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Egypt Air crash and the Paris link: Radical Islamic CDG airport workers?


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It's a shame some people do not want to wait until the cause of loss is determined.

Early reports indicate that the wreckage is spread over a wide area, indicating an inflight breakup. That doesn't happen to modern aircraft unless there is 'outside' intervention, extreme weather, which doesn't appear to be the issue here, or terrorist activity, i.e., explosive device on the aircraft.

I agree though....let's see who is responsible before going in too hard, but I bet it won't be the presbyterians, or catholics, or hindus, etc.!!!

OMGImInPattaya, I think you can substitute 'moronic' for 'feckless'. They have learnt nothing.

Edit for spelling

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Good thing I will be most likely dead in 10 years.......How dumb can these Euro-Trash leaders be?

I guess they can be dumber, and if they continue down the same path, that will make them dumber, because they haven't learnt from past blunders.

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France, like most other EU countries, keeps letting in Muslims. The resident Muslims and newly arrived Muslims are going to have babies. Those babies grow up. Some of them will become radicalized, usually during their teenage years. The problems EU countries are experiencing now with radical Islam are going to be many times worse in coming decades. Do the math. Sharia is also on the European horizon.

Plus, it takes a lot of time and sleuthing to try and weed out baddies. While authorities are doing it, there are cries of "invasion of privacy!". Even if authorities weed out 1900 out of 2000 radicals, that still leaves 100 to cause harm. Sorry Europe, but you're heading down the tubes by allowing Muslims to take over.

Watch, Listen, and Absorb

This is chilling but finally it's being talked about.


Paul Weston is related to UKIP, Pegida UK, EDL and GB Liberty...

I've watched and I've listened, but I couldn't absorb this fascist, racist and politically biased chap his words and mindset.

Back to topic : out of some 3.300 investigations since latest November attacks in Paris, only 4 were related to terrorism.

2 were released due to lack of proof.

2 others are awaiting trial with links to terrorist networks.

By the way, none of them were airport workers at CDG, Orly, etc...

Edited by Thorgal
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France, like most other EU countries, keeps letting in Muslims. The resident Muslims and newly arrived Muslims are going to have babies. Those babies grow up. Some of them will become radicalized, usually during their teenage years. The problems EU countries are experiencing now with radical Islam are going to be many times worse in coming decades. Do the math. Sharia is also on the European horizon.

Plus, it takes a lot of time and sleuthing to try and weed out baddies. While authorities are doing it, there are cries of "invasion of privacy!". Even if authorities weed out 1900 out of 2000 radicals, that still leaves 100 to cause harm. Sorry Europe, but you're heading down the tubes by allowing Muslims to take over.

Watch, Listen, and Absorb

This is chilling but finally it's being talked about.


Paul Weston is related to UKIP, Pegida UK, EDL and GB Liberty...

I've watched and I've listened, but I couldn't absorb this fascist, racist and politically biased chap his words and mindset.

Back to topic : out of some 3.300 investigations since latest November attacks in Paris, only 4 were related to terrorism.

2 were released due to lack of proof.

2 others are awaiting trial with links to terrorist networks.

By the way, none of them were airport workers at CDG, Orly, etc...

quote"but I couldn't absorb this fascist, racist and politically biased chap his words and mindset."

What are you talking about? Paul Weston was giving facts, not possible scenarios. There is no "couldn't absorb" in the matter. You must absorb, or you already have absorbed and are happy about the result. All members of the invading religion will be happy with what Mr. Weston said, because it means they are winning (actually they are losing because their victory will be disastrous and there will be no more democratic welfare states left to invade).

His story about the police knowing full well about the 2 decade long mass pedophile rings of muslims was incredible. So 12 of these muslim males were raping a child in a hotel room. The childs father was frantic outside the hotel in an attempt to save his daughter. The police arrested the father instead of the 12 pedophiles raping his daughter a few meters away. Muslims are above the law. It is a disaster. Paul Weston is bang on the money yet again.

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More baseless scaremongering. They have to be making money off of this. Nobody knows yet what happened to the plane. There is no basis for believing it was a bomb. There is no basis (except that it saves the people responsible from being embarrassed at their own incompetence) for thinking it was caused by terrorist activity. Of course this is a good way for the various nations' equivalents of the American Homeland Security Department and the "intelligence" agencies and the knuckle-dragging paramilitaries to demand more billion of Euros or pounds or dollars or whatever. That's why it's so popular. Kind of like the American War On Drugs, which is hugely counter-productive but a lot of people make very good livings from it.

