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British activist faces jail threat in Thailand as trial starts over worker abuse research


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Where is the outcry from the UK government over what is clearly an attempt to silence one of the few independent voices crying foul on human rights abuses in Thailand?

Let me guess. Cameron and co are worried about damaging "good relations" with Thailand by leaping to the defence of a brave man who deserves the admiration not only of our (mostly bent) politicians but every Brit with a conscience.

Edited by Krataiboy
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On 16 December 2015, 22 civil society organisations on child rights and protection issued a joint statement, urging Tungkam Co. Ltd., a gold mining company operating in Wang Saphung District of northeastern Loei Province, to drop a lawsuit against Wanphen Khunna, a grade 10 student from Si Songkhram School in the district.

The company recently sued Wanphen under the criminal defamation law for giving an interview to Thai Public Broadcasting Service (Thai PBS) where she said “the local creek has been affected by the gold mining operations. It is contaminated and we can’t drink it.”

In addition, the mining operator also launched a lawsuit against Thai PBS for defaming the company in the broadcast, demanding 50 million baht in reparations (about 1,385,800 USD) and five years revocation of the Thai PBS broadcasting permit.

Here's the video of the interview.

This is what Andy is fighting for too. Freedom of speech. Freedom to ask questions.

On another website I was browsing earlier I saw quite recently that Andy said "As well as being vegetarian, I also limit consumer tendencies, cutting down on things you don't really need for your everyday life. This whole consumption trend is what pulls people into slavery. Reducing is good," he said

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It states he could be jailed for two years on criminal defamation charges.

The company whose owner also heads the Thai pineapple industry association and is elder brother of a former cabinet minister for labour....( interesting given the claims) says "the information is false."

Mr Hall claims labour abuses occurred .

What's interesting is the EU diplomats watching the proceedings.

After the loss of face recently by a delegation talking with YS instead of NCPO over trade offers for democracy improvements ....the PM might see this case as a way of giving a black eye back to those that dare smear Thailand.

Whilst I admire Mr Halls courage and work it is gullible to think consequences won't flow in such a corrupt situation.

The government like to silence people westerners included who might raise further questions on not just companies but them.

We are reminded in the article he wrote on the Burmese migrant workers who same will claim were stitched up, for the murders of two British back packers also.

So this man is no light weight.

He has the article informs worked with Aung San Suu Kyi so he is very capable and appears clean cut and diligent and I assume honest .

Given the tier 3 level and highlighted slavery on fishing vessels .

It's not a huge extension of plausibility to imagine the labour abuses of immigrant workers appears elsewhere.

So we have an interesting case where connected Thais seek damages and possibly a ruling that also includes jail time ,as well as future expulsion from the kingdom ( if he survives the jail term)

And on the other human rights groups and EU who can wave a red card in the Thai governments face at any time.

This case perhaps the final straw.

A poised seafood industry under a cloud .

Other human rights abuses in the spotlight.

How the Thais handle this will be interesting.

They already have his passport so fleeing is not an option .

Though I would if I were him ( as well as many members here who can guess the script)

One likely outcome is they say "this man damaged and defamed the good name of this Thai company and affected its trade adversely."

And the court imposes a jail term and demands many millions of baht before he is released ?

The media from the Government side run with the story of big mouthed Farang taught lesson .

And Thais needing to vent their personal life's frustration applaud.

The bottom line is with this case and the Facebook mother and Gang of 8 and so many more including former PM the judicial system is in the spotlight.

The world is noticing what's going on.

Travel agents are saying how nice Vietnam is when general asian enquiries are made.

Thailand is very much in the news too much and for the wrong reasons.

It's been two years and the military have kept a lid on things thus far.

But pressures are building.

It's one thing to jail Thais unfairly in this current situation that the elite class insists is necessary procedures .

But the protocols will vanish if westerners start getting locked up for essentially telling what is most likely the truth.

The military are going to have to let this guy walk if their reasoning is sound.

The fact it made court is disgraceful and highlights the ""who you know"" mentality here.

Allegations unproved are also a serious thing.

But I very much doubt he would make this stuff up.

Lets hope he can prove it in court.

I have a sneaking suspicion his witnesses have long gone and no one will testify against the company in courts stacked with folks drooling for farang blood.

This case might just cause much more trouble than a drop in sales.

Lets see what the Thais do.

My money is on guilty and all hell breaking loose.

