be less than 55 years old.
2.1 Criteria for donors more than 60-70 years old
2.1.1 Criteria for donors more than 60-65 years old
1) Donors have been consistently giving blood until the age of 60.
2) Donors may donate blood not more than 3 times a year (every 4 months)
3) Donors must have their Complete Blood Count (CBC) checked every time before donating blood.
4) Donors must have their Serum Ferritin (SF), Blood Chemistry (BC) checked once every year.
5) Doctors or nurses have considered and recorded abnormal SF, Hb,
Hematocrit and other abnormal results from olaboratories.
If the blood test results and blood pressure are normal, then the donation of blood is permitted.
2.1.2 Criteria for donors more than 65-70 years old
1) Donors have been consistently giving blood from ages 60-65 years old.
2) Donors may not donate blood more than two times a year (every 6 months).
3) Donors must have their CBC checked every time before donating blood
4) Donors must have their BC, SF, and EKG checked once every year.
5) Donors must have a medical certificate written by a doctor giving them permission to donate blood.

3. Donors must get plenty of sleep the night before donating blood.

4. Donors may not have diarrhea or symptoms of a fever 7 days before donating.

5. Women donors may not be pregnant, or breastfeeding at the time of donation. Women may not donate if they have delivered, or have had an abortion within the last six months

6. Donors may not donate if they have experienced a drastic loss of weight, without knowing the cause, within the last 3 months.

7. Donors taking aspirin, or other pain medicines must have stopped taking medicine 3 days prior to donating. Donors taking antibiotics need to have stopped taking antibiotics 7 days prior to donating.

8. Donors may not have asthma, chronic skin conditions, tuberculosis or other allergies.

9. Donors may not have high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, thyroid condition, cancer, etc.

10. Donors who have had tooth extraction, filling, scaling, or root canal treatment must allow 3 days to pass prior to donating.

11. Donors that have undergone any major surgery must wait 6 months before donating. Donors that have undergone any minor surgery must wait 1 month before donating.

12. Donors and their marriage/ sexual partners may not practice risky sexual behavior.

13. Donors may not have any record of drug addiction-if a having served term, donors must wait at least 3 years before donating, and be in good health.

14. Donors that have ear piercings, body tattoos, erasing of body tattoos or received acupuncture, must wait more than 1 year after their procedure to donate.

15. Donors who have a record of receiving treatment with a blood transfusion must wait more than 1 year to donate blood.

16. Donors that have a record of malaria, or had been infected, must have no symptoms or be cured for at least 3 years before donating blood. Donors who have been to places that have known malaria outbreaks must not allow one year to pass before being able to donate blood.

17. Donors must not have received any vaccinations 14 days or serum 1 year prior to donating.

18. Donors must have eaten prior to donating. Refrain from eating food containing high amounts of protein, for example: steamed rice with chicken, rice with stewed pork, fried dishes, sweet dishes, and dishes made with coconut.

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The last time I went to donate blood here (for the young backpacker ijn Chiang Mai) I was refused because of my age. Not sure, but I think 50 is the max. I'm sure if the patient, or their family had the choice, they wouldn't worry how old the donor was.

Were you a first timer.If yes the cutoff age is 55 years

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Why not fly in blood from Canada. Must the blood be from Thailand.? If he is Canadian and Canada can send blood they could use it right.

Thought about that too, could be here within a day, right ?

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" Furthermore, Red Cross stipulates donors must have been in Thailand for a minimum of six months."


18 crteria points listed in the Thai red cross

nothing i read has a six month period , maybe i missed it,

It can take up to six month to show the HIV virus. When i read this post, I really wanted to stop eating my breakfast.

There are people who want donate blood, but they haven't been in Thailand for six months? Jesus Christ....

I agree. In any case, the so-called HIV either doesn't exist or is harmless, and the HIV test is a fraud - it even says as much on the package insert. It is HIV test results which are dangerous if they come up positive, not the HIV.

One thing Thailand is making sure is

1) The receiver is not going to be affected by the blood he received by the donor.

2) The donor is not placing himself in danger by donating blood.

3) All medical information required to donate blood is at the cost of the donor.


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Look best to transfer him to Guam Where there are real Doctors not these Khoasan Special's and only a short flight they will fly in any blood he needs.

Nice 1 ! Good idea, clever thinking 2

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Why is not the Canadian Embassy/Govt not doing anything to assist. Such as fligh in the rare blood type or if he is stable enough put him on a special plane and take him home. It's easy to bag the thailand system in this case one should bag the Canadian system after all he is a citizen.

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Why not fly in blood from Canada. Must the blood be from Thailand.? If he is Canadian and Canada can send blood they could use it right.

Can you imagine the red tape to do just that. It would be mind blowing frustration to get blood into Thailand. It would be easyer to fly him home to Canada than to get a few pints flown into Thailand.

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I donated blood over 20 times in the UK.

I am unable to donate in Thailand because I lived in the EU for more than 6 months from 1980 to 1996.

This policy is in place to reduce the possibility of transmitting CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease - AKA Mad Cow Disease)

A similar policy exists in the USA.

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