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More baseless scaremongering. They have to be making money off of this. Nobody knows yet what happened to the plane. There is no basis for believing it was a bomb. There is no basis (except that it saves the people responsible from being embarrassed at their own incompetence) for thinking it was caused by terrorist activity. Of course this is a good way for the various nations' equivalents of the American Homeland Security Department and the "intelligence" agencies and the knuckle-dragging paramilitaries to demand more billion of Euros or pounds or dollars or whatever. That's why it's so popular. Kind of like the American War On Drugs, which is hugely counter-productive but a lot of people make very good livings from it.

Perhaps you'd be kind enough to get all drugged up and go hug a terrorist. whistling.gif

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muslims and muslims don't mix very well, muslims and Christians don't mix at all and never will, unfortunately this is the reality, what will be the outcome of all this - ethnic removal back to where they came from seems to be gaining ground and getting closer.

As far as history goes, you're just wrong. Even currently, most Muslims in France are integrated into society. Turks in Germany. It's just that because they blend into the general populace, no one notices.

Smedly may or may not be correct, 'you're just wrong'! There is absolutely nothing in islamic history to suggest the narrative you offer. In fact, islamic text expressly demands NOT to integrate into non muslim societies; this is not interpretation, this is a defining characteristic of the faith. Hijra [jihad] and the related tenets of islam (both koranic and ahadith) require muslims to return to the dar al islam from the dar al harb rather than integrate. If after taqqiya, dissasembly, and other non integrative tools fail, return to muslim countries! This central-core tenet became a highly evolved injunction early, in Medina. Islam itself is entirely predicated upon non-integration; this was their vehicle for proselytizing and ensuring the faith endured. This is not a matter of opinion.

"As far as history goes" you can provide not one single example where there was a practice or perception that 'most muslims' integrated and fit in and blended in to 'society.' Nonsense. Integration by definition is anathema to the express will of the prophet! Should you find some apologist who offers this it cannot be reconciled with scripture.

Whether or not a radical connection is proven with regard to this OP/airport remains to be seen but as previous posters noted, with each year that passes, putting the supremacist jinn back in the bottle will become near impossible; integration has never worked out well for the host in one single example in history.

I am wrong?

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muslims and muslims don't mix very well, muslims and Christians don't mix at all and never will, unfortunately this is the reality, what will be the outcome of all this - ethnic removal back to where they came from seems to be gaining ground and getting closer.

As far as history goes, you're just wrong. Even currently, most Muslims in France are integrated into society. Turks in Germany. It's just that because they blend into the general populace, no one notices.

A street in Paris.


Integrated and blended in really well.

Of course the photo above is not a one off. Of course the Parisian streets suffer an epidemic of of overt religion lately. There is overwhelming evidence that this is a problem in France. Curiously, the underlying issue is not islam at all.

France, it seems, has some prohibitions regarding the overt displays of religiosity. So, at first glance, the issue is a matter of abuse of mores/regs. At second glance, it highlights the same supremacist demands that hearken all the way back to Mecca 1 where nascent muslims declared "Why don't you treat us equally?" To which the Meccans responded "We have no problem with you joining with us,living with us, and being our equals, we only want you to stop mocking and abusing our gods." Sound familiar?

Even a topical search reveals an overwhelming muslim abuse of no religious events in public spaces in Paris. As the base from which to draw jihadists grows daily, at a certain point, with France effectively lost, the cries for integration will change to pleas of leniency of accommodation to the muslim population. If current events were an arrow in flight and someone offered [this] is all going to turn our well, the arrow will hit no troubled mark, they would be lying. Of course there is only violence and despair ahead. This will not turn out well for the French, muslims and non muslims alike.