Nice read even if found innocent the fight by the fruit company will continue. They must squelch this guy like a bug and make an example of him to deter others who might choose to follow in his footsteps. The jackboot of big business is everywhere today.
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He certainly deserves accolades for his tenacity, time and doing the right thing. Good luck Andy

Whether one is a Thai or foreigner after one's investigation, leave the country where your rights are protected before filling the report.

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It states he could be jailed for two years on criminal defamation charges.

The company whose owner also heads the Thai pineapple industry association and is elder brother of a former cabinet minister for labour....( interesting given the claims) says "the information is false."

Mr Hall claims labour abuses occurred .

What's interesting is the EU diplomats watching the proceedings.

After the loss of face recently by a delegation talking with YS instead of NCPO over trade offers for democracy improvements ....the PM might see this case as a way of giving a black eye back to those that dare smear Thailand.

Whilst I admire Mr Halls courage and work it is gullible to think consequences won't flow in such a corrupt situation.

The government like to silence people westerners included who might raise further questions on not just companies but them.

We are reminded in the article he wrote on the Burmese migrant workers who same will claim were stitched up, for the murders of two British back packers also.

So this man is no light weight.

He has the article informs worked with Aung San Suu Kyi so he is very capable and appears clean cut and diligent and I assume honest .

Given the tier 3 level and highlighted slavery on fishing vessels .

It's not a huge extension of plausibility to imagine the labour abuses of immigrant workers appears elsewhere.

So we have an interesting case where connected Thais seek damages and possibly a ruling that also includes jail time ,as well as future expulsion from the kingdom ( if he survives the jail term)

And on the other human rights groups and EU who can wave a red card in the Thai governments face at any time.

This case perhaps the final straw.

A poised seafood industry under a cloud .

Other human rights abuses in the spotlight.

How the Thais handle this will be interesting.

They already have his passport so fleeing is not an option .

Though I would if I were him ( as well as many members here who can guess the script)

One likely outcome is they say "this man damaged and defamed the good name of this Thai company and affected its trade adversely."

And the court imposes a jail term and demands many millions of baht before he is released ?

The media from the Government side run with the story of big mouthed Farang taught lesson .

And Thais needing to vent their personal life's frustration applaud.

The bottom line is with this case and the Facebook mother and Gang of 8 and so many more including former PM the judicial system is in the spotlight.

The world is noticing what's going on.

Travel agents are saying how nice Vietnam is when general asian enquiries are made.

Thailand is very much in the news too much and for the wrong reasons.

It's been two years and the military have kept a lid on things thus far.

But pressures are building.

It's one thing to jail Thais unfairly in this current situation that the elite class insists is necessary procedures .

But the protocols will vanish if westerners start getting locked up for essentially telling what is most likely the truth.

The military are going to have to let this guy walk if their reasoning is sound.

The fact it made court is disgraceful and highlights the ""who you know"" mentality here.

Allegations unproved are also a serious thing.

But I very much doubt he would make this stuff up.

Lets hope he can prove it in court.

I have a sneaking suspicion his witnesses have long gone and no one will testify against the company in courts stacked with folks drooling for farang blood.

This case might just cause much more trouble than a drop in sales.

Lets see what the Thais do.

My money is on guilty and all hell breaking loose.

Your comment Plutojames88 , Pressures are building , and earlier than one might imagine.

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One thing that is outrageous here, other than the obvious.

Even assuming everything he said is true, highly probable I believe, he can still be prosecuted under Thai law for defamation if the Company has been damaged by the reports. Complete madness in my opinion. Nothing like libel/slander laws in the UK, if it is true the case is thrown out, in fact he would probably receive legal fees/damages compensation as well!

That said, he didn't write the report or post it, Finnwatch did, so how did he end up being prosecuted?

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The abuse has been going on for years, long before the current coup so lets not lay the blame for this on the Junta. Will they allow Andy Hall a real voice? No of course not because they are the Junta and repression of the people is how they operate.

Andy Hall is a true hero, let's hope he comes through this OK.

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The company has been very bold in pursuing this case as it could end up with a boycott of their products by western countries. A boycott could also inadvertently affect other food producers in Thailand who are exporters.

Bold is one word for it...there are a few others I just tried to type but they didn't stay on the screen?

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It states he could be jailed for two years on criminal defamation charges.

The company whose owner also heads the Thai pineapple industry association and is elder brother of a former cabinet minister for labour....( interesting given the claims) says "the information is false."

Mr Hall claims labour abuses occurred .

What's interesting is the EU diplomats watching the proceedings.

After the loss of face recently by a delegation talking with YS instead of NCPO over trade offers for democracy improvements ....the PM might see this case as a way of giving a black eye back to those that dare smear Thailand.

Whilst I admire Mr Halls courage and work it is gullible to think consequences won't flow in such a corrupt situation.

The government like to silence people westerners included who might raise further questions on not just companies but them.

We are reminded in the article he wrote on the Burmese migrant workers who same will claim were stitched up, for the murders of two British back packers also.

So this man is no light weight.

He has the article informs worked with Aung San Suu Kyi so he is very capable and appears clean cut and diligent and I assume honest .

Given the tier 3 level and highlighted slavery on fishing vessels .

It's not a huge extension of plausibility to imagine the labour abuses of immigrant workers appears elsewhere.

So we have an interesting case where connected Thais seek damages and possibly a ruling that also includes jail time ,as well as future expulsion from the kingdom ( if he survives the jail term)

And on the other human rights groups and EU who can wave a red card in the Thai governments face at any time.

This case perhaps the final straw.

A poised seafood industry under a cloud .

Other human rights abuses in the spotlight.

How the Thais handle this will be interesting.

They already have his passport so fleeing is not an option .

Though I would if I were him ( as well as many members here who can guess the script)

One likely outcome is they say "this man damaged and defamed the good name of this Thai company and affected its trade adversely."

And the court imposes a jail term and demands many millions of baht before he is released ?

The media from the Government side run with the story of big mouthed Farang taught lesson .

And Thais needing to vent their personal life's frustration applaud.

The bottom line is with this case and the Facebook mother and Gang of 8 and so many more including former PM the judicial system is in the spotlight.

The world is noticing what's going on.

Travel agents are saying how nice Vietnam is when general asian enquiries are made.

Thailand is very much in the news too much and for the wrong reasons.

It's been two years and the military have kept a lid on things thus far.

But pressures are building.

It's one thing to jail Thais unfairly in this current situation that the elite class insists is necessary procedures .

But the protocols will vanish if westerners start getting locked up for essentially telling what is most likely the truth.

The military are going to have to let this guy walk if their reasoning is sound.

The fact it made court is disgraceful and highlights the ""who you know"" mentality here.

Allegations unproved are also a serious thing.

But I very much doubt he would make this stuff up.

Lets hope he can prove it in court.

I have a sneaking suspicion his witnesses have long gone and no one will testify against the company in courts stacked with folks drooling for farang blood.

This case might just cause much more trouble than a drop in sales.

Lets see what the Thais do.

My money is on guilty and all hell breaking loose.

Did you miss the bit where the EU parliamentary party also met with Abhisit and the MFA in addition to the former disgraced PM Ms. Yingluck?

This is a defamation case and the plaintiff is using existing Thai laws to bring the case in a court of law. Those laws, and that court, existed before the Junta, throughout all the Shin governments this century and before.

But you somehow see it as the military. Ever thought why the previous Shin regime, or any of their governments that have held power for most of this century never changed it?

Andy Hall knows the law, the system, and the risks. He won't have made these accusations based on some bar rumor or for spite. He will have evidence. The argument will be whether it was in the public interest to release that information knowing it would hurt the plaintiff's business; unless the plaintiff can disprove what Andy said. I hope Andy is taking sensible precautions given his high profile comments regarding the KT murders case.

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Where is the outcry from the UK government over what is clearly an attempt to silence one of the few independent voices crying foul on human rights abuses in Thailand?

Let me guess. Cameron and co are worried about damaging "good relations" with Thailand by leaping to the defence of a brave man who deserves the admiration not only of our (mostly bent) politicians but every Brit with a conscience.

The UK government, whether it's Cameron, some other public school Tory or rabid socialist in office, won't don't and never will support its citizens who get involved in legal cases in other countries. If you get sentenced to death they might protest and demand it's reduced to life. That's about all. No legal support, no support that involves expenditure other than consular visits to make sure you're still alive if incarcerated.

Many many other governments will act the same. The days when Western countries sent in the gun boats are long gone. Your on your own as far as their concerned.

More change NGO's, especially those involved in fighting trafficking, slavery, and promoting workers' rights might kick up.

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Most, if not all, of the Western organizations who buy from this supplier will have sections in the annual reports on CSR - sourcing with dignity, anti-slavery and trafficking and ensuring their suppliers treat their employees fairly. All the qualified professional procurement people will be aware of the EU legislative requirements, their own countries requirements, and will be aware of their organizations commitments and AR inclusions. These people should be carrying out thorough due diligence on suppliers.

I hope Walk Free are targeting the customer organizations and their buyers.