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I am an athiest, I do not buy into the life after death of all the hopefuls, your last breath is just that....deal with it

religion plays on the tribal instinct that we all have .....it goes deep, we don't just die there has to be something else, our way is better - have faith, throw on top of that - greed and power manifested in many ways in human history, there is no escaping that we as the most inteligent breathing creatures on this planet are also self destructive, there are those that play on this fear to good effect and in doing so seek power and are greedy

Wierd thing is that religion is evil.................leaders try to justify this evil and yet everything about it is in fact the most evil thing we have, wars upon wars - conflict upon conflicts - religious factions killing eachother throughout our history in the name of something .................evil it is evil

The world takes a long time to evolve, sooner or later we as inteligent self thinking and serving creatures on this planet we will hopefully come to realise what is real, in the last hundred years we had 2 so called world wars were millions of people died and the destruction for most of us is hard to comprehend.................is that where we are heading again ??????

it sure seems like it

We don't know if the loss of this aircraft and the innocent lives was the result of a deliberate act or an accident but the fact that there is a possibility and the fact that we know there are people that would carry out such a thing in the name of what....................................? their God

there is evil at work right there

Rant over and I didn't read over my post so sorry for the errors

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More baseless scaremongering. They have to be making money off of this. Nobody knows yet what happened to the plane. There is no basis for believing it was a bomb. There is no basis (except that it saves the people responsible from being embarrassed at their own incompetence) for thinking it was caused by terrorist activity. Of course this is a good way for the various nations' equivalents of the American Homeland Security Department and the "intelligence" agencies and the knuckle-dragging paramilitaries to demand more billion of Euros or pounds or dollars or whatever. That's why it's so popular. Kind of like the American War On Drugs, which is hugely counter-productive but a lot of people make very good livings from it.

There is EVERY basis for believing it was a bomb. The wreckage is spread over a wide area. That indicates an inflight breakup, and modern aircraft don't just disintegrate. We're not in the De Havilland Comet age.

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More baseless scaremongering. They have to be making money off of this. Nobody knows yet what happened to the plane. There is no basis for believing it was a bomb. There is no basis (except that it saves the people responsible from being embarrassed at their own incompetence) for thinking it was caused by terrorist activity. Of course this is a good way for the various nations' equivalents of the American Homeland Security Department and the "intelligence" agencies and the knuckle-dragging paramilitaries to demand more billion of Euros or pounds or dollars or whatever. That's why it's so popular. Kind of like the American War On Drugs, which is hugely counter-productive but a lot of people make very good livings from it.

There is EVERY basis for believing it was a bomb. The wreckage is spread over a wide area. That indicates an inflight breakup, and modern aircraft don't just disintegrate. We're not in the De Havilland Comet age.

Plus the fact that the plane had landed in 2 of the world's worst islamic terrorist areas in the prior 24 hours. I am of course referring to Paris and Brussels. I would not go anywhere near these religious dumps for any money - tough knowing if a plane has landed there recently though. This will take a lot of effort flying internationally to make sure the plane has been travelling in "safe" (read non-muslim) areas before you embark. Ah the joys of multiculturalism.

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muslims and muslims don't mix very well, muslims and Christians don't mix at all and never will, unfortunately this is the reality, what will be the outcome of all this - ethnic removal back to where they came from seems to be gaining ground and getting closer.

As far as history goes, you're just wrong. Even currently, most Muslims in France are integrated into society. Turks in Germany. It's just that because they blend into the general populace, no one notices.

To a large extent, you're right. Muslims in France are integrating well. Marseille has a giant Muslim population, for example. They're even building a giant mosque to add to many other large mosques. However, it's a matter of degrees. If 99% of the Muslim population are decent folks, ......that leaves 1% who could be radicalized. 1% of a million is 10,000. 10,000 baddies bent on destruction can do a lot of damage.

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I don't suppose you've heard of the Zones Urbaines Sensibles (no go zones in English), there are 718 of them in mainland France. Be my guest to make arguments based on sophistry alone to dispute this.

Altough unable to engage in comversation I can still read a bit of French with the minute amount I retain from my high school studies nearly 50 years ago. So I Googled Zones Urbaines Sensibles and without resort to any sophistry I immediately found this on Wikipedia"

"In January 2015, after the Charlie Hebdo shooting, several items on Fox News labeled the ZUS as "Islamic no-go zones".[6] French media agencies denied these claims.[7][8] After complaints Fox News issued an apology, saying that there was "no credible information to support the assertion there are specific areas in these countries that exclude individuals based solely on their religion".

Hey Dan! Howdya like them apples?

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I am inclined to stay away from Europe for the time being and I am inclined to complain a lot less about those long lines for TSA screening in the US.

Are you suggesting that maybe they should hand over the screening for the domestically radicalized to the TSA? I wonder how that would work for the typical Walmart shopper.

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Here we go again - runaway speculation on an Air Crash before even the wreckage has been found let alone the official investigation has got fully underway.

There can be numerous reasons for this crash , that is why experts whose job it is to do an exhaustive investigation that can take upto 2 years to complete before the cause can be determined.

The final report can take up to two years, but once the CVR and FDR are recovered, an analysis can usually be made fairly quickly, and in the case of a bomb, it will be very quickly. Then it takes some back room type to write up the report, covering all the detail.....up to two years.

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A whole lot going on over there and it a much bigger mess than people realize. Many no fly zones and even Iran airspace closed recently and tried to force several US planes to land. They all crazy over there. Safe? Sure when you weigh the odds of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Edited by F430murci
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Here we go again - runaway speculation on an Air Crash before even the wreckage has been found let alone the official investigation has got fully underway.

There can be numerous reasons for this crash , that is why experts whose job it is to do an exhaustive investigation that can take upto 2 years to complete before the cause can be determined.

The final report can take up to two years, but once the CVR and FDR are recovered, an analysis can usually be made fairly quickly, and in the case of a bomb, it will be very quickly. Then it takes some back room type to write up the report, covering all the detail.....up to two years.

They can get pretty decent ideas fairly quickly due to data being reported from plane in a continuous basis. What ever they are seeing preliminarily is causing a whole lot of concern and scrambling right now with those who monitor flight safety and track passengers and shipments.

May take that long to confirm public ally, but internally they will have their ideas regarding cause well before then.

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Meanwhile no islamic group has claimed anything yet, while for the past ones they were bragging about it.. not exclude it uht maybe wait till the conclusion before hanging all the muslims in europe who do the jobs none of the european wants to do anymore...

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muslims and muslims don't mix very well, muslims and Christians don't mix at all and never will, unfortunately this is the reality, what will be the outcome of all this - ethnic removal back to where they came from seems to be gaining ground and getting closer.

As far as history goes, you're just wrong. Even currently, most Muslims in France are integrated into society. Turks in Germany. It's just that because they blend into the general populace, no one notices.

To a large extent, you're right. Muslims in France are integrating well. Marseille has a giant Muslim population, for example. They're even building a giant mosque to add to many other large mosques. However, it's a matter of degrees. If 99% of the Muslim population are decent folks, ......that leaves 1% who could be radicalized. 1% of a million is 10,000. 10,000 baddies bent on destruction can do a lot of damage.

The rule you state is applicable to any group in a society : politicien, army, vocal choeur...

The problem with muslims in europe and France is due to the zones where they grow up and live: france welcomed migrants after the war to help for the reconstruction (something the far right sympathizers forget) and after with the french colonies (far right sympathizers also forget or are nostalgic of them). And instead of settling the families a bit everywhere in the cities they put them all together in areas, far from the center...

The french governmentS never worked for their integration. It does not explain all but yet it contributes to the situation.

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Meanwhile no islamic group has claimed anything yet, while for the past ones they were bragging about it.. not exclude it uht maybe wait till the conclusion before hanging all the muslims in europe who do the jobs none of the european wants to do anymore...

They may not for a while if they have found a way to get something on board undetected.

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Here we go again - runaway speculation on an Air Crash before even the wreckage has been found let alone the official investigation has got fully underway.

There can be numerous reasons for this crash , that is why experts whose job it is to do an exhaustive investigation that can take upto 2 years to complete before the cause can be determined.

The final report can take up to two years, but once the CVR and FDR are recovered, an analysis can usually be made fairly quickly, and in the case of a bomb, it will be very quickly. Then it takes some back room type to write up the report, covering all the detail.....up to two years.

It was a bomb. The deniers can have their denial party but it was a bomb. The plane came apart in the air, dropped like a rock and scattered from hell to breakfast. Planes don't do that by themselves.


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There are reports of smoke in the cabin and cockpit. My money says it was fog. A plane at altitude is pressurized and climate controlled. The outside air is far below freezing. When the plane gets a hole that allows atmospheric air to enter, the moisture in the cabin condenses. It does so in a pattern, moving from the hole in the plane outward. People who have just moments to observe while also busy observing and doing other things will mistake the moving fog for smoke.

This plane got a sudden hole in the right side from an explosion, filled with fog as it began to disintegrate and then tumbled erratically into the ocean, scattering over a wide area.


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EgyptAir plane 'did not swerve' before crash

Top air navigation official says plane did not swerve or lose altitude before it disappeared, as claimed by Greece.