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It states he could be jailed for two years on criminal defamation charges.

The company whose owner also heads the Thai pineapple industry association and is elder brother of a former cabinet minister for labour....( interesting given the claims) says "the information is false."

Mr Hall claims labour abuses occurred .

What's interesting is the EU diplomats watching the proceedings.

After the loss of face recently by a delegation talking with YS instead of NCPO over trade offers for democracy improvements ....the PM might see this case as a way of giving a black eye back to those that dare smear Thailand.

Whilst I admire Mr Halls courage and work it is gullible to think consequences won't flow in such a corrupt situation.

The government like to silence people westerners included who might raise further questions on not just companies but them.

We are reminded in the article he wrote on the Burmese migrant workers who same will claim were stitched up, for the murders of two British back packers also.

So this man is no light weight.

He has the article informs worked with Aung San Suu Kyi so he is very capable and appears clean cut and diligent and I assume honest .

Given the tier 3 level and highlighted slavery on fishing vessels .

It's not a huge extension of plausibility to imagine the labour abuses of immigrant workers appears elsewhere.

So we have an interesting case where connected Thais seek damages and possibly a ruling that also includes jail time ,as well as future expulsion from the kingdom ( if he survives the jail term)

And on the other human rights groups and EU who can wave a red card in the Thai governments face at any time.

This case perhaps the final straw.

A poised seafood industry under a cloud .

Other human rights abuses in the spotlight.

How the Thais handle this will be interesting.

They already have his passport so fleeing is not an option .

Though I would if I were him ( as well as many members here who can guess the script)

One likely outcome is they say "this man damaged and defamed the good name of this Thai company and affected its trade adversely."

And the court imposes a jail term and demands many millions of baht before he is released ?

The media from the Government side run with the story of big mouthed Farang taught lesson .

And Thais needing to vent their personal life's frustration applaud.

The bottom line is with this case and the Facebook mother and Gang of 8 and so many more including former PM the judicial system is in the spotlight.

The world is noticing what's going on.

Travel agents are saying how nice Vietnam is when general asian enquiries are made.

Thailand is very much in the news too much and for the wrong reasons.

It's been two years and the military have kept a lid on things thus far.

But pressures are building.

It's one thing to jail Thais unfairly in this current situation that the elite class insists is necessary procedures .

But the protocols will vanish if westerners start getting locked up for essentially telling what is most likely the truth.

The military are going to have to let this guy walk if their reasoning is sound.

The fact it made court is disgraceful and highlights the ""who you know"" mentality here.

Allegations unproved are also a serious thing.

But I very much doubt he would make this stuff up.

Lets hope he can prove it in court.

I have a sneaking suspicion his witnesses have long gone and no one will testify against the company in courts stacked with folks drooling for farang blood.

This case might just cause much more trouble than a drop in sales.

Lets see what the Thais do.

My money is on guilty and all hell breaking loose.

Mine too. I fully agree with all you have said about Andy, all you have said about this (apparently) disreputable company, and all you have said and implied about Thais, right up to the PM.

However, Andy's case, though iniquitous in many and diverse ways, is only a single thread in a very clever (and complex beyond my understanding) knot that has been tied to bring Thailand either to failed state status and foreign intervention, or to a civil war). I think that the people hoping for Thailand to once again be a 'beacon of emerging democracy' in SE Asia, have given up hoping, and are now only interested in 'bringing the whole edifice crashing down on their heads (with apologies to the late, great Richard Burton).

It seems that an example needs to be made in the world, and someone, somewhere has decided TL drew the short straw and is due to be handed the dirty end of the stick - which I believe will be very dirty indeed. I think the likelihood that Thailand get any sympathy from overseas is being progressively diminished as it alienates other nations and gradually becomes a pariah state. All Thais should kneel and give thanks to the little general for that. It seems that the most unlikely people sometimes still have some purpose to serve.

If this is right, then I honestly don't have very much sympathy for them. Som nam na.


Edited by Winniedapu
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It states he could be jailed for two years on criminal defamation charges.

The company whose owner also heads the Thai pineapple industry association and is elder brother of a former cabinet minister for labour....( interesting given the claims) says "the information is false."

Mr Hall claims labour abuses occurred .

What's interesting is the EU diplomats watching the proceedings.

After the loss of face recently by a delegation talking with YS instead of NCPO over trade offers for democracy improvements ....the PM might see this case as a way of giving a black eye back to those that dare smear Thailand.

Whilst I admire Mr Halls courage and work it is gullible to think consequences won't flow in such a corrupt situation.