The head of Egypt's state-run provider of air navigation services says that EgyptAir flight 804 did not swerve or lose altitude before it disappeared off radar, challenging an earlier account by Greece's defence minister.

Ehab Azmy, head of the National Air Navigation Services Company, told The Associated Press news agency on Monday that in the minutes before the plane disappeared it was flying at its normal altitude of 37,000 feet, according to the radar reading.

Full story here - Aljazeera

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There are reports of smoke in the cabin and cockpit. My money says it was fog. A plane at altitude is pressurized and climate controlled. The outside air is far below freezing. When the plane gets a hole that allows atmospheric air to enter, the moisture in the cabin condenses. It does so in a pattern, moving from the hole in the plane outward. People who have just moments to observe while also busy observing and doing other things will mistake the moving fog for smoke.

This plane got a sudden hole in the right side from an explosion, filled with fog as it began to disintegrate and then tumbled erratically into the ocean, scattering over a wide area.


Hello Neversure

I have a different suspicion. An alert system on planes broadcasts vital signs data at certain points or events. Fog would trigger humidity and reports state it was smoke; I do not think human observations were transmitted, only pure data. To your point, it could broadcast fog and smoke I suppose but its the smoke that interests me. Unlike civilian planes anyone who has ever rode military planes much knows the fog you speak of as these planes routinely fly with leaks (until maintenance). Not sure this would trigger an alarm- alone.

I have thought this over and there is a clear set of knowns that suggest my theory:

1. An event that triggered a data alert broadcast.

2. At least one data was that there was smoke.

3. An unspecified period of time in this state because the sensors clearly processed, then compiled the data and broadcast.

4. Various reports of curious maneuvers.

5. Plane lost.

First smoke and perhaps no explosion at all, or perhaps secondary implosion.

a) The items were brought on to the plane in binary or tertiary fashion by one or more people in dry form. The products existed in a dry state and were mixed in the bathroom with water or such. The result was a chemical process similar to how thermite/white phosphorus behaves, and the primary immediate product was smoke, the secondary product would have been heat. This is why there was a delay between onset of event and enough time to transmit vital sign data-

-there was smoke and heat and time.

b ) The device/mixture eventually flared violently in a blaze but likely did not later explode (or it inexorably consumed the material and its effect in the cabin less immediate but disastrous still- similar to a low order detonation-incomplete consumption of material or sub-optimal for high order explosive). If it did not explode at first it would not later, it would just consume the order.

c) An explosive train does not seem to be present here. Rather a device which then burned a hole in the cabin hull or to a non pressurized area and the scenario progressed from smoke to heat to pressure to implosion.

d) These are simple ingredients; not more sophisticated than high school/sophomore level. I will not list them here but they can be brought on a plane in sufficient quantities to cause this very scenario. (It is nearly impossible to stop different, unrelated people, from carrying different, seemingly innocuous metal powders on to a flight and mixing them later in the bathroom, with/without a catalyst).

e) Example: Someone goes to the bathroom and leaves a plastic toothpaste container with dry powder in it in the trash. A second person goes to the bathroom and recovers this item, their own item, and pours them into an empty soda can, then places them back in the garbage, and then goes to his/her seat to pray. The device is already smoking and burning when the person sits. Water cannot put the device [out].

If my scenario is correct, it would not rule out complicit airport workers but would make them mostly unnecessary for a successful mission. No one claimed responsibility as of yet. If this was an idiot homegrown jihadi he may have brilliantly planed the mission but left no one alive to tell the tale, as in the Four Lions movie:

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There are reports of smoke in the cabin and cockpit. My money says it was fog. A plane at altitude is pressurized and climate controlled. The outside air is far below freezing. When the plane gets a hole that allows atmospheric air to enter, the moisture in the cabin condenses. It does so in a pattern, moving from the hole in the plane outward. People who have just moments to observe while also busy observing and doing other things will mistake the moving fog for smoke.

This plane got a sudden hole in the right side from an explosion, filled with fog as it began to disintegrate and then tumbled erratically into the ocean, scattering over a wide area.


Hello Neversure

I have a different suspicion. An alert system on planes broadcasts vital signs data at certain points or events. Fog would trigger humidity and reports state it was smoke; I do not think human observations were transmitted, only pure data. To your point, it could broadcast fog and smoke I suppose but its the smoke that interests me. Unlike civilian planes anyone who has ever rode military planes much knows the fog you speak of as these planes routinely fly with leaks (until maintenance). Not sure this would trigger an alarm- alone.