The government like to silence people westerners included who might raise further questions on not just companies but them.

We are reminded in the article he wrote on the Burmese migrant workers who same will claim were stitched up, for the murders of two British back packers also.

So this man is no light weight.

He has the article informs worked with Aung San Suu Kyi so he is very capable and appears clean cut and diligent and I assume honest .

Given the tier 3 level and highlighted slavery on fishing vessels .

It's not a huge extension of plausibility to imagine the labour abuses of immigrant workers appears elsewhere.

So we have an interesting case where connected Thais seek damages and possibly a ruling that also includes jail time ,as well as future expulsion from the kingdom ( if he survives the jail term)

And on the other human rights groups and EU who can wave a red card in the Thai governments face at any time.

This case perhaps the final straw.

A poised seafood industry under a cloud .

Other human rights abuses in the spotlight.

How the Thais handle this will be interesting.

They already have his passport so fleeing is not an option .

Though I would if I were him ( as well as many members here who can guess the script)

One likely outcome is they say "this man damaged and defamed the good name of this Thai company and affected its trade adversely."

And the court imposes a jail term and demands many millions of baht before he is released ?

The media from the Government side run with the story of big mouthed Farang taught lesson .

And Thais needing to vent their personal life's frustration applaud.

The bottom line is with this case and the Facebook mother and Gang of 8 and so many more including former PM the judicial system is in the spotlight.

The world is noticing what's going on.

Travel agents are saying how nice Vietnam is when general asian enquiries are made.

Thailand is very much in the news too much and for the wrong reasons.

It's been two years and the military have kept a lid on things thus far.

But pressures are building.

It's one thing to jail Thais unfairly in this current situation that the elite class insists is necessary procedures .

But the protocols will vanish if westerners start getting locked up for essentially telling what is most likely the truth.

The military are going to have to let this guy walk if their reasoning is sound.

The fact it made court is disgraceful and highlights the ""who you know"" mentality here.

Allegations unproved are also a serious thing.

But I very much doubt he would make this stuff up.

Lets hope he can prove it in court.

I have a sneaking suspicion his witnesses have long gone and no one will testify against the company in courts stacked with folks drooling for farang blood.

This case might just cause much more trouble than a drop in sales.

Lets see what the Thais do.

My money is on guilty and all hell breaking loose.

Nice read even if found innocent the fight by the fruit company will continue. They must squelch this guy like a bug and make an example of him to deter others who might choose to follow in his footsteps. The jackboot of big business is everywhere today.

Yes and people must see that the renewed interest in getting Mr Hall is pass'e were it not for those magical military laws brought into play - the regular Thai ones simply were not getting these people enough.

A basic examination of the last two years we see these cases and others get reincarnated with vigour .

There have been Arbitrary detention of hundreds of not just journalists and activists and people that are accused of supporting the previous government , but prosecution of even critics , which is where our distinguishing differences between NCPO and normal Thai court proceedings lay.

Why it's important this case is examined is that it's the Juntas Computer crimes act that he is now being hunted under.

The Criminal defamation charges filed by Natural Fruit company was dismissed by a court under democratic rule in 2014 in October.

It's the NCPO who are allowing a new avenue under a much more serious charge.

It involves an amended crimes act brought into existence by them.

And under them several people are being dragged before courts.

This idea it's anything to do with Reds or Thaksin is as I have said simply childish.

As to the proof and prosecution the problem lays in the actual way the information was used and how it was distributed .

The laws are being used to charge people on Facebook for pressing ""like""

This is a departure to what was the norm and is indeed a manifestation of the military interpretation .

MR Halls case is interesting for many reasons not least that he is a westerner and the tools being widely used against him are a creation of the Military.

The inevitable conclusions and findings and most likely remuneration demands for this company will all be done with the pre- eminence of a Thai court that is using draconian laws to punish innocent persons.

And for that reason we watch this case .

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[quote name="Baerboxer" post="10768389" timestamp="

But you somehow see it as the military. Ever thought why the previous Shin regime, or any of their governments that have held power for most of this century never changed it?



Ever heard of the Computer crimes act as applied by the NCPO ?

People pressing "" like"" on Facebook ring a bell?

Edited by Plutojames88
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One thing that is outrageous here, other than the obvious.

Even assuming everything he said is true, highly probable I believe, he can still be prosecuted under Thai law for defamation if the Company has been damaged by the reports. Complete madness in my opinion. Nothing like libel/slander laws in the UK, if it is true the case is thrown out, in fact he would probably receive legal fees/damages compensation as well!