I have thought this over and there is a clear set of knowns that suggest my theory:

1. An event that triggered a data alert broadcast.

2. At least one data was that there was smoke.

3. An unspecified period of time in this state because the sensors clearly processed, then compiled the data and broadcast.

4. Various reports of curious maneuvers.

5. Plane lost.

First smoke and perhaps no explosion at all, or perhaps secondary implosion.

a) The items were brought on to the plane in binary or tertiary fashion by one or more people in dry form. The products existed in a dry state and were mixed in the bathroom with water or such. The result was a chemical process similar to how thermite/white phosphorus behaves, and the primary immediate product was smoke, the secondary product would have been heat. This is why there was a delay between onset of event and enough time to transmit vital sign data-

-there was smoke and heat and time.

b ) The device/mixture eventually flared violently in a blaze but likely did not later explode (or it inexorably consumed the material and its effect in the cabin less immediate but disastrous still- similar to a low order detonation-incomplete consumption of material or sub-optimal for high order explosive). If it did not explode at first it would not later, it would just consume the order.

c) An explosive train does not seem to be present here. Rather a device which then burned a hole in the cabin hull or to a non pressurized area and the scenario progressed from smoke to heat to pressure to implosion.

d) These are simple ingredients; not more sophisticated than high school/sophomore level. I will not list them here but they can be brought on a plane in sufficient quantities to cause this very scenario. (It is nearly impossible to stop different, unrelated people, from carrying different, seemingly innocuous metal powders on to a flight and mixing them later in the bathroom, with/without a catalyst).

e) Example: Someone goes to the bathroom and leaves a plastic toothpaste container with dry powder in it in the trash. A second person goes to the bathroom and recovers this item, their own item, and pours them into an empty soda can, then places them back in the garbage, and then goes to his/her seat to pray. The device is already smoking and burning when the person sits. Water cannot put the device [out].

If my scenario is correct, it would not rule out complicit airport workers but would make them mostly unnecessary for a successful mission. No one claimed responsibility as of yet. If this was an idiot homegrown jihadi he may have brilliantly planed the mission but left no one alive to tell the tale, as in the Four Lions movie:

OK, I'll buy that possibility which still is going to be a bomb even if it's an incendiary bomb. Something put a hole in the right side of that plane which advanced into a full-on crash that scattered the plane from hell to breakfast from 37,000 feet.


Edited by NeverSure
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Where are the muslims happy?

"They're not happy in Gaza ..

They're not happy in Egypt ..

They're not happy in Libya ..

They're not happy in Morocco ..

They're not happy in Iran ...

They're not happy in Iraq ..

They're not happy in Yemen ...

They're not happy in Afghanistan ..

They're not happy in Pakistan ..

They're not happy in Syria ..

They're not happy in Lebanon ..


They're happy in Australia .

They're happy in Canada .

They're happy in England ..

They're happy in France ..

They're happy in Italy ..

They're happy in Germany ..

They're happy in Sweden ..

They're happy in the USA ..

They're happy in Norway ..

They're happy in Holland .

They're happy in Denmark .

Basically, they're happy in every country that is not Muslim

and unhappy in every country that is!


Not Islam.

Not their leadership.

Not themselves.


AND THEN; They want to change those countries to be like....


Excuse me, but I can't help wondering...

How damn dumb can you get?

Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim

Terrorists are so quick to commit suicide.

Lets have a look at the evidence:

- No Christmas

- No television

- No nude women

- No football

- No pork chops

- No hot dogs

- No burgers

- No beer

- No bacon

- Rags for clothes

- Towels for hats

- Constant wailing from some idiot in a tower

- More than one wife

-More than one mother in law

- You can't shave

- Your wife can't shave

- You can't wash off the smell of donkey

- You cook over burning camel #$%$

- Your wife is picked by someone else for you

- and your wife smells worse than your donkey

Then they tell you that "when you die, it all gets better"??

Well no #$%$ Sherlock!....

It's not like it could get much worse

Muslim girl in Sweden complaining about "secular ideas" being forced on her and wanting Sweden to be more Islamic:

(English subtitles).

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If an airport worker at CDG has the means to either place a bomb on a plane, or allow someone to carry one on to it, then why target an Egyptian owned plane with only 66 people on board? Why not a western owned aircraft with hundreds of passengers? Was there something about that particular plane, or exactly who was on board?

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