That said, he didn't write the report or post it, Finnwatch did, so how did he end up being prosecuted?

The same reason the editor who re-printed a paragraph from an award-winning Reuters article was charged. Thailand can't go after the big fish overseas as the country would be told to bugger off, so they go after and bully the small fry based in Thailand.

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Andy Hall knows the law, the system, and the risks. He won't have made these accusations based on some bar rumor or for spite. He will have evidence.

Having evidence to back up the accusations makes no difference at all in Thailand. If what he says or writes damages the company, or anyone, in any way he can be prosecuted. How backward is that! How much more can you encourage corruption and abuse of human rights and unethical behaviour of any kind? The accused can admit to everything, but as long as they say it (quite rightly) damaged them or the company they can sue. How much more can a country be screwed up than that? How much more?

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I am always reminded by my (Thai) wife to " not get involved, not our problem" - this is a GOOD RULE to follow in Thailand.

Western's tend to attract trouble in Thailand by "getting involved" in things that are not our problems.....

Yes, the immense majority of us cowards have this kind of reasoning. I am part of this majority too, so I don't get involved but I'm not proud of it so I would keep this kind of statement for myself.

Fortunately, for the sake of human rights, there are people who do not reason this way and don't mind "attracting trouble" to themselves to stand for these rights.

Such people existed in South Africa during the apartheid too...

You have my respect, Andy.

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I am always reminded by my (Thai) wife to " not get involved, not our problem" - this is a GOOD RULE to follow in Thailand.

Western's tend to attract trouble in Thailand by "getting involved" in things that are not our problems.....

Yes, the immense majority of us cowards have this kind of reasoning. I am part of this majority too, so I don't get involved but I'm not proud of it so I would keep this kind of statement for myself.

Fortunately, for the sake of human rights, there are people who do not reason this way and don't mind "attracting trouble" to themselves to stand for these rights.

Such people existed in South Africa during the apartheid too...

You have my respect, Andy.

Lanning - Westerners are TOLERATED by the Thai Govt and Police - we exist here on various visas. The VAST majority do not have the ability to engage in argument with powerful people and institutions. It results in severe financial loss, jail, deportation or perhaps worse.

Go ahead and pull the Tiger's tail. See what happens.

You will just end up in another country and unable to live in Thailand.

Personally I have too much to lose to fight with Thailand Govt, business, police etc. and end up banned from this country.

Most activist in countries like S Africa were BORN there and hence, cannot be deported.

Have a lovely day in Thailand.


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I perfectly know what the risks are.

That was not my point, and I have no intention to engage into activism as I have put myself in the category of cowards as you might have noticed.

My point is that we need people like this, be them Thais or Brits or whatever. It's not relevant to me. I admire them.

You're misled about anti-apartheid activists in SA. There were quite a few foreigners too.

And I'm Lannig by the way. Without a "n" before the final "g".

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While I hope he is treated leniently, personally the way I see it is another case of a white person trying to make themselves the self-appointed spokesperson for people they think don't have any voice. It's a typical leftist feel good thing to do these days, let's go out and expose apparent abuses of human rights, because we are perpetual racists and need to make amends for past injustices for eternity.

Really, can anyone tell me the last time an Asian person advocated for human rights?

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While I hope he is treated leniently, personally the way I see it is another case of a white person trying to make themselves the self-appointed spokesperson for people they think don't have any voice. It's a typical leftist feel good thing to do these days, let's go out and expose apparent abuses of human rights, because we are perpetual racists and need to make amends for past injustices for eternity.

Really, can anyone tell me the last time an Asian person advocated for human rights?

I clicked like but wanted to click quote. I don't like your post because the last sentence is utterly untrue. According to a couple of your posts you pretend to know (a little) about Burma. Good for u thinking that, but if u really knew about Burma you would know that PLENTY of burmese have risked their lives in Burma AND Thailand advocating human rights. In Bangkok there's a guy (Kyaw Thaung) for many years advocating the rights of his fellow men. He has to hide all the time, change places and has been shot at. Nevertheless he continues to fight the situation.


Edited by Mook23
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I am always reminded by my (Thai) wife to " not get involved, not our problem" - this is a GOOD RULE to follow in Thailand.

Western's tend to attract trouble in Thailand by "getting involved" in things that are not our problems.....

Your attitude and that of the Thai population is the reason that this country is a 3rd world nation, has a disgracefu education system and is controled by a junta.

Good luck Mr Hall and respect.

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